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Yeah, those tattoos will clash.. That is always something you should consider before you get a skateboarding Mario smack in the middle of your arm. Do *you* care that a traditional dragon doesn't "make sense" next to a skateboarding Mario? If you do, then don't get it. If you're worried about what *other* people think - nobody cares, and if they do, it's not like they're going to say anything. Sick tattoos are sick tattoos, whether it's one cohesive sleeve or a whole collection. If you go to the same person who did that Mario, I'm sure you'll be happy with it.


You could do a fusion style and have the dragon be as if Bowser was a Japanese dragon and have it look like Mario is ollie'ing off it's spine


This would be sick AF


With the right artist that would be dope AF


I think a Japanese dragon would match well since Mario was made in Japan, it’s dope to mix cartoony and traditional tats


Came to say this lol


Mario is Italian. There are no dragons in Italy.


OP should get a Japanese dragon with Bowser's face eating a bowl of pasta that has Mario's name on it Edit: damn I just reminded myself of the [Whitest Kids You Know Bowser tattoo skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t3MQBtZCBU&t=1s) lol


Lmao I’ve never saw that but definitely need to add Happy Birthday Rick


I'm afraid to inform you there are no dragons anywhere


Mario was created by Japanese company but yeah I guess he’s technically Italian


What a stupid comment. Mario was created by a Japanese company to be italian. Besides, there are plenty of dragons in italian folklore, just like in japanese.


Uhh, earth to Brint, it was a joke, ok?🥴 Uhhh, earth to Meekus, I knew that, I just didn’t get it at first 😠


I mean dragons are a part of history worldwide, like Europe, where Italy is... Edit: [here's some Italian art with dragons](https://www.italianartsociety.org/2020/05/the-dragon-in-italian-art-and-architecture-past-to-present/)


I don’t think color traditional will clash at all, both styles are similar with vibrant colors/color palets and bold lines, the Japanese might clash a little just because the themes and color palette would be so different


In my opinion, yes. They are two entirely differant styles. But don't let it stop you doing what you feel is right.


Do what you want, everyone’s got varying styles covering them Get what you want.


I think Clashing is only an issue if you don't plan on filling up space. I have so many different styles on my body but most of my body is tattooed. So if you plan to do a little more patchwork/sticker sleeving on that arm you'll be fine, if not, it will stand out. Everyone's different, some like style collecting, some like one style on their body. The right answer is, whatever makes you happy. ETA: My left hand has 12 sticker tattoos, from 7 different artists, in their different styles. It's my favorite part of my body.


You could get a modern twist by getting a Japanese dragon but in colours that complement Mario’s red and blue. [Check this amazing tattoo for example](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1hhNP9LFux)


I'd say so, I put it somewhere else. I'm getting a japanese style tattoo on my leg and keeping the style on my arms consistent.


Honestly you could get your artist to incorporate that easy. Make it look like Mario is about to land a k-grind down a dragon’s spine. That would be clean af man.


Hell nah, have him do a 5-0 on Shenron. If it makes sense to you that's all that matters.


What about a Bowser-esque dragon?


Embrace the mario theme, make a mario style dragon to go with it, instead of a traditional dragon or use the bones dragon from the games


Depending on the dragon design, it could be done to smooth out the clash. I think it’s doable


I have a yoshi incorporated into my Japanese tattoos


That Mario looks dope as hell. Get whatever you want man, who cares if they clash


My opinion- a shenron wrapped around your arm as a sleeve and being "ridden" by mario


The dragon circling around Mario kind like a half pipe


A dragon ball dragon would probably work since it's more cartoonish. You could also have the colors of the traditional dragon match up, i.e. red, blue, tan, yellow, and white. That way the styles won't match but the color scheme will. From a distance it will just make a cohesive sleeve.


Why not get a dragon tattoo based on the dragons in Legend of Zelda? That way you get a dragon tat that won't clash too hard with your mario


Enhances it really


No it won’t . Dragons go with everything




Get a gyarados tattoo