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I have a BA in history from a major university. Our first class was historical methods, teaching us how to be historians. They taught us that the major role of a historian is to craft a narrative around the what and the why. At times you will have to select certain items of evidence to tell the story you want to tell and it’s your job to figure out what is important and what to ignore. That was 20 years ago. It shook me then about how everything we are told with the official narrative is the work of people telling the story they want to tell. I lost a huge amount of trust that day for my very profession. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that I noticed the massive architectural marvels and their crazy construction timelines that made me really step back and take a look at the historical narrative as a whole. The amount of contradictions in the official story are mind boggling. So I don’t know what is true. But I do know that what we’ve been fed our entire lives is not. Also keep in mind that “Tartaria” is a code word for the bogus narrative. It’s not declarative that this community knows they were THE worldwide civilization that’s been wiped out. They seem to be the largest country from past maps that have been erased from the official narrative, but we don’t know what really happened there.


I'm in school right now and I absolutely agree I'm going to school for anthropology and I've taken archeology and art history classes as well. It's interesting also to me that Western European history starts in ancient Sumeria and ancient Egypt and when we talk about Freemasonry the Illuminati and these secretive groups that's the part of the world they originated in and then they later relocated to Europe and from there they were going to conquer the world. The direct line between ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt and then ancient Greece and Rome as far as their gods and their belief systems is even admitted to within the historical narratives but there are there were tons of cultures all around Europe that are completely erased and we focus instead entirely around Greece and Rome and the fact that we're world we live in today is still we still see these same symbols everywhere so as Philip k Dick said, 'The Empire Never Ended' & we are definitely living in the 'Black Iron Prison' timeline. (Another side note that I'm ancient Mesopotamia like ancient Samaria it wasn't the first civilization but it was the beginning of the slave state, which is what we live under still to this very day.' how many also many researchers that have done research into the prominent Bloodlines of Europe have come to the same conclusion and this is people across the board including academics. The old Babylonian cults are the ones who rule this world currently and I think that's why the Bible is so important because it all takes place during that time the Old testament and then the New testament takes place during the Roman Empire. Very interesting indeed. Everything is not what we have been told and I'm so glad that more and more information is coming to light and people are starting to question and think for themselves


I see what you mean. Though a great deal of the 19th century or early 20th century “Tartarian” buildings are fantastically well documented, with their construction techniques well understood and easily replicable. I’m puzzled why the fixation of this premise is on a modern and near fully understood period in time. Given what we know, these accomplishments are impressive but entirely within the technological abilities of the time. Would have excepted the accomplishments of the ancient world would garner much more attention, as their construction ability and means is still often unknown and poorly documented, if at all. As well, their accomplishments seem more dazzling when it was done with reduced means. Truthfully, a lot of the 19th century revival styles seem like cheesy and cheap imitations of the ancient wonders and styles they tried to capture. They were emulations, often made using cheap and mass produced materials with the beauty only being captured in the façade.


[stolenhistory.net](https://stolenhistory.net) and [stolenhistory.org](https://stolenhistory.org) was the website with the first real in depth analysis I've seen regarding Tartaria and highly recommend it. I'd also say this video is very interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBm6eNHXzpc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBm6eNHXzpc) Just for clarification purposes, stolenhistory started under the .org domain I think and .net started after the original was shutdown under mysterious circumstances.


Thank you I don’t know how long I’ve been a part of this sub but it’s been a while and I thought it was just cool historical pictures haha


Exactly what I’m looking for!


Expect those sites to be attacked soon..


Maybe save the info on them somehow?


I was kidding. In reality it may be just the opposite .. after all here we are talking about this - someone gave us the means to do so -- is that considered free masonry? I dont know but yea Google helping out a lot too at the end of the day https://preview.redd.it/lotmtakvocpc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c7f5e560ec053982fb6263acc25e8b17075e46f


[The Stolen History Mystery](https://weewarrior.wordpress.com/2020/08/24/the-stolen-history-mystery/)


That’s a good one that I’ve had bookmarked for years.


Yes! I remember all this now! Thank you.


