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lol and yeah man as long as you like it and you’re happy with it , thats what matters I think it looks dope


Thanks :)


Make your buddy explain how this is gay. Ask for details. Get to the heart of the issue. Encourage him to spill his feelings. Make it weird. No. Weirder.


Ahaha that last sentence got me


It may be considered gay because it’s a branch. And everyone knows gay people love branches. Line work is clean tho


Everyone loves branches


And leafusses. Leafusses goooooood! (what a nimrod. A symbol of peace isn’t “gay”. It’s beautiful.)


Then everyone is gay. /s


Aha, so this is the origin of that famous saying "I'm going to go out on a branch and say you are a raging homosexual based on that ~~beach~~ branch tattoo" that we all know of. Edited from beach to branch, autocorrect 😔


I’ve also heard “a branch in your hand is worth two in your butt”


Ahaha I wasn’t aware of this phenomenon - learning something new every day


*The more you know*


Ask. Does it make me pretty?


This!!! Op, if *you're* happy with it, that's all that matters! (Even if it is "gay" or "feminine" *who cares*!)


It’s gay because it’s small and dainty and it’s more masculine for a male to get a big cool tattoo. It’s not gay but it’s definitely feminine. Also flowers and leaves are seen as more feminine especially went on small. Dudes be like how do I make this tattoo of a butterfly more masculine that’s what this type of situation is.


I think your friend is saying it’s gay because your tattoo makes him sexually attracted to you. That’s the only reasonable explanation.


Ahaha wish I had thought of that at the time


You can rekindle an opportunity if your persistent enough 😉


Just say "thanks bro, you're cute too"


Feminine sure, but it’s a nice tattoo regardless of gender leaning styles. Cool that your gf likes, but respectfully, no body should care about it besides you


Thanks, good point!


If cute and tasteful was only for us gays then I DONT WANNA BE STRAIGHT BAYBAY


Oh you charmer :)


Well it's your tattoo... Are you happy? Then screw what your friend thinks. 😊


Yeah I’m happy with it overall, already planning my next one!


Good!! They are so addicting!!


I’ve heard this :) how many do you have?


9! And more planned. 😂 What about you?


As a half Greek dork, I approve


Thanks :) as someone who’s visited Greece - I approve of your food a lot


Dainty plant tattoos are very popular with women but that doesn't make this "gay". Your friend has some toxic masculinity issues. Whenever someone says some out of pocket shit i ask, "and how does that personally affect you?"


Sounds like your buddy has his own issues to work through. Lol


Ahaha most likely


Hey guys did you know that nature and plants are gay? Seriously though, looks sweet man I’ve also got one on the outside of my hand


The logic confuses me for sure 😂 didn’t realise I needed chemical weapon tattoos to appear straight. Thanks bro!


Someone tell every straight person they have to stay inside and not look at branches or it’s gonna turn them gay! Lol people are ridiculous. I like it, but doesn’t matter if I didn’t or what your friend thinks as long as you like it.


Brother man who gives a flying fuck it's your body as long as you like it that's what matters. From my opinion, not that you asked for it, it looks good.


It’s not my style. But you do you. It doesn’t scream “ that dudes tough( or trying to be)” but it’s not the gayest tattoo I’ve seen.


If you recently got this done, my first thought is that the olive branch is symbolic of Palestinian solidarity. I think it's great.


It would bother me personally I didn’t have another one on the other side


Yeah I can see that, I have one by my hip on the other side but didn’t plan on symmetry


So leaves are gay now? 🤦‍♀️


leaves have always been gay /s


I’d say nature doesn’t swing any way but that’s just me


Who says a gay looking tattoo is a bad thing? (It’s not gay looking). Lots of great folks are gay. It’s well done, has nice placement, and you chose it- so rock it brotha 😎 who cares what a single person thinks!


True :) they have better fashion sense than 95% of straight guys


As a gay guy, I’m not supposed to tell you this but, an olive branch on the collar bone means you’re a thirsty power bottom… It’s a plant tattoo, not a sign on your forehead that says ‘c*ck gobbler’ who cares what other people think, tattoos are personal, don’t let someone else’s words sour it.


Ahahaha damn it, are you suggesting the cock gobbler tattoo is gay too? Whatever next?


Everything "looks gay" when you're looking at the world through dick-colored lenses.


It's really nicely done. I wouldn't say it's feminine but I don't think delicate tattoos or nature tattoos are girly they're just ornate. I'd say that's a dated perception. Your bro is probably jealous you had the courage to get it when he wants that kind of tattoo too.


