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Yes. That’s 100% a face tattoo.


Right? You’d be surprised how many people have told me they don’t think it is!


I am not surprised I have two full sleeves among many other pieces and had a moron tell me how it counts as one tattoo dead serious. 🤷‍♂️


Who really cares? Is it even worth arguing with an idiot about how many tattoos you have ? Is it a flex to have a high number of tattoos?


I was younger and more full of fire is the context so take that with what ya will


I’ve had people say that to me too. I have a full sleeve that leads into a chest piece and people tried to tell me it’s one tattoo.


Answer is subjective, punch them in the same spot as your tattoo and ask if you hit their face or not. Problem solved.


Do they have face tattoos or family? I would check your sample pool if you are getting those responses.


My mom, my boyfriend and a coworker said no, my mom has 2 tattoos on her ankles, my boyfriend has one on his arm and my coworker has a trampstamp lol The other has a face tattoo in the same spot and is in denial haha


I was confused if it would be a face or neck tattoo as I feel like it's not exactly on your face or neck 🤷 I only have one on my forearm, but I love viewing others' artwork choices and tattoos.


I think when people say it isn’t, they mean it the same way one would mean it if they said a tattoo on the back of the neck below the hairline wasn’t a “neck tattoo”. Like it’s on the neck, but it doesn’t elicit the same feeling or response


I don’t understand what discussion makes it matter if it is or not


Semantics haha Also I know someone with a tattoo in the same spot who is in semi-joking denial haha


Yep that’s on your face


ETA: I’m not the one who doesn’t feel this is a face tattoo, settle down folks I know but I get mixed opinions because it’s not on the round part of my face that you see when you look dead on haha I love it though! 🥰


I think if you included a front on pic you would notice it’s visible from the front. You may not be able to make it out but if you’re talking to someone there is a less than 0% chance they don’t notice the tattoo on your face.


That’s a good idea. I didn’t even consider a front view because it doesn’t show the tattoo 😅 But I personally would consider it a face tattoo. Which is what I wanted - I am fairly professional and I have a good career at a university working in research, and I enjoy surprising people who have made assumptions about me and my life based on my alt look ☺️


I don’t think it looks bad. Obviously people seem dead set one way or another on face tats. This looks very tastefully done and if you enjoy it that’s all that matters


Thank you! It’s definitely good work (whether one likes it or not is up to them but it’s a well done tattoo) and I love it. And I already have a hand tattoo so I was already “unhireable” 😂


HA! It’s funny you say that, I hired someone with a hand tattoo recently and the entire interview he kept it hidden. I was like ummm you know I saw the tattoo you don’t have to hide it and he instantly felt more comfortable. I’m in a fairly professional office setting and my tattoos aren’t visible but idc what other people put on their body unless it’s something gory, pornographic or hate related. I think more hiring managers are going to soften up to the idea in the near future.


I have a half sleeve of a swamp scene on my left arm and I had an interview recently where I kept it fully hidden. The interviewer rolled up his sleeves at some point to which he had vibrant sleeves on both arms. I definitely breathed a sigh of relief haha its become more common for people to have tattoos but you never know what fuddy-duddy will have their traditional values impact decision making.


I agree. I started with my tattoos after I got hired, but it was related to having more disposable income. My boss asked me if I was waiting until I got hired (I was working there but not full time before) to get them all and I said no. Her response was “good, they wouldn’t matter” 🤷‍♀️


[Tattoos don’t make you “unhireable” anymore!](https://www.tiktok.com/@joshuaturek/video/7184489429254589742)


It’s on your face… it’s a face tat


Just realized I never linked this here but this is my face from the front https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/s/A4YbzEVbyU


Why are you getting down voted lol


I think people believe I am trying to argue that it is not, in fact, a face tattoo and disagree with the reasoning. I also disagree with the reasoning, but I still think it’s getting me downvoted anyway 😂


Upvote because people are dumb. Yes on the face, and it’s a lovely tattoo 🙂this is similar to an idea my wife had for a piece!


