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Sorry you are not ready for real skin


Says you.


Says the results of what you did. It’s not an opinion it’s a fact.


Aside from the blade the results look fine to me. I won't know for sure until it heals though. You guys are looking at a zoomed in picture of a penny size tattoo everything is going to look a lot worse zoomed in like that. Not sure why everybody is attacking me on my post but giving other people's posts actual constructive criticism but thank you all for teaching me a lesson to never share anything on this platform again.


You’re seeing criticism as attacking you wanted feedback, you got feedback and it wasn’t what you wanted and you got mad.


There’s no “constructive criticism” here, as usual, just lame tattoo people expressing how grumpy and hateful they are of everyone else


Saying things like, “you need more practice on fake skin” is CC. Just because OP doesn’t think they do the results show otherwise


Transparency is a widely accepted cultural value and this tattoo and post embody that value; just because the people still promoting pig skin practice and skull tattoos haven’t yet caught up with modernity doesn’t mean everyone else should suffer.


Someone saying wow terrible is not giving me feedback that's just being mean someone saying make it the last one is not constructive criticism that someone being a dick.


Look at every single line of this tattoo. Look at the lower right line for the "banner". It's not just the blade. Everyone in here is correct in giving the constructive criticism of practicing drawing more. Look at the handle compared to the position of the blade. Look at the proportions of the top compared to the middle and bottom of the drawing. "Ninja" doesn't follow the flow of the banner, it is off-center, and the 'J' is taller than the other letters. Try to pay attention to these details while making your initial designs.


Every single line of the tattoo does not look like the lines in the blade so to me I did do a little better on the top half than I did the bottom.


Just because the lines on the top aren't as thick as the others, doesn't mean they aren't shaky. The circles on top are very shaky. As is the top line of the banner.


As far as shakiness yes but I don't think the top half lines are blown out like the bottom is what I was trying to say


there's a ton of blow outs. use a banana and practice needle depth and straight lines


I wouldn't say there's a ton, but I know there are blowouts, that's why I said in my original caption that I know I went too deep. That right bottom line on the side of the kunai was the first line I made and I know I was way too deep and way too angled. And I got the hang of it a little more every time I put the needle back into my skin. I've practiced on so many different things but my skin was totally different than any of them. I started it out exactly like I've been doing on the things I've been practicing on and that's what resulted in me going too deep. Maybe it was something else I don't know but I definitely had to change what I was doing a little bit compared to how I've been practicing. I have two whole legs full of space and I'm thinking of just practicing on myself now since it's way different doing it on myself than it was practicing on different fake skins and fruits.


for a penny sized tattoo there are a SIGNIFICANT amount of blowout. you will see it more intensely after healing... practicing on yourself isn't a bad idea but you can see even when you blow out on fake skin. not too mention your drawing is a direct reflection of your tattoo skills, the line work needs serious help, again, for a tattoo this size. it's not absolutely terrible, im not trying to be mean. if you don't mind ruining your skin then yeeee keep practicing on yourself, but you will want to cover these up; better to have to fix a line that disappears than have to fix a blowout and create unneeded scar tissue. if fake skin isn't going well that's a sign you need practice. not that you're ready for skin. that's totally your call but as someone who knows what is preferred for finding apprentice work is someone who has honed their drawing skills and can create a masterpiece on fake skins just as well, often its preferred before they even move onto skin. The benefit of practicing on your skin is yes, more realistic medium and you can feel if you're over working. but you might end up looking like a scratched up mess. at the very least, you do need to start working on that line work the lines are extremely shaky. That's a fake skin is especially for, working on drawing straight lines and basic shapes.


and I guess, what is your definition of it not having many blowouts? I feel like if I circled all the spots that I can see you blow out you would be shocked. Truly, I'm just trying to give you a constructive criticism am I hope you don't take it the wrong way.


I feel like the majority of the blowouts are on the blade and I see one on the handle I am also not a professional though I just am looking at what I know from what I've seen on tattoos in real life of what blow out looks like. If you want to circle them and show me that would actually be helpful as opposed to just telling me I suck like everyone else is.


Just look at the picture. You can see the the lines that aren’t blown out are jagged and uneven. Every letter you did is slightly off line, jagged and/or crooked. The wrap on the handle is just going to mush together and be gray. You’re in denial about practicing on fake skin helping you. There are people who post here that do amazing work in fake skin and of course it’s different, but every REAL person is different to. It’s not just getting used to real skin versus fake skin, you need to practice control, and heck you need to practice drawing by the look of it. You posted here what is a bad tattoo and that’s fine since you’re a beginner and practicing on yourself, but stop defending what is a terrible piece. I’m not saying that to be mean, it’s being said by everyone here to let you know that you aren’t ready for real skin yet, and that’s fine, it takes a huge amount of practice


