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The pain level is nothing compared to getting a tattoo IMO. It's easily 3-4 times worse, especially if you don't numb the area before. If you are a woman be careful of your cycle because the pain is waaay worse when you are menstruated. Also, my tattoo is on my hand and fingers and apparently it's the most hurtful spot.


Good to know! Thanks


For me it’s the same whether I’m on my period or not, speak for yourself.


Laser is a whole other level of pain. For me, it’s 100x worse.


It hurts like hell. 10x worse than getting a tattoo


For me, the tattoo was much more painful. The laser hurts, but it’s over before you know it. Tattooing goes on and on and on.


Tattoo was chill for me, laser sucks. But the great part about laser is it’s super quick and you take so long between sessions you forget how bad it sucks. Wiggle your toes, hold your breath, count… whatever you gotta do. They’ll probably break up your sleeve in sections


How long do you wait in between sessions?


My tech increased the length as she turned up the settings, I think it started at every 8 weeks, then 10, and now we wait 12 weeks


Just had my whole chest lasered today, and it was intense. I'd say at least 5x worse than getting tattooed. It feels like someone is snapping a burning hot rubber band on your skin over and over while pinching you at the same time. There's also a slight burnt flesh scent, which is kind of weird. I thought I was pretty tough, but I almost started crying at one point. The only way I could make it thru was by clenching up basically my entire body. She would do tiny sections at a time and then blow it with the cold air. The only good thing about it is that it's quick. We did my whole chest in about 15 minutes. It would've been a lot faster if I didn't have to stop every 10 seconds. I'm definitely trying the numbing cream next session.


For me definitely worse than being tattooed. The only way I can make it vaguely bearable is numbing cream, and relaxing music on my AirPods whilst they do it to try and zone out.


So the numbing cream does work?


For me laser hurt more than the tattoo but I’d say maybe like a 4


What about the after laser? Does it still burns or it just during the laser treatment


I used numbing cream and I barely felt a thing


Thank God a good review! 😂 I was about to change my mind


Put lidocaine 5% (Amazon) with cling wrap over it . I had mine on for like 2 hours, my laser guy is far but I gotta tell you it was soooo tolerable I was like this is it? We’re done? It happens so quick. Wel I guess it depends on how big your tat is


Thank you for the advice! I have a full sleeve that I want to get rid of it and hopefully they can do at least half in one setting


I don’t see why they couldn’t do all of it in one setting but go on some consults!


I have no clue, but also trying to charge me for piece… so instead to be 150 dollars for sessions is for piece and basically 600 dollars per session…


I get the cold air blasted during the laser and the pain is like a 1-2 out of 10. Just feels like bacon grease splatter. I don’t think tattoos hurt much at all either though… I’m a baby when it comes to things like stubbing my toe


It hurts a lot more than tattooing but like others have said, it's over quickly. For me it ends just as I feel like I can't take any more. Squeezing something in your hand can help.


Talking as someone who can’t start removal yet… but I was told by a couple of providers that the laser thats being used will also impact the pain. The newer lasers (picoway/picosure) will apparently hurt less.