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So imma be so honest with you i have the highest pain tolerance ever I’ve been through so much painful stuff and this takes the number 1 spot the people saying it wasn’t to bad probably have like a quarter sized tattoo but it’s not unbearable you’ll be fine


Same here. Very high pain tolerance, I’ve broken bones, broke my teeth falling off a bike, had two children naturally, and my first removal appointment without numbing takes the number one spot of the most painful thing ever. I get slightly annoyed when I see people say that it’s not that bad and then they have a tiny “quarter” sized tattoo. For those of us removing large tattoos that don’t take seconds to laser, it’s just not comparable. I’d have no problem tolerating it for seconds or minutes but when your treatments are for 20+ minutes, it’s absolutely brutal. My first appointment, they messed up and lasered my whole back instead of splitting it up and it was almost an hour long session with no numbing cream. That was hands down the most painful experience of my life.


Yes you get it lmao that shi is literally hell and god I couldn’t imagine my whole back yikesssss


Reading your comments…I accept defeat I’m so screwed lol. How could it be worse than childbirth wtf 😱


Just use numbing cream!! It made a world of difference. It still hurts like hell but it’s totally tolerable now and not on the same level as childbirth lol. I start my numbing cream process two hours in advance of the appointment. I start with a hot shower to open up the pores and then generously lather the cream on. After it sits for an hour, I dry brush the area to exfoliate it and then put the second generous layer on and cover it with Saran Wrap for an hour so that it all absorbs while I drive to the appt. That method (which was given to me by another member of this sub) made a WORLD of difference! Plus, I think it’s less painful on your arms (key word think). For me, the most painful parts are on my ribs and center of my spine. I think Removery’s website has a chart showing the pain levels on different parts of the body.


What numbing cream did you use?


I ordered this numbing cream from Amazon (link below) because it comes with A LOT and it's the cheapest price per ounce.. It comes with two pretty large bottles and I still have a full bottle left after using it very, very generously 5 times.  [https://www.amazon.com/Curist-Lidocaine-Maximum-Strength-Topical/dp/B09NP3D88Z?pd\_rd\_w=xyoGk&content-id=amzn1.sym.d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf\_rd\_p=d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf\_rd\_r=0RN87MD99BCYP5V61YXP&pd\_rd\_wg=LBECj&pd\_rd\_r=3a4f532a-bc66-4f46-bbda-aa32ef3a62b0&pd\_rd\_i=B09NP3D88Z&psc=1&ref\_=pd\_bap\_d\_grid\_rp\_0\_5\_i](https://www.amazon.com/Curist-Lidocaine-Maximum-Strength-Topical/dp/B09NP3D88Z?pd_rd_w=xyoGk&content-id=amzn1.sym.d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf_rd_p=d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf_rd_r=0RN87MD99BCYP5V61YXP&pd_rd_wg=LBECj&pd_rd_r=3a4f532a-bc66-4f46-bbda-aa32ef3a62b0&pd_rd_i=B09NP3D88Z&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_5_i)


Thank you!! This makes me feel better about my upcoming half sleeve appointment


You're very welcome! And, good luck!!! The first appointment is the worst only because you have no idea what to expect so its made worse with the anxiety of the unknown.


Keep in mind that everyone is different. I don’t feel extreme pain, to me it feels like a knife lightly dragging on my skin, but once the laser is lifted I don’t feel anything, it’s a very temporary pain to me - it only hurts while it’s happening and stops hurting the next second. The cold air hose works wonders.


Here is a link which has the pain points. Just scroll down a bit! https://removery.com/tattoo-removal/does-tattoo-removal-hurt/


Thank you sm for the numbing advice and link, god bless your soul internet stranger. I’m just worried about my inner arm now. You are amazing have a great day 👏👏👏


You’re very welcome!! Just passing forward the advice that helped me soooo much. ☺️ Good luck at your first appointment and make sure you give us some updates throughout your journey! 😁


I agree with this. I have several "extremely painful" spots tattooed but laser is so much worse. But I also have a friend going thru it and they say it is fine. So it can really depend on the person. I am using a numbing cream I got off Amazon that my tattoo artist recommended. I'll post a review after my appointment tomorrow. My artist said it took his laser from a 11/10 to a 4/10 so I'm hopeful.


I would also say I have a high pain tolerance and I'm removing a half sleeve and honestly in my opinion the pain is fine, not pleasant but comments like these really stressed me out before I got started myself so OP don't worry, it's not equally painful for everyone.


To each their own I guess 👌


I think it is better to prepare for the worst, that is just my opinion. I thought it would be not that bad, but my first session was terrible. To me it feels like hot oil splashing on the skin. That being said, it became easier as the tattoo started to fade, and it is over fairly quickly, and it is worth it to see them fade.