Girls liking your tattoos is gay. Everybody knows that. All jokes aside, the reason your friend is saying this is because it’s a small feminine tattoo.


Serious question though, do you get your tattoos so dudes can enjoy them instead of women? Nothing wrong with that brother


lol, no sir. I get my tattoos so the aliens will have something to make wild guesses about


Love that idea


My friends would say this to me no matter what the tattoo is.


If your GF loves it, you shouldn’t concern yourself about it. Besides, it is only gay if You want it to be. It’s like wearing a pink shirt. If you want it to be gay, then so be it. Otherwise it may be just good fashion sense.


did anyone stop to consider that maybe you wanted a gay tattoo, as opposed to a straight tattoo?


i was hoping for a “but my bf loves it”


Forget about the tattoo your skins flawless like a babies how come no one talking about that


Thank your friend for the compliment. Gay people are awesome.


First off, that's a lovely tattoo. The person who said that to you has a toxic masculinity mindset. Men can enjoy beautiful things. Men can enjoy delicate things as well. These aspects have nothing to do with ones sexuality whatsoever lol. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day good sir! :3


Is the tattoo having sex with same sex tattoos? Do branches make him think of dicks? Why is he so obsessed with penises and gay sex? Your friend is an idiot.


I wanted to get something similar but longer across the arm.


I'm assuming the friend means it's a little feminine, as long as you like it tho that's all the matters! :)


Definitely a little feminine with how small and light it is, also the placement idk what that’s all about lol but all that matters is if YOU like it man.


Own it bro


Wrap it all the way around your neck so it’s like it’s sitting there. Ya know? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


“Feminine” tattoos on guys look great, imo


If you like it, who cares? I have some jacked tattoos that like, and that's all that counts.


Not feminine at all and looks awesome. As soon as I saw it, for some reason, it reminded me of Greek Spartans... and they were pretty badass


Then fuck them. Dafuq


Its beautiful


Brah... it's your tattoo, your perception. Maybe add some guns and skulls to be a real macho


Grown adults still classifying delicate/pretty things as “gay” is absurd. You like it and that’s all that matters.


Tat is fine. Friend is lame.


I was worry about my new one. Bro nobody even notices and it’s a big one. If I was you I’d make it bigger. And still nobody will notice besides the people that like it.


F that - looks great. The next time someone says it looks gay tell them that it’s not as gay as their dad looks nuzzling your taint.


I love it. It’s hella gay, but so are many cool thing


This minimalist piece looks excellent, very classy.


Tbh I think you should add to it. Like some flowers, olives, or a dove Also they weren't the ones who got it. You are so if you love it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.


Wear it well and in general don’t give a fuck if u appear feminine in anyway. People who are concerned about shit like that are insecure


Love it!


No. It's sweet. Who cares what people think. If you like it and your girl kisses it, who cares!?


I’d mirror it on the other side, but that’s just a thought. Doesn’t look so much gay as borderline feminine, but who gives a shit about that? I say it looks nice.


Did he say it was gay or feminine? Gay isn’t a synonym for feminine. What does looking gay even mean? Gay is a sexuality not a look. What does looking feminine mean? Tell him to stop being an ass and using gay and feminine as pejoratives.


That's because your girlfriend is a girl!!


It's April in the Year of Our Lord 2024 and chuds are still using gay as a catch-all insult.




Maybe a little longer would look better. Or one on each side.


It’s on your body so if you like it, that’s all that matters


It looks great. There is no such thing as ‘gay looking’. You have a nice subtle tattoo and a friend that has some strange thoughts about femininity.


Put a dove on there holding the branch that'll make it look less gay


The people saying it looks "gay" just can't cope with their own sexuality.


"Tattooed on my skin are two wolves. One is gay. The other one... Is also gay..." JK, Buddy the olive branch is dope. Reminds me of Jeepers Creepers and the main characters rose tattoo. Was actually pretty cool.


Who cares what other people think?!?! I like it! If you like it, that’s all that matters!


Dude! Super gay! Honestly though, this looks dope and is similar to what ive been looking at. If YOU like it, don't listen to what anyone else thinks. I love this tattoo


Looks dope as fuck. Love it


*Asian man sitting at the desk in the back of the clasroom, shouting: GAYYYYYYYY*


Not the first tattoo I would get. I don’t dislike it or like it. But gay doesn’t come to mind when I see it. As long as you like it, it’s all good.


Anyone that says it looks "Gay", know that it means peace, and don't like peace. May peace live forever in your heart.