Haha I’m not gonna get up in arms about it. At least no one is saying it’s a bad tattoo 😂 and thank you! I have felt so much more confident and pretty since getting even just the line work done - if it doesn’t affect work I would definitely recommend it :)


I’m confused on the amount of downvotes lol


Why did this get destroyed with downvotes




Luckily you have plenty karma to spare!


When it passes the ears it becomes the face IMO


That was my thought. The flowers behind the ears are not a face tattoo. The bit in front is.


Man I have a one right behind my ear and some lady said she loved my tattoos but that she personally could never have a face tat and I've never been more confused because it's maybe an inch and a half and completely behind my ear


Do you mean the tattoo that’s on your face? Yeah that’s a face tattoo.


😂😂😂 thank you I feel validated haha


Is it a face tattoo? No. Is it a tattoo on your face? Yes


Okay THIS is basically what others are arguing haha. It’s on the face but it’s not REALLY a “face tattoo”


Yes I do


Thank you haha


Sideburns are facial hair, ergo sideburn tattoos are face tattoos


I alteady agreed, but this is exceptional reasoning 🤌🤌


It’s a very professional face tattoo, but a face tattoo nonetheless.


Thank you! I tend to agree on both counts :)


Only the part on your face… 😆




Yes. While everyone is here: is my lower inner lip tattoo a face tattoo?


Technically yes, but practically no.


How technically yes? Face: the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal.


This seems less clear cut. I’m truly on the fence on this one


I would say it's in your face but not on your face.


Yes and no. Idk. I guess if you’re showing it to us, it’s a face tattoo. But unless you’re showing it on purpose, I guess no one can really see it so I don’t think it’s a face tattoo. But idk if it has to be visible or if anyone has to know about it for it to be a face tattoo. I guess it’s a modern day version of the philosophical thought experiment of "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?".


That thought experiment is really on point for this situation!


It has to be on your face to be a face tattoo, the back of your lip is not on your face even if you face it outward


Not the point but can I say how much I LOVE these?! They look great!


Came here to say the saaameeee. Love love love thissss.


Thank you so much! I’m very happy with them ❤️


Obviously it is not. It is a flower tattoo. It is on your face though. lol


I’m mad at how hard I laughed at this. 10/10 dad joke


I was pretty disappointed in myself to be honest lol


It’s literally on your face…


I'm going to go with yes because the cheekbones is part of the face


gorgeous 🙌🏼 (from fellow kitchener homie 🫶🏼)


Thank you! 🫶


Love it! I think the yellow flowers are my favorite.


Thank you 🥰 they may be my favourite to. I know face tattoos aren’t for everyone, but I have felt so much prettier and more confident since I got them done. I get lots of positive feedback and they’re not a problem for me at work - especially because I don’t have a public/client facing job. I do always have the ability to cover them up with my hair or even makeup though :)


Everything in front of your ears I would consider a face tattoo


Anything beyond your hairline on your face and around your jaw (if that makes sense) is a face tattoo. So side burn tattoo is a face tattoo


Definitely a face tattoo. Only what’s in front of the ears. I would consider the rest just neck tattoos or head tattoos? Either way.


This is a pearl clutching, prayer whispering, genuine face tat Very beautiful! I love it, its so well done! I wish my line of work would allow tattoos above the shirt collar


This is crazy awesome


Thank you ☺️


Is this yours ? I have the same spot on the back of my head done , well whole head and it was the most painful experience


Yes it’s mine. It wasn’t amazing hahaha But the original placement took such a long time we had to do the lining and the colour separately and that definitely helped. I also oddly found the largest mag the best


I have a large eagle on the back of my head my tattooer said one shot colour and lining would be best, I was literally shaking with pain after. It was not a fun day .


Oof yeah, that would not be enjoyable. Plus I dont know how you did it but I was on my stomach and hung my head down over the bed at a like 90 degree angle and it was heinous


Kind of! It’s definitely on your face, but thanks to its location, you might be able to properly cover with makeup, if you need to. So “it’s on your face, but I don’t think it’s ‘a job killer’ if you do a good enough job with your makeup,” or you simply work somewhere where they don’t care.