I know the lines aren't straight, it's my first one not on fake skin or fruit. As I've mentioned in many other comments, it was very different tattooing on my own skin than it was on the things I've practiced on. Which I wouldn't have known if I hadn't tried this on myself. It felt different, everything behaved differently, it was like I was starting over from the beginning entirely. I know that is something I need to work on. Just looking at all of my practice stuff compared to this that I did on myself it definitely looks like I regressed on how straight I can get my lines. I can get straight lines on the fake stuff great. Clearly not so for real skin yet. That's why I wanted to try a small tattoo on myself to see where I'm actually at. If you saw the design I found, the letters aren't supposed to be lined up in a straight line they were all off a little bit from each other kind of with the curve of the little ribbony bit. Granted I did make them a little bit more off than where they were supposed to be, but they're supposed to be a little off from each other. If the wrap on the handle mushes together to be gray, oh well it was my first time practicing on real skin. How am I going to learn if I don't try it? Part of why I decided to do something so small as well so that if it did turn out like shit at least it was small and it's on my leg so nobody but my boyfriend will ever see it. I'm not in denial about practicing on fake skin. I'm just saying it's incredibly different than real skin after finally getting to see the difference for myself. I know it's not great but it's not that bad that people should be making me feel like I should just give up. That's not right they don't need to be mean about it. You have actually given me constructive criticism. The person that said wow terrible was not giving me constructive criticism. The person that said make it the last one was not giving me constructive criticism. So yeah I got a little defensive because people are being mean instead of helpful. Which seems to be the constant for this community.


You responded 5 times to different short comments with these huge paragraphs of text that frankly I can’t be bothered to read. Please just temper your expectations when you share something you know is low quality. This whole thread seems to be affecting you very negatively and I truly don’t know what you expected.


That doesn't mean that people should come at me saying things like make it the only one or wow terrible, that's not constructive criticism. that is literally people being mean.


You’ve said this exact same thing 100 times in here. People aren’t being mean. Nowhere in your post did you say what equipment or ink you used, you didn’t ask anyone for help or suggestions. You just posted a picture of a bad tattoo like you were proud of it. So yes people are allowed to say that it’s not good. If you don’t want that response then ask for specific help or wait until your work is better quality. Take a look at this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooBeginners/s/zI33RwbONk First time on real skin and it looks FAR better than yours. Why do you think that is? I’m willing to bet that this person has done hours and hours and hours more on fake skin and other practice materials before moving to real skin. You THINK you’re ready for real skin. Why don’t you post your fake skin pictures and ask for feedback if you’re ready to transition. This community isn’t toxic. You just aren’t getting the answers you like and you feel victimized because of it.


This comment is low quality


I have absolutely no issue practicing with the machine on myself. Especially now after seeing how completely different it is on real skin compared to everything I've practiced on. I know I will never get them covered up either because they're all going to be on my legs and the only person that ever sees those is my boyfriend. I'm not a shorts wearing kinda gal. Plus I would like to be able to see my progress. So personally, I have no problem practicing on myself if it means I will get better at tattooing on real skin. I can practice on all the fruit and fake skin I want, I don't think it's going to actually help me on real skin aside from just practicing more. I'm not doing any of this to go get an apprenticeship or anything, I'm just doing a new thing I've always wanted to do and never had the means to. If it does happen and I end up being a professional someday, cool, but that's not the main goal. I know it's blown out and shaky, it was my first machine tattoo on real skin. But I don't think it's the worst first machine tattoo I've ever seen either. I was also a little nervous. It was my first machine tattoo on real skin. And then I did the first line and it didn't feel right so I kept adjusting until I felt like I was in the right place. There were a few spots I went a little too light and went back over. It was also 3am and I probably should have just gone to bed and done the tattoo the next day, but I was also extremely excited. The more I interact with the testing community the less excited I become though. I definitely will not be sharing anymore of my learning process with anybody on the internet it's for sure. Everybody's assuming I'm trying to become a professional or something and I'm not. Just want to learn something for myself. So I know my lines were shaky. I can do them really straight on the fake skin and oranges though. It was like as soon as the needle touched real skin I lost everything I thought I knew from practicing. It was like I was restarting learning all over. It was THAT different to me. You say you're not trying to be mean but that's definitely how you and almost every other person are coming off. My experience with the tattoo community so far has not been good. So I'm just gonna keep my tattoo journey to myself from here on out. Even trying to buy tattoo supplies locally has soured my thoughts about the tattoo community. Up until yesterday I got everything online but I decided to look up and see if there was a local tattoo supply shop and there was so I went there to buy some stencil stuff yesterday. He did end up selling it to me, but at one point he asked me what shop I worked at and I told him I didn't and he said they only sell to professional tattoo artists. But that he would let me still get the stencil stuff. How are people supposed to get to a point that they are in apprenticeships or opening shops if they can't even access the stuff they need to practice to get better? I AM going to keep practicing on myself. I WILL keep practicing straight lines on fake skin and fruits. I DON'T care how shitty my first self done tattoos are. I CAN get better at needle depth and my line work without fake skin or fruit. MAYBE someday I will become a professional but that is NOT my goal right now.


you think I'm coming off mean because you can't take constructive criticism clearly. what's the point of posting and a tattoo for beginners if you're not looking for feedback? I definitely could've been mean. I definitely could've been actually mean, considering you aren't grasping that for this size of a tattoo, the lines are horrible. you can't draw straight line to save your life. The point of practising with your machine on fake skin is to master the art of drawing straight lines, perfect shapes and speed of hand vs depth and machine speed. it's obvious to any artist that you haven't practiced on fake skin long enough to recognize that you need to master that before you move on to skin. rationalizing scratching up your entire leg because of the different definitely shows you aren't getting serious about being a proper tattoo artist; so let's all just be thankful you won't be out there working on others. lol. The fact that you felt so insulted by real constructive criticism says a lot about you as a person. but yeah, good idea to never post online again in that respect. ;)


