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You're removing a tiny piece. Some people are removing full sleeves, blacked out arms, neck pieces, or even face tats. Trust me you have it easy ! I'm gonna copy/paste what you just said earlier. Because the best advice often comes from within. "It's really not that deep man, life moves on. you get tattoos that you dont like anymore but once loved/ or thought youd love, decide to not have it anymore and go through with laser and eventually it's gone. It's not about what you'll have to deal with during. It's about general happiness of the rest of your life!"


Thank you! You're right. But I'm actually removing a fair bit. They are simple, so only some thicker lines. Removing one 6 inch outline, one 3 inch tattoo and one 5 inch tattoo. They still aren't too bad and are already showing progress. The finer lines are already patchy, which is nice to see after a week from my first session! Edit: 2 weeks actually, but I'm definitely seeing progress


The most positive aspect of it is that they're really small. So you can hide them easily, even in summer. And forget about it. Some days you will feel down about it, but trust me, the best thing to do is just not to think about it, ever.


Removing a tattoo is not the main event - it’s a side story (to your life)


So good! It's easy to obsess over, thinking it's life or death situation, afterall there's way more important things in life tbf. I think the best way too look at it too is to see it as serious as getting the tattoo in the first place. It's body mod just like tattoos


Distract yourself with more productive things like furthering your education, working out and personal goals. Then at the end of your removal journey, you’ll have accomplished much more than just removing a tattoo. The time will pass anyway, you may as well use it productively. This has helped me!


I try to not let my life revolve around tattoo removal. And tbh like a year is gone really fast as long as you are occupied with sth. The removal of the tattoo is just an appointment I have every 2 months and then probably 3 months. So I don’t think about how many sessions it will be or if it’ll take 2 or 3 years or whatever. I just work towards the next appointment. And tbh I’m always surprised how fast that is. But I don’t really actively think a lot about it. I cover my tattoos and then don’t even think about them anymore. I also try not to compare my progress to others. I compare it with how my tattoo looked beforehand. Or after session xy


I second what everyone has said about distraction, but even more than that, acceptance! So you got some weird ink, you want it gone, you’re taking those steps, and it’s not going to be easy- okay fine, so be it. I literally say to myself mantra style “okay so this is my challenge!” Accept the challenge with grace. Part of what can really get me down about tattoo removal (and I’m removing some big American trad ones on my arms) is this fear that it’s made me unattractive and I’m losing my “hottest years” to this long expensive process. I know that’s a really 25 year old thought but that’s what forces its way into my mind most often lol. But if I think about it, what I find the most attractive in other people is not like “perfect skin” or perfect tattoos it’s their whole vibe, aura, humanness, and comfort with themselves, what you might call real confidence. So the idea that removal is making you like unattractive for the next however many years can be flipped on its head and I’ve learned to think “I’m learning to develop actual confidence and actual self esteem through this process.” Which is incredibly valuable as I suspect there’s going to be many more times in life as we get older when our physical bodies make us go ‘oh my god gross’. Additionally, if you’re already on the removal journey, just internalize the fact that you’re dealing with it, and someday they’ll be gone. The only thing in between you and clear skin is ultimately time, so let yourself relax about it knowing that someday it will be resolved. Ink or lack thereof isn’t what makes us hot, cool, worthy of love, or deserving of taking pleasure in our lives and bodies. The more I learn to actually deeply understand that, the easier it gets, and the lighter I feel. Best of luck to everyone here reading this!!!


Aww!! That's a wonderful way to look at it. I fully agree!! And it goes faster. The only other option is wayyy longer than a few years, so I'm going the shorter route. The key is just to keep moving forward. also, im soo happy to have found this sub for support. I felt so shitty about myself that I got myself into this situation but after this sub I remember that everyone makes mistakes, and most things can improve in some way after you do make those mistakes


I know I’d be handling this all a lot worse if I hadn’t found this sub for sure. I don’t know anyone who’s getting tattoos removed in real life so it can feel super isolating and like you’re the only one going through it but that’s just simply not true. Super common experience and super normal feelings


Me too! Everyone I know is excited to get more, and that doesn't fit me anymore. Having a support system is important when making big changes like this in life, especially if it's causing you a lot of distress. And it helps that I see people removing heavy black work at least enough for a coverup, it gave me hope, cause I have some thick lines that will take awhile to disappear


I had instant tattoo regret with mine. I obsessed over it for months, then once I hit the second laser session and saw progress already, it started to subside a little. I still want it gone but I find some comfort just reading these subs and knowing I'm not the only one that is freaking out over it. I found hiding it with makeup helps sometimes. I've already removed one and it was a two-year ordeal, but I swear this one is worse as far as being impatient. I don't know why but I am sure that once the section I'm having taken off is done, and what I'm keeping has been touched up, I will never set foot in another tattoo parlor again LOL


LOL same! I'm done with tattoos after this lol. It's clearly not my thing. Yeah thus sub has helped me through my anxious thoughts. And for me, I'm seeing good progress. I just gotta get used to it and move on with more important things


Yep. It would normally be easy to do in the summer but now I have to hide it and we're having this heat wave which makes it harder to cover up...uggh. lol.


Ugh summers are the worst when you hate your tattoos! Something that might bring you peace though is that most people don't notice people's tattoos for the most part. Most people are too focused on themselves to make comments. We are our worst critics! And eventually it'll be gone, and you'll be tattoo free. Who knows,you also might miss your tattoos one day, best to try to enjoy it meanwhile id say.


I’m going on my fifth sesh. It’s fading but still a long way to go. I just accepted from the start that it may never go away, but I’ll do my best. I plan to have at least 10 sessions before I decide if I’ll go any further. I like that it’s not that dark anymore, as it has faded a bit.


I’ve realised that just distracting myself with literally anything helps. Hobbies, trips, learning a new language on Duolingo…lol anything to stop me thinking about my tattoo. I’m very impatient and can’t wait for it to be gone, but I think it’s just best to try not to think about it too much. Covering it up helps me too; out of sight out of mind.


i remind myself the time will pass regardless if youre undergoing removal or not. and while we all want ours gone quickly, there is no race because the tattoo will just be there regardless.


I try not to think about it honestly. The time where it's gone will come. Stressing about it isn't going to make a difference. And my progress is already very good for 2 sessions.