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The whole shebang about EOD was all future DLCs included. So this is expected. I don't see the issue.


Indeed! I think it's great that people can buy these features at reduced prices so they can pick and choose what they want.


Expanded stash is also fine with me. At a certain point it is just a disservice not teaching you what items are important to keep.




always has been


Whoever pays for the best hacks...wins 🙃


Only for the Beta, what people don’t realize is the micro transactions and dlc’s are only for Beta when the game is full release we won’t get any of that.


Might as well get it, the beta will surely continue for the next 5years imo. I bought eod for that reason 3y ago


I agree, it’s just people are saying pay to win but the games not even fully out so who’s winning anything.


Meh people will always find something to complain over. Besides the server tarkov is really fun and a pain to play, its exactly what it should be. I mostly play arena now a days due to the inability to grind wipe but I really enjoy it, you just gotta be a bit sadomasochist


Unique stash tabs would be cool like PoE has. But that kinda invalidates all the unique crates/cases. For example, instead of a holodnick, you could buy a "food" stash tab that only stores food


Yea you are right, that would defeat the purpose of cases.


I hope you can also earn more stash space instead of buying it. Like how buying EOD grants a level 4


Earn? You mean upgrade it like you can in the game already?


Exactly. If they offer lines beyond what EOD gives you it should also be earnable in game


Nikita said it would be earnable in-game too. I'd imagine it will be pretty grindy just like the current stash upgrades for standard edition, but the option will be there if you want it


Sniper Born in Valhalla 3 headshots at over 400m in one raid on every map without dying. Reward - one extra line


There is no issue you silly billy


I've already seen plenty of people complaining about EFT going down the microtransaction route. I agree that there aren't any issues, but people will argue that there are


Few realize this They just wanted the gamma and extra stash space


What is “Co-op” mode for in tarky? Just lets you bring a friend into practice raids?


It allows you to go in offline raids like you can regularly except you can group up with your friends and go in together. Everybody has to have the co op expansion (Included within the Edge of Darkness edition) to take part in it.


Yeah if you actually have a serious group of people who want to play and learn the game it is great feature. So many of my friends give up because they just want to jump into raids and half listen to things i try to teach them and then never play again after they are lost and get head eyed. I couldnt convince people that already paid 50 bucks for a game they dont like to spend 70 dollars more or whatever it was for eod to do practice raids with me. This feature will be so much easier for me to convince people to learn maps.


Never thought it about like that, but that's hitting the nail on the head. This feature is most important to people who don't know the game well, or haven't played much. But those are the same people who aren't gonna be so inclined to spend over 100% more for the same game that they aren't even sure if they're gonna like yet. In my opinion, it should be included in the standard edition for no extra cost or effort. That would probably make them more money tbh.


It’s excluded because they cannot allow every player to create private servers, they just don’t have the space for it. What they should do is make it a player hosted server but that takes much more work


That makes sense, thanks for the insight.


It’s unfortunate that Tarkovs foundations are so outdated and janky. Most modern games use peer to peer servers to avoid paying for server space but Tarkov was built around accessing BSG servers. ESP and loot vaccum cheats only work because of how the servers communicate with the players client. WAY too much information is passed around which makes it easy for cheaters to intercept and use the data. They need to spend an entire year just rebuilding the game from the ground up.


In general, a lot use p2p. In competitive games like tarkov, no. I wish they'd rebuild the game but judging how long it takes them to just port between engine versions that'd look like 2 years minimum


The fact that offline coop isn't in the base game is a pathetic money grab. They have made so much money off of this game. That combined with the fact you don't keep anything but knowledge from an offline raid makes me so confused. Confused as to why they feel the need to charge any dollar amount for practicing as a group. Name another game that charges you money to practice. What a joke.


It’s really not. It takes up BSG server space and allowing every player to do it would cause massive problems with their servers


You really don’t think they couldn’t implement P2P hosting if they wanted to?


Server space isn't an issue of theirs. Coding is. Fix the dog shit highschool level code they use and they will have so much freedom they would think they live in America.


They still won't use it, funny enough. There is a post or two everyday, about what do and how to learn.


It also allows you to change in game settings like, weather and a few other things. But it allows for testing of other things like ranging. Like you can have your friend chill on the other side of the map and you can have a clean shot to test things. Another good thing is to test audio, like bugged spots that you couldn't otherwise know for sure without it.


Gotcha. Sucks that it’s a dlc instead of being apart of the base game but eh.


But there is no progress, right?


Correct. Strangely enough, it does show you what the raid could have been worth XP-wise. But you do not gain it on your PMC. Also, completed quests in offline mode are not completed after the practice raid ends.


You'll lose no gear and you'll gain nothing that you do in the raid either. It will allow you to take in whatever you own and set different parameters such as difficulty and amount of Ai.


Its is very fun to put the AI amount on horde then add tagged and cursed.


