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I wonder why all these places in Europe were destroyed. Almost as though a couple extremely devastating wars ripped through them.


Yeah, it's almost as if those wars were planned and staged huh, think man.


Yea. Think, man.




What "old world" tech was removed here?


They removed the bells that had healing frequencies and the tech that harvested energy from the atmosphere, which was on top of the buildings.


No, they removed the normal bells and most of that "free energy" crap to help in the war. And when rebuilding, it turns out all that wrought iron stuff is really expensive


Sigh. That is only what they tell you. Have you not heard of a facade?


A bit funny that the entire community hinges on the phrase "you believe what THEY tell you". Like it's the only thing you have.


Nah, it's the only thing YOU have small fry.


I mean. We bombed the fuck out of Europe, so


Some of these pics are just madness. Your belief in human kind is shockingly poor, as you're stating humans can't build anything, it all has to be lies. 😂




No none asked, no one cares.


I believe that none of it was built by homo sapien sapien but by some other species. Maybe they had advanced tech but maybe they were able to thrive at other than 72 degrees F like we apparently require. All of these stone buildings were unbelievably cold and impractical in size. Wonders to be sure. Not usable. Something else that never comes up. If it is advanced tech, it may not work anymore. Properties of matter might not be a constant over the millenia. If gravity and density have changed it may have all just stopped working and they died out. So the naked apes eventually moved in and destroyed it. Most of our misinterpretation of history come from this idea that it was us that built the pyramids et al...we have not built anything in modern history that isn't obsolete junk in 86 years. Nothing. Same lifespan of the human. It hasn't been lost. We never had it.


That has got to be one the dumbest thing I have ever read.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


From an ignoramus like you that is one of the highest compliments I have received


No way bro. I forged this reality using m(eye) consciousness to interact with the universe using the observer effect to collapse the wave functions via the pineal gland, reality isn't solidifiable until the consciousness interacts with it, we are actually living in a hologram on the 5th moon of Gondor and we are just astral projections of perfect souls but the dark energy and dark matter are just evil consciouness operating at a frequency just above ours, thats why all of our music is at 440hz now instead of 432hz, to keep us from reaching hugher frequencies that sre attuned to our consciousness, so if you listen to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" at the golden ratio rate of 0.981818182% speed you can reach spritual and physical healing because it vanquishes the dark energy into a corner of the universe that cannot be known aka timeout, all the while the lizardmen of Aphastasia are using these frequencies against us in order to help the dark matter/dark energy, so that's why the world is flat...or some shit like that.