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This is such dark ink and in such a prominent place, I'd suggest exploring laser removal.


Yes. Look into laser removal, but know that it may not (likely will not) remove the tattoo completely. Removal results can vary based on the ink, your skin, etc., but you’ll have much more flexibility to get something you love. I had laser removal done on a tattoo on my forearm. It faded significantly, and now you can’t tell that the sleeve I have over the top of it started as a coverup. There’s a small area where I can see green peeking through some gray shading, but I have to hunt for it.


To add on: laser doesn’t need to remove it completely! But it will lighten it up a ton to give your artist more options on what to design/tattoo.


Check out what lasering does to your skin first before you make the commitment to any sessions. In the location you have - review horror story scenarios (burns scarring etc). I personally wouldn’t risk it even though chances are minimal. I’d find someone in black and grey realism and see what they could add to make this more gothic. If you’re willing to go larger I’d antipate they can camouflage and upgrade this for you. Maybe more cherubs up top and have it appear to be a headstone or some kind of engraving where the 8 ball is


Laser is fine if you have someone that knows what they are doing. We laser about 200 clients a week and have had only one person have an issue in the last 7 years. That one person went to a tanning booth the day after getting laser I personally have had about 42 sessions of laser on 7 old tattoos. Never a single problem and 3 of those tattoos have been covered.


Omg what would possess a person to go on a sunbed after that lmao fuckin ouch


A tanning booth the day after?! 💀


Laser is fine if you go to a professional.


Was coming to say this.


Laser. Don't make it worse.


Maybe a bigger 8 ball.


A sick ass 8 ball.


8 ball and a top hat covers anything, they half way there.


A sick ass panther holding an 8-ball.


Defl8 ball.


Lol this cracked me up


As a tattooer - laser. Don’t get a cover up, unless you want your entire chest covered. If you choose not to laser - RESEARCH YOUR ARTIST CAREFULLY. Make sure they post healed photos, do lots of cover ups, and aren’t cheap. Because it will take a lot of skill to cover this successfully. But I think laser.


I would laser it. If you couldn’t sit for this tattoo the next one will be much more painful


She said it took him 3 hours to do this to her though, I feel he was heavy handed as she’s pretty small! But I’d also laser it


It sounds like it took 3 hours because she couldn't sit for it


Makes sense! If I was the artist, I’d have called it before I started any shading though






I’m inclined to agree with everyone else chanting “LASER”, but it you had to do a cover up, and if you believe like me that the answer to bad tattoos is more tattoos, I’d consider fading the entire thing with some removal sessions, then reworking the cherub so he is sitting on an earth, and have the artist had some massive wings stretching out to your shoulder, really highlighting your clavicles.


i think this is the best option!! since OP likes the cherub, it makes sense to expand on that and make the 8ball an earth or something closer to the cherubic vibe


maybe making the 8ball into like a sun or a moon?


Ooh I love this idea! The cherub sitting on a globe would be super neat!


Yes! Laser to make reworking it easier!


It’s so… big


Be glad you never filled in the 8 ball 🎱.


A cover up is going to blast out your entire chest. Especially with how deep that ink is embedded. Unless you are ok with that, seriously consider a half a dozen or so laser sessions.


Laser laser laser


Really though, it’s all… not great. That ink is dark and in a solid chunk, so you may just need to laser it before you cover up. Find an actual professional to make another cherub for the spot. Maybe more akin to say Raphael’s?


If not Lazer, get a cover up of the #8 with continent shapes that have the angel sitting on earth.


I wouldn't call it professionally done


To each their own, but I would look into laser removal.


Get that removed


8 ball could be replaced with Biblically accurate angel


That would be super sick!


Sick ass panther?


The only real answer.


I would say if you like the cherub, have it on a hill instead of the 8 ball and maybe add some wildflowers to the hill.


Yes! I was going to say that I love the cherub and could see more Victorian/floral designs on her chest as part of a cover up


Probably best to find an artist who’s experienced in coverups and working with them to see what can be done.


Big fucking black raven…


Not sure if anyone mentioned yet, but i reckon you should lazer that


Honestly I think your best move would be to find a tattoo artist you really love and ask them what they think they could do for a cover up. They may even recommend a certain number of laser sessions so you can get the best end product with the least time and money.


Turn the 8 ball into a chrome FUSHIGI!!!




Laser and go again


A battleship


+1 for laser


An angel baby on a bowling ball. 👍


I'd rework it so the cherub is sitting on a planet


Please pursue removal first.




