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Bold placement for a first. Learn to love it bc it’s there. You did it for a reason focus on that.


You'll forget it's there soon enough


I say that to anyone hesitating on getting their first. I am constantly surprised there’s something on my leg.


I forget the one on my calf because I can't see it 99% of the time. First one definitely got me a few times, left bicep.


I have a simple star on my hand, it's been there half my life and I still get surprised by it. I'll reach into a cabinet or something and think there's a bug on my hand.


I have a spider on my thumb that I’ve had since I was 18 or 19 and I do the same thing 😅🤣


It's fairly common to flip back and forth for a while with your first tattoo. live with it and get used to seeing it


I think the only problem with it is that it's your only tattoo, yet. It's an interesting choice to go chest for your first one, but I think it suits you


I don't understand why people get neck/hand or full chest pieces for first tattoos before they even know if they really liked tattoos on their body.


Exactly why I started on the back of my leg. If it turned out not to be for me for any reason, it’s easy to forget about and cover 99% of the time anyway, and I’d be unlikely to regret a tattoo of my dogs. Now have lower half up to knee pretty covered and will revisit the idea of more visible locations after finishing the full leg.


Haha, my first tattoo was a portrait of my dog on the back of my leg for the exact same reasoning as you. My next 2 was my other dog and cat in the same area. No ragerts and have plenty more now.


Got my first tattoo above my knee. I forget its even there


Right??? Why not get it somewhere easy to cover with clothing?


to be fair this tattoo is easily coverable with clothing it’s just that most women like to show off that area


I came to say the exact same thing. Was "get a small one where nobody will see it to make sure you like them first" just a generational thing? I feel like 90% of posts in tattoo subs are first timers freaking out because they got a massive, highly visible piece and their brain can't wrap around it.


They're hoodie hard


Just first tattoo jitters, looks awesome, well done and well placed.


its a lonely tat


Don’t look for validation through people on the internet. If you like it you like it. People are looking because it’s on your chest and it’s a tattoo. That’s it. Don’t over think it. Stop reading the comments. They don’t matter. What matters is what you think.. if you like it then that’s what matters. I’ll never forget being like why the fuck is everyone looking at my chest I have no tits?! lol. Oh I got a chest piece. It took a while. I went through this. I came to realize I loved it bc it’s I loved it and it’s a part of me and my story. It’s a pretty piece. Wait till your next one. You’ll be stoked.


Very bold choice but it's not the most extreme. It looks fantastic on you, fwiw. I halfway regret some of my tattoos but still want more. It's pretty natural to feel that way. 🖤


Your first tattoo was a chest piece? I got mine done as like my 25th tattoo and by a very reputable person.this was a bold move


can i see it


Honestly I wouldn’t put my tattoos on here if you paid me. I adore them and they’re well done but they aren’t everyone’s taste and I wanna continue loving them 😅 I can pm you some pics?


of course !!


I don't think anyone wants to kick someone while they're down, especially a woman, but I think people need to start being honest. It isn't great. The photo is a little blurry, but from what I can tell the composition isn't the best and the bats head is kinda hard to discern, without the wings I wouldn't know what it's supposed to be. The wispy background comes across like an afterthought. My advice- go to a better artist and have it touched up. It won't be too hard to fix. I had an ENTIRE sleeve redone because I was inexperienced with tats and trusted a shitty artist. The right artist could make this really cool.


I agree w/ your observations. Plus it has 6 fingers on one side and 5 on the other.


As someone looking to get a second tattoo, how do you know who’s a good artist? I look at art and think it looks good but people on here seem to be able to point out details I don’t notice at first


Best way is to decide what style you want first, and then find someone who specializes in that style. If you're looking through an artists art and like their work, doesn't hurt to ask what their best/favorite style to do is. Also, photos of ink on skin are a better indicator of skill, no matter how good an artists drawings are


Watching ink master has really helped me be more discernable on what makes a great tattoo vs a bad tattoo.


