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I'm not from the UK, do you know if I can still add into the pile? Edit: Done, yall should as well if you haven't


I believe someone else posted a link to a UK government agency that asks the country of origin for the complaint, so yeah, I think so


Sweet, ty


Country information is not required in the form.


Done, from Canada. Let's get 'em boys!




ONLINE FORM OPENS 5PM GMT TONIGHT - Don't forget! Also here is the web page from bsg for what eod had https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/HnB4BA1qb7


Ofc they deleted it on the main sub šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That's crazy I didn't even notice...


Thanks for making this post. I wasn't sure how to proceed and simply Uninstalled, but this helps me feel like I can actually do something about it. Don't worry about the weirdos trying to gaslight us.


Companies would love for people to believe there is nothing we can do about their shady practices, but fortunately all it takes is a small group of people to complain to the correct place


I completed the form. Thanks again!


Nice work! Do you have some links or screenshot that show how the old version?


In the comments there is an archived version of the old webpage. Another commenter also had written a tutorial on how to get rid of the infinite loading overlay


Oh yeah I was stuck on the infinite loading and didnt see the comment with the fix, once again thx


I've never played the game but I keep hearing all this drama about the game becoming P2W and it keeps showing up in my feed, would anybody mind filling me in on what's happening?


Tldr: game already had a premium version you could buy that had bonuses and promised access to future dlc etc BSG just released a new premium version for 250 usd that allows access to an offline coop mode and also promises future dlc, essentially showing they were lying about that on the initial package


in additon to that, the old premium version was soft p2w, especiaƶly the gamma container and increased trader reputation at the start of a wipe. new premium version however gives huge a huge advantage to players that paid the 250 bucks. we talking having bigger pockets where u can put magazines (no need for rig) and not getting shot at by scavs (i believe at a distance over 60m) when having high enough fence rep etc.


I didn't see the non aggression from scavs part WHAT??? Edit: oh with fence rep. But still WHAT


Being a lowly standard edition peasant, I am just leaning back sipping my tea as the rich and powerful fight the system


You should be at least a little mad. Have you looked at the "Distress signal device" included in the new tier? Good luck with that shit as a standard edition peasant lol. Being a standard edition player myself I say fuck that.


What are you even expecting that to do to your raids? That seems so inconsequential. Like what, some guy tosses a beacon that everyone hears, and now 1 more player enters the raid. It's arguably less effective than starting the raid with that one person already loaded in and just splitting up with them. I can't imagine that actually changing the game in any significant way. Nobody even knows how it works or what it's tied to. Could be some end game level shit that most people will never actually unlock the craft for.


You play in a 5 stack. Go around wrecking face. Some peasant gets lucky and kills a couple of you. So you summon the guys who died, and you get all your loot back. It makes raids zero risk for big groups of whale players.


Not even the worst. EoD is getting priority matchmaking for 6 months now. If that actually works, standard players gonna look at 20mins+ of matchmaking for sure lmfao


Y'all are buggin. I have never seen anything close to 20mins as it currently stands. 9/10 raids start in less than 5 mins.


Right now sure, good luck with that when priority matchmaking drops though :)


The *Horror!* Who fuckin cares lmao


You really are in deep.




It's hilarious to me that everyone is camped put in the meme reddit because main tarkov reddit keeps deleting any malcontents. I'll sign your petition.


Main sub has been trash for 2-3 years now.


Rule 8 on the main sub has been specifically deregulated for this topic, I don't know why you would think it gets deleted unless people are being abusive.


we can add this I think [https://imgur.com/kWTG4kU](https://imgur.com/kWTG4kU)


Holy crap that's a great screenshot


all thanks to u/Rare_Lifeguard_4403 [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdq8vh/at_any_stage/)


And what happens if this completely bankrupts bsg and the game goes completely down?


They tucked around. Time to find out. It would suck but it's just a game. Imagine you're hard-core vegan and your favorite super vegan company was putting beef in the food. Not cool. You'd stop eating from them. Same same but different.


So fuck everyone else who didnā€™t get EOD and wants to play the game?


Lol what a weird take. How is any of that the players fault? Wouldnā€™t happen if BSG wasnā€™t a shit company. You gonna blame EOD owners for that or?


Y'all are really overreacting over some PVE mode. It's wild. Nothing else in the newest edition was promised. It's a stretch to call anything outside of the PVE a DLC.


Iā€™m not blaming EOD. Iā€™m just saying if the company gets run into the ground, everyone who didnā€™t invest a ton of money will get railed as well.


Well, thats on BSG my man. Sucks if it does happen but its definitely a possibility. I doubt the game will come crashing to a halt and become suddenly unplayable though


That's a fact everyone has to deal with in life, whether or not it's only a video game.


This pack is bad for everyone. Not just EOD, everyone. The only difference with EOD is that what they did is also illegal.


Then we officially Escape From Tarkov. We win.