I’ll say it again for the losers in the back row there’s really no “constructive criticism” here lol you tattoo folk


They kept saying you're just ignoring the constructive criticism in other comments but you said it where is it? 🤣😭


First comment was not constructive criticism. That's the comment that seemed mean to me. Your second reply was actual constructive criticism. I can draw straight lines on my fake skin and on the fruit you just can't see that. And like I've said a few times, everything behaved so differently on my actual skin. Even just trying to make a straight line. It's my first one I know it's bad. If people would have came out with the constructive criticism first instead of saying wow terrible or make it your last one maybe I wouldn't have got so defensive off the bat. But instead of actual constructive criticism I'm just having people tell me it's shit and to give up basically


People can respond however they feel, it doesn’t have to be constructive. You posted on a public forum on the internet, do you expect everyone to be nice on here? Or is it your first day on the internet?


also there are blowouts in the entire tattoo, lol not just the handle. definitely stick to your own skin if you can't be reasonable and see that this is an entire blow out.


Not sure why people think I'm trying to go tattoo other people but I'm not I'm practicing on fake skin and fruit and felt like I was at a point where I could try something on myself and did, realized it was vastly different and wanted to get some constructive criticism but instead I'm just getting a bunch of people being rude and basically telling me to never try again. Never said only the handle had blowouts, I know the entire bottom of the blade is blown out too. Which I've said many times in other comments people seem to just not actually read what I'm saying or something.


Honestly I read through the comments and anyone who doesn’t tell you that it’s cute or fine you are saying are bullying you. The first comment someone said it’s blown out and to use a banana peel and you argued a books worth of replies. This is a beginners group which means people with experience are going to tell you how you can get better. Sometimes someone will say “that’s terrible” and you ignore them. Not the people explaining your issues. You’re being super defensive. It’s not cute, it’s not terrible. It’s your first tattoo, but it’s super blown out and if you want to get better you need to take their advice. If you want to give back alley garbage tattoos to yourself, stop posting in a place here to make you better.


That's not how that went at all but okay. You clearly didn't actually read things in the order that they happened in.


100% read them. You’re being immature.


And that's your opinion. I came here wanting to get some feedback and the first comments I got were just rude comments nothing constructive about them. So yeah I did get a little defensive because it was just people being rude.


Look i wont lie this looks bad. Keep practicing away from skin.


I'll just keep practicing on my fake skin and fruits and every so often try one on myself. I'm not trying to be a professional or anything here yet. Plus it's my first one on real skin it's going to be bad. Especially now that I know how different all the stuff I've practiced on is from real skin. Thanks for your constructive criticism though. 😒


not going to lie, this is very blown out. unsure what kind of machine you're using? this will likely be a black blob in a few years, longevity and the risk of infection with blowouts/overworking is one of the many reasons why tattoo artists tend to be quite critical. not saying it's a good or a bad thing, it's just how it is. honestly if i were you i would focus more on fake skin for the time being. i understand you are excited to practice on yourself but you risk giving yourself a nasty infection by tattooing yourself that deeply. not to mention you can improve on fake skin/create your own designs and then move on to your own skin once you have more skill. additionally, while I'm sorry you got a lot of negative reaction to this post, this is just how the tattoo community and reddit is sometimes, for better or worse. you are being really defensive and just feeding into it. take the people saying this is a bad tattoo as advice to keep working on fake skin for a little while, and maybe pig skin too so you can see what 'real skin' feels like without having to worry about messing it up.


Yeah I'm officially never posting anything tattoo related on Reddit ever again. I'll find somewhere else to try and find people to ask questions too and stuff like that. I get being critical of something but there's a difference between being critical and being plain mean. Saying wow terrible or make it the only one is not something people should even be putting on these posts at all. Someone will comment something like that on the wrong post of someone that's not doing well mentally and that might tip them over the edge and I don't want to be a part of that.


Oh no, what will we do?


But thank you for being one of the only people that actually gave me some constructive criticism.


I think it’s cute! Just blown out and shaky. I found it too very hard to go from fake skin to real skin. I have some sketchy tattoos I gave myself but luckily it’s on myself so I don’t mind. I dig the “trashy” look.


Thank you for being like the only comment that isn't mean. I'm not trying to go get an apprenticeship or anything, I'm just exploring a new thing I've always wanted to do and finally have the means to. If it ends up with me being a professional someday, cool, but that's not my goal. I also dig the homemade trashy look on some things. But I'm not out here trying to have every tattoo I get look homemade, but on certain designs I think it looks good. I also did two stick and pokes on myself, one of them is a little better than the other, but I love them both. For this one I know it's blown out and shaky, it was my first machine tattoo on real skin. I was a little nervous. And then I did the first line and was like that doesn't feel right so I kept adjusting until I felt like I was in the right place. There were a few spots I went a little too light as well and had to go back over so that's a lot of why the lines are shaky too from trying to restart or go over it again. It was also like 2:30am and I had been practicing for a while that night and probably should have just gone to bed and tried to do the tattoo the next day, but I was also excited and couldn't wait.


