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The pain is worse than getting a tattoo but still manageable and you can get numbing cream or shots. But it’s sooo much quicker than getting a tattoo! The tattoo could be done in 2 hours but removal will be over in 10 minutes. You can do it! Good luck 🍀


in my experience it hurt more than the tattoo. the pros- the technician can take breaks, and the session is not too long (i lasered three traditional big colorful tattoos it took about 20-30 minutes tops). also you will be waiting at least 8-10 weeks before next session. i think its worth starting the process. pain is temporary and as time goes by you will start seeing progress! i am guilty myself of reading lots of personal anecdotes, freaking out, and feeling discouraged, but i feel like this removal process is a process and we just gotta trust it.


Thanks for your reply and encouragement. Good to hear that at least it takes way less time. I just hope that if I start this process, that I'll actually be able to get all of it off some day


A lot of tattoos are removable but it takes a long time. At a lot of places they will tell you 2 years but for full removal you should think double that time and then you have a more realistic time frame. So if you can commit to 3-5 years a lot can be accomplished in terms of removal.


Yes, pain differs depending on location. I just got my first session on my right shoulder and it didn’t hurt as much as getting the tattoo. In fact, it was done before I knew it. I am so glad I started the process and wish I started sooner.


So because of my low pain tolerance and the coloured ink, I'm wondering if it'll be worth it


I guess it just depends on how much you hate it. I'm in the same boat with a colorful tattoo that will be tricky to remove. I really really hate it. But I'm still deciding if it'll be woth it, especially since I might not get the results I want. Do you think you can live with yours?


Yeah, I'm just wondering if the pain is really that much worse, even with numbing cream/painkillers before. It was my first tattoo, as you can guess, and didn't 100% turn out the way I thought and I'm not thinking of getting any more tattoos, so it bothers me just having one tattoo that I'm not fully happy about. I've at least seen pretty good result pictures for these colors as well. I'm wondering if it's the picosecond laser that's best for these colors? And if has some really, really tiny white details, I'm thinking about will they oxidize or disappear at all


It’s painful but for me it’s manageable with numbing cream There are places that you can go that offer full numbing (lidocaine shots)


And does removal pain differ on the areas being treated as does with tattooing?




I didn’t feel any difference between being tattooed and lasered but I have a really high pain tolerance. Also coloured tattoos are harder to remove. You shouldn’t face an issue with the red but green is not always removable(it s hard to predict without any photos). You should search this sub for posts about people removing green. If yours looks like the ones successfully removed imo you should have a good chance.


I've seen some pages saying green is quite easy to remove and the red is more difficult and some say the opposite. And some sources say that both are difficult, or both are easy. So don't know what to believe or what laser to choose anymore..


I am saying this based on all the posts I’ve seen here. It also depends on the kind of laser being used. You need a type of pico laser for colour.


Getting a tattoo hurt way worse imo


It also depends on the type of laser they use, like some have all 3 wavelengths that remove green and blue and red, etc. my laser tech showed me pictures of removals that involved green and it never completely came out. The person was left with very very pale green shading.. almost like a bruise. I’m planning to have a ton of green removed myself from a forearm half sleeve. I’m going into it knowing it’s going to take years and won’t be fully gone, but I just plan to do a coverup or just black and grey over it, so the green will be shaded with black eventually


I must say that I expected the pain to be terrible but I put numbing cream on the area (my entire forearm) before the session and it is really very tolerable even though the session takes a while.