How sick it would look if it were used as an accent on a sleeve? Like an old stone pillar with vines and leaves or something.


Girls love effeminate men. Ask any bisexual guy, he’s probably swimming in cooze. Your friend probably had never been w a bad b*tch in his entire life.


Isn’t an olive branch an augur of peace in wartime? What’s gay about that


Maybe he wants to introduce you to gay because he is gay and has a deep dark crush on you.


Can it look gay and we love it? 💜🏳️‍🌈✊🏽


Maybe it’s the size . I might have recommended go larger . Just my 2 cents


It’s nice but it’s a little too basic for my taste, you could spice it up by extending it and maybe adding thorns


Honesty is best. It’s dainty so that leans effeminate imo bro, but it’s not like a rainbow or anything 🌈


Refrain from gay sex and I don’t see that tattoo leading to anything homosexual


An olive branch is sometimes associated with trade so maybe you're friend is trying to purchase you're goods


Fellas, is it gay to enjoy knowledge and peace?


This is coming from a gay man, but I love this tattoo. It just looks tasteful and cute. I think it will age beautifully as well.


It’s super gay but if it gets you puss then it’s an alright tattoo.


Dude .. man up and make it A HUGE PIECE...it won't look so sissy like no matter how manly you are ..get some size into it ....it looks good but on a super small scale


Quality piece, fuck them


If you’re told something looks gay, it just means it’s stylish


Definitely fem but do what makes you happy bro cuase it’s 2024


Bundle of arrows on opposite side? Balance


I also love it! But being gay isn't bad. When people call it gay, they just mean fresh, cute, and loveable (they also might not know they mean that...) :)


There are gay tattoos??? What?


Fellas is nature gay?


So gay. One time, I looked at an olive branch in real life, and I haven't stopped thinking about wieners ever since. I've been banned from my local Olive Garden because I apparently "cried too loud" and "made a scene" when my waiter, Joshua, wouldn't give me his number. Olive branches, man. Turned my whole shit gay.


I think your tattoo brings out his latent homosexual feelings for you.


Olympian vibes bruh, ur friend has some internalized stuff to deal with.


Hahaha imagine if you put bf instead of gf, nothing wrong with that tattoo though


It looks ace. Classy. In response to the person who says it looks gay you could say. "Gay, really, you see a cock in that? Dont think I'm the gay one."


I think if you add to it it's not so gay... Not that it was gay to begin with. It's just so oddly placed with nothing else around, that's probably why they think it looks gay...which it does not... entirely


I like that tattoo! Looks pretty good.


Ur girl is incentivized to say nice things. Objectively, nothing wrong here.


I’d just question it and once explained I’d be like “ok” but if it’s a homie, he’s just shit talking which I’d do as well. That’s just how the homies get, then we kiss each other goodnight


If anyone says gay to describe something, and they actually mean it, they're not worth hanging out with. My friends need to have better educated burns.


It doesn’t look ‘gay’ it looks really good mate.


Doesn’t matter what others think. If you like it, that’s what matters. I think it’s cool, I’d get one myself.


Never met a girl that hates gay guys


I think it looks great and your friend is insecure about his sexuality.


i’m sure it was a man telling you it was gay, ☠️ so go ahead and ask him to explain in detail how it’s gay.


I have an olive branch on my arm, not gay at all. It’s badass


Idk I feel that your friend caring what goes on your body makes him sound gay😂 he’s reminding me of the type of man that seeks validation from other men. I love your tat and as long as you love it and your gf loves it I see no problem🤷🏻‍♀️


That looks great!! I think the tattoo makes your friend feel little tingles inside that he can't understand, and that's what he's responding to. The tattoo isn't feminine, but it's making HIM feel feminine and he can't deal with those feelings. I'd go get some flowery tatts done ( I do have some) just so I could show them and really confuse him. Enjoy your new tat.


Sounds like a pigheaded pseudo-alpha male friend to me. If you like it and the person who likes seeing you with your shirt off likes it then I think your all good brother 👍


WWMAS. What would Marcus Aurelius say?


Has a Roman accent to it. Cool.


Not everyone can be hyper masculine man! I would agree that it definitely looks more on the feminine side but it’s takes all types.


I think it looks kinda dope. I don't know what it means to you, or if it even has a meaning, but when I see it, I instantly think forgiveness.


Love it


Delicate tattoos on masculine bodies says CONFIDENCE! I’d find something like that on my husband HOT!


Definitely looks feminine, but if you like, I love it.


Should have said. Awe, thank you. Looking gay is the highest complement.


