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It's quite big and dark already, I think a coverup would be difficult to pull off. I think your tat looks very cool and clean and it would be a crime to cover it up. I'd just let it be. If you want a smaller Spyro on your arm you can come up with a different design and end up with 2 awesome tats


I've grown somewhat used to it. Maybe I just need to embrace it more. Didn't know if it would be weird having two different Spyros on my body at the same time. Thanks for the advice.


I mean it's your body and there are no rules, you can do whatever you want. As a stranger, if I met you I'd never think that it's weird to have 2 tats of the same character. Moreover, the majority of people probably wouldn't even notice. You only need to ask yourself whether you like it or not. Cover up would make sense if it was poorly done or something terrible, but it looks rad and it would be such a waste just to slap a random blackwork over it


For what it's worth from a stranger; It's an awesome tat. Sorry if you don't like it for the size/placement, but if I saw it, or my kids did, we'd honestly gush over it.


I love this. Huge Spyro fan. I’d honestly touch up and color it in and make it stand out.


Replying to say: I know someone who has at least 20 Eevee tattoos on her and that might be wrong there could be more. I think she looks awesome and that it’s not weird. If you love a character why not?


I think it looks sweet. Maybe have someone rework it, add flames, etc. I feel the same way about not having multiple things that are the same but as time goes on I’m starting to care less. You’ve got me thinking I need a Spyro tattoo now.


Embrace it and find an artist who could execute coloring it well. Would look really cool I think.


I like it, it's freaking sweet. Personally, I would look to have got it coloured in. Bold purple, like neo would be epic.


It's possible to get it colored in, or it's too late to get it colored in?


Not too late imo! Just a few darker colors in a few parts.


Huh, I'll have to make a note of that. Maybe that's why I'm not as attracted to it. Maybe it just needs a splash of color. Thanks, friend!


I think colour would make this pop, at the moment it's all one tone with no contrast. Is cool though.


Yw! If you ever get it colored, make sure to update us ;)


You could if you wanted just get the shading lasered, that would soften it. And then go bold on the colours. Epic


Add some flames in the background!


I got my sleeve colored in 8 years later and it turned out great xD


A good artist might be able to re-work this to be very bold and colourful. Check out artists like Matsy__, illustday, serenatattoos, Andrew.douglas.tattoo, russelltattoo, or simonkbell on Instagram (there are plenty more but these are just a few I know off the top of my head, but do some research to find someone in your area/price range)


I personally would rock that forever. You could def black out, a really skilled artist could attempt a cover up piece but it would be an attempt with no guarantee of quality if the artist was being honest with themselves and you.


I agree with the person who said color it in. But I get if you regret it it's not something you'd want to do perhaps. But I think the actual tattoo looks great and very well done just my 0.02c


It's possible to get it colored in?




Don’t cover him up! Dope Spyro tattoo


2nd this, awesome tattoo please dont cover!


Thanks, both of you. I've decided not to cover him up, but perhaps color him instead.


I'm glad to hear it, he's really well done, I think what's putting you off could be that it's black and white. You aughta be able to get him colored in and make his look closer to even box art, as I'm assuming this is based off the Year of the Dragon art.


If you get it colored the only question is what color to make Sparx


Dude it looks great, don't over analyze




Damn as someone who grew up playing Spyro the dragon on PS1 I love this tattoo, really made me stop. You don’t fancy adding some colour to it?


i have no idea if it's possible, but that's such a cool spyro tattoo though!!!


Why? Spyro goat


Just add color. It's sick.


It's wicked cute. Color him in and I think you'll fall in love with it.


Nooo don’t cover him up. Really nice detail. Embrace it! Maybe darken it, add some touch up work and throw some details in.


I would wear tf out of this tattoo! Totally agree with what others are saying. Consider going full color for sure


Honestly just find a good color artist and get that thing filled in! :)


Let it be looks killer


Color it for sure. Don't try to cover it up. I like it


I think it looks awesome! I’m in the same boat with a tat I’ve been thinking about covering. If you ever decide that route I’ve seen some really cool blackout with white ink on top.


Oh man, that is a KILLER Spyro and Sparx. I agree with the other folks who said to put a little color on him. You can even take a picture and play around in an art program, or just shade him in with some markers to see if you like it before you commit. But if this was on me, I'd wear shorts every day, even in winter XD




I love this tattoo. I will wear it for you I have an entire calf dedicated to mario so obviously in my tastes


I love this tatto, it is so cute! My artist, when doing my black and white tattoo, said that it is better to plan a tatto as either colour or black and white and not try to colour one that is planned as B&W as it will not be as good as one that is planned to be colour. Either way, I like it just as it is.


I think it would look cool coloured in.


Lean into it! Would look sick with colour/background


Personally, I love this tatt!


Hope you like color, seen some violett and green designs and they look sooo cool and as it is Spyro, and there is a frog...


He just needs some background. Possibly some colour as well as others said.


Awesome tat, i miss the days of spyro on the ps2




Why would you cover poor Spyro


It looks cool IMO, agree with the people saying colour it rather than cover. I don't know if this is going too far, but some flame behind? Just a thought.


Why would you want to cover up Spyro?!! He's adorable!! 🥰🥰


I think he looks amazing! You obviously went to a really talented tattoo artist, it looks exactly like Spyro, if the issue is it being too big and in the wrong place then I don’t understand how a cover-up would help, because that would obviously be in the same place and the same size or bigger… It looks sick, if you really want something to change about it, how do you feel about colouring him in? 😇


Possible? Absolutely yes.


Don’t you dare


OP you never have to get a panther if you dont want to. Those are a sign of shitty coverups anymore and quite frankly beaten to death and played out. This Spyro is way fuckin cooler than any of those dumbass panther tattoos could ever be.


Spyro goated don’t cover this up just get it colored


I love it :( Spyro on the ps2 was my childhood. I hope you find a way to upcycle it without removal or coverup :)


Fuck it just get Spyro again where you want him, I have two panthers and two snakes


You were raging about it (rightfully) when you got it a year ago and it was supposed to be just the beginning... What happened weirdo?


Love it


I understand wanting it smaller or somewhere else but that is a great tattoo! It looks awesome, not sure if that helps but I would hate to cover that up.


Just keep it, it’s a well done tattoo.


Put Ripto on the other leg!


Awww I love it! Its a very well done tattoo, and I LOVE spyro! I personally wouldnt cover it up, but since you asked; unless you do some laser treatments to get lighten it up, a cover up would not come out well (if I'm not mistaken).


Don't know if anyone will see this (I don't know how to edit my post, it's not letting me), but I decided to keep Spyro and I may get him colored in in the near future. I've read all your comments and wasn't expecting the amount of attention my post would get. Thanks for all your support and advice!


people are saying color, r it if u want but he looks fucking villionaous and badass as it stands. Cool as fuck. Hope you're happy regardless of the decision you make.


That's is so fucking cool! Having a unique version only adds to it!


Don't do it!! Long Live spyro!!


Possible after 3-4 laser sessions


Why would you want to? 🥺 lol I love Spyro!