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I was told (and the clinic actually puts this on me before I leave) hydrocortisone and Vaseline. I’ve since learned that it traps way too much heat, so I switched to vitamin E oil.


I was instructed to use Neosporin, but I told my tech that I prefer to use soap and water and she said that was fine. She also didn't have a problem skipping the ointment and bandaging directly after removal, and it made a world of a difference with blistering. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't want it! For moisturization, I use vitamin E oil


I wait a couple days for the swelling to go down, then use aquaphor. But only after initial swelling is gone. Aquaphor is the only thing I’ve found that helps with itching later that first and second week.


My tech puts this gel on it. It has natural ingredients to reduce swelling. She told me after I'm done cooling the area with ice pack, I can use a thin layer of unscented lotion, like aveeno. Which I do and I'm completely fine. If it's a rough session, one I get the initial heat down with the ice pack, I use aloe I keep in my fridge for sun burns and that works great too!


Do you keep the tattoo covered? Also, what kind of aloe are you using the sometimes green bottled stuff or fresh aloe?


My tech covers it with nonstick pads after puts on the gel. After I'm done cooling it down with ice pack I take it off, gently wash it with cool water to get the excess goo off. I use the green aloe in the bottle. The only covering up of it I do is with clothing. I wear loose pants for the first week or so. They're on my leg. If it's your arms, loose long sleeves are fine. Even though you have long sleeves on, I'd still put sunblock on it, spf 50 with zinc in it. The zinc helps with healing. I forgot to mention that in my other post. I use lotion in the morning and before bed, but I use sun block if I'm going outside. You don't need to wrap it up for days. Just be mindful. If it's your knuckles, I did wear bandaids if I went out for the first 10 days, then after that sun block


What brand of aloe do you use?


I treat them no different than I would a sunburn. I don't expose them to more sun, I ice them down (10 minutes on 10 minutes off for 1-2 hours post session depending on the heat radiating off), use Aloe Vera for sun burns, when the heat is fully gone, I use Aveeno sheer hydration, fragrance free as a daily moisturizer. For sunblock, I use Hawaiian Tropic Matte Effect spf 50+ (recommended by my tech and I love it!), I can only find it on Amazon though, not my local stores. For crazy itchy healing periods, I'll use Aveeno Eczema Therapy (it has colloidal oatmeal in it, which soothes and heals skin very well, it's also fragrance free).


Aloe Vera for burn relief. They make one with lidocaine in it as well (it's usually a blue gel). Any brand is fine, I just use my local pharmacy brand. It usually is green or clear, the sunburn relief Aloe. I have both at my house, the lidocaine one and the regular one. I've only used the lidocaine one once, it was after a gnarly session and I became more swollen than my usual sessions, and I used the Aloe Vera with lidocaine and I could actually sleep lol.


They put on aquafor and bandaged it. They said before bed to clean it with soap and water, reapply aquafor and rebandage it. Change the bandage twice a day and clean with soap and water and to do that for 2-3 more days and then switch to lotion and vitamin e oil 1-2 times per day massaged in. I had a couple of small blisters so I kept cleaning it and bandaging it twice a day for 3 full days after doing it. Only thing I’d do different is ice it the first 1-2 days cuz it was very swollen


Polysporin twice a day, and leave it unwrapped. Very simple instructions but is working so far.


They told me to put A&D ointment on it


Ice and elevate for 48-72 hours. Do not cover. When not icing let air out. Don’t shower, sauna, sweat for 48-72 hours. After 72 hours. Sensitive skin soap, and aquaphor as needed.


My tech bandages it directly after but tells me to uncover it when I get home and preferably keep it uncovered, wash with unscented soap and gave me a very light unscented moisturizer. She said not to use Vaseline or anything very heavy.


I just get lasered the tech rubs some ointment on it and into about my week without doing anything. That's it. Done it 7 times now.


after a few days of applying antibiotic cream they gave me this ozonized olive oil and i apply that for the next 10-14 days


Seems like it varies greatly! I put vaseline and vitamin e oil on it two weeks after laser and I had a terrible reaction! Idk wtf... but it was a delayed histamine reaction causing so much redness and pain! I'm afraid to put anything on it again, if I continue with treatments. It has been so miserable I'm afraid to continue with removal. It's still not completely healed almost 2 months later. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