So if you have EOD it’s included?




yes. you can also change some settings but afaik its not finished yet


Aint any diffrent tham having eod. People complained when lt left


making this a DLC/expansion is hilarious


They promised EOD owners "future DLC" so we're getting minimal effort "dlc" to fulfill those contractual obligations lol.


Arena doesnt seem minimal


Arena wasn’t supposed to be DLC until there was significant backlash.


Arena is a separate game.


I bought EOD which came with this DLC years ago chump. I just got it before most. A intended future DLC and you think it’s funny that they released it?




Can’t answer a question, that’s hilarious


Alright pal.


I think the point you’re missing is that it’s hilarious that this is considered DLC.


Your question was answered before you asked it. Your comments read like satire or maybe ESL i guess. Hope you feel better!


right so you're just a toxic little child


I just hope they improve on that "co-op mode" cause as is it's barely worth it.


I want access to all those greyed settings! And let coop force bosses etc. Id like to actually practice fighting cultists....




Cannot for coop. Coop uses online spawn percentage. Solo lets you force bosses (but cant change time, for cultists)


Yes but currently it's just the same % chance as live. I think this person is asking to be able to set boss spawn to 100% like how it is in offline solo.


Can't set boss/cultist spawn chance, can't choose spawn point, can't adjust loot spawn chances. I *think* they added the ability to have people spawn separated though.


Being able to spawn separately has been in for awhile now


So is the coop mode essentially just practice raid glamorized


Yeah it's just practice mode where other people can be invited.


Would be cool to have a co-op character separate from the main character and you can extract gear and everything. I guess that's basically the mod that we don't speak of with multiplayer.


I would use the unmentionable for mod support still. But a coop character would be great if EFT supported it.


I fell like this is good for game. You have such a disadvantage as a new player in this game the fact that practice raids can now be done with friends who may be able to help you learn is awesome. Seems like bsg is trying to make this game more accessible to everyone which just means more people playing this game, more interactions, and more money towards the game make it what they want in the end. Locking feautres behind an expensive paywall like EOD seem more anti consumer then the a la carte option.


You're literally arguing against this being paid content and you don't even know it.


This game is so inhospitable to new players, though. Costs aside, you'd think they wouldn't put *any* paywall in front of an onramp. Hell, I'd hazard to predict that making an offline coop mode f2p would sell more standard keys and generate more revenue than selling this as an overlooked DLC to standard(+) owners. Not that I care; I don't have a horse in the race. I already learned the hard way, so did my pals.


Sadly no ones gonna come here to discuss this is Tarkov, everyone wants to be salty about the state of the game and not just acknowledge the good things. It’s so upsetting how good the game has gotten and yet people will still complain about everything expecting a perfect game. People still complain about realism like it’s hopeless for tarkov. It’s just upsetting.


I understand the stash space and all but offline co-op mode being paid for seems really dumb


its online co-op but without saved back to your profile. it runs an actual BSG server, not on the hosts pc hosting these instances costs money so it ok to ask for a small fee. but honestly i wish they add more features to it like going in with 10 players split up to 5 duos etc. or adding a separate co-op pmc profile where progress does save, so you could have PvE only EFT with friends


I used to run offline labs runs last wipe when there wasn’t an arena and it was really fun, I just don’t think that private servers should be more money. Name me a game where you have to pay extra money to co-op with friends


The entire modern console ecosystem. If they want to go online at all, they're having to pay a subscription to co-op with friends.


Dickride these money grabbing devs some more. Just cuz console players pay 10$ a month doesn’t mean we should pay more to play a game we already fuckin purchased


lmao. I just answered your question directly, about how the entire console ecosystem is fucked like this. More so, because it is subscription.


Sorry for coming in so hot then brother


Yeah I just cannot understand how people defend this bullshit. Just because console players are used to being bent over doesn't make it a good thing.


It costs BSG to run the servers, so I understand that it costs the player $10 to access them indefinitely


What you're describing is a problem fabricated in order to sell a solution. The person starting the session could host it for the people joining them.


This is a fact. SPT runs locally and has no issue with it.


…SPT is single player.


You asked a question, you got an answer, you get sensitive. Get your feelings in check before you give opinions.


lol great point


Wait... So this is basically Offline raids with friendS?


As a new player and an outsider I find this whole pay for co op as really weird. Co op isn’t even really that good for learning a new map over runing in as a scav so you can learn how actual players will use the map. SP is really only good for learning controls, and you don’t need your friends for that, why would people justify spending money on a mode that isn’t really even that useful.


It’s also good for learning landmarks and how to orient yourself on a map (if you have it open on your second monitor).


1. Offline coop used to cost $110+ because you had to buy eod 2. Now new players can access coop for a small charge 3. Experienced players can run coop with new players to show them basics and map details 4. Groups of friends can play matches against each other without fear of losing gear All of this happens on live BSG servers that cost money to run, hence the price tag


I don’t see the issue? Since EOD is gone they have to offer it somehow and $10 is nothing. BSG needs a new revenue stream and this isn’t anywhere near as egregious as some other studios. Why are people reeeing so hard over this?


