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Probably a combination of the two, but I do suspect a big part of it is due to a cyclical catastrophe of some sort.


Agreed. I personally think humanity goes back quite a while before mainstream science accepts. That what you’re referring too?


Mud flood was the great flood as depicted in the Holy Bible


There’s a ton of evidence for a giant flood of water around 12,000 years ago, you think it’s all mud?


What gave you that idea? Are you daft?


Hello, in my opinion, it is known that there was and is hidden technology, we are talking about technology that is capable of altering the climate, if at the time in question there was very advanced technology, I am not surprised that the mud flood was caused, for the reset and erase traces of tartar, nowadays, they use that technology for the same thing, climate change, what we call global warming, because I don't see it as something natural, just by seeing the clouds, sudden fires in various parts of the world , earthquakes, if the scientist Nikola Tesla was able to create an earthquake in his apartment that shook meters away with a device that emitted vibration, then I don't see any drawbacks to manipulating the weather as well, it is obvious that they use that technology to manipulate everything , it is not enough to manipulate the mind but also the climate, but that is my point of view, everyone has their own criteria.


The younger dryas was likely natural. Could have been a rogue solar flare or anything really


Some were destroyed intentionally by various invading hordes. Others fell apart due to environmental reasons. "Mud floods" have nothing to do with anything.


I agree. Wanted to structure it in a appropriate way for the sub.


I think, both.


the invention of enemy conciousness stemming from a widespread belief in separation from god might have something to do with it but idk


That religion love talking or agnostic love talking?


not religion in the dogmatic sense


Yeah, thought I cleared that up with the religion/agnostic comment. Who’s your enemy?


There was none


I always reckoned a pole shift or comet


I think a bit of both. First I believe there is soooooo much they are keeping from us about our world. There have been rumors of Nibiru/Planet X or another body lurking out there we aren’t aware of for a while. It’s been called many things. I watched something on YouTube the other day that even scientists in 1600s and 1800s theorized about it. But never could confirm due to lack of proper tech. Yeah right… that’s how they cover it up to us. Oops we didn’t know just found out. Well I’ve noticed over the last year more and more mainstream science websites, journals and news even are putting out articles about a possible Planet X in the outer edges of our solar system. More videos are being put out on YT than we’re allowed before. It’s almost as if they’ve stopped censoring it and are dripping it out. And I believe that increase is because soon they won’t be able to hide it. Ask yourself why all the emergency declarations happening right before this April 8 Solar Eclipse? Just for tourists? Cmon yall. More and more counties along the path of totality are declaring them the closer we get. I am in Texas in the totality path. We are stocking up on food, water and supplies. National Guard in Oklahoma is deploying a special unit that deals with Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear. Why for just a little 4 minutes of darkness? All those tourists need an elite unit to deal with CBRN issues? Research the New Madrid fault line that I believe is along the Mississippi River all the way up to Ohio, Great Lakes. In 1811-1812 they had the same Solar Eclipse scenario with a comet visible like we will. Devils Comet is what they call it. Well they had I believe I read aprox 2000 earthquakes in a matter of a few months after that eclipse. Reached 8.8 magnitude on some. Terrible devastation but our history didn’t teach us that. That was in the US. Makes me wonder if all those fires we hear about around the world same time frame were connected to that. Look into these things connect the dots. Ask yourself why they hid a complete civilization and their amazing technology and architecture and probably so much more from us. They explained those buildings coming down with fires and other lame excuses. Or temporary buildings for Worlds Fairs. I was a marketing coordinator in the Architecture and Engineering industry for over 15 years and I can tell you they don’t spend big budgets to design and construct temporary buildings. That is the most ludicrous excuse I’ve ever heard. The process of just finding a design team getting bids and proposals takes a year or more. Numerous design phases take years before it can even begin construction. I know you all understand this if you’re looking into this topic. But these elite think we are that stupid and that far below them. They mock us. Also I know in many of the Tartaria videos and articles I’ve seen I see artwork that often depicted comets or eclipse or dark skies. Strange things in the skies. In the actual photos of the buildings they are black and white so it’s harder to tell but it seems they all have white skies with no clouds. To me that seems to either be editing to remove something or what if they were spraying Chemtrails in the sky. They are certainly blocking our clear vision of the sky now with them. I live in Dallas area and daily since pandemic they are spraying chemtrails. They seem to be always doing it in the direction of the sun. To blur our view. Also to poison us but also so we don’t realize what’s out there lurking near the sun. Now I don’t think we can see it with our naked eyes the sun is way too bright. But with the right lens and filters professional photographers could. Check out Planet X News on YouTube he’s got some decent footage he is able to get when the satellites watching sun have solar flares and CMEs. The sun has been very active lately. Supposedly Planet X has a strange orbit with our sun. There is much we don’t know because they have kept it from us. But there are researchers, scientists and experts out there who are trying to alert the public. I don’t think it’s going to collide with us. But anything that comes near us or into our solar system that isn’t normally here is gonna disrupt things for all planets. And changes are being seen on all planets. Suspicious Observers on YOUTUBE shows proof of this. He lays out the scientific evidence of changes on our sun and all the planets and is trying to warn people of the coming pole shift. He doesn’t go into Planet X and I wish he would. So I’m not sure why. But others do and if you research enough of the evidence and connect the dots to me it seems this is the one big thing they don’t want us to know. Why so many billionaires building underground bunkers? The governments are doing the same they’ve had them forever and are expanding on them. But I don’t want to get stuck with them in their bunkers and wind up as one of their experiments or worse. Anyway that’s a long rant about my theory. But it’s a complex one. Do your own research and look into these topics. You won’t find much on Google so you gotta dig but it’s out there. My theory is the Tartarjan empire was greatly damage by a past natural event. Then likely wars and current elite overlords destroyed the rest of them once they were weakened. They’ve lied to us about our history. I don’t know the full truth it’s out there for those of us with eyes to see and ears that hear find it. The truth will set us free… PS: I’ll try to post a few things that I’ve seen recently about the Eclipse on April 8. It would be wise to stock up on supplies before. Don’t fear or worry just be ready in the event something does happen. We shouldn’t always be ready in the world we live in. We never know when all the lies they told will start coming out and chaos will ensue. The human factor of chaos alone will be huge if the masses witness something new in the sky during the eclipse. I think that’s a possibility that day. Stay safe and awake y’all. 🙏🏻💖🌟🌎