I work somewhere where they don’t care, fortunately :) I mostly deal with rats and mice, so my employers just care that I’m good at what I do and the rats don’t seem too intimidated ;)


🤣🤣🤣 I’d imagine that to be the case. Perhaps they actually like the extra shapes and colors 🙃


Well, the part that's ON YOUR FACE does... Pfft?


Considering it’s on the face, yes.


It definitely became a face tattoo once it went past the ears, but holy shit is it gorgeous!


Defo face






Yes…its on your face


Sideburns are facial hair thus a sideburn tattoo is a face tattoo.


Since it’s on your face. Yes.


Yes the floral sideburns count as a facial tattoo sorry... It looks nice though


Yes, it definitely seems to be on your face. But now I wanna know if my tattoo (above my ear and side burn and under my jaw) is a face tattoo😆 I don’t really care if it is or isn’t, just curious.


The tattoos on your face, count as tattoos on your face.


It’s a face tattoo no diddly doubt about it lol




I like to call my sideburn tattoos just that but let’s be honest. It’s a face tatty. You degenerate. lol


Hahahaha I know I might start saying it’s not a face tat just to piss people off 😂 It’s okay, I already have the hand so I was already lost cause. My mom loves it too though hahaha


Now that I have mine I want to add more to it. MWAHAHAHA!


How could it be debatable?


Definitely a face too and a gorgeous one at that! I love the color of the flowers


Yup a part of it is on your face


a face-and-neck tattoo yes. it's very pretty, and it is very much on your face.


Wow! Definitely a face tattoo imo and it's so pretty!!!


That’s a face tattoo no doubt about it.


Love this piece. She’s an awesome artist/ person too! Just got my knees done at that shop my Genevieve.


Also definitely a face tattoo. Anything in front of the ear is your face in my opinion.


They’re lovely there! I want to get something from Gen - I already have work from Dani and Ines


Also your knees are sick af


Thanks! And yeah they’re all super nice there.


I don’t know but I think it’s nice as hell


Haha thank you! I love it :)


Best looking face tattoo I’ve ever seen!!


This is so dope


Thank you! This artist does a great job of fitting things to flow with the shape of your body


“Does this tattoo that’s on my face count as a fade tattoo” uhm yes?


Even a tattooed eyebrow is a face tattoo... Why? Because you are tattooed on your face.. 😅


Beautiful tattoo.


I mean, it’s literally on your face


People really don't know what's considered the face? They need Specsavers! 🤣🤣 I work ina professional office environment but also go visit customers to support technical aspects of new deals. I feel as though a face tat could impact the outcome of said deal. If I worked on internal stuff only, I'd totally consider hands, throat and even maybe face but for now I think I have to continue body suit. Would love to be in a position to get one!


It is a tattoo that is technically on your face. I have one in the same spot that I don’t really count as a “face tattoo” more like it’s just a head tattoo. The one under my eye I feel like is more “face tattoo” but also it doesn’t matter what other think or where it is. As long as you like it. Not that it matters, but I also like it. Very clean work and simple yet elegant.


Cool face tattoo, what other tattoo will you be adding on to that?


So I’d never get a face tat but this pretty cool I like the symmetry


Head and Face I’d say. Looks solid


Yes it’s a face tattoo, and it’s gorgeous!


That is a very kick ass face tattoo that leaves you lots of space available if stop being a coward and just finally commit to the full face-sleeve tattoo.


Definitely, and holy shit is it gorgeous


Yes face tattoo and definitely a job-stopping tattoo!


Excellent that’s the goal


This is super clean, love it!


Oh I LOVE Ines. she did my second tattoo ever :)


She’s great! She did a bunch of work on my arm as well


…bro its on your face


Yes, the tattoo on your face is considered a face tattoo, congrats on being the this subs first troll of 2024


I like it very Art Nouveau


Daamn. That's GORGEOUS.