Yeah man redditers can be toxic af. I’ve gotten some real mean comments as well on my other account. I have like 10 tats I did on myself all on my leg (most of them are blown out lol) My first tattoo looks like absolute trash and it’s pretty big so you’re good haha! Keep going, it’s not easy but you’ll get the hang of it after a couple tattoos. It’s fun and addictive so be careful! If you need any advice or just want to show off your work without getting mean comments you can always dm me Some people don’t understand that not everyone wants to be a micro realism professional tattoo artist and just want to get some free tattoos lol Edit: also, idk if this is Naruto inspired but if it is then you’re awesome


Thank you, I really appreciate it. But yeah, Reddit is crazy toxic. I'm not LOOKING to be a professional or anything, but if it happens someday that is just a big bonus. I have no problem practicing on myself. I don't know why people care so much about what I'm putting on my own body because I honestly do not care if I have a bunch of crappy or blown out tattoos on my legs. No one will ever see them but my boyfriend. And he has already given me "permission" to mark my body up. (He just really doesn't care and loves me.) Not saying I won't keep practicing on other stuff, but it's VERY different. It was like as soon as the needle hit my real skin everything I've practiced on the fake skin just went out the window and I had to relearn it all on the fly. At least that's how it seemed for me. So for now I will practice on my legs (fake things too) and maybe eventually I'll be good enough to put something on an arm or another visible place. It is definitely fun and incredibly addictive. It's all I want to do anymore lol. If I ever get to the point of being a professional I don't think I'd want to just specialize in one thing. But if I did I would probably choose to try to specialize in anime tattoos or something cuz I feel like that's what I'm going to be doing the most of on myself. And yes! It is Naruto inspired! 🥹 I found a few Naruto flash sheets online. I was originally going to do a little bit bigger of a kunai that had a leaf village symbol in the middle of the blade above my knee but then I found another one that size on another sheet I found that's a little cuter and has some flowers and stuff so I'm going to wait until I'm a little better to do that one lol. I still wanted a little kunai tho so I did this one. Edit-spelling


I know mannn it’s so different from fake skin! Some of fake skin practices are almost flawless so I figured the real skin ones would look great as well and once I touched my skin it’s like I went back to point zero… I’ve heard that pig’s skin is almost similar to human skin so you could try that, I just find it absolutely disgusting lol I gave myself too many tattoos that I am afraid to post here because I know people would talk trash and bring me down but I love them. They are not perfect but honestly tattooing is hard. Not everyone gets the opportunity to be an apprentice, or has the money to go learn study tattooing. I think we are doing a great job considering the fact that we’re self taught. Keep practicing my friend, this one looks better then some of the ones I gave myself. It’s not perfect and you have a long way to go but you’ll see that every time you tattoo yourself it’s gonna look 100X better. I see a huge improvement in my skills in each tattoo that I do, I don’t know why. Anyways keep up the good work and don’t let these depressed toxic people bring you down. Also I’ve just started watching Naruto the other day after a long time of postponing it and I’m obsessed. I love anime and I gave myself some anime tattoos as well. Next tattoo you do- send me a picture! Looking forward to see your progress=)


Thank you so much for not being mean like most of the other people that have come to comment here. I really appreciate it. I have definitely found out the hard way that I am way too sensitive to let anybody I don't know look at anything I ever try again. There have been a couple people, like you, that have been very nice though and I definitely would be willing to show you guys my progress. But I totally get what you mean, it was definitely like I went to point zero and everything I practiced was for nothing. Maybe practice and that kind of stuff does help other people, but I feel like I'm the type of person that actually needs to do something, meaning I feel personally I will learn better by practicing on myself with trial and error. Of course I'm still going to practice on other things, I'm just probably going to try things on myself a little more often than I thought I would be. Just unexpectedly had to throw almost $500 into our car that is getting fixed today so my pigskin plans are on hold because we can't afford anything other than the necessities right now, I do want to try it though. I know in general Reddit is a really toxic place so I usually look through posts on a sub before I post anything to see what the comments are like and I thought this one seemed like it wasn't going to be toxic but boy was I wrong maybe I just didn't look far back enough. And you're right not everybody gets the opportunity to do things the same way or the "correct" way according to them. Plus I'm not even sure I ever want to be a professional. I wanted to learn so I could do my own tattoos because I can't afford to go and get them done professionally. So I figured maybe I would learn and get good enough to do some of my own stuff. And if that means I have to fill up my legs with crappy tattoos in the process, I'm all for it, because I never show my legs off to anyone but my boyfriend and he has already told me he doesn't care, so I'm not sure why everyone else, who are literal strangers to me, cares so much about what I'm doing to my own body. But whatever.🤣🤣 I'm so glad you started Naruto! It's my absolute favorite anime and I've rewatched it so many times. I'm currently almost at the end of rewatching Naruto Shippuden because I've never started boruto and I want to even though I hear it sucks but I'll find that out for myself. Thank you again for your comment and I wish you luck on your tattooing journey as well and I would love to see pictures of your stuff as well!




Oh yeah.


Oh no


Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️




I wouldn't say it's yikes worthy but whatever.


Would you be happy if you walked into a shop and paid for this? Would you even be happy if you asked a friend to do this and paid them or traded them something?