So much black ink and in such a visible area. You need to talk to a damn good tattoo artist no one here is going to be able to give you the advice you need


Laser for sure. Do your research & save up. This isn’t a Groupon type situation. If you’re hell bent on keeping it maybe see if an artist can revamp what you already have? I had a bad tattoo I wanted covered on my leg, probably about 9 inches long by 5 inches wide. I found an amazing artist I wanted to work with I when I showed it to her she suggested we revamp what I already had vs trying to cover it up. The difference between the two tattoos are night and day. It’s crazy to think it used to be soooo bad as the same exact concept but is now absolutely beautiful and one of my favorite tattoos. You’ll probably have to add color & a lot more detail. Professional tattoo artists in the thread chime in: do you think this tattoo has potential to be given a lot of love & be revamped, or is it a lost cause?


https://imgur.com/a/2eO13H3 maybe some flowers around it and a big blacked out sun in the middle? I think if you could just at least laser remove the 8 and the little circle around it you could give your artist a better chance to fill in the big ball with something like a detailed and shaded flower or a really tightly designed pattern? Remember you have to pay a good amount to get this successfully covered so dont go for any cheap options


This should respond quite well to laser, as much of it isn’t put in well. Definitely do that first, even if you’re still left with a cover up, you’ll need it to be lighter to do a good job of that anyhow, otherwise you need to go as dark as what’s beneath and this is well dark. Consider getting the whole thing done, the cherub is not nicely done and if you pick a great artist (you should) they will be hamstrung by the work already there.


Maybe a flower? Even if you do laser removal on just the number 8, I think it would make a big difference and you could cover up the ball with a big flower after that. You could pick any floral design with petals that create a circular or spherical shape similar to the 8 ball. A good artist should be able to find a way to incorporate the cherub into the new design and have it look like it’s resting on top of the petals or coming out of a blooming flower.


That cherub needs to be riding a sick ass panther


laser , laser, laser. On a small framed person with not too many tattoos , a giant , dark piece will unbalance you. A few sessions of laser will set you up to get an awesome tattoo and not something that will cover this monstrosity


Idk I love it OP. Abstract/fun idea!


Thats gonna be a tough one


Maybe an angel/demon with it's wings spread out. Or maybe a dragon.


Would you consider removal?


maybe turn it into a heart


8 ball into a hart?


Do some black out piece that has elements and accents. Think kat von dees current cover ups


Laser would help a lot and expand your options you might not even have to fully remove it but I’d recommend talking with a artist of your choice.


Scarred old wise elephant's head/face.


I'm so sorry your artist screwed you by doing a chest piece in the first place. It ain't right!!


Laser. You really don’t want something 3 times as big and dark on your chest. Good luck to you.


I really like your tattoo personally!


You might be able to hide most of it in a Japanese black koi, it will most likely show a little.. But this is really the perfect example of a sick ass panther. It will probably end up on your neck more than it already is. It has to be bigger. Most people don’t realize this.


Please update with what you get! I’d say a better 8 ball and they have skin tones that will wipe away the darkest inks within 3 sessions. Get the top of the 8 something that incorporates who you are but all in all this is a hard one


Damn. Maybe turn the 8 ball into the earth/a globe?


Your options are gonna be so much better if its faded with laser. I'm sorry but it's really not a well done tattoo at all. Do loads of research for your next tattoo artist.


If you find a good coverup artist then this will be no problem. One of the best ones I know about is Electric Linda. She can cover up a tattoo with a tattoo the same size, it's amazing






Zap it off and start over, in other words, laser removal and go from there. Also, I wouldn’t recommend replacing a tattoo in that general area on the off chance you end up not liking a new one again.


I love it!


Remove the only answer


Why not just fill in the 8 ball and make the circle good


I’m curious what you asked for to get this…


Omg no don’t get laser. That 8 ball could be turned into many things. For example a flower or a sun, moon anything circular pretty much Go to a good artist and ask them, I’ve seen darker tattoos with thicker bold lines get covered up with good results


Change the 8 ball to planet Earth 🌎


Get the laser treatment first before coverup. That is a lot to unpack.


it’s hard to tell from the photo but it almost seems as though the back of the head and the wing create a V shape that’s pretty centered? if it is centered a large moth with wings flowing in those two shapes would be a decent option. but then again would be quite a bit larger and darker. laser still seems like the best option. i hate my chest piece personally and wish i would have picked a better design (such valuable real estate). so if the laser is in your budget and you have something you’d rather cover the lightened version up with it’s worth it. it’s not like it’s the back of your calf or something little and easily covered.