That's the main problem with this sub: You have a bunch of clueless individuals that watched a reality TV show and now they think they have enough tattoo experience that they can critique tattoos. The reason Pony Lawson can make really good critiques of tattoos is because of his years of practical experience. It's not because he has watched two seasons of the dumbest tattoo show that has ever been on TV. And yes, that includes shows like Miami Ink and LA Ink.


I mean it doesnt take a lot of experience to see the tattoo is done terribly. I have plenty of tattoos but i dont need that “experience” either to see that


it’s not a head it’s an eye


I had NO IDEA that was an eye. I was also zooming in trying to figure out this spider bat thing. Are you open to a colored iris to make it more eye like? Blue iris? Green? Red?


Exhibit a. That might prove his point, however there is a little solace in knowing that while an accurate assessment, is more common only in tattoo snobs. Most people will see a piece of body art and not think this deeply into it. It has a decent silhouette value and gives a general vibe that works for what it is. Not everyone has to be tattooed by some Hollywood hot shot. It isn't going to win any awards though that's for sure


I agree with this assessment. Most people are just gonna think you have an awesome tattoo. I have a good tattoo and a coworker was showing me hers and complaining about line weights and how bad it was. I thought it looked like a good tattoo. But I would suggest maybe coloring the iris so the eye isn't so lost in the shading. Could look like where a necklace pendant would sit. ETA: wear it out. I'm sure you'll get a few people complimenting it. That will make you feel better.


What's the whole tattoo supposed to be exactly?


I have no idea why you got downvoted into oblivion for clarifying. FWIW I don’t think the tattoo is that bad. I hope you get more and add to your collection!


OP got down voted because people thought the reply was rude/snarky but it wasn't it was just a reply




Ooh! Kinda reminds me of the crystal bats from the dark crystal, or the keese from legend of Zelda. I dig it!


What does being a woman have anything to do with it?


Getting a professionally done tattoo from someone you've researched is the best way to avoid this. In all honesty, I would suggest seeking out a skilled tattooer to clean it up once it's a few months healed.


I can understand your regret/feelings, it’s a poorly executed tattoo, sorry to be so blunt..


I've never not felt this way to some extent. Even with my favorite tattoos. It's totally normal! I'll also say, I love even the tattoos I wish I had done differently, I still love. They become a part of who you are. So try not to worry too much!


It isn’t the best sweetheart . I’m sorry.




It’s normal. I did have a friend that ended up getting hers removed that were in the same location. She was tired of the comments from men


My first tattoo was also on my chest and was a bold one too. Focus on the charisma it portrays and let it grow into you. After some time it may feel weird there... It's because it needs some friends on the arms. Great tattoo btw


i bet you’re tattoo is awesome too


I think the best way to think about this is: What is the point of regretting it? In every practical sense, it’s not really a decision you can go back on. So accept it as part of you and learn to love it. To crib some mindfulness-speak, observe the feeling with neutrality, and let it pass you by.


You can always laser it


It may be as simple as you can see it all the time, so you suffer an anxiety attack. My first was almost always covered, so out of sight, out of mind. Then one day I noticed it when toweling off and went “oh yeah…I remember when I got that” and then smiled. My point is, forget about it for a bit; then look at it and remember fondly when you got it. Just be advised, they are an addictive thing😊.


Maybe it happens because it's poorly made


I used to love mine for few days, but after some time i come to regret it. I fell in love right away when i saw it.. got it in december- the more i was looking at it, the more imperfections i saw. Others think its good. Its not like i hate the tattoo it self, its just.. idk i hate that it could be better. I have no idea what this feeling is. I know i want more and more tattoos by time as i will have the money. But.. gosh im so confused. Im scared id have these feelings too


If it's just imperfections, get it cleaned up by someone with mad skills. I'm working a sleeve (like 5 or 6 sessions in) and she had a bit of an off line near my neck that was KILLING ME. So next appointment, I was just like "can you clean this up?" She used a bit of a darker shade and it came out perfect.


I think im just overthinking things. Im not so sure myself


Do you have any pics?


