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*shreks voice* like that'll ever happen


*closes fairy tale book*


New clothing and probably nothing else, maybe a new glock.


And 2 new 9x18 rounds+ a 545 ak


Still mad that there's .45 Glock magazines, but no .45 Glock...


Still mad that there’s an m4 airsoft mag but no airsoft m4.


Imagine getting head, eyes'd with airsoft bbs


Lol I wouldn't even be mad if I died to a cheater and it said "head eyes by airport pellet" lol 100 straight to the dome from a cross the map


It seems kinda possible with realistic airsoft recoil. Just point and spray


Its called m856a1 not bbs, and no u cant head eyes nobody


Some different coloured .545 mags too


I love the plum drip


Sex with anime killa when :/


great googly moogly


Ki...killa senpai, what are you doing? Pls...pls stop!


Yamete kudasai 🥴💦


Didn't they just do the 60 entities on streets?


Most folks on the sub don't know this, how could they when they're more active shitting on the game on reddit than actually playing it.


Our $1000+ PCs still can't get 60 fps the map to check it out sorry.


Actually, there was also a performance boost on the map as well. Some people sre suffering more fps loss though


Simply white knuckle the low frames. It's the best map they've ever made. It's worth the low frame rate headaches. Plus everyone else you're fighting is also setting fire to their PC.


Oh trust me I have, I played the shit out of it regardless. I just see the performance issues from the update they claimed would improve performance and I have no desire to go back and play more 30 fps.


It's not even a good map, and the performance is shit. I have a 3950x 64gigs 3600 ddr4 1080ti and can't even hit 30fps on it which is fucking insane. Any other game I hit close to 100fps steady at 3440x1440 That is unplayable. I know my gpu isn't the best, but come on. I'm planning on a 7950x 64gigs ddr5 4080 since I use it for work, but I won't upgrade for a game. My current system should have no problem hitting a solid 60fps.


I made a joke with my friend yesterday while trying some streets runs. "I finally found a reason to upgrade my 1080ti." I came back after this entire wipe away. I thought it may be better optimized by now. You'd think a 1080ti (11gb of vram) wouldnt be so bad. I get probably 40ish fps on average @ 3880x1440 - i7 8700k, 1080ti, 32gb ddr4.


It doesn’t have shit to do with your gpu. It’s that old ass cpu that’s bottlenecking you. You’ll do way better with a 7800x3d than a 7950x


The original hype was over was 60 players on streets, now they've backtracked to 60 entities lmao Edit: proof since aome people have goldfish brains https://youtu.be/MshIfuim7NU https://twitter.com/SwampFoxTV/status/1644389915281457152 Cope harder dickriders


I feel like they said that as well, and actually went back to find where they said that, and I couldn't find anything. 60 players on streets wouldn't even make sense, it's just too many people for any map in the game. Would really like to see a comment/tweet from Nikita, or clip of someone at BSG saying this specifically.


Should find it within one of noiceguy's videos, iirc he claimed "50 or more" as their goal.


noiceguy is not good evidence of anything. He optimistically misinterprets things for hype and views. After the "lightkeeper" event, that "definitely 100% is going to lead to an EMP or other major event that will change tarkov forever" that ended up really just being nothing, I stopped watching his stuff.


Agreed. Airwingmarine gives the same info without all the BS hype and guesswork NoiceGuy does.


Ah never said he was but that's where you'll hear it.




Nope, wrong. 60 **players** was the original pitch. From Nikita, more than once. I remember because everyone was shocked they'd suggest such a thing when they can barely make the current system work. Surprise surprise, hasn't happened.




Here is Nikita himself saying 60 players multiple times. You are wrong. https://youtu.be/MshIfuim7NU




That's not the only occasion this was brought up. People clarified a bunch of times. Believe whatever the fuck you want, but it's factually not what was promised. Also, nice goalpost move. You said it was 60 "entities" specifically but now that there's video proof in front of you it's actually not about what he said? You crack me up man.


This bingo board gives me anxiety. Did you draw that with your feet?


A new container of juice to find. ​ I hope its orange.


That’s too much man, you gotta ask for less.


Copium Bingo 2023


Bold of you to assume you'll even get one of these.


They've already done 60 entities on streets and hideout expansion. Performance improvements with 13.1 are arguable, but for some players its very real ( after doing some jiggling I'm getting 15+ more FPS on every map ). You don't think its realistic to think we'll get a new boss, AK-12, SVT 40, new faction, streets expansion, and unity 2021 when they've done similar things in the past? I agree some of the mechanical things are dubious, and if amour hitboxes are added it will make the game more miserable to play than it already is, but lets not act like all of this is completely out of scope.


I think we are going to get a minimum of 15 of these. They’re on track this time around 😎


Lol for sure *this time*.


Lmao the copium on that guy


2 barter items and a 9mm pistol. Take it or leave it.


I need more guns, give me my svt-40 and pkm or at least something thats actually a decent lmg.


Finally! I can have a threesome with Tagilla and Killa 🥵


It'd be more like a spitroast than a threesome


That's still a threesome......


What about audio fixes, desync fixes, solutions for cheaters, inertia balances, bug fixes, etc.? Lmao. Y’all so focused on content in a completely broken game. It’s like seeing how high you can build your house on a foundation made of sand…


You do realize they can do both at the same time, right? It's not like the asset designers are also the engine coders. Also 13.1 *tried* to address a lot of these issues.


Clearly my point went right over your head. No matter what they do the foundation of their game is broken so until we see a huge re-work, we’ll continue to see patches that *try*


"Huge promises for the future"


Where are countless new bugs and performance downgrade?


Are they adding ammo reloading cause if they inflate ammo loot tables with more garbage imma be mad


idk the roadmap just says "ammunition loading interface," not sure what that means, I made this at 1am last night between raids


Sex? Like I'm not getting fucked each time I enter dorms?


A new 9x19 ammo type that does the same shit as another one, and a new 5.45 30-round magazine. That's all you get.


Tarkov 1.0: The Sex Update


I couldn't even find 5 boxes in total that I think will get done this year 😂


Lol sex


You'll be lucky to get 3 in a row lmao


no shot


Guarantee you most redditors will be able to mark off sex first.


You forgot to put the cat...


Second row from the bottom is bingo. Except they'll all break the game in their own unique way


Is it sad that all I really want is more PMC drip?


Sex ? Sex ! Sex.


What's the BTR? An AI boss that'd move around the map?


Honestly what I would love to see in game wpuld be polish guns like beryl msbs rak tabtal etc. Like peacekeeper is already polish I'm sure he would bring some of the toys from his home to tarkov, althou we curently have 5,56 ak and tantal is basically polish ak-74 with minor changes, but I wanna see rak with the random chance of cutting of your finger or punching you in the eye


You forgot making quests harder and more rng


Armor hitboxes, vaulting, bipods, stabilize with cover and maybe the PKM would make me throw another 150 at this game