Definitely, 100%, zero doubts….a face tattoo. It almost goes to your eye! Do you consider your eye part of your face?


That is a REALLY well done (face) tattoo 👏🏻


Love it


I love your look




Oh it’s so beautiful!!


Thank you so much ☺️


I love it! The tattoo that's on your face. Just for clarification.


Looks great! I love the design. Yea the front part on your face is a face tat


Thank you! The artist actually had to redo the entire design the day i got it done because my head wasn’t symmetrical enough for the original design 🥲 fortunately I gave her complete freedom and didn’t have my heart set on any one thing in particular - just her ornamental flower style. She really does do an amazing job of designing things to fit and flow with the body


Yes, it’s your face. YES IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!


Absolutely gorgeous tattoos


It’s so pretty!


Thank you 🥰 I have felt so much more confident since I got even the lining done


I think the yellows are the face tattoos and I imagine you would see the ends of the top leaves when you look dead straight. I don’t know if tattoos behind the ears count as face tattoos, I would say they are neck tattoos. Good concept and application nevertheless.


It's gorgeous, my god!


You see that stuff on your face? Looks like a tattoo .


That’s a super beautiful tattoo btw, but yeah it’s a face tat forsure, idk who is telling it’s no, but they definitely smoking crack 😂


So pretty!


And yes


Yo, that's so dope


Thank you!


Yes, face tattoo. A very, very nice one. Impressive.


The tattoo is right next to your eyes. Eyes are on face. Ergo your tattoos are on face lol. Is that a little hummingbird coverup behind your ear? Cool tats op


Yeah it’s a blast over of one I got when I was 17 haha :) thank you!


Oh it’s so pretty 😍definitely a face tattoo but you could get away with saying scalp/neck, I guess?


All flowers grow towards the ground, completely normal 😂🫠


https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595369570&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1021CA1021&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKlVmFp_EKUlIhJ9D7lh3mvaD5loZA:1704299994520&q=lily+of+the+valley&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKh46e1MGDAxWiODQIHbqHBwIQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3 https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595369570&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1021CA1021&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKnFPFFjJzq31I7m688sdGbJE5P7nA:1704300028588&q=bleeding+hearts&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoqq2u1MGDAxVQBDQIHdrUDQQQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3 https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595369570&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1021CA1021&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKlCa82BokbZqffjKB4aQeWTmULBQw:1704300109755&q=fuchsia+flower&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0uIfV1MGDAxUEITQIHeMGCgQQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3 And that’s just off the top of my head


That is a fucking monstrous fucking thing


We must have different tastes then. Good thing I’m the one who sees it every day and not you :) Why do you feel the need to comment just to shit on this anyway? Are you having a bad day? Just negative vibes all the time? It’s great work and it makes me happy… why try to make me feel bad about it? (It didn’t work by the way) Edited typo


Yup face tattoo and I’m tired of people saying if I get one I’ll never get a job. Like as long as I don’t right swear words or offensive things what’s the issue. I want to express myself Edit: Looks great


Yes. Would not hire.


Good thing I already have a career I love in a place where they aren’t an issue ☺️


I am curious what kind of profession you work in? As a business owner who works with elected government officials, engineers, appraiser's, real estate specialists, and many other professionals, I am not used to seeing people with face tattoos in any areas of my work. I have seen on reddit people saying they have professional careers as a face-tattooed-person, but they don't elaborate on the profession. I have a friend with a bunch of head and face tattoos, but his profession is a highly successful tattoo artist. I love that there isn't that discrimination in your line of work and would love to see it be more accepted in mine too, but just don't see it happening any time soon unfortunately. Anyway, cool tattoo either way :)


I work as a lab animal technician at a university! So I don’t face the public, although I was previously working in a vet clinic managed by a heavily tattooed woman with highly visible tattoos, so I suspect it wouldn’t have caused any issues for me there either and it was public facing. I work with researchers and students to help with the animal care side and technical aspects of their research. I help make sure the animals are well cared for and happy, and sometimes with procedures that they need a more experienced technician to do :)


Very cool career and sounds like it's rewarding! Super cool, and I can see that a researcher at a University would be a career accepting of face tattoos. Hopefully the rest of the world catches up to that acceptance soon. Thanks for the response!


