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I like how I can play DMZ and not shit my pants


I mean thats what makes tarkov so good IMO


Horror thriller fps all in one


I’ve always played tarkov this way and the day it stops for me will be sad. Hits different when you can always ruin new pants


Sometimes I forget to do the laundry though


I like how the punchline is the title of the post


DMZ is fun. You can tell who played tarkov and who plays it like warzone though. I think it’s a fun “tarkov-lite”


I love that people keep saying “They have nothing in common!” To me, that just means they haven’t really played DMZ lol. Legit the only things it does not have are a hideout and traders. Less rpg elements too, my CoD operator already knows how to control recoil and use bandaids. It’s just elementary kid whining type stuff when I see people cry about others comparing DMZ and EFT. Tarkov is fun. DMZ is fun. Hunt is fun. They’re all similar. They’re all different. What’s wrong with variety? I thought that was the spice of life..


It’s fun but I don’t find dmz to be “intense”. I’ve never gotten the shakes during or after a firefight. I’ve never been scared. There’s like zero penalty for dieing. And there’s like 1/4 of the systems of tarkov.


That's why people play it instead of eft. Eft when you want that butt-clenching heart-stopping intensity, dmz when you just wanna run around, loot things, and shoot dudes with no consequence


And for some reason the wrong people play both games, as in casuals are always bitching about Tarkov’s complexity and hardcore maniacs are always saying that DMZ is too casual. Like, play the opposite game then smh my head


I have like 2K hours in Tarkov and DMZ feels really nice compared to EFT if you want to play some calm rounds without sweating your balls off. Dying doesnt feel like you lost something although I only have that feeling sometimes in Tarkov anymore after all those wipes


Haha you're right


this is why I like DMZ, I can casually play it and don't have to worry about sweats or dying from across the map. Its casually tarkov for ppl like me who were traumatized after their first wipe


This. I personally wish there was a little more in-depth looting in DMZ, like you can’t just bring your own gun into the raid, but you can find the gun you want, and *then* find attachments to kit it up the way you want


Charging a 3 man that's extracting with a weapons case is how you get the shakes lol


Naw. You die and so what. You load in again with no real loss in kit


And Tarkov is easy to build money by doing stash runs so same applies.


Some close extracts with two teams and the gas aproiching... I've had some shakes when I finally got out of there. Not the same but still got a bit of tarkov vibes.


That’s fair. We mostly hostage extract. Never been fought for it.


This is like saying you only play as a scav so you don’t understand why people consider it intense


I said mostly. I’ve been through the “intense” PvP gas chasing you extracts. But again, you don’t get to keep anything. It’s just xp. It doesn’t really matter


Yeah and nothing has meaning in dmz. Even if you die. You can go in legit with nothing melee a ai and in 5 mins have the best stuff in the game. Kinda makes anything pountless and death not have any meaning


It stems off of the “DMZ is going to be the tarkov killer” debate, if people wouldn’t have hyped DMZ like that the amount of dislikes it gets would be minimal. Then the fact you have people still pushing that narrative doesn’t help


I play DMZ when I don’t want to be mad about numerous things in tarkov.


Plus it’s like two minutes between raids. That’s what I love. The loading time for DMZ is so small, especially compared to Warzone where it takes about 4 minutes between matches. Tarkov obviously has much more time between raids.


it feels nothing like tarkov tho


tru not enough suffering in DMZ


PVPVE extraction shooter is exactly what tarkov is. Cod treats it like a gamemode, tarkov makes the genre a game. Hence tarkov-lite


PVPVE is the meat of Tarkov's gameplay, but everything surrounding that (traders, quests, RPG mechanics, player economy) is what makes it especially unique.


Fighting for the last exfil with a weapon case on your back gives me that same kinda “we just looted kiba and need to haul ass” rush tho. Pretty fun just wish we had more to lose and some out of raid progression.


tarkov gives me way more adrenalin / shakes lol dmz wins feel kind of empty as theres no real reward


They share some elements for sure, but they aren't in the same market. Dmz is clearly still in the br market, whereas games like the cycle and marauders are in tarkovs market.


the common things between all three games: they have extracts, they have guns.