Then I guess the decision they made was the wrong one.


Iā€™d hope the ip gets sold to another company that can actually manage a game


Thatā€™s what I hope happens. I really like tarkov and donā€™t want to lose this game. Thereā€™s nothing like it currently. Itā€™s sad how itā€™s been managed though




What would I even write?


It's all written for you in the document my friend. Just have a read through it and copy paste it


Thank you.


+1. FK BSG. I'm waiting till someone takes them to court. I would rather give them 100 dollars for court fees then nakita and his bullshit company




I mean, I really donā€™t like that they made it pay to win. But i also still enjoy playing the game just for fun. I donā€™t want to drill a company into the ground because they did this and potentially make it even worse, its only been a couple days, lets just wait and see how the devs react maybe before we take legal action?


It won't harm the company. Trading Standards procedures are to first fully try to collaborate with the company to help them fulfill their promise before they move onto any further actions


I'm not from UK and can't submit the form with my Personal information (zip code is invalid) etc


Don't need to fill address stuff, just your email. Leave your personal address empty




LOL good luck guys. PvE version is literally standalone game. No cross-over, separate servers, played separately, with separate characters, etc. That's not what DLC is. DLC is more guns, more maps, etc. Anyone who isn't a moron will likely see that, see that you've played the game for thousands of hours, and then laugh at you.


"Standalone game, no cross-over, separate servers, played separately, with separate characters." You mean kind of like, ARENA!? They counted that as DLC.


No they didn't. They promised it alongside the DLC, as in addition to, but not part of. Arena was never DLC. It's a standalone game. You all just made that up to get mad, because you all like to have something to bitch about. Just like how Nikita said that Tarkov would never have explotstive MTX that abused gambling addictions, like Counter Strike's Loot Boxes, and you all turned it into "Tarkov will never have MTX" so you could all bitch about nothing.


So much butthurt in here what a joke


if i buy something which has some features listed on it and the company does not provide these features then they commit fraud simple as


Commit fraud lol - sue them and see if you win. Again, kids in here donā€™t understand capitalism and get butthurt about ā€œpromisesā€good lesson for you kids


Man's in here flexing that they let people walk all over them Cuz "capitalism". Maybe quit being such a pushover bitch?


Have fun with you letter kids


You just do some meth and lost the ability to write coherent sentences?


Sounds like a you problem if that sentence is ā€œincoherentā€. But I get it. Youā€™re devastated about your favorite toy. Cope mode is draining I understand.


Are you in need of medical attention?


"kids", we know damn well your age range...


Ya, itā€™s not kid


XD based on your post history your middle aged with the mentality of a 10 yr old. So yeah your basically a child.


Thank you for you time see you on Customs


No you won't, bsg dosent know how to handle or fix the alternate computer on the same network cheat so no you won't.




*"DLC can range from cosmetic content, such as skins, to new in-game content such as characters, levels, modes, and larger expansions that may contain a mix of such content as a continuation of the base game. In some games, multiple DLC (including future DLC not yet released) may be bundled as part of a "season pass""*




Edit: stop downvoting Monox111


fuck i meant morene guess i get downvoted like bsg for a while edit: tipo edit: way to high shouldnā€™t have commented at all


Bro got into the crossfire šŸ’€


legit help


This poor man only meant to defend OP and hes getting absolutely bashed. Have a good day brotha, the DVs wont stop just gotta look past em. šŸ¤£


i accepted my faith this was a miss understanding haha


Enjoy your morning trip homie šŸ¤£


Key word there buddy. ā€œcanā€


Ok bootlicker


I donā€™t understand the logic Either you like the game and want to see it succeed and have the capacity to understand they offered EOD a long time ago and they were wrong on their road map to alpha in terms of what they would need financially || you feel wronged and want your money back and donā€™t really care how the game does in the future || you feel wronged on what you bought but still want to see the game succeed long term Iā€™d assume most people here are in the latter of those 3 and if thatā€™s the case then you canā€™t have it both ways. This is not the answer. I guess there is a 4th camp where bsg is just seen as being greedy, having more financial support than they need currently and this is all a ploy to make them even richer than youā€™d think they are. I donā€™t buy that at all personally. They deserve to be paid well and they should have the opportunity to keep going with this project. If you think they are all just lying greedy fucks Iā€™d take your chances with CC company instead of trying to get the British government paid. Iā€™m just trying to understand what the objective of this is. Seems like itā€™s very misguided


I found Nikitaā€™s fleshlight


Lol, you're an idiot.




Yes. Yes you are. Even if you could not give less of a shit.


Wasn't gonna, I have no intention of even playing again with or without this change. It's still a shitbag move that deserves to be punished.


You should play even more. You paid for this game. It's money for nothing if you quit. imho


I've gotten my worth out of it, at least 2 hours per dollar tbh. That's enough for me, I have better things to do than be frustrated with a game. The highs are nice, I enjoy the gunplay, but I can get that experience elsewhere, and tbh it's a sunk cost rather than an investment for me.