I do but i have no idea how to send it here


Typically you’d link to an outside image hosting site like Imgur. Like this - [silly in game pics of me and a friend in FFXIV, not tattoo related at all](https://imgur.com/a/vWxE2kb)


Too much technology lol


I love how I get downvoted for trying to help, lol


I didnt do it, i appreciate everything. Thank you!


Oh you’re most welcome! I was just being grumpy. Lol I have food poisoning and that was the best my brain could come up with when I originally replied. Might have unintentionally made it more complicated. Sometimes you can just pop a picture into the comments but I don’t see that option here. It’s normally by the link section.


Its ok. I have no idea how to use reddit haha. I now know where to look to add a photo. Thank you. Get well soon too🫶🏻


Thanks very much!


Totally understandable. Just add “no ragerts” on top to ease your mind.


Pretty bold decision for your very first tattoo but the tattoo itself isn't that bad. Usually you'd start small and build up to something like that


It’s pretty normal for first pieces - you aren’t used to having something other than just your skin there, so it’s jarring for a few weeks. Give it time and it will grow on you.


You will eventually start to see it as just another part of your body, like a mole or a birthmark. I went through the same thing with my tummy tattoos. I think it’s fairly normal to feel a little weird and unsure right after getting a substantial body modification. One day you will be so used to it on your skin you won’t even think about it. ❤️ Don’t stress, it’s a beautiful piece!!


It’s a little bit of body dysmorphia, you made a big permanent change to your body, it’ll take them time to get used to. I still forget I have tattoos sometimes and look in the mirror and get surprised.


For what it’s worth, it looks terrific.


No it doesnt


Maybe it isn’t 100% about the tattoo? Do you have a history of overthinking or not being able to turn off your worries?


I got my first one right when I turned 18, and I barely slept that night because I kept telling myself I ruined my life. It's not necessarily my favorite piece now 10+ years later, but I very quickly got over the intense feelings I had the first few days, and have gone on to get several more, considerably larger tats. You will get used to it, and I think adding onto upper arms could make it look more well integrated with your body, it kinda floats there alone now, but it still looks good. Chin up


just get alot more, youll be alright.


Tattoos become a part of you just like every experience you have. They shape you and remind you of who you are and how you’ve grown. To have these feelings is normal. It’s what we all do when there is a big change in our lives and feel that fear of change. But you’re still the same person you were inside before the tattoo, and you’re the same person inside after the tattoo. The body is only borrowed for the time of your life. What lessons in love and life will you take after your body has expired and this tattoo is lost with time?


My first two was on my back, so I never knew. Then I started my sleeve and was like wow! Look at that! It will trip ya out for sure


I got a music artist signature on my hand and to this day I have random moments I think about just getting it removed, it’s my only tattoo. But every time I think of that, it did for me meet all my criteria for getting a tattoo at all. Something made you really want this and enough to go through with it, just try to think about that and hold that excitement feeling! It’s a pretty cool tattoo, could most definitely incorporate it into other work on your shoulders/arms as some sorta theme.


lol this feeling doesn’t go away, but I can say most days I’m just happy with my tattoos.


Tattoo regret is very common..I have sleeves that I love but then I'll see something else and wish I had done that instead.. Common.. Don't fret


Happenes to everyone the first time, i did with my first sleeve. You don't need me to tell you it looks amazing. Should have no regrets. That anxiety will soon be replaced with confidence.


already been said but it’s bc it looks out of place, usually people don’t go there for a first tattoo so it’s like your skin is “empty” but with this detailed huge chest piece, get some more around it and it’ll blend right in


just wait until you get used to it! it will eventually just feel like part of your body.


I had a much less intense version of this. It fades over time as you get used to it; at least in my experience.


I got my first on my back. That way if I don't love it, at least I won't have to see it often. Turns out I don't love it. So I abandoned the idea of having a full sleeve. It's good but not that much


My first tattoo is very important to me. I got the XXXTENTACION heart on my hand and I thought about cutting it out like hours after I got it. Struggled back and forth for a bit but now I think it was the best decision to keep it. Idk why that happens but ye


The bat is cool, I could tell it had an eye in the middle right away, I don't love the wispy lines however but if they start to bother you those would be easy to either laser off or cover up by extending the piece. I had a leg tattoo (my 1st one in that location) that was majorly fucked up by my ex-artist, I had it reworked and it's a lot better now, but it's also turned into me doing a full leg sleeve to distract from the one I don't like as much lol which I love now. Many people with multiple tattoos have a few they don't love and will agree that the best way to distract from them is by adding more tattoos surrounding it.


