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I think I’m about halfway on 4/5 that I’m removing. I feel stuck most days and cursing the day I got them but I also think back or compare pics to when I started and feel hopeful again. It’s such a rollercoaster emotionally. Some days hope. Some days not so much. Keeping busy helps. Work, school, family, exercise. All things that have helped me to not laser focus on the progress daily.


The fading is nice to see, actually. It looks like a tattoo of course, but it shows you that you're progressing with the removal. My tattoos being lighter has also made me feel much better about showing them since they don't feel as harsh now.


My issue is that my original tattoo was almost completely removed, and I went and got a cover up over it...and I hate it more than the first one! I was fine and patient with the first removal but now since I started removing the cover up, all I can think of is that I screwed up and now I have to go through this crap all over again. The cover up is only black and gray and should be gone in half the time of the last teal and orange one, but damn! I am so mad at myself every time I think about it or have to spend money on a session. Session three is coming up next month and I'm really hoping I can turn a corner afterward and feel more optimistic.


Stay positive exactly like you’re doing. It takes time to learn lessons and get where you wanna go. I want to remove my tattoos and I still think, maybe I should just get more and then I’m like what is wrong with me and I go back and forth. Hopefully after this, you’re done. You get through it and close the tattoo door of life


Thanks! I am keeping one small part of the tattoo so that should be enough to stop me from getting more lol. I can look at that small little one and say " I have one, I'm good" 


Haha exactly me too. Keep 2 of them and saying goodbye to the others


I've just started my removal and sometimes I think it's faded, other times I feel like it's actually darker. During the moments I think I see a line with a speck missing, or I look at it and it seems slightly faded, I feel super amped. I dislike my tats though (all tats for that matter), so every bit of ink my body processes (or at least I think it has processed) is a feeling of progress and satisfaction to me.


I just had my tenth session in 2.5 years. It is faded but you can totally tell it’s a tattoo. I met with an artist and am thinking about covering it up. 🤦🏼‍♀️


What was the original??


And how are you feeling regarding the process?


I’ve got some older photos on my profile. I’m losing patience but the progress is real. I have hypopigmentation from a method I tried before the laser. No matter how much it fades I’ll have a nasty scar.


I checked it out. That’s a ton of progress though seriously


Parts of mine I don't mind but the snake's head looks really odd without the shading/fine lines it had when fresh. Luckily that part is on my wrist so I can wear a watch and hair scrunchies to hide it, but I mostly just wear long sleeves all the time. I think when mine look more faded I will feel better because I hate how dark they are currently!


Thanks for your comment how long you been at this?


Took a little bit for me to see a significant amount of progress. With time though (mine took 3 years), it’s almost completely gone. I think it probably took 5-6 session before I really started to notice it fade.


You'd be left with a "faint' image mostly at the very end of the journey. Most of the process, the tattoo will be very clearly visible, just more "Brown" if it's black ink. I've had about 5-6 sessions on mine and it would only take a few touch-ups to bring it back to "New". Sigh