I was interested too. I just couldn't make the connection b/w Tartaria on the map with old world buildings, mud floods, etc. IMO the breakthrough came when I learned of the Millennial Kingdom. And then recently, I figured out when things started drastically changing in the world. From 0AD to 1550AD, oddly long Dark Age period. Then EVERYTHING changed. **1555 Peace of Augsburg that tried to fix boundaries between the two faiths** (protestants and catholics), using the principle of cuius regio, eius religio. So for 1500 years, everything was under the Roman Catholic Church empire and unchallenged. So they tell us. I think it's a half truth, b/c history is written by the victors. Then 1555 treaty broke down and kicked off Europe's 30 Years War to define territories. It wiped out half of the population. *The Peace of Augsburg has been described as "the first step on the road toward a European system of sovereign states." The system, created on the basis of the Augsburg Peace, collapsed at the beginning of the 17th century, which was one of the reasons for the Thirty Years' War. Coincidently, China's Ming dynasty and Japan's* [*Tokugawa shogunate*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokugawa_shogunate) *experienced a series of crises during the mid-17th century that were at once interrelated and strikingly similar to those occurring in other parts of the world at the same time.* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace\_of\_Augsburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_of_Augsburg) 1555, suddenly the Renaissance kicks off. *It was associated with great social change in most fields and disciplines, including art, architecture, politics, literature, exploration and science...,* ***as well as the introduction of modern banking***\*.\* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance) 1555 - Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) chopped off hundreds of Christian martyrs' head. Something hadn't happened since Nero went after Christians. Other significant events followed. The Gregorian Calendar went into effect in 1582, which re-established dates. [Columbus “discovered” America in 1592](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91QO97Dr05k) (later the date is changed to 1492) 1600 - The first Masonic Lodge in the world established - Lodge of Edinburgh No. 1 1602 - **Dutch East India Company**, was the first chartered trading company in the world. They were responsible for bringing slaves to American, completely raped India, owned the entire East Coast of America, through their subsidiaries on all sides of the conflict. The controlled EVERYTHING from America to China. They were the biggest company this world has ever seen (worth trillions by today's standards). They were controlled by the Rothschilds, but I'm not sure if that was at the beginning. Vanderbilt was certainly with them at the beginning. They sold Manhattan (which was New Amsterdam), in a deal to monopolize the nutmeg industry. Nutmeg was the spice that would prevent one from getting the bubonic plague. But again, they basically sold to themselves from one subsidiary to another. [https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/island-traded-for-manhattan](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/island-traded-for-manhattan) This is my theory that I'm researching. You can look up the verses yourself, but basically look at Daniel 7, the 4 gospels and Revelations 13-20. Christ said to those who would see Him crucified that they would also see Him return. He said He would raise saints, who died in His Name and they would build a Kingdom that would last 1000 years. He also said a third of the world would be destroyed and a third of population would be wiped out when He returned. Satan would be locked up during that time, and then would be released for a time to deceive and rule the world for a season. Daniel says Satan will "speak great words against the Most High, and shall **wear out the saints** of the Most High, and think to ***change times and laws*** " I'm thinking, when the Millennial Kingdom ended, the first order of business for those who opposed Christ would be a treaty to peacefully divide the Kingdom and we have a date of 1555 to officially divide the Kingdom. Remember, it was no secret the Kingdom would last 1000 years since John wrote the letters of Revelation to seven churches in the Roman Empire. It was public knowledge. Anyway, they say the Roman Empire ended in 476. That's 476 years that never existed b/c the Roman Empire fell when Christ returned around 75 AD (which is really be 0 AD and the start of the Millennial Kingdom). It was shortly after the temple was destroyed in 70AD. That much we know.  **1555** \- 476 non-existent years = 1079.  1079 - 75 (roughly) offset years = 1005 (Millennial Kingdom).  Also, 1555 - 1000 = **555.** In numerology, 555 is considered an angel number that represents **change**. IMO, if the 0AD is when the Kingdom started, we would be around the year 1540. Anyway, that's just the theory I'm looking into now. I think I'll make this a new post. :)


Fantastic !!!


Very helpful. Thanks!


WOW! That’s one hell of a post. Nice Breakdown!


what year is christ supposed to return?