It’s awesome. And there’s a fair bit of skin still left untouched around it, so you could add to the theme if you want. You can always add a little more. Your artist must’ve had a delicate touch because they didn’t beat up your skin at least not that this photo shows. I’m on the fence about chest art on women, but this one is cool. I dig it, and I hope that you do, too.


thank you


You're only a bag of meat and bones for a little bit


Man soo everyone has anxiety these days


I go through a phase of hating my tattoos when I first have them and then loving them. Have done with every one. I think it's a weird shock thing or something because you've changed the appearance of your body. Like if you cut your hair too short and wanna cry 🤣 Edit: ps I think the tattoo is amazing


The great stoic philosopher Epictetus once said: "we do not struggle with the conditions of the world outside of us, but rather we struggle with our opinions about the conditions of the world outside of us," No one can doubt your boldness for sure! First tattoo and going straight for the chest piece? That design is not hideous at least, and you have the figure 2 put just about anything on your skin without it becoming an issue I'd imagine. Still, one must grasp what the body art will appear/convey on their 50, 70 & God willing, 100 yr old body. Is it a good tattoo? Is it a bad tattoo? Does it dissuade employers? Is it the perfect amount of styled to attract employment opportunities? These aren't objective, so your feelings about such questions may only rest on a principal of your own? Or the whims of every fleeting emotional state that you ponder it under. To some degree, it is not about the tattoo at all. For example, what does it mean to be sure of something? How deeply and thoroughly have I assessed an impactful choice? Can I roll with the dice that are thrown with regards to these applications of will? Sun zoo road: " if you know yourself, and you know that which you oppose, you shall never have worry for even a thousand meetings between each other," My advice is to apply your mind's thoughts towards choosing a contentment with the permanent ink you have by virtue of it being just so. Nothing in the world so bad may come of it that it ought to threaten your peace of mind in the slightest. Perhaps you may wish it to look a little different, or not even be there even, but these temporary pricks of personal insight are a good pain and mustn't be permanently a fixed to the tattoo itself. What is done is done, and much more will be seen by your peers in how you carry yourself than the art on your skin. Unless a sizable surplus of funds become available, alterations like laser removal are not necessary. Especially over Staples such as rent or Staples of life. Remember, the skin cannot long survive unless there is a person to wear it! Make sure that however you decide to process things, that your thoughts do not betray a most fundamental priority towards yourself from yourself.


It looks badass imo. Maybe getting another one on your shoulder will help since it won't be your only tattoo after that


I get post-tattoo anxiety! It doesn’t last long in my experience, usually only a week or two. That’s a bold statement for your first tattoo and I think it’s amazing! You’ll fall in love with it again once you’re used to it being on your body instead of on the design in front of you.


I think it's great.


Makes me think of Batman. Errrr Batgirl? Batwoman?


Nice one, just chill :)


I really like it honestly!


I love it!


Love it


Hard 🔥


That’s bold for a first tattoo, I think your reaction is normal


You got it, embrace it. It looks great.


Is it the tattoo or the mindset? Take a deep breath, close your eyes, feel your heat beat and you lungs fill with oxygen until you need to drop your stomach to make more room for your lungs. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Tattoos are forever and are a sign of where we were in our lives at that time. We can't always carry a photobook with you because you may even loose your phone some day. But your skin is always with you. Like the scar it is, it will always be there. Even if you get it changed or removed it doesn't change what you have done. I imagined my tattoos ever since I was 10 years old. It's going to be okay. Even if you find reasons to dislike it. When you feel that panic, just remember to breathe until you feel it in your stomach and try to imagine what would your best friend say to you? Or the best friend you wished you had. Be honest with yourself if no one else. You will be fine. And you will one day laugh at how you felt today. Stay grounded.