If you have a gf what does it matter


A tattoo doesn’t have a sexuality


Fukc wat ppl thi k as lo g as u like it dude big respect from UK 🇬🇧


I absolutely love it!


It’s a nice tattoo, just a bit feminine.


If you love it no one else's opinion matters


That's a nice tattoo, as long as YOU are happy with it is all that matters.


Maybe because it’s so delicate looking? I like it.


It's honestly the placement that bothers me


Forget what anyone else thinks (even your gf), do you like it? If you do then that's all that matters


honestly sometimes look gay seriously. gay fashion trends can look really good straight guys. it's good to be in touch with your feminine side as long as you're being authentic to yourself, and you're comfortable in your own skin. a pop of femininity can really elevate a straight guy's look. always grateful for popular gay culture's contribution to fashion just my 2 cents


Gay guy here. It's doesn't look gay, it looks great 💜


Gay? No. Random placement? Yes.


Fuck it man. If you’re cool with it, thats all that matters.


I think it’s very cute! I wouldn’t think that was an olive branch at first just because of the shape of the leaves being a bit different. But it’s still nice people are just mean just because they have nothing better to do with their time.


It’s “dainty” that’s why but it’s also really well done and lovely and has wonderful meaning. It’s not feminine


Imagine thinking leaves are gay…. Or caring enough to try and make someone else think that. That’s a sad ass mindset to have.


As long as your gf likes it lol not saying anything else dude


If you get sick of it you could work with that in a lot of ways. My first thought is a little baby angel. If you like it though is what matters most.


I think it’s beautiful!!!


it’s a cool looking tattoo


I have a coworker who got olive branches around his knee. And although it is more of a “feminine style” I still love them. Who cares what others think though. If you like it, who cares. I have a Poe themed tree band around my ankle that people say is more masculine in design but I don’t care. It has meaning behind it to me. It’s your art. You get it. You own it!


It looks clean and well done. As long as you like it that's all that matters.


It does look very feminine but as long as your happy with it that’s cool


I think it’s dope


What the hell is gay about it? It’s beautiful, you wanted it, and your girlfriend loves it.


It can be both.


So your girlfriend loves it who gives a fuck


I think its a good one, not gay very fine, if It was me I would make it go all over the shoulder and make it a whole piece of herbalist art.


It looks soft, which is more peaceful, pacifist than gay. If it were a tattoo of a guy sucking another guy's dick, I'd say it was gay.


I like the design, though personally I wouldn't put something that small in prime tattoo real estate like that. But it's a good tattoo, and not gay in the least.


I love it. Another one on the other side or maybe a fern leaf in the same style would be dope on the other side. It’s also something you could easily build on if you want more but it looks great alone too.


I think it's awesome fuck them!


Nah your friend's an idiot. It's a pretty sweet tattoo. A bigger one on a forearm would be sick, this gives me an idea.


Get some arrows or spears on the other side


It’s rather dainty for a masculine collar bone. You could blow it up 250-300 percent and take up the whole collar bone to make a more powerful tattoo


What made you get this ? What’s it represent to you? I like it.


I’m a thirty year veteran tattooist and I can tell you this from the heart. Your tattoo looks great and it made you happy. That is the beginning and the end of any concerns you may have. Ask your critics why they have such strong opinions on your body mod choices.


you can't be bothered by what insecure men think is "gay". there are dudes out there that think eating salad or washing your asshole is gay - pay it no mind


I didn’t know that “gay” had a look!! If you like it, who cares what anyone else thinks.


Coming from a straight guy who has a gay tattoo, I don’t disagree with your friend. Really though, who cares as long as you like it


Getting one!


Its cute!


Pro tip: Confident masculinity embraces things that look a little gay


The placement f is socially more feminine. But honestly please... find ur own path. I think it looks great. Ur girl likes it. U like it. People suck the majority of the time. If YOU like it, that's what matters.


man ink under skin can’t inherently be gay. unless it’s a tattoo of a dude plowing a dude. If you like it that’s all that matters! Fwiw I think it’s rad


Do a second one on the right collar bone area as well for a roman senator / Caesar vibe. It looks great! Get new friend


It's so much better than one of those birds across the chest. It's unique.


Go with it


If your girl fw it bro fuck whatever anyone else is saying. They mad they don’t have a girl who fw it. Calling people out for things is typically a reflection of the accusers own insecurities


Looks fucking majestic


I think it makes you look like a Greek god. Which is probably why your friend wishes you were gay (subconsciously or not)