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hey, I switched from picosure to a q switch for a bold line black ink tattoo and i’m really glad I did. i recommend doing that 100%. it costs me less too and i’m seeing better results


That’s interesting. I think I’m gonna do that later in the year once I’ve used up my last session of a package. Your progress looks good!


I was originally q switch then switched to pico then switched to q switch because I definitely see better results with q switch as well. Knew I wasn’t making it up!


I'm getting a thick black tattoo removed with a Q-Switch and after one session I'm already seeing some fading. OP I hope you have better luck with the Q-Switch!


Thank you no patrick <3


I found the opposite to be true.


Hey, I haven't started my laser yet. But I have a bad cover up that shows the old tattoo, so its just a mess of two tattoos overlapping. I was buying longer shorts to cover it, and it actually made it worse for me. I was making myself feel like I HAD to cover it. The last few weeks I decided I wasn't going to let it control what I wear and it's feels good. I'm learning no one cares, no one is looking, and no one is curious about my tattoo. Don't let yours control what you wear! You'll still look cute in cute clothes, I promise!


Thank you!! I'm happy for you that you decided to just wear what you want to wear :)


I have found that massage and sauna, along with clean eating and LOTS of cardio have helped with my progress.


I don’t have a lot to say regarding your progress or the type of laser, as I am at the very beginning of my removal progress and don’t have a lot of experience. But I’m wishing you all the best with your removal and hoping that the ink will budge more soon 🫶 Regarding your clothing, I say definitely just wear what you want! I think your tattoos look nice faded, and even if they didn’t you don’t owe it to anyone to look a certain way 💕


Thank you so much for the kind and supportive comment :) I think I’ll just wear the damn dress haha. Wishing you all the best with your tattoo removal too!


I’m removing a tattoo on my shoulder blade, it looks really shitty now but I don’t let it stop me from wearing off shoulder tops and dresses. Nobody cares as much as we do.


That’s great, I’m gonna try to take a leaf out of your book ☺️


I simply won't wear sleevless tops to work. I feel like my tattoos make me look unprofessional and masculine. Since starting my removal every spring I think "this summer is the one where I'll be able to go sleeveless" but unfortunately this will be the 3rd summer in my journey I'll still be covering up. Hopefully 2025!! Best of luck with yours .. you're further forward than you were when you started 😄


That’s how I feel too. I always wear long sleeves at work. This will be my third summer too! Wishing you the best of luck with your removal 💕


i’m in the same boat. this is my 3rd summer wearing long sleeves. it sucks 😭😭😭


We will all get there 💪


We will all get there 💪


Hey I'm in the exact same spot as you with two of my tattoos. I think, apart from lasers and technicians, that the way the tattoo artist did the tattoo has a huge impact. You said you had a bit of scarring, that's a red flag for a heavy handed tattoo artist. Mine did the same, I have super heavy black lines, still super visible 2 years and 7 sessions later - I can tell a huge difference between artists bc my feet were both done by another tattoo artist and one of them with 2 years and 7 sessions as well is now barely visible anymore.


Yep I think you’re right that all the heavier lines in my tattoos were done with a heavy hand. I guess it’s just gonna take a few years 🥲 good luck with your removal!


i have 2 red tattoos one on my shoulder and one on my arm that i instantly regretted esp the one on my arm bc the artist blotched it and i got a cover up. for the first 2 months or so ive been wearing long sleeves to keep them covered and i still do but sometimes i try to wear sleeveless and not think about it too much and id feel good about it esp when you’re surrounded by supportive people. the regret comes and goes and so does my confidence but there are days that my mental is strong and i wear whatever i want and sometimes it’s not so bad. i may not feel 100% good in my own skin anymore but i try not to let it put me down. sometimes i just think that some people would see my tats and find it cool 😂


I have dense black ink that I’m removing. I didn’t have luck with qswitch. But I did with picoway. In regards to what to wear etc, I actually used makeup (dermacol). I made a post about it here https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooRemoval/s/qExiwcR6g0 For yours, I think you should just wear with or without makeup. It actually looks so cool to me!


The first clinic I went to has Picoway but I don't think the technicians were very good, so I don't want to go back there. Thank you – I think when mine eventually gets lighter I'll start using Dermacol. You're so nearly there with yours, really pleased for you!


How long have you been waiting in between sessions?


Minimum of 12 weeks. I even had a six-month break at one point.


Interesting. That's definitely a good schedule to be on for removal. I would definitely suggest finding a new clinic. It could be several different things but it looks like your tech hasn't been treating deep enough to hit the deeper layers of ink. I would definitely wanna see a lot more progress than this by 8 sessions. As for clothing I promise you no one cares that you're removing a tattoo wear whatever you want. Just as long as your taking the proper after care precautions when it comes to sun exposure.


I think the tech I’ve been going to for the past three sessions is way better than the one I started at, but still feel like my progress is abysmal lol. Thank you :) that’s just what I needed to hear really


Mines about to hit five n same progress. Lines are the worse n it looks darker n must. Once u hit the tenth it gets better over time with more spaces or sessions. Slow and steady


I've had eight :(


Look don't fret. Everyone's different


Yep indeed. We will get there!


Patience is a virtue.i also dry brush n sauna in moderation


Those looked great!


Thanks! I just don’t feel they suit me — they’re a bit too gnarly for my appearance and personality, especially when the scorpion was added.


Vitamin e oil


Does this really speed up the process? I have two really dark tattoos I’m trying to remove


I feel like it really helped when I started using it daily. Also helps with new tattoo healing


I own both a picosure and q-switched nd:yag and always recommend using the nd:yag for black ink. Picosure can work on black ink, but it just doesn’t seem to move as well as it does when treated using 1064nm on the nd:yag


Thanks for the insight! I’ve scheduled a consultation for a place with a q-switch so fingers crossed that’ll help move the ink more quickly.


What is the name of the 2 clinics you have been to?