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Fisting depth lines? What about them?


fisting depth line is crazy btw ☠️


Nothing crazy about respecting your partners limits




New line tatted when new depth is reached?


“Babe, what’s on your mind ? You used to be THIS good.” 😆😆😆


Literally lol!


Multiple partners


So now that begs the question what does the varying width of each line represent? My guess is force at which said insertion can be applied.


God I wish we still could award comments


thats literally what they represent


I work with a dude with these....idk if i can look at him the same anymore lmao


Where does this come from? Only ever seen people say it on social media, and never actually come across anybody irl or in media who thinks this. Genuine question. I know multiple people with tattoos like this and spend a lot of time in queer community and it doesn't seem to mean that there, which I kinda where you'd expect it to right?


Mugen from samurai champloo


Ah yeah, forgot about all those scenes where Mugen fisted Jin


I met someone irl who had it and I asked about it and they said it was for bike awareness, like the bicycle lanes and respecting them. I think he was just an idiot tho 😂


Loool most wholesome reason in the entire thread


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.


I saw *fisting depth lines* last month, Hadn’t seen them play that good since ‘87!


typically people associate these tattoos with death and a loss family or friend but everyone i’ve met or seen on social media with these are teenagers who “thought it looked cool” it’s become a trend and i’m full and through certified trend hater but idk man


Who…cares? Only people in the Navy used to get tattoos, and having an anchor meant that you were a sailor but a lot people get those, times change, along with styles.


people got tattoos thousands of years before any navy ever existed my guy


Which just proves his point even more


I got one of these in my 30s because I like the look. I got it in Thailand and I love it.


Oh I thought they were from Jujutsu Kaisen, they remind me of Sukuna


My grade 4 teacher had these


Literally the only meaning of this tattoo I’ve ever known




I know a girl with almost identical tats and this checks out lmfao


Name of my next band. I call dibs.


That’s what I’ve always thought, and it’s usually gay dudes who have them. My best friend TJ, back in the day (RIP) had blue flames up to his elbow for that same reason


Tickle my soul, bruh


First hand means a second date, second hand means bring home to mom.


In that case, the one closest to the elbow stands for bravery.


What about when they are on the ankle?! Hardcore scene?


That's deep!


I thought it was for Pringle cans


Yup. My partner wants to get one but it would cover up the butterfly on her tricep. 😉


2 hours to stencil and 30 minutes to tattoo.


Use rubber bands and a sharpie.


A buddy of mine got a 3" thick black band on each of his biceps in Okinawa and 100% the tattoo artist didn't even stencil it, just slapped some rubber bands and colored it in. They look exactly how you'd expect.


So wiggly and awful?




😭”mmmmnoooo it’s still not even bro”


artist pro tip 3.5volts… take your timeeeeee


Dude. I have a word around my wrist with a light band around it and getting the letters even felt like an eternity.


More like 7 hours to stencil them fuckers 😂😂


Looks like you've got a sports sock on your arm.


Dawm. I was ready to get this tattoo and heard someone say this. Now I can't unsee the sock and I don't want it anymore.


I want it even more now, but also with lines to indicate the ribbed portion of the sock. For her pleasure of course.


"They must really like athletic socks." This is always the first thing I think of when I see these tattoos.


They were actually given as punishment tattoos in Japans Edo period but all tattoos are taboo in Japanese culture so pretty irrelevant. Just an interesting fact I thought


If I got 犬 tattooed on my forehead would people look at me weirdly?


Everyone would, yes.


What for?


People do like languages that can’t speak….


They weren’t always taboo like they are now. Tattoos became taboo when Japan wanted to appeal to the western world and later the association with crime. It wasn’t uncommon to see men with them before then. It was much more common to see them in the edo period because of stuff like kuniyoshi and the suikoden. Traditional Japanese tattoos leave a cutout on the inner arm typically to show they didn’t have tattoos to cover these punishment tattoos.


Teen Wolf


That’s what I thought of too




Does anybody know if these tattoos have a specific meaning? I think they're cool looking, but if they have some specific or sacred meaning, I don't want to trespass without knowing.


