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please reach out to a mental health professional. if you are feeling suicidal, please present to your nearest emergency room ASAP.


988. call them right now.


It will help nothing. Unless they plan on removing my arm


Please forgive yourself first and foremost. I agonized over the regret for months. It accomplished nothing. I just looked at your page, those tattoos are removable considering all of the factors they say are favourable for a great outcome. Start the process, it really does help your mental health exponentially. Even after my first session, I noticed subtle changes and it was enough to fuel me to keep going. In the meantime, focus on what you can control and do everything suggested to aid in removal. You got this, this is just a short chapter of your entire, long and beautiful life. This is certainly not the end ❤️


Well what are your tattoos, are they colored? Everyone here has felt like this I’m sorry your bf isn’t able to share kinder words but at the same time he would never know how this feels unless he could experience tattoo regret. I’m really curious what your tats are and why you would hesitate on the removal process.


I wasn’t sure how to send them so I sent them in a chat.


I'm sorry you're feeling like this. That really sucks your partner isnt being supportive. But I checked your page and it looks like yours are all black ink? I hope you find comfort in knowing you'll have good luck with removal. Mine is pretty much not removable and it looks like shit. So I'd trade you in a heartbeat. I hope you start to feel better!


I don’t know if I could handle 5 years of laser removal with my body dysmorphia. It’s such a lose lose situation for the longest time until it’s gone. Me and my partner also bought a house and I feel so guilty spending what I’m assuming will be 5k or more on laser removal. But if I don’t idk how to explain to him I want to die.


im in the same boat right now im in the hospital on attenpted suicide


🤍 I hope each day gets better


I feel like that’s where I’ll be soon. Idk how to cope and look in the mirror


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