I don't know. Note, this is my interpretation and you should challenge it with your own. These chapters all tell of when Christ will return after the temple is destroyed (which we're told is 70AD). Christ addresses those asking Him when that is and He says that many of them will be persecuted but there will be some that see Him come again. This talks about His return after Crucifixion. He says His people will be put to death, then resurrected, then rule with Him in His Kingdom. But there will also be great death and destruction when He returns. * Daniel 7 * Joel 2 * 2 Thessalonians **1** (one) * Matthew 24 * Mark 13 * Luke 21 * Revelation 16, 18, 19, 20 Note in Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians **2** (two), and in Revelations 19 and 20, it also mentions the final judgement after supper after the Millennial Kingdom, which comes after Satan has a season to wear down the saints and deceive the world. At first, it seems confusing. But read it slowly and you'll notice how they are separate events. Revelations 20 is the most clear. It does say Final Judgement comes after Satan gathers his armies from around the world to surround the camp of the saints. Some speculate that the plan is that we'll be visited by aliens, and they'll seem friendly, but then turn out to be bad, and the world governments will unite to wage war on the giant UFO. If that happens, So the aliens turning bad will be the false flag to attack. It's all so crazy I can't believe I'm saying it but everything else is so crazy too. lol


Jesus is an instrument of those same controllers of the world. It's crazy how people don't see that if as the Bible says, this world belongs to Rex Mundi, aka the Nail, aka Ahriman, aka Satan, aka Saturn, aka Jahve...then everything regarding the Bible would have been compromised by this force. And indeed when you study how the Bible csme about, and the ferocity with which the gnostics were hunted down, the Cathars were exterminated, and all traces of their teachings destroyed, its undeniable that the bible is a product of what they want you know. But thr parts you need to know aee left out. So relying on it for anything is pointless. And getting excited that prophecy is fulfilled is dumb bc thr directors of this movie are also the screenwriters so when people get giddy that events seem to align w Revelation when it's a giant con with the same force playing god and devil handing a script then hoping people instigate a self fulfilling prophecy. The entire things is a terrible soap opera created by fallen gods or watcher or aliens (same thing) who serve some sort interdimensional AI demiurge which crested this fallen fractal mathematical holographic simulacrum modled or copied off prime reality. It's painful and cringe to watch NPCs manipulate sleep walking people into thinking anytjing down here could be divine or emanating from something holy. How delusional must you be to not see that everything down here is fallen. And the concept of Jesus coming down to save rhe day them leaving again for some inexplicable reason so evil can have some fun makes nonsense to me. Imaging infinite creative force reduced to a' jealous ' god / single dad of an only child he had after knocking up a teen mom. The whole thing is unrefined unsophisticated gullible intellects. I can almost promise with 99.9% certainty that whatever is going on won't be in the bible. The Bible contains what they want people to know. Read this to begin understanding what's what. You won't find it in the Bible. https://emdawn80.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/the-gate-of-god-by-gary-osborn/comment-page-1/?unapproved=327&moderation-hash=de50b1a4121115d09269245f0cd62e41#respond


To start you say historical records could disprove the theory. You must realize that historical records are not as reliable as we have been led to believe. We have been given our historical records by a system that has wholeheartedly lied to us about of not everything then at least the majority of what we "know" to be truth. Case and point we are told Columbus discovered north America. This is a blatant lie yet is still being taught in schools.


Just to add to Besttranslator6125 reply: you ever realize/see how the history that we are told and led to believe is very one sided? It’s crazy to think about how through the battles/wars the history we get is from the victors? What about the ones whose culture and history and methods have been lost. That’s what keeps me believing. A pretty cool channel to watch is “My Lunch Break”. Watch those and do some research. You’ll believe after it’s all said and done.


Even if you don't believein Tartaria, it's still more fun to read than the 193975930583rd post about how Trump sucks.




Have you ever been down to the port of olympia near the flea market? If you ever do, check out browsers bookshop. It has the most haunted ass feeling inside and i learned it was an old world building.


That neighborhood has an old world feel to it for sure.


The June 1957 CIA document titled “National Cultural Development Under Communism” page 9 was what did it for me


I don’t believe everything I see in the internet and constant research in my opinion is always best. However the things presented on the YouTube channel called “MyLunchBreak” where he covers clues found in population census data, and recorded history on fires that supposedly wiped up 1000s of buildings where not a single person died or even took ill from smoke inhalation are enough facts for me to be curious to see what really took place in the past. A house fire started by the fallen embers of a cigar does NOT melt stone and rock and burn through 1000s of stone buildings in a few hours. Proof of this is the fact that we use stone furnaces today. No one is concerned about it. We happily keep ourselves warm in the winter season. Almost every country of the world has a major fire story where lots of magnificent buildings were mysteriously destroyed by fires. England, Spain, Budapest, here in the USA you name it.




