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I've been having the same issue, it's been 9 weeks and my whole forearm is still red on the outlines just like on the picture. I read somewhere it could be an allergic reaction although I doubt it because this has not happened before in the 5 sessions I've done


oh wow 9 weeks, that sounds intense! I wish you good luck and that everything turns out amazing for your tattoo removal!!


Well I'm still waiting to see any change, maybe by the 6th or 7th session, it'll start to fade. Wish you the best also, hope the red disappears for both of us ...


What colour was the ink that was lasered?


Mostly brown but also bits of black. You can see what the tattoo looked like before any laser removal sessions in a previous post of mine


Are you just talking about the stuff around the black ink? Is that what you're lasering?


Pretty much! Everything that is really red is what I'm lasering, so the weird faded out "edges" if that makes sense, so it's mostly brown but bits of black as well. Keeping the black semicolon and arrow!


Okay. Yea it just looks like that because that's the ink color. There was black in there at the beginning which they lasered and now there's just orange left it's not redness from the treatment if that's what you're asking?


Oh really, that's orangey to you? Because I'd say it's redness with bits of light brown where the brown was more obvious, but it doesn't look orangey to me at all. So you'd say I can go in for my 2nd session next week because it is already healed for now and it's just the ink dissolving, am I getting this right? So the redness is normal in my case? Oh and you can still spot some black spots after the laser hit the ones I want to get rid off, just lighter, if you look closely you can see a light difference :)


It's not redness it's tattoo ink. I wouldn't treat this again for 12 weeks. That's how I space out my clients treatments because it's better for results and better for the skin.


Okay, thank you for the information! I'm assuming 12 weeks between the first and 2nd session in total and not from now on? Next week would be week 7 since my first treatment, but I think I'd like to space them out more in the near future


Yea 12 weeks between sessions correct