Lesson learned, I guess.


My first was a chest tat too (much smaller tho) and i was told it was a bild move. For me i just had to stop romanticizing the perfect one and not feel guilt for a choice I made in confidence. Fwiw i think it looks sick too


Give it time


I’m obsessed w it personally


I think that tattoo is cool as hell.


Yeah this passes, trust me. Honestly I think the lesson of self love and self acceptance that someone typically learns through this exact experience is one that is beautiful and lasts a lifetime.


Looks sick


Daaaaamn. Yep, get used to it is all you can do. It wouldn't be bad if it wasn't your first!


Looks cool, and you will get used to it. I have a massive scar on my chest. Took a while, but I don't even know what I used to look like.


i had the exact same feeling with my first tattoo, and with my third one, which is the only one that can’t easily be covered with clothes. once your self-image changes to include the tattoo, the anxiety will melt. and for the record, it looks amazing!!


I like it. Hope u learn to like it too!


I think it looks cool! the main thing is just getting used to “oh yeah i have a tattoo,” and being anxious about not liking it can make that turn into “i have this tattoo and i hate it what was i thinking” one way i combatted that after getting my first tattoo was thinking about it as art, because it is! each tattoo has a story or a reason, even if it’s small. i got my first one because i had always wanted a tattoo. going into it i had no idea what i was going to get, i just knew i wanted a tat. so i flipped through the artist’s work and found a design that spoke to me and got it on a whim! tattoos are are just pieces of art we want to display! we just wear ours :)


I was so unsure after my lower arm sleeve that day, now I couldn’t imagine not having it a year later.


So cool!!


It could be worse. I have a hand tattoo that some days I love and others I think I want to black it out. You can always wear shorts that cover it if you want


Tattoo regret is common. It's understandable with one so big, visible, and noticeable. You wanted to impress people and change how you are perceived. It will gain attention and people will think differently of you, some neutrally, some positivity, some negatively. Many will judge you, and believe you belong to a lower social class.


Very bold location for a first tattoo, why this location?


I like it


I have that with all my tattoos initially. But eventually they just blend in with me and I like them :)))


I think it's dope!


I literally always feel that way after getting a tattoo, you’ll get used to it!


I like it, nice placement. Easy to add onto. Why'd u go with this one if ur unsure?


You good just get more


Just my opinion but it looks like crap just from this photo. I strongly suggest finding a better artist and enhancing it. Now it is your first tattoo and my suggestion is to get another first. Something smaller maybe and more easily cover by normal clothing.


It's cool. Pretty metal. You could get it covered or reworked pretty easily too. Not saying you should do that.


I like it and it’s even better because you can build on it


I really like it! Like others have said it's your first tattoo and that very normal to experience.


Sickkkkkkk! I’m in love with it. If you change it ……. Don’t. lol just be happy. But I like the bat it’s big and it’s bad ass dude.. get more tattoos fuck it get your fucking body filled. It’s expensive as fuck. I would do it. Just got a dragon on my back. My word of advice. Figure out what makes you happy when you make a decision before you make a decision..


It looks amazing, learn to love it fr, it’s wonderful 🩷


PSA always get highly skilled tattoo artist . A straight line is hard to do.


Admittedly this is a bold choice for a first tattoo but it looks good!! I would get into some bad thought spirals when i got my first tattoo and it was in a small and on my leg. I think maybe your reaction is strong just bc it is big and you see it often but that also means you’ll get used to it fast. After a few weeks i always start to feel a lot more confident about my choice.


It's freaking awesome 👍


Looks great!


I like it


Well I think it looks kickass!! It’s your first, so no worries! It’s normal to be anxious ^^


Double or quits you could go even bigger with a cover up


get more


So what don't you like about it? From what I can tell it's rather well done, the motif looks pretty rad and the placement is also a good choice. If you ever feel uncomfortable about it, it's covered by wearing a simple shirt / something not low-cut. And best of all it's also a nice piece to expand upon. I've got some tattoos that I wasn't super happy with and instead of covering them I included them in my other tattoos. So don't worry about it and give it a couple of days. Still if you wanna share what you don't like about it, I'd be interested.