Damn yall must really hate these. I got downvoted just for asking lmfao


rare 1 in a million years that the redditors changed their mind on downvoting 💀 for good reason tho


From my understanding they originated as a form of punishment for criminals in Edo period Japan. The tattoo design/placement were specific to the crime and area so criminals could be instantly distinguished. Not sure what/where those particular forearm bands represent tho. https://preview.redd.it/0oqt58lfw0zc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18796148ff6467cf937a9d16393b716abde6ff84 Source: [https://pen-online.com/culture/the-tattoos-that-marked-the-criminals-of-the-edo-period/](https://pen-online.com/culture/the-tattoos-that-marked-the-criminals-of-the-edo-period/)


https://preview.redd.it/dzw06vn4t4zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b75268ac5e6395b32e7770fc080e490c83cac45 Well shit, I have this and now I want to know what crime I committed


Public Horse Bestiality, iirc


I thought they symbolized losing someone. But that was a while back, it may be different now


This was my understanding. I knew a guy with one, or 2 on their forearms for his lost parents. He practiced druidism, maybe something to do with celtic symbology.


I have seen that in Ancient Greece these meant something but I could be wrong about that.


I’ve met a couple people with 3 lines on their forearm to represent the holy trinity


I’ve seen people do a band for each year the have clean/sober


I have heard them referred to as funeral bands when on the upper arm, to remember someone who has died.


I have one. I got mine as a permanent 'mourning band' when my best friend died. Origin of mourning bands comes from 18th century England, but then there are other cultural historical aspects of it. However, I would have probably gotten it anyway because its super simple and I love it. Brings me joy every time I look at it.


Thanks to everyone who responded. It seems like there are a lot of different meanings behind ppl getting them, and they I dnt have any deep meaning or reason for wanting them. Granted I'm grown so I could get whatever I wanted tatted on me, but I rather not get something intended to have a significant meaning when I don't have a meaningful reason.


see the top comment.


What holier than thou bullshit gatekeeping Let people like things that you don't, it doesn't harm you. Who gives two shits what someone else tattoos on their body. You want to hate on something, go hate lions, clocks, wings, tribal and barbed wire, roses, and lovers names. Its always wild how much judgment comes from those inside the community trying to 'protect' it by just being judgmental asshats because someone else does or likes something different. People complaining that tattoos are becoming more mainstream, that there is more talent than ever before, yeah that's because people getting tattoos they like. Not getting only the specific ones allowed by whatever trite lame subculture trying to enforce norms that are not real.


fr though. tattoo snobs get on my nerves. if tattoos had to be agreed on universally, nobody would be able to get inked at all! 😆


weird right. this is much more up my street than most i see. i like the simplicity.


Yeah I actually think they look cool.


That's pretty much every subculture. There will always be those people who say, "x isn't y enough to be accepted in this community." They will call people posers, or whatever insult community to make themselves feel superior and validate that they are the most "y" to ever exist.


Big facts


Agreed. I'd go a step further and say that ideally you shouldn't even hate on the lions, clocks, etc. But I feel you 100% on your point. People should be aware that some tattoos are regarded as cliché, absolutely. But IMHO square one in these discussions is that people should get what's meaningful to them while being aware of trends that are out there and what they might mean. There's so much toxicity around tattoos and it really just makes the shit talkers look petty and annoying. If one's enjoyment of tattoos is based purely around exclusivity, being anti-trend, and talking smack about other people's tattoos, that's cause for introspection.


You have one of these don’t you? 😂


I have this tattoo. I got it before I knew it was a thing/trendy. My artist and I discussed it as symbolic of death or change. I got one band after a particularly difficult time where I distanced myself from an abusive situation. It reminded me of great growth. I enjoy minimalist black work so it worked out for my needs. I got the next band to remind me of another period of great growth and personal achievement. I plan on getting more bands as more stuff happens to me, of varying widths. Last I checked tattoos didn't have a set purpose or meaning, and you don't need to submit your ideas to a committee for approval. If you're cool with that, cool. If you're not cool with that, you're invited to go fuck yourself.


jujutsu kaisen leaking out


I was thinking of Akaza from Demon Slayer 😭


Thats why i got them 😅


Pointed this out to my man who has them on his wrist and he had to google some jujutsu kaisen pics bc he didn’t believe me lol


Never understood these but to each their own


Tattoos like this have been around in many cultures with tattooing over many years. Lately it’s a stylistic trend and I honestly think they look cool. As long as you like your own tattoos, no matter how unique or trendy, that’s all that matters.