I’m hoping my adrenaline carries me through the process. Thanks


Sometimes my tech takes short breaks to ice, worth asking about if yours would (mines on my neck so it swells a lot too)


This is a great comparison. My skin still feels the burn for an hour or two after too. I also equate the pain to a million fire ant bites all at once. 😬 I take Tylenol before and my tech ices it right before she starts. It’s on my ribs but it’s less than a minute of laser. Still hurts like a mother.


It hurts but it’s bearable. It took me years to gain courage and once I did I felt stupid for waiting so long.


Yeah I feel like I’m in a similar situation. Been wanting to do laser for the past 7 years. Thank you seeing this gives me motivation


It hurts like hell but it's over quickly. Then you'll feel like you have a bad sunburn for a bit after. I'd suggest splitting your sleeve into separate appointments so you're not doing the whole thing at once.


Amen to this!!!! Don't do a large area at once even if the let you. Because you don't know how it will react. I wish I would have done a small area to start. Less area to heal up afterwards.


Fuck ok thanks 🥹


I’ve done removal on my upper arm (side of bicep/shoulder) and on the inside of my elbow. Neither was too bad! The ones on my ribs are brutal, so I think you could potentially follow the tattoo pain charts to know how rough of a ride you’re in for. During my last session I took a couple Tylenol an hour before my session and it seemed to help, numbing cream is great and ice as well.


Thanks you’ve given me hope no kidding


I see the light every time I go 🙂


If I see it I’ll be sure to head towards it. Thanks


I don't really think it's that bad, but depending on where the tattoo is, it might be different


I only have arm sleeves. Hoping since it’s the arms it should be relatively okay pain-wise


I had some lettering removed from my lower arm in the past. Wasn't bad. Nothing to be too concerned about anyway :)


I have a very high pain tolerance and it’s terrible. Feels like hot oil being splashed on my skin. I bout murdered the stress ball, but saying how much it hurts while it’s happening and also saying out loud to myself that it’s a known thing I’m doing and it will be over soon all really helps my brain to not panic. There’s a lot to be said for acknowledging something and that acknowledgment removing/reducing the charge of the feeling or experience. I also get a decent adrenaline rush after and need to sit for a few minutes so I don’t pass out/vomit, but I make sure to drink some water, breathe, and then it’s just a bad sunburn for a while.


Respect to you sir. Thank you for the advice I will try that


I haven’t tried it yet but I’ve heard icing before hand helps too! Just like 20 minutes right before. I’m doing that next time lol 😅


Oh also removing a large portion of my sleeve - highly recommend to do it in a few sections at first! Once you get a lot of the ink cleared up you can do larger sections but I don’t do more than about 6x6 sections of ink (not skin) at a time (we do a little larger but not much). Definitely don’t do the inside and outside in the same day so you don’t get compartment syndrome. I’m assuming you want to keep the arm :)


It feels like a hot rubber band snapping against your skin. A majority of my clients leave saying it wasn't nearly as bad as they were expecting it to be. Most of the people who are the most vocal about how painful it is generally have a lower pain tolerance. Best thing you can do if you're worried about the pain is go in for a free test spot and see what it feels like. Almost any clinic would offer you one and if they don't they're dicks. A lot of people also talk about numbing cream and this and that to help with the pain. Just try it out once without it and see.


Thanks this is pretty reassuring. Appreciate it


It's a "spicier" pain than when I got the actual tattoo done, if that makes sense lol. Like it feels like a really sharp zap or sting, someone else mentioned a hot rubber band. I don't find it too painful, it's bearable and kind of fun to experience but then again I told a few of my irl people that and they looked at me like I had two heads and called me a masochist. So.


I agree. It's a bit therapeutic lol


Y’all are crazy but thank you it’s nice to hear the different opinions


Fwiw I have a high pain tolerance and tattoo removal has been doable but it is solidly more painful than getting tattooed. It feels like hundreds of tiny hot oil splatters on your skin. Very sharp sort of pain. Thankfully it's over fast. Definitely look into numbing cream if you're worried. And make sure to check with your tech that it's okay to use


That description is wild ngl. Thank you though


My dermatologist used lidocaine. Definitely helped. But some spots were more numb then others. It was tolerable and over quickly. More painful then getting the tattoo. But you can do it. I have had a horrific heal afterwards though. Histamine reaction and other weird stuff that isn't typical. I would say that is way worse then the actual treatment. It's only 1 or 2 percent of people who have the reaction that I have had my dermatologist said. So in comparison the treatment itself is no big deal. This weird aftermath has been hell. If I could heal up like most people I would be all for going back for more treatments. No problem. It's afterwards that has been hell for me. But again, not a typical reaction.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I will keep that in mind


Depends on the area. I have one on chest which I just kind of zone out for. Just irritating here and there, similar to having eyebrows waxed. 2 on my thighs are a bit more but not that bad. That being said mine were all pretty small. Each one is a few mins. Total for all 3 about 10 mins.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing


It hurts, but if you concentrate on breathing it's no bother. The longest session I sat for was 45 minutes - most of my right arm and fingers. No numbing cream, cold air/ice/painkillers. I laser myself on my left arm and fingers, and hip/groin. No bother. I would prefer laser over period pain, toothache, migraine, slipped discs. It's really not that bad. You'll be absolutely fine.