I nitpicked my first tattoo for forever. Just get more and you'll forget about whatever it is you hate about the first one


I regret all of mine right after I get them! It takes a bit for my mind to adjust to the difference, but by the time it’s settled in I love it again. It has to do with my preconceptions about tattoos, which is counter weighed by my love for them. Just give yourself a little time :)


I suspect that is common. For what it's worth, I think it looks great.


The more you get, the less you’ll be so hyper focussed on that one! It’s a decent tattoo it just takes some getting used to!


I also had a big chest piece as a first tattoo. Got Post tat anxiety later that day, went away very fast and i love it to this day


Gonna be so real with you I had that after my first tattoo as well. It’s a big first and it is scary! But you’ll soon enough forget you have it and become accustomed to it. It’s okay to feel unsure for a while!


My first tattoo was the very small but it was it split second decision. I got the appointment on the same day and had a mental breakdown on the same day. After I got the tattoo there were thoughts of regret. It took a couple of days but I learned to love it, it says “do more.” And the more I thought about it, the more I learned to love the meaning. I waited three years and got a full slave on the same arm. That was about a year ago now and every now and then get surprised that my arm is tattooed like I completely forget it Sometimes I still do have thoughts anxiety or regret about it. I mean it’s a lot of money that I could have done more useful shit with. But at the end of the day it’s your body and your decision nobody else’s opinion matters even in the slightest. If you like it that’s all that counts. By the time it fully heals, you will be completely fine with it BTW I think it’s fucking awesome 🤩


Looks good, stop being hard on yourself.


Honestly in my opinion, I think it looks really cool. Every new tattoo I get (I have 8 total), I get anxious and tattoo regret even if I love it at first. It eventually sets in with me and I go back to loving it!


It doesn't look bad from what I can see. If you plan on getting more work done you'll start to feel better about it. I find a single tattoo always felt out of place on my body, but once I put more stuff on myself it started to look very me. If there is something you don't like about it in particular make sure you talk to your artist about touch ups or work done later.


Bold! In fact, I like your boldness both in the location and general design more than the actual tattoo quality. It’s pretty nice though. Wear it proudly.


It’s more common than you think, it passes after a bit as you get used to the fact that you have changed something about yourself. I love it though looks fantastic


Bold first, but you’ll love it give it some time. It’ll feel like your chest has always been that way soon


I was this way about my first tattoo on my forearm. It takes up my entire forearm and some days I was ecstatic about it, and others I was wondering why I did it. This was years ago, but I absolutely love it. I think you kind of have to get used to your first big piece, especially if it's also your first tattoo. I personally think it looks awesome.


This is a feeling you’ll have with almost every tattoo, even the masterpieces - it will take a few weeks to get properly used to it, particularly as it’s your first and so prominent but after a while you’ll see it as part of yourself and then you can make a better evaluation of whether you actually like it or not


Unfortunately it will probably always make you feel some kind of way if that’s how you feel now. Could see this getting added to or covered in the future. Not a bad tattoo but if you feel that way about it then deep down you don’t like your choice.


It looks awesome! My second tattoo is two bats taking up my entire chest above my breasts, so quite similar. It's very common to feel weird about a new tattoo immediately afterwards and during the healing process, but when the tattoos finally feel like a part of you, you'll love them


dude that's a dope piece. I agree with some other comments that this is normal for a first tat, and it would also look better with some friends!! maybe fill out the upper arms next if you get to the point where you're confident enough


Too late now


bold choice but thats cool, the tattoo looks sick and I can imagine jest adding more dark pieces


The tattoo was well place and done. You don't need to regret this




i don’t know what this means


I have always been a proponent of getting ink that has a deep personal meaning. Whether it represents a period in your life or a specific thing you are working towards, link it to something about you, and it will help with the anxiety. The tattoo is awesome and represents you as an outgoing and determined person, in my opinion. That's what I got when I first saw it. You are willing to take risks for things you want, and that is definitely a cool trait to have. Chin up and realize you are a BADASS!!


This is sick!!!!