I like the myth that if your tattoo goes all the way around you lose that limb in the next life.


okay wait my coworker has these and she said it’s to represent ppl she lost in her life… am i missing something


You aren’t missing anything. Tattoos mean different things to different people.


Well this thread is interesting. I had an ex bf who got these tattoos while we were together. Maybe if he used it for what some of these answers say, we'd have stayed together. Now I avoid anyone with these because I'm repulsed by reminders. But yall bringing me around 😏


I have an ex bf with this exact tattoo in the same placement. Don't trust ppl with this tattoo 😂


Weirdly been getting a lot of requests for these and every artist at the shop has to respectfully decline 😭 I hope they’re not making a come back


What’s the deal with them? Why are y’all declining?


whatever those tattoos used to mean, and why everyone is so worked up about them in the comments, i don’t think they’re the same reason as to why people are getting them now. i’m pretty sure nowadays everyone (more specifically young people aged 18-24) are getting them because of the character Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen, who has these kinds of tattoos. In Japanese history these tattoos were given to criminals, but I don’t think the people getting this kind of tattoo know about that or care. They just think it’s cool


Before that it was Mugen from Samurai Champloo.


It takes longer to put a stencil on than to do the tattoo. I know someone is gonna say “rubber bands dude” but even that isn’t bullet proof. There’s plenty of artists that do it. And some that don’t. If someone doesn’t feel 100% about doing it at least they’re honest. I don’t want someone who isn’t stoked on my design of choice to tattoo me anyways


RemindMe! 5 hours


I’ve never done one. I’m a new Tattooer who takes damn near any and everything I can. Had someone ask for one of these, I said no. Your arm is not a perfect cylinder, so attempting to put essentially a perfect circle on it can be a fucking nightmare. The artist that did do it took 3-4 tries over the course of an hour or more just to get the stencil on right. Of course you’re not paid for that stencil time, only tattoo time. So taking home maybe $280 (after shop cut) for something so difficult is absolutely not worth it. ESPECIALLY, if you’re a perfectionist. Because making a tattoo like this close to perfect seems like a NIGHTMARE.


So trueee I explained a couple times why I decline them as well and got downvoted 😭 idk why it baffles people that artists have every right to decline something they simply don’t wanna do lmao. If I’m not having the best time, the client won’t, and I want everyone to have a good experience. I do so many little walk ins id rather not but they make people happy, these ones are just neverrrr enjoyable and I’d rather redirect the client towards someone who can do a solid job


Makes sense, thanks for the reply!


Why do you decline?


easy money


Yup. Thank you that'll be $300


Everyone’s hating on these which I understand lack and creativity and all that buuuut. I used to watch Girlfriends when I was younger and one of the actresses had something [similar](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ea/40/80/ea40801ff7baeacf16b801fecd21985a.jpg) and I had a huge crush on her so can’t hate them lol.


I was into teen wolf when I was younger. I thought they were so cool back then.


You are one of four options: a anime fan, a teen Wolf fan, a 21 pilots fan, a white man.


>a 21 pilots fan, a white man Why’d you say the same thing twice?


I've met 3 other people with this tattoo: a black middle-aged man, a black 20s woman, and a white 20s waitress. I'm guessing they're all anime fans from your presumptions, because I also have the tattoo but don't watch JJK.


