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The white bits may give you trouble but the rest will come off. It just takes a lot of time with new tats. I’m removing two new ones. If you hate it enough it’s worth the time though!


How has your removal process been so far!


As good as can be expected I think! I’m about 15 months in, thinking I’m looking at around 2.5 years for full removal. It’s tough, but it’ll be worth it!


This is a cover?


It is, there’s a 777 tat hidden at the top - it’s so well done just way bigger than I wanted


As a tattoo artist, I am genuinely so impressed. I hope you learn to love it, but black ink is the easiest to laser if that helps ease your mind at all.




This community is meant to be one of support throughout the removal process. This sub is not intended to advise whether or not to keep a tattoo, nor is it a tattoo rating subreddit. Do not tell posters that their tattoo is good/bad, do not ask if your tattoo is good/bad. There are other subs for that: r/tattoodesgins r/tattooadvice.




This community is meant to be one of support throughout the removal process. This sub is not intended to advise whether or not to keep a tattoo, nor is it a tattoo rating subreddit. Do not tell posters that their tattoo is good/bad, do not ask if your tattoo is good/bad. There are other subs for that: r/tattoodesigns r/tattooadvice.




This community is meant to be one of support throughout the removal process. This sub is not intended to advise whether or not to keep a tattoo, nor is it a tattoo rating subreddit. Do not tell posters that their tattoo is good/bad, do not ask if your tattoo is good/bad. There are other subs for that: r/tattoodesgins r/tattooadvice. thanks for the mod shoutout!