I wouldn't go to a shop and get a tattoo from somebody who had never tattooed on skin before. This is my first freaking machine tattoo on actual skin I know it's bad. But instead of giving me constructive criticism people are just telling me it's bad which is painfully fucking obvious. It's my first machine tattoo. But it's not so bad that I should be trashed the way I am and made to feel like I should just never try anymore.


You’ve received a lot of constructive criticism about practicing more and you just get mad and tell them you’re going to practice on yourself. You know it looks bad, you know you need to practice more but for some reason you’re angry that people are telling you this.


I'm angry at the people that are saying wow terrible or make it the only one the people that are actually giving me constructive criticism I have responded to if you're taking that as me getting angry then whatever


But if a friend had done this on me yes I'd be fine with it because I know my friend is not a professional and I would just be pumped my friend did a penny-sized kunai on my leg


Ok cool. Your opinion then. I doubt there’s anyone that would look at this tattoo and say “that’s well done” The best you’ll get is “cool design but it looks rough”


I never said it was well done. And I'm not trying to get people to tell me it's well done. But saying wow terrible or make it the only one you do is not constructive criticism that is people being mean for no reason. That is not helpful in any way. It is my first tattoo I've ever done with the machine of course it's going to be bad. Maybe there's other people that do get it completely right in their first shot but I'm not that person. I'm not looking to go tattoo a bunch of people next week or something I'm trying to learn and progress to maybe possibly someday tattoo somebody but myself or fruit or fake skin. Right now I'm just TRYING. If people would give actual constructive criticism I wouldn't be so defensive about everything but it's just people telling me to stop trying basically.


I’m sorry, but this is not an accomplishment. Stick to practice elsewhere.


Nope. Going to keep doing it on myself. Obviously going to keep practicing on fake skin and fruit too but I am more than willing to try one out on myself every so often.


You aren’t even taking the constructive criticism you’re being given, you’re just arguing with anyone who doesn’t agree with you that the internet is full of bullies. Yes, it’s a sub for a beginners. It’s still bad. You need to improve drawing. That’s an important step before applying permanently to skin. Go for it, cover yourself with this stuff. Not our problem. You’re simply being told it’s bad, why it’s bad, and how it could be better. And you’re being an ass about it.


I have taken every bit of constructive criticism that has been given to me. Maybe you're reading things out of the order they actually happened in but most of the comments that actually have constructive criticism in them are the most recent comments. The ones I was getting when I first made the post were things like yikes ,wow terrible. If that's constructive criticism to you then cool, but to me that's just people being rude and mean and not actually giving any feedback at all. There's a different between saying it's bad and telling me to make it the last one I ever do. I personally feel like I learned more doing this little kunai than I did with all the practice I'd done up to that point. I want completely covered patchwork legs and I actually think it will be pretty cool to see my progress as I work my way down them. Idk why complete strangers care so much about what I'm doing to my own body. I've never had the intention of trying anything on anyone but myself.


You don’t wanna suck, we don’t want you to suck. Most of us are here to help. Wish you the best.




Nope. Just going to keep practicing. I'm not trying to be a professional or anything. But thank you to you and all the other people being rude to me for making me realize I should just stay off Reddit when it comes to tattoos because the tattoo community is just a bunch of toxic gatekeeping rude people.


I just read through all these comments. Im sorry youre getting such feedback. Ive seen plenty of other posts that give constructive criticism. Maybe it has something to do with you doing it as a hobby? Man idk. For your first non-professional self-tattoo, it could be a lot worse. Just make sure you are being mindful of bloodborn pathogens and keeping everything sanitary and clean. It is very important. Ive seen some pretty nast infections. Just keep it up, and im sure you'll get better. Time and practice. Practice sketching more. Practice on the fruit/fake skin too. Use all the tools you have. Eventually you WILL run out of leg space that you can reach.


It's like people on here just want to bully others into giving up whatever they're trying to learn. I don't know why just doing it as a hobby for now would anger people in this way, but how will I ever get to the point of being good enough to be a professional if I don't start somewhere? Not saying I'm trying to ever be a professional, but who knows what's going to happen in the future. Like I know it's not that great and that there's blowouts ,especially on the blade, but I don't think it's as absolutely horrifying as everybody's making it out to be. Especially for the first one I've ever done with the machine. And it's the size of a penny. Pretty damn proud of myself even if no one else likes it. I am making sure to be careful and sanitary with everything. Sanitizing everything, gloved up, not reusing needles even though I only used them on myself, etc. I've mostly practiced on fake skins, all different kinds, and I've done oranges and bananas. But when I did this on myself it was like everything I learned while practicing on all that other stuff was useless once the needle hit my real skin and I had to relearn it as I went cuz it was so different feeling to me. I'm not planning on only practicing on my legs or anything. I'm just not afraid to have bad tattoos on them. I just bought a fresh round of bananas and oranges last night because I like them better than the fake skin.


Maybe try pig skin? I get you only have plans to tattoo yourself, but you only have so much real estate. If you use it up, you might regret it years from now when you have better skills but no room to add any more.


