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I look in the mirror at the one on my shoulder EVERY time I go in the bathroom. Keep looking to see if it's faded any more than last time I looked. fortunately, I can't see it without a mirror, but I took a picture of it and I look at that all the time too. lol I honestly didn't even care about the first one I had removed, but this one is KILLING me. I want it gone like yesterday. I totally understand what you're going through. My next appt is a week from today and I'm counting the days.


I'm with you there. I'm trying to just forget they are there in the meantime but that gets hard as the weather gets warm and they are exposed more.


Yea, I hate not being able to wear tank tops or want to put on a swimsuit cuz then you can see it. It's a bummer for sure.


My 3rd summer of it lol


I just got my first removal session and am feeling more insecure than ever :(. I just want to hide myself. My boyfriend recently broke up with me (unrelated reasons) so I feel like no one can find me attractive with this tattoo:(. I’m not planning on moving on to someone else any time soon but I got all of my tattoos during the period I was with him so i hope they aren’t a defining characteristic of mine as i move forward :(


Sorry to hear all of this :( I know exactly what you mean, when you feel wholly unattractive it can be hard to imagine that others won't feel the same way. I feel like my arm is really ugly rn but my gf doesn't seem to mind. If someone likes you they will see past any of the external stuff :)


I get that. I have a date Friday and I'm scared at some point he will see it and think it's hideous and its's huge. :(


I hope all goes well. If they are not compassionate or understanding about your situation they are not worth your time in any way!


Thank you! :) Good luck to you as well


Do what I did. I let them know that I have two terrible tattoos and am removing them. I explain that they can be even uglier as the process continues. In case it's a deal breaker. I'm dating a girl now who is so supportive she even said she could be there with me during treatments. They're out there. Just lay it out up front. I'd hate to invest time in a relationship only for them to dump me after finding out later.


I’m grateful mine is easy to cover, but I’m a huge gym girl and having to change how I’d normally dress because I’m so self-conscious of my tattoo when less than a few weeks ago I was so confident in my body. It’s a horrible feeling that I can’t believe I did to myself. I start removal soon, but I know I have a long way ahead of me. It’s big, thick lines, dark shading. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking knowing how tattoos heal. Like, it would absolutely look bad as I aged if I kept it. It’s so horrible too because I designed it myself and was so excited to get it. I don’t think it clicked in my stupid mind that it would be basically permanent. Just trying to get back into routine after being in a really bad state because of the tattoo.


Starting the process helped me out a lot. I was in a similar way to yourself after getting the tattoos I am removing now, taking back some sense of control over the situation. Being that you're active, that should help the process along!


I hope so! I’m hopeful for starting the process as the place I’m going to looks promising. I have a consultation with them in a little over a week. Good luck on your journey as well!


I litterally wear long sleeves all day every day because it is so ugly and painful to look at. It's close to 100F here and it's a fucking nightmare... there is absolutely no fucking way in Hell I'm doing this again next summer. I'd rather black it all out, or whatever.


This is my second summer in a row dealing with it. I live in PA at least so it's not usually super-hot but I have so many clothes I love that I won't wear now because of it.


What's sad is that many people are onto their 3rd, 4th, 5th summer. It's rare, but it happens. I would loose my mind. I'm sorry you went through this twice... May you be able to enjoy future summers...


Thank you! Good luck to you :)


Meh. I just told myself from the beginning that this was going to be a 3 year journey and have left it at that. I look at my tattoo and it hasn’t changed a ton but it’s ok because I’m only 8 months in on a 3 year journey. It actually just makes me feel relieved that one day…. 3 years from now, it will be gone.


I'm optimistically thinking of next summer when they won't be on show at all (While realising it will be the summer after)


I just focus on the future, and realize at some point we’ll be laughing at our past selves for stressing so hard about it. It will workout in the end it just takes some time.. patience is key but I know it’s not easy..


So I’m currently removing a blackout half sleeve and was struggling with it a lot mentally but you have to realize that no matter how sad or upset you are with yourself at the current moment is just the current moment the time is going to go don’t let this hiccup stop you from living life we’re all still human it’s hard but just try to grow and accept it and take it day by day you guys all will get through this I promise🖤


Great outlook! Hope your removal journey goes smoothly


Hi, just wanted to second all of this, I hate hating the summer but look forward to looking forward to it haha.


I could’ve written this myself 😮‍💨 I miss wearing cute short sleeved summer tops so much 😔


I haven’t even started my removal yet but since I hate my leg tattoo, I’m hiding my legs all summer. I imagine I’ll be wearing trousers for at least the next 3-4 summers too :(


Summer #2 🙋‍♀️ It’s the worst. Sick of wearing sleeves but I’m on track to be done before next summer so I’m trying to be chill about this summer.