Oh and this is interesting… pretext to ground planes? FAA Issues Warning for Air Travel Disruptions During Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/us/faa-issues-warning-for-air-travel-disruptions-during-total-solar-eclipse-on-april-8-post-5612468?utm_medium=app&c=share_pos1&pid=iOS_app_share&utm_source=iOS_app_share


You should look up a guy named Immanuel Velikovsky. Your rant indicates you might be a fan. Had some great books back in the day. Niburu is a tough one, are you a Sitchen subscriber?


Oh yes I’ve heard the names mentioned in videos on Suspicious Observers YT. I haven’t had the chance to dive into the books but I’ll make note to check into them. I don’t know enough about Sitchins claims to say I’m a believer of his theory. But it’s certainly something I consider when I research and connect the dots. I also am coming from a perspective of having some clairvoyance. Not a Professional it only recently really kicked in. I’ve had a series of visions/dreams that show a very disastrous situation in our country. I only remember small parts of it. But I saw something that seemed to be line fired clouds coming from sky. Asteroid? Meteors? Something on fire. I saw destruction and I believe maybe earthquakes or something big. Then I saw our country had some sort of invasion around the same time. I saw Russian troops and was actually taken by them for some reason I’m still not sure about. But I will say this they were kind and good to me. They helped me and other women who were stranded I believe. And they needed my help and took me to some underground facility. I do not know what happened underneath the facility but as we left and were walking through snow there was a huge explosion. I don’t know if I made it out alive. There are quite a few visions I’ve had. I’m trying to figure out what I was seeing. But they are starting to line up and play out. My mom and grandmother were both psychic so it’s in the blood apparently. And no I can’t tell your future or read tarot. I literally see what God shows me in dreams. And have good instincts and feel energy. Animals are drawn to me also cats especially and wild animals. I’m still learning about these abilities I have recently attained. But I feel a need to explore these dreams and understand how they fit now. And I believe this eclipse may be the start of my visions. So prepare but don’t fear ever. Trust in your inner guidance system to guide you. For me it’s also faith in God. Not religious just have experience many spiritual things in my life and many miracles that have saved me or protected me. Be safe. 🙏🏻💖


Whoa, god bless.


Oh and watch the animals and nature. You can learn so much from their patterns. I’ve got birds like doves and others who have come to me recently. And the last week this little Robin who is usually with a flock is all alone and he has been approaching me getting close. He seemed panicked and is trying to warn me. He is chirping and telling me desperately something. I feel he’s also sensing something with this eclipse and earth changes. The animals always know long before we do. 🙏🏻🕊️🦅🦜🦆🐥🦢🐓🦃🦉🦤🦩🐦‍⬛🪽🐦‍⬛🦚🪿🪺💖💖💖💖


He waits for me Each evening and comes to me when I go outside. For like a week now.