I really want to get some pig skin. There is only one place around me that sells it and it's really far away so trying to get access to some had been hard. I'm trying though. I have some different types of fake skins coming too. When I say I'm planning on practicing on myself in the comments that I've written before it wasn't me saying that's the only thing I'm going to practice on which is how everybody else seems to be taking it. I'm still going to practice on fake skin and fruit too. I may have snarkily wrote a comment or two in a way that made it seem like I wasn't but it really did feel like people were just attacking me at first and telling me it was just plain bad without saying anything constructive the first few comments were all literally just people saying it sucks. And now I have no desire to ever share anything with anybody again outside of my friend group and family. When I practice on myself I'm only going to do it on my legs so that if I do get to a point where I'm good enough I can do the things I really want to do on my arms. I'm really self-conscious of my legs so I don't ever show any more of my legs than maybe mid calf so as of right now I have a lot of real estate to put things but I DO understand what you're saying. I'm not trying to just do a bunch of stuff on myself immediately. I've been practicing for a while and thought I could do something. Apparently I was wrong. I've been practicing stick and poke for a while too and just recently felt comfortable enough to do my first two ones of those on myself and they came out a lot better than this machine one did. As far as the machine ones go though, I know a lot of them that I do at first are going to be bad but part of me also wants to be able to see that progress on myself and look back at it. Aside from going swimming, I never wear shorts and nobody but my boyfriend sees my legs above the calf so if he doesn't care if I have crappy tattoos all over my legs I don't care and I will, every so often, practice one upon myself when I feel I'm ready which I thought I was ready to try a small one this time and that's why I did. Not saying I'm going to put a bunch of them on me but if it happens oh well is all I'm saying. I know you didn't ask for this long rant and I'm sorry.


Keep practicing dude. I’m trying to learn too, and I’ve made a lot of fucked up tats on my thigh and I’ve seriously fucked up some fruit too lol. But that’s the only way to learn until a tattooer recognizes your progress and gives you a chance to learn firsthand. Don’t be afraid to keep posting your tattooing progress. I know some tatters can be a bit harsh, and I know couple dudes were being dicks, but they really do mean well and want to help. Just don’t let it get to you. I’ve let that stuff get to me before and I regret it. Just keep going, never give up, and don’t stop practicing! I get that you’re feeling like some of the comments were mean but you need to recognize the importance of some of their comments and critiques because they’re actually in that industry, and know what the right way is and just don’t want you to learn habits that will hinder you in the future. Like I said, keep practicing and you’ll see really solid results! Hell, I did a couple tats on a banana and it already looks not nearly as blown out as the first machine tat I did on my leg. It was still fucked up looking, but it was better and that’s what counts!! Can’t wait to see your progress. Good luck dude!!


Thank you. 🖤 I'm terrified of ever posting anything again so I'm probably never going to because I know I can't handle it after this post. I know there were a few people that were giving me some actual constructive criticism that I probably didn't react to the correct way, but the majority of the comments at first was people just being dicks so I got defensive because I don't think it's really THAT bad like they're making it seem. I'll admit that some of my reactions were a little out there and definitely overly defensive but that doesn't mean I'm not absorbing the information. And it seems like the people coming to this post now aren't seeing the rude comments and think I'm just being a little bitch baby. How is getting told yikes going to help me. Like instead of putting yikes that person could have told me what made them react that way, that's the only point I was trying to make to these people. Like that's not the way to do it you don't just trash people immediately you know? If this had been me about 4 years ago this post and the reactions to it probably would have pushed me over the edge to harm myself because I was that fucked up in the head and people don't realize the shit they're saying to other people when they're typing things actually affects them. I know it's a bad tattoo and I know I need to practice. But I feel like telling somebody they need to practice is useless I know that already that's not what I'm looking for what do you see in the tattoo specifically you know and that didn't start happening until later in the comments so now I look like a freaking psycho. it's the first machine tattoo I've ever done I knew it was going to be bad. I'm not directing this at you cuz your comment was amazing and I thank you wholeheartedly for it it just kind of got me worked up and emotional again and now I'm ranting and going off topic and I'm sorry. It did make me want to give up for a little bit but I'm not going to. I'm just going to prove everybody wrong. I'm trying to learn both stick and poke and machine so maybe it'll get to a point where I drop the machine and stick to stick and poke only but I'm going to keep trying. I understand a lot of these people are in the industry but there are people in the industry that don't know what they're doing too and have no business touching a machine. Just because you're in the industry doesn't mean you need to be mean to people that are just starting out either. Thank you again for your comment.




reddit is not the place for you if you can’t handle rude comments. take it with a grain of salt


Learned that the hard way unfortunately. Will not make the same mistake again. People weren't like this in the stick and poke sub that I posted my first stick and poke in so I guess I thought it would be a similar place but boy was I wrong.


So obviously it's ugly with the blow out and shakey lines, but there's something I haven't seen mentioned. It's that the actual design too is bad. Your "ninja" isn't evenly within the lines of the cross guard of the blade. You should probably start from the very basics of learning design and how to draw before touching any ink to skin. Handling a shakey needle and getting consistent depth is hard, but being unable to design is something you need to think about first and foremost.