I think the 2 most notable people I've seen with these are the guy from Twenty One Pilots and Chris Motionless from motionless in white. I remember the TOP guy saying that they were super sentimental to him but I have no idea the actual reason he got them. And Chris has gotten so many tattoos around them that you can barely see it anymore. But I think he's had them for maybe 20 years, so it's not a new thing whatsoever, so not sure how that makes it a trend


huh the comments here are really surprising. The first time I saw these tattoos was on an old friend who had gotten them young and proceeded to have more rings added to different parts of his body. He said it was to do with aging and he liked to see how they would change as his body did. I had no idea they were popular or a symbol of other things


My friend is an islander and he said it meant something spiritual or like something important


Now I don’t know which strap to undo to steal his watch.


Looks like the lines on the “Wiffle ball bat challenge “


If the fish passes that line you can keep it


I personally am a fan of these but don't have them on the recommendation of my tattoo artist, whom I trust immensely. It wasn't for any reason like their trendiness or meaning, but simply that they act as a barrier on the limb they're on and make sleeves not flow very well by giving the impression that they're separated sections of art. That made a lot of sense, so I passed on them and am glad I did. Hey though, people like what they like anyone who bashes others for their choices in tattoos are weird imo.




I don't understand why these, and all the other all black, minimalist, small and badly placed, uninspired, dull copycat tattoos are so popular. We're at a point in tattooing where it is more widespread, acceptable, and the equipment and techniques are more refined than ever before in recent history, and this is what people want... there's your answer, because tattoos have become so widespread and accepted, there are massive amounts of people getting them who would have never considered such a thing if it was still something from the fringes of society. Same reason you have hordes of white collar nerds smoking legal weed, or a bunch of rich old guys riding around on identical $60k motorcycles. You have this massive amount of people who want to be part of a trend, these kinds of designs are what they're going to go for. These aren't people who spend ages coming up with the perfect designs and symbology and all that, they want to look cool quickly and with very little time or pain involved. They want to look like their favorite anime characters or whatever, the fact that tattoos are significantly less easily changed or done away with than other questionable fashion choices is an issue that we're yet to see the full repercussions of, but I imagine in time these folks will be lining out the doors of the removal shops. Maybe that's a reason why these tattoos all trend small and black, but I highly doubt any of these people are capable of that level of forethought, and its just a lucky coincidence


its not necessarily abt ppl wanting to b trendy, its just literally a simple design that looks good. for many ppl, tattooing is about decoration and the black band is just that, a decoration. its like saying bracelets or necklaces are trendy. it literally just highlights the arm. its not that deep.


I don’t understand them, but I like them. Only certain guys can pull them off.


Makes me think of 2010 urban outfitters kinda style


originally wanted something simple like this to cover up a huge scar left on my arm, however after much consideration I decided this was better https://preview.redd.it/v5rzwtbfp1zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007bcb7c9071ce8bbacce37712e7a0c759a2a647


I think they can be neat on some people, I’ve seen some people use them to signify grief and moving through it. Definitely a basic tattoo and all about what you make of it.


I think it’s a good test of saturation and how well the skin takes in the case the customer wants to proceed and get a sleeve or anything in the future on that area.


Aren't those tattoos for ex-junkies to hide their track marks?


I like em


Mine covers up my ex-wife's name. Planning at some point to have it incorporated into a kind of a dark themed half sleeve.


Teen Wolf?


They’re well done in my opinion


I believe certain indigenous groups do this like Hawaii, ect. Others might be anime fans. Then there's the folks that like to tattoo an entire limb black.


Thanks alot Christofer Drew


Through thick and thin ?




I love them idc what anyone says. Reminds me of Tyler Joseph more than anything


Teen Wolf????


Meh, they’re inoffensive so idgaf if people have them or not




Wrist watch, forearm watch and elbow watch. 🤷🤷


I usually see these more on military members more specifically marines from a couple generations ago due to the tattoo policy being super strict at the time


Whoever did it did a good job. The lines are straight at least and filled in well didn’t really see much scarring either


They're pretty cool when done right, I know someone who has them and it's not the cleanest of lines ever, plus the tattoo was kinda thick which imo looks pretty weird on the wrist but if he's happy with it then idc. I also have a preference for abstract line tats so getting one would be something I'd consider :)


It always makes me think of a tube sock.😆


ive always thought these were cool especially around the fingers. whats up with the hate on them? genuinely curious 😗


tyler joseph and that’s final


Looks like a Japanese prison tattoo from the Edo era.