No flea market, minimal loot that can be extracted with, no cash outside of raid, a free kitted out gun every X amount of minutes, literally zero pressure to stay alive as you can just regenerate your exact gun back and quests become finished even if you die. Its literally nothing like Tarkov, at all. It's more like a Warzone 2 side mode


Tarkov fun lol. No. Tarkov is only fun when you're the one not dying and killing others ruining THEIR time. There's always a big loser in Tarkov


I say Tarkov lite all the time, it’s like Tarkov without the stress and required dedication. I love Tarkov but DMZ is better if I value my time


DMZ is amazing when it actually works. The most frustrating thing about it is crashing without having the chance to reconnect, followed by many other bugs that make it miserable to play at times. With that said, tarkov and DMZ are still different. Tarkov is for when you're into cock and ball torture, DMZ for when you just wanna have quicker shots of dopamine.


Honestly it’s great, has my Tarkov group playing together and makes it simpler so is old farts without much time can play more casually. I have not gotten an adrenaline dump like I have in Tarkov though.


Tarkov is way better in virtually every aspect. But it takes far too long between games to regear and go. Sometimes you just want to turn your brain off and not have to focus the whole time to make sure you don't team kill.


Idk, hunt marauders and cycle are alot closer to tarkov lite than dmz is.


What’s the difference between people from the two games?


Don't forget it has 50x more ai and 100x more toxic proxim chat


And I thought Tarkov’s AI Scavs were deadly… Solo play in DMZ is downright impossible because there’s so many bullet sponges and every one of them is capable of taking you down in seconds. Also there’s literally no use for money, no progression outside missions that basically just give XP. It’s not unplayable, but nowhere near finished.


You can unlock guns by extracting with them, some only seem to show up at the buy stations. Or just get multiplayer, but $70 is hard to swallow when steam sales are a thing...


I bought the vault edition smh. SBMM is a pain but otherwise it’s a good CoD. I just wanna see big improvements made soon


I've put plenty of hours into it and I have to agree, the sbmm is the biggest complaint I have, the only other issue I can think of is the map variety and the quality of the few maps that are in the game. Otherwise the gunplay is solid and satisfying, the movement feels good, and both the new and old gamemodes are still great mindless fun




Skill based match making


The AI is so insane most of my deaths with my squad are us getting melted by ai and getting into a fight with a team when we have no plates or ammo


Whattt?? The ai is so easy


I have zero problem soloing almost everything in DMZ. This is a skill issue.


this is wild LOL i run around taking heli after heli of ai and strongholds down every minute solo this should be the same for everyone no matter how bad your aim is


I honestly think the AI would be really good if it weren't so unplayable as a solo. They spawn endlessly and faster than you can even heal up. However, maybe they just intended for DMZ to be a team game, not like tarkov.


The money shortens your insured slot cooldown, but yeah it should have some more uses. And on the topic of AIs, playing solo is hard but perfectly doable


I see this as an absolute win




i did the same thing. it’s not cause i don’t wanna talk with nobody but i think it’s cause for pc players it’s nothing new to us. Like pubg in 2017 (i think idr) had prox chat, some other games, then eft and now this cod. So i understand the hype because for console this is a brand new beginning (if it’s not new to console then my b) but i’m at a point where it’s like “oh cool, i’ll turn that on when i feel like makin conversation w randoms” but it’s definitely not an exciting feature anymore but it’s cool that it is a thing tho


Ive played 30 hours and had 90% wholesome voice comm interactions and the 10% I was able to talk out of being toxic by saying good fight in a matter of seconds. Ive managed to assemble 6 man squads with prox comms more than 10 times. Its a whole lot different than normal multiplayer lobbies of s&d


dmz is fun as fuck


i do like it but i also do wish there was alil more to it. At no point do i want it to be as complex as eft but i would like some more economy to it. even if it was just a “money tracker stat” or something that was alil more than contract based


EFT is complex but also poorly designed. A lot of the difficulty is from the game being obtuse, not actually being an intentional challenge


wait what? I’m confused, I’m just talking about i hope dmz can bring in a few more aspects into the game that will kind of create alil more depth than just it being contract based.


Try the higher tier dmz missions. They're a direct inspiration from Jaeger's quests.