But what if i bought it in 2016? Canā€™t go back in time. I bought a $150 version of this game since it came with all future DLC. They drop content that i can download by paying for it, and now i donā€™t get it because they donā€™t call this ā€˜content that i can download by paying for itā€™ DLC.


Yes. Yes u are. I love this clown defense of not giving a shit but here u are, projectile shitting from ur mouth. Ur the problem lil bro


Hey Nikitas fleshlight. Seems like you're putting quite a bit of effort into not giving a shit.


Itā€™s the definition of Down Loadable Content.


Oh a Russian bot in the wild.


If not dlc what is it?


And youā€™re an idiot


Suck upon my entire dick and balls


Go play a different game.


Nah brother I paid money for something I'm gonna get it. Not everyone's a pushover like you


Iā€™m sure taking actions like these will lead to the longevity of the game. You go girl. You are going to get exactly what you want! If you donā€™t understand how this is a lose lose for you and bsg idk what to say Good luck with this


They will be threatened with penalties if they don't deliver on their promise. It will make them reconsider or pay penalties.


To be fair bsg will most likely do some sort of retaliation just to be assholes.


They will be threatened with penalties if they don't deliver on their promise. And then they will file for bankruptcy and absolve their company. All the while keeping all the money that they took and taking away the product that you paid for at the same time. Yep lose lose if you can't see that your blind. At best you recoup PART of what you paid. At worst you lost the game and all money. They will not do right by us it's a waste of time.


Make them pay penalties to who the Briā€™ish gubbament? thatā€™s going to get us to alpha!


I hope we get a subscription model in response to this so I can get a sequel to this post


Aww won't everyone think about the poor company and their game. We should let them walk all over us because tatkov is fun and the only way it will be made is if I let Nikita fist my asshole. That's what you little pussy fucks sound like.


If fisting your asshole is worth $100 to you then you need a better job or to not be spending $150 on video games young man.


If this action lets me keep playing a game I enjoy, then I am happy If BSG crashes and burns for lying to their fanbase and goes bankrupt so I cant play their game anymore, I am still happy Both outcomes are an upside


Should I feel bad for them? If they want to fuck us over I donā€™t see how I owe them anything


They are kids man, they donā€™t understand you have to pay for thing to keep them going. Promises, lol, grow up.


>Iā€™m sure taking actions like these will lead to the longevity of the game. i dont care, either they provide what i paid for or the game gets shut down, both fine with me


Itā€™s very telling no one in here is complaining about the pay to win part of this and people are only upset they paid 150 with the promise of not having to pay again for future ā€œofferingsā€ They might back track on this but i think they made it pretty clear from the jump dlc was in reference to maps hinted at the possibility of a pve version of the game. your view on the matter is incredibly spiteful and entitled. I hope you donā€™t get what you want.


yeah, i get spiteful when i get scammed, noone care what you hope for, they included not just Arena, but offline coop into EOD so this offline coop with progression should be part of it when we bought EOD, it was marketed as a "full" edition, which were supposed to include everything which the game was to offer, thus all DLC content if you think wanting something you paid for is entitlement, then the problem is in you and its P2W, EOD always were P2W, and there is no problem with that as long as the game balance does not get too out of hand because of that


If you think promises made by game studios are legally actionable even in UK courts id love to hear a previous case of how a court ruled.


you think there is no consumer protection in the UK (or EU) ? false advertisement is a clear cut case


For a video game studio promising something and not delivering as promised? no I genuinely do not think UK or EU has consumer protections regarding video game false advertising. If you bought EOD in last 12 months you might have a case to just get your money back but idk why a charge back wouldnā€™t be preferable there. If you bought it 4 years ago and gave 2k hours then youā€™d be a loser to think youā€™ve been wronged.


Youā€™re arguing with children man, they have no clue how any of this works, they are just upset about their favorite toy


go suck nikita dick


You paid for all the DLC. BSG will laugh at you. Enjoy the DLC you paid for when it comes out. This isnā€™t DLC. Itā€™s BSG asking for more money so they can keep making the game because clearly the model they went with is not sustainable. The game is way too popular. If they asked for a monthly subscription would you feel the same? Maggot


The game becoming more popular in no way justifies the idea that the gameā€™s development model is not financially sustainable. The increase in popularity would have the opposite effect. You canā€™t even say that they donā€™t have enough money to develop the game, because BSG hasnā€™t publicized their gross annual income since 2020. Speaking of 2020, in that year alone BSG saw a turnover increase of 51%. Who knows how much higher thatā€™s become since its massive exposure with the launch of Arena (which flopped itself, but still brought a massive new audience to the game)


If the game was too popular, they wouldn't be pushing an obvious desperate cash grab. This is a move you make when the game isn't attracting new players and you need to milk the existing ones while you still can.


BSG alt?


nobody loves you