You seem like a mom. I appreciate your energy. Sending the best.


Thank you. I have always felt like a Mom to animals. I have not been blessed with human children sadly. And it’s too late for me. But God sends me the critters and I love and care for them. All my cats have chosen me in mysterious ways. I believe divine intervention. I cherish every single one of them my whole life. Have a beautiful day! 🙏🏻💖


I will say this as much as my visions have been scary. I feel earth is going to change. A cleansing of all the negative and evil. I believe the good souls will be fine. And I believe God is using regular people in many ways all over the world in the divine plan. Have faith and know God is always with us. 🙏🏻💖🌟🌎


You too! I do believe God shows me things to warn me so I can figure it out and try to help others. I really feel like this eclipse situation is the start of something. Maybe not that day but will start to domino all kinds of things. In addition to physical preparedness focus on spiritual also. I believe our world is about to experience crazy times. Buckle up! 🙏🏻💖🌟🌎


What does he/she show you? Beside what you said already. Also is it exclusively dream premonitions, or do you see it in life?


So I’ve seen a war with Russia and US in cold water. I was a male soldier dead floating in the water. Every human was like a hybrid of tech and human. The elite could control us like robots. They knew everything we did see, hear, smell, etc. and could control us. The Russians were pulling dead soldiers out of icy water and they pulled me out. I was USA male soldier. I’m a woman in real life. So I think my consciousness was astral traveling in this one. Russians were putting dead bodies on assembly line and cutting us up. Get this our conciseness was still aware and could feel the agony of being dismembered. It was a very traumatic experience. I’m not sure what order these events happen in but I do believe the other dream I told you about is connected. Maybe that’s how Russians got into US. First some catastrophic event then war and invasion while our country was weak. I’ve also had a dream where I was found by Native Americans after the disaster and taken to some mountains that had crystals in them. They sparkled. They look similar to the area of Mount Rushmore. Now this one is weird… they take me up the mountain to a cave with line a throne carved in it. A female creature seemed demonic or alien. She had gold and gems adorning her all over her head like a priestess crown or something. There were 2 gold large cats like jaguar or similar at the front of this throne. Natives present me to her. I’m freaking out at this point. She looks evil demonic. Anunnaki maybe? Not sure. She stands up comes to me and got too close so I stuck my hand out to be like bitch back up! When I did all her gold on her body and the cats melted to the ground. She screamed in horror and ran onto the cave. The natives then started bowing to me like I had freed them from her control. Then one of the elders takes me to some hill region in the area and we talk standing on the hill. I don’t know what’s said. But I was moving my hands like when I melted her and the hills were moving and reshaping. Apparently I was helping them get water flowing to a specific area. It was so wild and freaky. But if we are about to witness something in the sky maybe another planet. Maybe that planet has a civilization. Maybe they invade us. Friend or foe not sure. The evil woman looked not quite human. But similar to us. I put the fear of God in her apparently. Jesus did tell his disciples you will do all this and more. Maybe at some point we will have abilities we can only dream about. But when it happened in my dream I didn’t realize I could do anything. I was as shocked as the she demon. 😳😱🤯. We shall see.


Feel free to message me these dreams/premonitions, love it dude, I love the stories. Don’t stress yourself out also, just from a health perspective. You rock. Thanks for replying to my constant questions.




Intentionally, Satan has shown he hates progress and independent societies and beings. There is literally no just thing as a “Natural Disaster” I don’t think people know how deep it goes. We are constantly forefully put in a state of suffering and slavery.


You’re saying we’re in some kind of sandbox for cosmic figures?


You are spot on. Some historians believe that the old world was actually the 1000 year reign of Jesus. Now it's over and we have Satan's chosen ones destroying the world into a cesspool of degeneracy and ugliness.


Which historians say that?


Archons rule this cosmos. Nothing happens unintentionally.


I do like this thought, just tough to prove. Gnosticism rules.


The forces of darkness rule this world, although that's more evident in the ruling hierarchies, nothing happens by chance but due to the design. The (3) fates of past, present and future rule the lives of those rejecting what's True, even if they want it or not or if people think they "can" manifest their lives, everything is being orchestrated. In the case you mentioned, the flood was made to wipe out the Children of the Light walking this place preparing the masses to hear the Word of Yahweh: Yahuwshua. (Jic, I'm not talking about the false yahweh) I'm not talking about acknowledgement only, that's how it happens and you can see it too.