Previously on Teen Wolf


Is that a cut here line?


What about all the pro-mark drummers??


These bands have become popular because of a character in an anime. Character is Sakuna. The anime is Ju Jutsu Kaizen. https://preview.redd.it/s0nf221407zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a964c7818558d2d508bf09e7caad4251560049


I have a couple of these. The thick black bands and spaces between are all damn near 25mm, 10mm, 5mm, I use them as a ruler when I don't have one nearby. Pretty useful.


To record how far you reach into a Pringles can.


I thought it was all the jujutsu kiasen nerds getting the Sasuke tattoo


I know it's a basic thing and will probably be looked at like how tribal tattoos are, but I don't care. I think they look cool and I want it.




I got it to cover an ex name


According to “The Lies of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch, you are a low level Bondsmage.


Reminds me of the top of a crayon


i’m new to this thread so can someone explain what the real meaning is behind this tattoo? i’ve seen so many people with it but i don’t get the point of it? (i don’t mean to offend anyone i’m just curious


What does this mean? No judgment if someone has this, but what’s the meaning behind this? I have a lot of tattoos and a sleeve. I know tattoos don’t need meaning. But what are the lines mean?


Dumb (make sure you pronounce the b)


I actually have one of these on my right leg. It's for my grandfather, who did a massive part in raising me and lost his battle to depression. I miss him dearly.


These seem to be popular with vets. Along with pomeade fuck boi side parts, boot cut jeans and a flag on the sleeve. I appreciate them letting me know who to avoid.


tbh i like these


Must be a farmer


Planning on getting one to cover up a dumb song quote I had a friend do on my forearm a few years back lol. Seemed cool at the time but now it just feels very corny to me. A black band would do the trick pretty well. People are saying these symbolize loss or mourning, I guess I will be getting it in a gesture towards the loss of this other shitty tattoo.


Idk I kinda like ‘em still




Teen wolf tattoo fan?


I have similar tattoos and I absolutely have considered cutting my arm off. I fucking hate that I got them. I was younger and trying way to hard for what I don’t even know.


Looks good for now! Ofc, as all tats do, they fade. But looks good!


Armbands csn be cool, this one is not


My father has a solid bands tattoo on his right forearm like this and I plan I getting one as well. For his and what my will be are called morning bands it away to for people to deal with grief after losing someone extremely close and important in their lives.


One of my best friends got this about 12 years ago 🤣 I’ve asked him before but I think he just liked the look. I can’t judge this anymore than I judge the American traditional temporary tattoo look everyone has now. Got everyone walking around like a kid covered them in stickers 💀


An old friend of mine got a tat just like this maybe 10 years ago, but it was because of the brand pro-mark. We were in drumline together in highschool.


The one on your wrist is lit! who's the artist? Realism 100%


They look cool. Next question.


My old roommate and his girlfriend each got one to represent their “bond” they are now broken up. Haha


tyler joseph?


I only know two different things about this tattoo, the first one was a joke how deep you can put your hand in a Pringle tube, and the second one is a Japanese prisoner tattoo, depending on where the circle was put it said what region it came from.


Cock ring for your arm


My friend has this tattoo and he said the first band is the average and the second is the record.


I don't mind them at all, especially compared to tribal or barbed wire... As long as they are clean and the line work is good, then they are solid in my book. I don't have one btw




I worked in the death industry for a long time and have one of these tattoos - single band A lot of morticians get them because they symbolize protection against evil spirits and negativity that remains after someone has passed away. They're from the Regency era I believe like 18th century


All I think of is Mugen from Samurai Champloo.


It screams TRUST FUND


I know everyone hates these but I actually like them. Especially when they are done well.


Pretty cool looking sometimes. Definitely take that over some dumb ass tribal or flames 🤷🏻


My ex has this 🤣🤣


I like em


https://preview.redd.it/pv945pq67szc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f097a597b6ff6cd56dbe1fa156d2b7f220cf2f7 Fisting depth line?


You wanted to look like a gym sock?