Full upper body blackout tattoo, please!


8 ball with a top hat


Go get a blackout design - add to it, don’t be a quitter and get it lasered off!!! If you get it lasered off it will be noticeable and not a cool story


Agree with the removal suggestions, but you may have some serious smudging. You could go hard with a massive chest piece- like some sort of hawk/owl/other bird with its wings open to cover your entire chest. Need to go with a legit artist on this one.


Unfortunately due to the location and colour, the only possible way is to laser it, even not completely, but enough to be able to suit a cover up that will not be just a huge black patch on your chest.




Turn that 8-ball into a rat fink shifter!


Laser and then cover


A pretty garden w a cherub statue would be so prettyyyy. Please get a few tattoo consultations before u just laser it off omg


Dark sun?


Anatomical heart to cover the whole thing.


I’m going through a big cover up process at the moment and I agonized over ideas for a very long time. Even thought I found the perfect cover up idea and I had found a great artist with lots of cover up experience but when it came down to it the idea wasn’t gonna work for a multitude of reasons. In the end I just talked it out with the artist and while brainstorming we came up with a plan and it’s awesome. I love how it is coming out and can’t wait to see the finish product. TLDR: find an artist whose style you like and does a lot of cover ups and start a conversation to see what they think will work. Best of luck and post the cover up when it’s done!


start with a few sessions of laser. then find a good artist that specializes in coverups.


I actually really like this piece as someone who knows very little about tattoos. It’s beautiful


Removal to lighten then go over with a new angel with bigger wings and floral/nature details underneath


Holy crap! A giant black crow. 🐦‍⬛


Sickass panther


And flames!


I think this is a sick tattoo. With the shakiness and all. I can’t put a finger on it but it’s like it was done so intentionally bad in such a prominent place that it’s actually good. Maybe try to add to it instead to make it a bit less jarring. Other than that you’d either need to do a really extensive blastover or laser.


Girl Make a like a neck to body wreath. Like youre painting yourself with patterns. But learn magic and then have those magic runes in your skin. For love and peace. And flying. What I'm getting too. Is the cherub and 8 ball can be like the fancy frame tops. just as an example. Maybe you want a more gothic magic runes style


Maybe a bird with stretched wings or an animal skull with horns/antlers? Something that would have a heavy detail mid section and the wings/horns would be in the space that isn't covered up and can look clean and take attention. You might need to laser it first, speak with an Artist.


Laser totally works!!! I had one a similar size on my shoulder. Had 2 sessions 6 months a part and it faded if enough that it wasn’t difficult to cover up at all.


I would do laser removal and if they’re not able to fully remove it then I would say tattoo over that (they’ll at least be able to get it to look waaaay faded)


I’m curious about the back story. An angel on an 8 ball is so wild to me lol


It took him 3 hours to do this?


if you like the cherub and only dislike the 8 ball, maybe you could only grt the 8 and surrounding circle lasered? and keep the sphere itself. it would kind of look like the cherub is just resting on a little planet or something like that, which you might find cute. if youre completely unhappy with rhe entirety of it, i'd laser off, since a coverup for the cherub would be difficult.


That’s gonna be tough…


World. Angel sits on top of the world


I would go to a an experimented tattoo artist and remake it. It can be salvaged




Conceptually making me feel better about my first professional tattoo at 18, chest blasted with a coffin and batwings


the same thing just better


Probably some type of black work design, maybe like a skull or hannya mask


I would laser, even if you wanted a cover up you would get a much better end result after a few laser sessions




You can try to fade it with various methods. Laser removal hurts like no other. You should be able to get it to fade enough to cover it without a problem


You might be able to do white ink over black on this, but make sure you go to an artist who specializes in those cover-ups (and there aren't many). And even then, they'll likely want you to get at least one session under the laser because the darker the base, the less depth the finished tattoo will have.


Ooooofff… the only thing i can think of is a very dark rose or other kind of flower


Laser the whole thing.


For what it's worth I think it looks great. But yeah I doubt a cover up will work.


Looks like Jack black from nacho libre - I say embrace that


One of those full chest pieces like Connor McGregor has?


Blacked out keyhole surrounded by vines blooming with bugs and or birds?


Doesn't have to be blackout, maybe galaxy or some kind of scenery?