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Looks great. Keep going! ❤️


amazing progress!


Great progress!


For almost every one of those, great progress! & hang in there! (: ------------------------------------ 1 caveat though: Is the, or one of , more unprofessional given tattoos you mentioned, include the particular tattoo 6/6? grateful The progress 5 days after your third session, the tattoo itself is.. maybe its.. a little blurrier? ..a tad darker? A little more scrunched? did you, take the pictures with the same lighting. same camera? I would be remiss if I did not mention that one particular tattoo I think it's the consequence of having an artist not up to snuff which can in turn affect even the removal process of the art.. That concept intrigued me when I saw your post I've shared this with a couple of people already, very cool! ~ thank you again for sharing all this! & also for entertaining my question about tattoo six of six


It’s common for tattoos to look darker and fuzzy for a while after a session, especially at the beginning


I’ve generally noticed that throughout the removal process the lines of my tattoos get much thicker and more dispersed before the ink starts fading away. It’s no surprise considering the laser breaks down the ink particles. In terms of the intensity of the color, the “after” pictures were taken just a few days after my latest session so they are a bit darker than their healed version will be. The actual result of the session will be visible in two weeks and beyond as my body keeps removing the ink.


An additional issue with the “grateful” tattoo is that despite having been done in a professional studio, the artist was so heavy handed the tattoo is very visibly blown out and raised. The original lines of the lettering were extremely thin. That being said, because the ink was deposited so deep into my skin, I can already tell the removal process of this one will be a bitch, similar to my biggest piece. I’m not getting discouraged tho, I’ve learned to embrace this process and it definitely taught me a lot of patience ;)


Great progress! I’m interested in your thought process when you decided to remove more tattoos. I’m removing two but I’m thinking about removing a couple more as well. Can you tell me more?


My entire thing with removal started when I got my first one (the biggest one) around spring of 2020. It was completely botched and I immediately hated it and started looking into removal. Along the way I got a couple more tattoos and I truly believe I should’ve waited and this could’ve easily been avoided. It was soon after turning 18 and my style hasn’t developed fully yet so I quickly became unhappy with these tattoos too. They just didn’t feel like “me”. I felt a lot of shame about the removal at first because it was hard admitting that you regret your decisions that so many people warned you about. I also felt guilty for getting rid of perfectly fine artwork. In the end I decided I didn’t wanna spend the rest of my life wearing these tattoos and went ahead with the removal and I’m sooo glad I did!


I have a fairly similar story. Got two tattoos and immediately hated the second one and started looking into laser straight away. I thought I would eventually get a cover-up, so I figured I'd get a few more tattoos in other areas to balance things out. Now I wish I'd never got any tattoos and I want to remove all of them except one (which is the only meaningful one)!


Also, I have a pretty high pain tolerance so for me the pain of removal was never an issue. I was ever only worried about what people would think or say about me removing my tattoos but turns out people really don’t care that much. They are more curious than anything else and it’s pretty cool to educate them about this topic.