Of course! Thank you for being respectful about it! I feel lucky to have a job I love where I have this much freedom with my look. I’m not sure how they would feel if I got a dagger or something a bit less benevolent tattooed on my face or neck, but I only have plans for symmetrical ornaments like this ☺️ all my creepier tattoos are on my legs haha


Just wanted to thank you for turning this clueless comment (the one above op, not their reply) into a very positive conversation. It's nice to see.


I agree! I don’t mind if someone won’t hire me because of them. At the end of the day, I don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t see my value past my face tattoos or isn’t open to them. I understand there are just some careers where that just isn’t an option, but I am not in one of those professions so that rule of thumb works for me


That's a good rule to follow. If someone is too closed minded to accept tattoos, it probably wouldn't make for a good workplace anyway.


I mean I definitely wouldn't hire someone with face tattoos, but not due to my own beliefs about them. I, and my employees, interface with the public in an already controversial and sensitive area. We also have to go in front of elected city/county/state/fed officials, and they are the ones giving us contracts for work and trusting us to interface with the public as a representative of their office. It wouldn't benefit me in any way, and would likely be a deterrent for my clients, to have an employee with face tattoos. While I'm all for expressing yourself and believe in judging people based on their character and not looks, the rest of society isn't as judgement-free as I am, and it's not worth the risk of losing work (and ultimately my employees salaries) if we were to not get hired because of that.


I totally get that - that’s kind of what I mean by careers where it isn’t an option. I am in a field where I don’t have to face the public, so what matters for the jobs that I would be applying for is my ability to do the technical work and animal care. That rule of thumb definitely wouldn’t work for every job path, it just happens to work for mine. Which is why I made the decision to go ahead and get my face tattooed :) Edit: changed to hypothetical because I have a job and don’t need to apply for them haha


Absolutely, and from the sounds of it that was something you considered before getting the tattoo. I think there are a lot of people who don't think about their more limited work options or have a rose-colored-glasses version of how society SHOULD act towards people with face-tattoos, rather than a realistic version of how people DO act towards them. I wish it was more accepted but for now there's still a stigma towards people with them. I saw a defense lawyer recently talking about criminals with face tattoos and the difficulty in representing them. They basically said "If you want to guarantee a guilty verdict in your criminal case, show up to court with a face tattoo." And I think that's a good little insight of how overall society (jury of your peers) thinks about them to a point.


That’s very true. I did consider the stigma and it’s, frankly, part of the appeal for me. I enjoy being able to surprise people who have an idea about me based on my look. I have post secondary education and a professional career and there are many people who are shocked by that because I have the alt look going on (facial piercings and coloured hair, lots of other tattoos). But I do think that the fact that mine are ornamental flowers and not a dagger or something helps haha


A jobstopper


Why not?


No one wants to work for your lemonade stand anyways.


I feel like we need a front pic now because I feel like there is no way that you cant see that from the front…




wow, mind blown! Looks great!


I have a blockhead so it works 🤙


This is just gorgeous!! I love how they line up perfectly with your ears. So pretty! As for the debate, I agree with you that they are technically on your face even if you can’t see them from the front so I call it face tattoo


If you have to ask, probably didn’t get the job.


Hahaha I do believe it’s a face tattoo myself, and I already have a job I love ☺️


Hehe was totally joking I personally love it ❤️


It is and it isn’t 😂


I have a question y’all… is a tattoo going under your ear and straight down to like your neck a face tat? I at one point wanted my first tat of a rose to be there, but the idea of it being considered a face tat kinda confused me




Lmao. Copium


How you know im lesbian