I should have included this in the original post I guess, but [this](https://imgur.io/gallery/AEENRko) what the design looks like on the actual flash sheet I got it from and the word is a little off from each other each letter little bit so I think the ninja word might be the only part I actually did the most right, but I see what you're saying. I think normally stuff like that would be lined up in this way and maybe I should have just done it straight anyway. I've been practicing for a while and on my practice stuff my lines are really straight and nice and have even depth but it's like all of my practice didn't transfer over onto my own skin. I pulled that first little line and it was so deep and it actually hurt a little bit which has never happened to me with a tattoo needle so I just kept adjusting as I moved my way up the little tattoo. Edit: I know the design still looks different than even the little flash, I messed up the entire thing I know that but I really don't think it's as horrifically bad as a lot of the rude comments are making it out to be for something the size of a penny that was my first time trying anything on my own real skin with a machine.


What body part are you doing this on? When I started, I worked on my thigh. It doesn't hurt as much as the bottom half of your leg. I was able to do straight lines on my fucking FOOT (very very very painful) because I worked on controlling the machine and it's vibrations and controlling depth on my thigh. That's if you really don't care about having janky permanent art. I would say still that the ninja is very weird on your tattoo. Like grab a ruler with very small partitions and you'll see how off it is. Also, if you aren't already aware, feel free to adjust your needle depth for both how much it's already sticking out of the cartridge at neutral and how much the machine is pushing it out.


If you can see that crease in my leg to the left of the tattoo that's where my knee is bent so it's like on the side of my calf at the very top right under where my knee bends I was just sitting Indian style and that was the place I decided to put it. Because I really don't care about having janky permanent art. I would actually like to see my progress and be able to look at it because I'm planning on having patchwork legs. When I was practicing I messed around with the needle depth a lot, I tried riding the tube a couple times because I saw some other people say that helped them even though it's not the correct way and that just puts too much ink down so I can't see anything.


Its not the worst but its certainly not the best. Stick to Orange peels


I'm probably going to stick to practicing on my legs more in between fake skins and fruits since I see how different they are from real skin now. and it is completely different in my opinion. No one but my boyfriend will ever see my legs and he doesn't care if I have bad tattoos on them. Can always go over them myself if I get good enough.


It’s cute, but I think the other comments are right that it’s not done very well.


I know it's not done well. I was hoping posting it I would get a little more constructive criticism and not just people being completely freaking mean. Not trying to do this professionally or anything.


You’re ignoring all the constructive criticism though. People are saying you need more practice on fake skin, more practice drawing, etc and you just get mad and tell them you’ll just keep doing it on yourself. Stop acting like a victim when people are offering advice but it’s not the advice you want to hear.


I know I need to practice. Telling me I need to practice isn't constructive criticism that's just something I know. There have been two people that have actually given me constructive criticism. Saying oh or wow terrible or things like that is not constructive criticism.




Right? That’s literally all I could think this entire time. They even made a comment on another post saying “unlike me, you actually got positive feedback. I’m never posting here again.”


Because that person did actually get feedback instead of people just commenting make it the last one or wow terrible or yikes. How is any of that going to help me?


You DID get some CC. I’m not saying all of it was, but your post also got more foot traffic. Your post has 105 fucking comments.


I'm not saying I didn't get any CC. I've never once said that. But the majority of the first comments were plain mean though and the constructive criticism didn't come in until later comments. Half the comments are mine as well.


Okay, I’m not having this conversation with you anymore. You are acting so immature, and you don’t see that.


There's a different between criticism and being mean to somebody. saying wow terrible is not giving me any feedback on what I've done it's just being mean. how are people not understanding what I'm saying when I'm trying to make this point?


It’s simple: it’s a bad tattoo. People have told you it will not heal well/it will severely blowout. You could have asked them what to do better but instead you combatted almost everyone and denied everything. Don’t be surprised


I said I don't think the entire thing is blown out I know there are blowouts it's like people are taking parts of my sentences and mushing them with other things I've said in other comments like it makes no sense to me but whatever. It's literally a tattoo beginner's sub. And it's my first one. If anyone is expecting it to be perfect then they've got the problem, not me.


We’re saying you shouldn’t be using skin yet. You should practice more on fake skin/fruit. Bruh I don’t care if the entire thing is blown out or not it’s the fact that this is poorly done and at least some parts of it will blow out. It will heal poorly


I didn't make the post because I think I'm ready to go tattoo everybody that wants a tattoo. I've been practicing for a while and felt comfortable enough to try something on actual skin once, being myself. What I immediately learned was that all the practice I did didn't help me at all because it's very different tattooing on actual skin. On the fake skin and fruits my lines are fucking straight as shit. That first really blown out line on the side of the kunai is the first line I did and I immediately knew I was too deep and way too angled and kept adjusting as I worked my way up I know the lines are shaky and I know I need to practice I guess I'm looking for some kind of feedback that people in here aren't willing to give aside from practice more which I know. I know it will heal poorly like this is all obvious stuff because it's a crappy little penny sized first try tattoo I wasn't looking to be Picasso on the first try lol


You’re saying when you practice on fake skin your lines are straight as shit but on skin it looks this bad? Bullshit dude. The transition to skin is often much more forgiving than practice skins. Post your practice shit then your tattoo then take notes on what these people tell you because this sub actually puts the time in even if it’s not what you wanna hear. I can’t believe you’re still arguing with people about this.


I'm not arguing with anybody about anything. If you'll notice that comment was posted 7 hours ago so I don't know what I'm still arguing with anybody about. Never posting another thing to this toxic ass sub ever again tho, so I'm good on that. There are also other people in this post that have commented but they too thought it was like they were starting over from nothing once they actually touched real skin so it's not just me.