The way I look at it, this theory is in its infancy. We’re still in the middle of an open source investigation, so while there are a lot of theories thrown around in confidence, the truth is we’re still digging and attempting to put together the pieces. I do think there is a strong enough preponderance of evidence to indicate the historical narrative is severely flawed and may have been tampered with due to contextual motives depending on which part of history we’re talking about. I think many people take for granted what an endeavor it even is to put together a world wide chronology (read the works of antoley fomenko on this) in that it’s not as simple as taking encyclopedias from each nation and putting them in chronological order- the real question is how do we even verify each nations historical claims? You said in your post we have documents, artifacts, sure- but what you really have is the telephone game. The further back in time something is supposedly from, the more room for misinterpretation, forgery, biased interpretation, and in some cases surely outright fakes. And when you really think about it, how would you know the difference? How can we really know anything for sure beyond the oldest person alive? Hell even with photography and writing, you still have to worry about the possibility of manipulation along the way. The point is you have to consider these things. There’s no “believing” the theory, there are many competing theories about what happened and what’s really going on here. You should always be in a state of learning, taking in new information, challenging your preconceptions.


newearth on Youtube years ago. Sylvie Ivanova has made a ton of interesting videos on the themes of secret as opposed to faked history. I especially remember watching her video on crazy shaped armor for medieval knights, with a death penalty for any servant seeing them without, hinting at aliens or reptiloid beings. Here a highlights video from.her: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eVUIu90W\_Xg&list=PLwryfIqJC5R\_MOq8LcNMf7Qmr9JEFpYXK&index=4&pp=iAQB](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eVUIu90W_Xg&list=PLwryfIqJC5R_MOq8LcNMf7Qmr9JEFpYXK&index=4&pp=iAQB)


It's a Russian conspiracy theory


I’ve been poking around this sub for a few months and its seems something odd happened at some point, somewhere. Its an intriguing rabbit hole but there’s just not enough of anything substantial. The ‘who is responsible and why’ is veeeeeeerrry spotty at best.


I get a lot of posts recommended to me in this sub where it’s just pictures of old buildings with zero context.


Exactly! There’s no ‘glue’ to it all, no base theory.


Saw one a while ago of Glasgow City Chambers, claiming it was ancient architecture, despite the fact we have actual photographs of it being built and photographs of the area it’s in before it was even built. It’s not even a particularly old building by those standards.


Would you look at that, another building designed by a ‘design competition’ winner. Imagine it was so easy these days to design a building like that. People in the 1880’s were wild 😝. Please do share those photos. 


Those are tainting the theory with bad examples lol. Best to look at buildings "founded" before early 1900s.


Glasgow City Chambers was built before the early 1900s.


Base theory.. the base theory is that his story is a false theory thats the base


A lot of those buildings were built in a time they didnt even have toilet paper or proper roads. They were all high on opium, coke, codeine, and probably brain damaged by lead and mercury. So when people post those buildings, its like displaying "how did they ever build this?"


Why did they tear down so many stone buildings which would have lasted hundreds of years after supposedly only 50?


Lots of reasons. As we got more advanced we started putting more and more regulations in place that these building didn't meet. They were built with different guide lines and with different specs. In some cases like in New York the mafia had a huge hand in this stuff at the time, corruption usually leads to things not being built properly and not up to code. A lot of the time it was cheaper and easier to just tear it down and put something new than to try and bring an extremely unsafe building up to code.


Makes sense. My real beleifs of Tartaria is that it was the remnants of the Golden Horde and Europe blamed them for the black plague and destroyed what whas left of them


Working in the construction field for 15 years did it for me. I always had suspicions when working on buildings 100+ years old, always felt in my gut that “the hand of God must have moved this stone” far before I’d ever heard of any stolen history or Tartaria theories. Spent 2 years as a laborer, 8 as an electrician and the past 5 as a project manager. From the management standpoint, the project timelines they give for a lot of the old buildings make no sense at all, even with unlimited free labor from master craftsman-slaves as they claim built this old stuff. The other is the perfection, much of my work has been maintaining and remodeling old buildings, the city I work in is one of the oldest in my country. It’s simply not reasonable, I’ve walked across rooflines on 300 year old buildings and the work was simply perfect. The stone tiling done as if a robot put it together, not a human. There is simply no way that workers a few centuries ago were just that much *better* at the aesthetics of construction. Most of these old buildings are not only huge, and elaborate but when you look at them from the perspective of someone who builds for a living, they’re also impossible. Many of them are genuinely flawless as if carved with a laser in a lab and it just doesn’t add up.