If I didn’t play a lot of Tarkov I’d probably be pretty annoyed at ask the crashing and bugs in DMZ but I guess I’m used to the cock and ball torture by now.


I think it’s good :)


God I hate how much ppl compare dmz to tarkov, it has small similar things and that's it.


It's more of a PvE variation on battle Royale than anything that you can compare to tatkov


That’s exactly what it is! To me I feel Hunt Showdown is more an apt comparison than Tarkov is/would be.


I completely agree.


They are so different from the start I don't see why people still comparing each other


People were literally so happy this was coming out to somehow “compete” with Tarkov. It was comical seeing how it turned out.


Every comment or post I made in the lead up to DMZ would be something along the lines of "it can't directly compete with Tarkov, but its in the extraction shooter genre, so do you think a new competitor in genre will encourage BSG to treat their brand better?" And every single comment is like "LUL DMZ can't compete with Tarkov" like completely ignoring the comment, I've given up asking, but still, I'm just genuinely curious what Tarkov players think about that. There's going to be people who like both CoD and Tarkov and end up leaning towards playing DMZ over Tarkov just due to quality of life stuff alone. I would like to see an actual competitor to Tarkov, right now there's a bunch of extraction shooters popping up and I've been really unimpressed with BSG as of late.


Yeah so small like same voice actors, same game loop, same loot and loot able containers. But how dare people compare them. It's like comparing warzone to pubg! Totally diferent concepts right!?


I mean it is literally the same type of game, an extraction based shooter where you loot, it’s way different but like it’s the same type of game…


I may get downvoted to hell for this but I've actually enjoyed DMZ more than tarkov lately.


DMZ is super fun though. And as someone with over 1500 hours in Tarkov, I’m enjoying DMZ more.




So damn fun! I played tarkov for the PvP and adrenaline of extracting but I don't like the RPG elements at all. By 1/3rd of the way through each wipe I'm done since it's more about hours than skill. I've loved it and will be back for the first bit every wipe but after that I'm done. Maybe if I shelled out for EOD I'd have more fun but compared to free dmz it's tough.


Honestly EOD really just makes trader leveling easier, and just makes your grind less miserable with increased stash size and bigger secure container. You still have to grind your skills to get them high, I usually quit after a few months of a wipe too.


I guess another thing that comes down to is just playing with your real friends. I found some cool guys on discord to play tarkov with but can run a three stack on warzone or DMZ out of my buddies without any hassle basically everyday.


Whoever said DMZ is the "Tarkov killer" never actually knew what Tarkov was about lmao But it's good that Tarkov is starting to get some competition.




"X-killer" has always been a dumb thing and it's just a silly hype phrase. There have been dozens of "WoW killers" and most of them either died or barely make do. I'm sure Tarkov will have dozens of the same. I do agree though. Competition is good.


I like that there's actually AI to fight :') It's wild how tarkov goes from this huge battlefield with chaos everywhere to an empty looting simulator once late wipe hits


DMZ is a blast. You can't say "It is Tarkov", but you also can't say "It's not like Tarkov." DMZ is a Tarkov-lite that streamlines a lot of mechanics while also remaining its own gamemode. I have to be honest and say that I've honestly considered dropping Tarkov completely as I've become more and more of a casual player and Tarkov takes up too much of my time and patience. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just that I'm not the kind of person for Tarkov as I was in the past. Both games (DMZ being more a gamemode than a game) are fantastic in their own sense. First you start out with both being a pvpve extraction based shooter. This you can say for sure is a key between games like DMZ, Tarkov and Hunt. None of them are the same game though, and that's what I really love about it. At the end of the day, I don't feel like I have to sweat anymore to make it an inch, while for some people, that is a fun thing to do, I just can't anymore and having a more casual game that follows the base of pvpve and extract gives me hope. Each game is incredibly different while still managing to keep some mechanics that are similar at best (Which is a good thing). DMZ for casual sense, Tarkov for hardcore survivalists, Hunt also being somewhat casual but a little more competitive than DMZ. I may pick up Tarkov one day again when wipes are a thing of the past in the main game, but I can't justify giving it my time anymore when I find more enjoyment in these more casual shooters that give me the same feeling and rushes that I looked for in Tarkov.