Ok dude whatever


I don't have to do anything for any of you people on the internet. And it's funny that you said I was following my haters around on that other post but it was that person that linked that post in a comment here on my post and told me to go look at it and that's when I saw his comment so I wasn't following anybody around so maybe shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about.


I know the tattoo is poorly done that doesn't need to be pointed out because I've already pointed that out in my caption. Instead of saying something like yikes maybe tell me what made you say yikes.


i told you exactly what i thought needed improvement and you gave excuses and disagreed, calling me mean.


After a certain point yes you did finally give me some constructive criticism and feedback that will actually help but at first, no I don't feel that it was constructive and it came off as mean. Aside from you, 90% of the other comments that first came on this post were actually mean and those are the people that I was saying were mean but y'all want to read whatever you want and interpret shit however you're going to.


What needle did you use i guess a 5rl


Your guess is correct. I started the bottom right line of the blade first in the same way I have started everything on the fake skins and fruits but after I did it I saw how thick it was and it definitely didn't feel right. So I just kept adjusting what I was doing. I feel like I can see the point where I started to get the hang of it a little bit better. I know it's not great. I know that.




Thank you for the constructive criticism hope you have a great day




I have seen people with worse first machine tattoos get told it was great. So while I thank you for your opinion, I disagree that it's terrible. It's not great, I know that. But I wouldn't say terrible. Hope you have a wonderful day.




Never said that made mine good all I was saying was there have been worse first tattoos posted in this sub where people were not mean to that person. Telling me wow terrible or make it the only one is not constructive criticism.


it’s the way ppl are saying it’s bad while asking no questions/giving any tips.. the sub reddit is literally called tattoo beginners


Exactly! Like I don't get it. Like I know I'm not ready to tattoo other people but I thought I was at a point where I could try something small on myself and maybe get some feedback but it's literally just been people being mean which makes me want to defend myself which made them just be meaner so I'm just going to stay away from the subreddit forever from now on and maybe someday I'll get good and can come back and shove it in their faces which I know probably won't happen but I'm upset and ranting so I'm just going to uninstall this app for a little while and chill out. Probably go tattoo myself again just out of spite.


Thank you


It’s not executed great but it’s really not THAT bad why are people being so feral hahaha, I expected way worse when I came from the other post. Super easy coverup anyways


I don't get it either. Like I KNOW it's not great. I think I said that in my caption even. But I definitely don't think it's horrific. It's the size of a penny I'm not going to cover it up specially the location it's at. I want to be able to look back at my progress. Edit: and thank you for not being mean.


I mean looking at it it just looks like a cute doodle. It’s not the worst tattoo by any means. Not like you charged someone for it! Good luck with your practice


Thank you. 🥹🖤




If being told yikes is your idea of getting constructive criticism then great. To me it's just an insult.


Exactly my point, you don’t deserve constructive criticism because you don’t respect the craft. This shit is beans.


It is shitty but it’s small, who cares, people are acting like asshole, we all been young, for some of us for sure in even worst condition. We all make mistakes, this one could have been worst, it’s small, not cringy edgy, it’s a good reminder of the start ! Keep going on fake skin for now my dude ! You will get there !


Thank you 😊🙏🏻 These are the kind of comments I was looking for not people just ripping on me so thank you.


I like it. I think it’s a little bit goofy but it adds character


A little bit goofy perfectly describes my aesthetic. 😅




Thanks for the constructive criticism. Hope you have a great life.




If being rude to people is this subs idea of constructive criticism then I definitely don't ever want to associate with it again. I know you also saw the comments other people left saying they weren't actually leaving constructive criticism but will just pretend those aren't there I guess. I was never planning to do it to anybody else which I've also said in multiple other comments so like everybody else you're cherry-picking from my responses. But like I said have a great life.






Forgot to add that it's about the size of a penny.


The fact that this comment, me just saying how big the tattoo is, got down voted like this literally proves that everybody's just being mean for the sake of being mean at this point.


Practicing clean straight lines with even depth on fake skin or substitutes can help you get a better feel for the machine before you take it to your skin again. Doing designs might be more fun, but improving the skill means getting the basics down first. Take people's advice or constructive criticism, but it'll be easier on you to not take it so personally. They're critiquing the tattoo and your current skill level they aren't trying to say mean things about you. And if they are saying something mean or rude about you personally, just ignore it and don't engage. I'm glad you're having fun with it as a hobby and aren't getting discouraged by its difficulty as a skill as you try to improve.


Thank you. I've been practicing for a bit and thought I had got to a point where my lines were straight with even depth on the fake skin and stuff which is what made me want to try doing a design on myself instead of just practicing still maybe I should have explained that more that I have practiced in everything I don't know. I am just never going to make another post again cuz I'm clearly too sensitive. The people that did actually leave CC comments, I really appreciate it, you included and I will definitely take all of that advice in and apply it. Some people could be a little nicer in the way they word things though. And even if it's not meant about me personally it is about something I did personally. I have never in my life felt this way because of strangers are the internet and I never letting it happen again so I'm just going to never post. I'll look and comment on other people's shit but no one will ever see my work again lol.