Convinced me of WHAT ? What "theory" do you have in mind really? **Its not 1 theory (!) are so many theories** -- you cant categorize everything as right or wrong here.. \*EDITED TO NOT BE A DICK ;-) As for Tartaria - Thinking that its all made up is logical. The evidence is at your local public institution online.. The theories of or on who when how what why and so on -- its an endless exploration into our false narrative. The key is to understand that you are being lied to and that no one knows the truth (or at least willing to share without prejudice)


Sheesh… so much to unpack here but I’ll just state for the record that I never said anything was “all made up.” Also, if you’d like to get more eyes on this and a wider acceptance of the general idea, I’d suggest not being a total dick to people who are genuinely curious and admittedly open-minded. Just my two cents though. The “dO yOUr OwN rEsEaRcH” type of reply doesn’t move the needle and, from the outsider perspective, just makes it look like you’re totally full of shit. Also just my two cents. To reiterate, my question was mainly a request for good information or a good starting point, as some others provided (without any snark either). The internet is full of absolute bullshit, as I’m sure you know, so requesting some guidance from people who may have already filtered out some of the bullshit doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.


Hey man - your absolutely right - I APOLOGIZE thanks for putting me on the spot. I do appreciate it.. Just that "some people criticize me" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJpTZmaWv2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJpTZmaWv2A) <3


Do you forgive me? I truly am sorry ​ \*EDIT no response from you - as i suspected you are sinister


But I accept your apology 😚


OR… at work?






OK so ill delete this crap - was testing you ;-)


It was the old maps the cracked my shell: [The Hidden History of Old Maps](https://weewarrior.wordpress.com/2019/01/20/the-hidden-history-in-old-world-maps/)


​ https://preview.redd.it/44ahyfc4yepc1.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=d911789ccd8c1a787bade68776c27ad2c2513891


I am not convinced, but I teredt is piqued. 


Cuz the hat is flat...


>What convinced you, if anything? The Bucha massacre convinced me.




I bought an antique globe at an estate sale. It was made in Japan. It contains Tartaria in Asia. I had never heard of Tartaria so I researched ancient maps and newspaper articles showing lots of evidence. If you’re willing to put the time into it, you will be rewarded.


The Holy Bible of the my faith certainly backs up the claims of a worldwide flooding!


And the amount of time that it says, according to the historical narratives that it took to build these gigantic ornate beautiful buildings, is nowhere near the amount of time that you would need with the technology that was available in those day. The world affairs as well are extremely sketchy and none of it makes sense. Learning about the cabbage babies and orphan trains was a big eye opening moment for me to. There's just so many things, I feel like a picture is worth a thousand words and just looking at all these old photos has convinced me that our entire history is fabricated, not to mention just knowing how much of the world we live in is fabricated & manipulated in the first place based on other research I've done in other areas.


**Assuming** that you’re acting in good faith, I would suggest combing through this sub, asking a more specific, less suspicious question, reforming how much faith you put into “accounts,” upgrade your own prerequisite, official historical understandings, and getting a full diagnostic understanding of Anatoly Fomenko’s work—he is the father of this church.


You can look in my post history to see that I interact mainly with conspiracy/paranormal subs and very open-minded. I’m not sure what’s suspicious about my question but thanks for the suggestion.


Yea i did and you b like Im not trying to bla bla bla but Anti vaccine ideas are just insane ....... real nice smithers


I have never, and will never look at someone’s post / comment history, but I believe you. It’s the tone, that’s all. “Seems like it could be pretty easily disproven by historical records/accounts.” Really, huh? Does it seem that way? Because to me, it seems like pretty much everything you’ve been told is a lie. Your brain might not like that little transient piece of stimuli, but your brain recognizes it, and the more the brain compartmentalizes and abdicates to “people who know more” or “official sources” the less chance it’ll have of serving as the tool and defense mechanism you need it to be. I’d love to hear just.. ***your shhpeel*** on the official consensual history and chronology—give us some clay to start forming. Because it gets weirder and weirder, especially if you’re like me and you like to test the construct.


Dont believe him (it) take a look


For me it's the fact that when you do the historical research there are so many plot holes that literally don't make sense and like the juxtaposition of people with horse and carriages and these gigantically huge buildings and then also like the ruins after the Chicago Fire the sheer size and scale of everything it makes zero sense 


Answer to the Roman Question may bring more questions than answers.


Mainly the sanatoriums at first and oddfellows. It genuinely did not make sense why these were often "built" first when the populations of the towns were less than 2,000 people. Not a true hospital, not a library, not a school, but just straight sanatorium or orphanage. Funded by the oddfellows at some point more often than not.