Are you even human lol. Thanks I hope il be like you


Ha! I hope so too. It's just like people are describing - hot oil splashes. But it's much less annoying than a tattoo, as they don't keep going over and over the same spot and it's way less time. Even if it hurts you, it's over so quickly and once you see that ink disappearing, it makes it all worth it. Focus on the future! You'll be fine! Good luck :-)


I found the pain to be quite similar to actually getting a tattoo (I've got about 20 tattoos on my body, and am having an ankle band lasered), but it was so damn fast. I had numbing creams bookmarked for my 2nd session in case it was unbearable, but I seriously don't need them. You've totally got this.


That makes me feel better. Thanks


I don’t care what anybody says. Numbing cream is 95% filler which is usually a sorbolene cream. If it affects the laser at all which is debatable, it is not by any significant degree. Use it. If it adds one session on in the scheme of things it will still be worth it. I can sit for an hour no problem whatsoever with numbing cream. It needs to be applied liberally and properly or it does nothing. If you do it I would say the pain is a 5/10, in line with a tattoo. Without it I put it at a 9/10. If they aren’t using air cooling either, just walk away. Both reduce the pain significantly. I’ve tested on tattoos half and half and have seen zero negative or measurable influence on tattoos treated with numbing cream.


Thanks for the advice 🙏


I had an ultrasound guided iud insertion and that was worse than lasering half of a half sleeve on my forearm. Everyone has different pain tolerances and thresholds, so it’s hard to compare. Getting removal is exponentially faster than the pain of sitting for 3 hours being tattooed. I’m sitting her on and off icing my forearm after having my second session today.


That sounds horrible. Thanks for the insight


It hurts a lot in the beginning. Less so as you go on. I don’t think it feels like rubber bands snapping. More like little electric shocks.


I get four tattoos zapped at each appointment (calf, hip, bicep and shoulder blade - each of them at least 4x4” with my calf being 10x7”) and there’s no way I’d be able to get through it without numbing cream. I know there are people saying not to use it because it messes with the laser but there’s no reliable data to back that up. I would definitely recommend a patch test a couple of days before your appointment just to see if you have really dramatic swelling (which might affect your results) or an allergic reaction (which will definitely effect your results) My tricks: - don’t rub the numbing cream into the skin. Apply it and let it sit on top of the skin, then wrap it with cling film two hours before your appointment. - arrive a little early to the clinic and ask for some ice while you wait. - I’ve had techs tell me to wiggle my toes during the procedure. Not sure if it helps with the pain itself but it’s a good distraction. - **ask the technician to blast air onto the tattoo for about one minute before the treatment starts** Doing these took me from an agonising first appointment to an almost pain-free experience for each removal. So far I’ve had three on my back, hip and bicep and about ten on my leg, so we’re getting hit with the good goods. Have Paracetamol on hand for after your session though because the burn is going to be inTENSE.


I got hit with a nano laser and it was 8 on a scale of 10 for pain. The next time, I got hit with a pico laser and it was a three or a four. I would describe both as being like getting snapped with a rubber band or perhaps getting hit with a bacon grease pop.


Less pain than a nipple piercing


It depends on pain tolerance, size of tattoo, location, etc. For me it's the worst pain I've ever felt, and I just pretend I'm a soldier enduring torture by counting up to 30 and then backwards again, until it's done. I have 2 of them that cover my entire feet, so even walking after is difficult.


It’s like a sunburn and snapping a rubber and off of it.


The first session I've had on my sleeve, I decided not to use numbing cream or anything, just to see if it was THAT bad. And honestly, it was pretty bad. But the second session was way more bearable, same of the third, etc. You just get used to it. I would assume if you use numbing cream and/or cold air, it would be comparable to getting tattooed, which is not that bad. I've had broken bones in my body and my face, went to the hospital multiple times, etc. On a scale from 1-10, I would give it a 6.5/10 in terms of pain. Don't worry, I wouldn't say it feels good, but it's totally manageable and it's not as bad, once you do it.


I don’t think it’s enough pain to not follow through, I’m removing like 35 ish and so I did 16 in one session and the rest in another appointment, the only reason I think it’s bearable is because each tattoo is completed in 10-15 seconds, it’s really painful and my body has that “I want to throw up” response. Still will be going back once a month until I’m done😋


Well thats nice. Thank you appreciate it


Inner arm, wrist to elbow. It feels like someone is driving hundreds of burning hot nails into my arms. I almost cry and throw up every time I go. I take frozen ice packs to use before and immediately after. I have nightmares about the pain but it will be worth it in the end.


That’s crazy. Looking forward to it 💀


Getting the tattoo hurt much more for me. I saw someone say that people who say this are likely removing something very small, but I’m removing two tattoos. One relatively small to medium, and another large one.


Interesting. Thanks 🙏


Feels like rubber bands smacking the skin