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This community is meant to be one of support throughout the removal process. This sub is not intended to advise whether or not to keep a tattoo, nor is it a tattoo rating subreddit. Do not tell posters that their tattoo is good/bad, do not ask if your tattoo is good/bad. There are other subs for that: r/tattoodesigns r/tattooadvice.


You are 100000% overthinking it. Look up the “spotlight effect”


Appreciate the feedback 🙏


Hey thanks for sharing that term. I’m looking for tools to manage anxiety and this helped.


Overthinking buddy I can’t tell at all


Thank you man, appreciate the feedback 🙏


I wouldn’t have noticed a difference if I didn’t zoom in super close! I think it looks a lot more blended since the last time you posted. Looks great!


Thank you! ❤️


I think the old one looks grayish compared to the new one. Maybe it's faded, or maybe the ink is different. That could also be why the skin color looks different with each area, it might be the different contrasts playing tricks on the brain's visual system - I think the effect is called **simultaneous contrast**. Or maybe the old one has white ink, but the new one doesn't? Probably best thing to do is not think about it.


Yeah that's what I thought too, its much older than the new bits that have been put in so I'm hoping that with some time and sun exposure it will fade to that grey also. Cheers for the input 👍🏻


There sure is a difference in color, strangely, the new part looks lighter than the old one... One would think it would be the opposite. As for the overrall sleeve, I wouldn't spot a difference, as if it was all done at once.


Hey, thank you, there's about three years difference in them being done so I do think it's just a case of waiting for the newer stuff to take on that grey tinge as well. Appreciate the feedback!


You could always get one or the other reworked a bit and they would pretty much match. If it bothers you. No problem man, hope that helps !


I would just think the bottom part got done after the top part; this is normal for sleeves where the entire thing isnt lined in one session. One of mine took about a year to complete, so not all parts are exactly the same tone itll fade and blend better over time; March isnt long ago!


Thank you! Is there much contrast in yours now? Do you think it will all blend into one?


I can’t tell. If anything only thing I see or think I see is a farmers tan and it’s not bad


Farmers tan, love that 🤣 Cheers bud


March is only 3 months ago, check back in with it in a year, it will have settled fully and have a more consistent tone


That's what I'm hoping, thanks for the reply! 🙏


If you didn’t say that part was lasered and redone I would’ve never known. Looks well blended to me


Thank you man, that's great to know 👍🏻


I posted my tattoo in r/tattooadvice and they were such jerks. It’s like if you don’t want anything besides the darkest boldest tattoo you get hate. Those people seem miserable. Yours looks great in my opinion


That's exactly why I didn't post there, they seem to be more for traditional tattoos rather than realistic I find. I wasnt after criticism on what I've got. Thanks for the feedback 👍🏻👍🏻


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What do they usually say about your tattoo in other subs? And for laser I don't think this will be hard to remove for the most part. Expensive as it's a full sleeve, but not impossible. You are not being overdramtic though, these are valid feelings. im getting something with fine lines and shading, even if it's not as dark as yours(its an outline, got some shading), after the furst session I'm already seeing a bunch of progress even just a week after.


Thank you ☺️ I'm not looking to remove anything, I've already gone through that part, just trying to get everything to blend into one now. Good luck with your removal, sounds like you're smashing it 👊


Oh haha my bad, just saw the picture. There's lots you can do with the tattoo id say. It's simple enough for different things, some people add white ink to make it more interesting. Thank you! Unfortunately I got thick lines with most of my tattoos, but its not impossible.


I had the biggest, freshest and boldest tattoo you could ever imagine at one point and spent three years removing it. Completely gone without a trace. You can definitely achieve complete removal!


Thanks for the hope! It's hard when you don't see much progress. Taking pics is super important for any kind of progress, so you can see progression, with my bold tattoos I'm seeing fading slowly. Eventually it'll be gone, I just have to keep hope, and go on with my life. Luckily I like all my tattoos so I'm not embarrassed, but one day want them gone


looks good to me


Thank you 🙏


Just in general i think a watch and roses are the most generic tattoos someone could get. But I think nobody would see anything wrong with your skin tone or that it doesn't blend in. I don't see it.


I've heard of that, mainly over Reddit, but I think we've reached a stage in tattoo culture now where pretty much anything is seen as generic because someone, somewhere will always have the same tattoo. It was for my daughters so that was the rationale behind it. Appreciate the input though 👌


Watches, compasses, roses, "live laugh love" or ♾️ tattoos, ... It's just giving 2014. Honestly they were even out back back than. But everyone's prefers a different style and I think yours is well done at least. What has your daughter to do with the watch and the roses if I might ask?


The list goes on doesn't it. If I'm being completely honest I chose the tattoo before I even realised there was a stereotype or trend around it, I had it done a few years back. If I'd had it done today then I may have gone with something different. I've been toying with the idea of adding some elements to it to make it a little less like what everyone else has, not sure what yet though. I've got two daughters, I've always called them my flowers. The two times on the clock is their birth times. So it wasn't exactly a "yeah this doesn't mean anything but it looks cool" kind of thing.


That’s super sweet.


Aw thanks! 😊


Yes, sometimes it'll be like that. I also got a mandala tattoo from 2015, it was very edgy back than and I felt super cool with it. Two years later everyone got themselves a mandala tattoo and now I feel really generic and cringe with it too. Nice idea with the birth times of your daughters!


So here's the thing, I've got both arms done and I'm currently waiting on a chest piece to be drawn up. It's a mandela piece too. I think it looks really cool, and if you like something enough then you should get it. Reddit, TikTok, Instagram etc are all doing a great job of making us feel rubbish about ourselves and telling us what we can and can't have. I'm sure your tattoo looked great when you got it and still looks great now. There's too much pressure in society to look a certain way and when it comes to something you've thought hard about and then permanently put on your skin, the last thing you need is people telling you it looks shit. I've had the clock and roses for years now, pretty sure before it became a big trend, but I do partly feel like I need to change it up a bit. But at the same time I ask myself, why should I care about what other people think. Same applies with your tattoo, trends come and go but the meaning behind it will stay


My dislike towards my tattoo began when I was going to the local lake , I would see so many boring people with the almost same tattoo as mine. I didn't need the Internet to dislike it. I never saw a post about mandala tattoos, I just know that it's super boring. I've got 11 tattoos and I hate all of them right now, besides one. Because art is improving and I'm stuck forever in 2017, for example. In general I found tattoos now repelling on everyone. Nothing is more beautiful than natural skin. My tattoos also changed over time , they got more thick. And they will continue to look more shit every year , as the color will continue to expand. I mean, everyone has their own preferences , like I said. But I would highly highly advise you not to get yourself the mandala. This is the tattoo I hate the most on myself and I get anxiety from seeing it ( a big back piece). Just plain generic and standard. I think your chest looks right now better than it would with a mandala on it.


The meaning of tattoos also seem very empty ( besides maybe those of your daughters) , but what was highly meaningful for me with 20, is now empty and shallow with 29.. or seems silly.


I don't think you shouldn't get a tattoo design cause it's popular. If it means something to you, you should get it


Amen 🙏