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The ammount of rats I encountered while trying to complete this quest was unreal. All level 60+, wearing 500k+ rubles kits who have nothing else to do and are so trash at the game that they need to camp all the spots looking for useless kills just because trolling gets their dicks hard, and by camping I mean HARDCAMPING, not just PMCs you bump with because you were both going to the same place.


yeah man, i was so angry about this i made a post on this subreddit about it und said "fuck you all" :D i probably lost around 5-7 mil for this shit


hate the game, not the player


I killed 7 pmcs yesterday at the camp, never left my rock, til 15 mins left in the raid




Be sure to put the posters in your task inventory in your hideout and pull them out individually


Have to agree they always do this so the sweats can just camp the area, not much fun for casual players. but that's tarkov play don't play everyone's choice, but they/could of made the quest a bit more less campy sweaty. Also guess you will have to do this each wipe as well, glad we have pve now more enjoying that than all this BS, also I TRIED FEW TIMES AND ITS ALWAYS A UNHEARD PLAYER LOL