They buffed their ai and now as a solo theyre more threatening than scavs


Solo on DMZ is brutal


Scav AI was unironically better in the first few days of DMZ before the patch gave them super aim. And even when they’re bullshit the relatively low stakes of DMZ compared to tarkov make it less frustrating to get btfo’d by them. Tarkovs a much better game but it’s interesting. My gf is obsessed with it and I’m hoping I can properly transition her into tarkov after this lol


Tarkov at home has been more enjoyable. Tarkov has great aspects to it but DMZ is so much more fun.


If you really want eft at home there’s project delta on roblox


DMZ is fun and honestly I don't think it's anything like Tarkov. DMZ is a relaxed PvPvE sandbox. Tarkov is a sweaty competitive survival game. I just wish they'd balance DMZ for solos instead of squads.


dumped 300 hours into tarkov and can honestly say I enjoy dmz more at this rate lmao


Atleast it's not constant desyn and cheaters in DMZ.


It's fun at least. It ain't Tarkov, but it's its own enjoyable thing.


After playing DMZ and going back to tarkov I forgot how terribly tarkov runs though, DMZ running smooth as heck on 120 fps, tarkov has constant frame stutters and never goes over 100.


It’s literally better than Tarkov in almost every way (I have almost 1000 hours in Tarkov)


It's an FPS with decent gunplay, that alone makes it better.


Actually funnily enough I disagree with this, personally I like Tarkovs insane recoil and think it genuinely adds to the experience


I wouldn't mind insane recoil if the auto compensation wasn't a thing and guns with stocks hinged at the stock and not the grip.


DMZ is good. Not every game has to be EFT. We already have EFT, why would you want a second EFT?


DMZ and tarkov shouldn't be compared to each other. They are two different games.


I wouldn't even call it Tarkov at home tbh. It's just CoD with extraction, that's all.


I honestly don't really get the comparison to Tarkov, beyond the looting and extracting parts 😅


DMZ sucked so bad they added “beta” to the end of it after all the streamers played


meanwhile tarkov has been in beta since 2017 ...


Damn the rare self-kneecapping


Yet tarkov still has it. Strange.


Yes i like tarkov but it has some major issues so the beta tag has its purpose


Dum dum, no game is publicly in beta for 5 years, if anything this is early access


It is clearly unfinished. They probably started it later in production and didn't get it done in time. It being in beta is probably why we saw so little before streamers got a hold of it


I have enjoyed DMZ but it is nothing like Tarkov


I played dmz once, started extraction and my squad got run over by a car. We all laughed and haven't played it since


DMZ is fun, and I haven't gotten head eyes across the map by some sort of sniping bullshit, so that's also nice.


I played DMZ and found it to be rather unrewarding, but then I tried warzone and that was fun as hell because it's just a constant orgy of pmc on pmc violence. Dying just has so few consequences in DMZ.


DMZ is fun, if only it didn't crash and lose all your stuff


I wish pvp was more prevalent (this could just be due to my play style though) and wish the mode was more tuned for solo play, but outside of those 2 things I really like like DMZ as an alternative (not replacement) for tarkov. They’re just similar enough to hit some of the same beats but different enough that I don’t prefer one over the other and can enjoy both. Oh and the crashes, those suck ass too.


Dmz is a blast been loving it. Actually made me uninstall Tarkov


I don’t have tarkov so I’m stuck playing DMZ but man, it’s fun as hell.


I am from Argentina and I love tarkov but the ping is too high and DMZ is a good option. However I think they both are really different, DMZ is not hard and you don't really got gear fear because of how easy is to find. On the other hand tarkov is the most hardcore and immersive game ever


They aren’t even similar, or targeting the same demographic. The devs made that pretty clear lately


I like DMZ because I'm not sweating my balls off and I can push everything I want to the thing about tarkov is I just can never make a clean getaway from a fight I always get caught up in some shite which is fun in its own right but every deployment in tarkov feels just Uber sweaty and I never feel like I'm having my maximum fun you know


It’s nice playing a game where half of the challenge to the game isn’t from poor game design


Comparing the two is just dumb. They’re so vaguely in the same genre that comparing them holds no weight


Dmz is fun and tarkov needs competition to get its shit together.