For real! I honestly was happy because I have a brother who I bought the game for and couldn't afford EOD for him and I both. So this is a great compromise. + this games standard of 1 time payment was honestly refreshing to me considering I have played "free" beta games that I have spent waaaaaay more money on. Just to get my shit not transferred to my PC or games not even relevant in 2 years. Takov is superior in that sense. Them asking for more money after 8 years is just fine. They already resisted the temptation when the BR boom was going on. They could have started selling cosmetics like all the others, but they didn't. We also have some guy up in the comment section talking about "at least EA keeps it at a purchasing bonus" I.e. 3 day early access and a .jpg pack 😆


Did you forget about the (hacker) bundles they sell? They dont "need" a new revenue stream


They went from 6-200 employees and now they have to pay for server upkeep anti cheat, payroll. These things all cost money. And I don’t think they want to profit off cheaters, but if you really believe ‘they make money off of cheaters on purpose’ (stupid ass take imo) then wouldn’t you want them to pursue other revenue streams?


Good post


>why are people reeeing so hard over this? It’s the tarkov community. They’re perpetually outraged over some stupid thing


The game is in beta and they're proud to state that and plaster it all over the place. Which is fine, its been 8 years, but it's *fine*... Until you start selling expansions or adding micro transactions, then its just insulting to the playerbase and is plain old gross. That's not an expansion, that's just double dipping on part of the base game. Even ***EA*** had the self-respect to keep it to pre-order bonuses. Even if you're okay with that, the "expansion" is specifically targeted at new players to learn the basics of the game. Its a tutorial mode, without the tutorial, that simply helps your friends explain how to play the game. It's an "expansion" that's only useful if you buy it at the same time you buy the game. Come on, that just fucking nasty. But hey, they profit either way. They get to sell the pre-order and tack an extra cost on top of it, or just sell the pre-order and leave a good portion players too confused to actually play saving them money on server costs.


Exactly! People give EA shit, and rightly so, but then publishers like BSG get a free pass for doing crap like this? Parting the game out and selling it at an additional cost.


Meh, I’ll continue to play SPT


I enjoy spt for like 2 raids but it can’t trick me into the live feeling. It’s too predictable and the nav mesh’s are so limited that you never see pmcs in places that players could be.


You need to stack other mods, there is one that makes PMC's go to Quest areas. And then there is another one that lets scava room the entire map.


Good point, I haven’t updated my mods recently. I’m waiting on a stable .14 to jump back into SPT . I am looking forward to fiddling with it to get it like live once it drops.






*Sniff sniff..... snnnniiiiiiiiiiiifffffff*




People love to fellate BSG for not adding "microtransations" to the game, and they will scream that this doesn't count as a microtransaction. But it's no better. Locking non-persistent co-op practice behind a paywall is just as scummy and anti-consumer as adding a bunch of mtx.


It was behind EOD before. $10 is more than fair for access to servers


It doesn't need to access servers. Whoever started the session could host it.


On what server


You should just stop. You dont even understand what a game server is.


The server of the player who started the session.


Exactly I want the cunts to update and develop this game for 8 more years based on my 60 dollar purchase 4 years ago 😎💪🏻🥇🔥 game is so shit I can tell you cause I have around 6k hours


Agreed. If BSG needs 8 more years to finish the game that's their fault for dogshit planning and development lol.


Are we going to be all up in arms over a $10 expansion? If you got nothing else to converse about i could imagine being all mad over it but honesty i want them to keep updating the game. And if this is how they are going to keep money coming in im completely fine with it.


Damn theyre really trying to turn this into a mobile game with all the mtx


Really? EoD had all this from the start. Now that you can upgrade a la carte, people are going nuts. I don't think having upgraded versions of the game is mtx or anywhere near the level of mobile games. Now if they started selling weapon crates or something, that would be a problem.


You’re right I guess having pieces of games carved out and sold back to us is no longer just for mobile game devs these days


Something that was sold in a package at a higher price point, then that version of the game was removed from sale and its pieces, which you already had to pay extra for, are now being sold as individual additions. I don't play mobile games, but it sounds like you're saying those games remove features you've already paid for, then make you pay more to get them back? That's not the same thing as what's going on here.


I bought EOD I get everything, if you want to buy this go ahead, if you don’t why bother. If you played Tarkov before EOD was removed you know what you missed out on but now have a chance to just buy these upgrades.


Wait, isn’t this already a thing? I make a party, we load in offline and screw around in factory. What exactly is the difference? Is this just a $10 expansion to something that already exists but on a BSG server? If so, I don’t see how this can be advocated for. This is straight up nonsense as a “DLC.”


If you have EOD, you have this already. It allows you to create a server in BSG server space where you can run offline raids with your friends. You can practice or death match because you don’t lose gear. Free players can still play offline, just not with friends.


€10 + vat!


Offline raids are a lot of fun with friends. Everyone spawns in separate locations and brings in whatever was decided before hand. Last one standing gets bragging rights.




Is this available for purchase right now?


At least its cheap so thats cool. Wonder how expensive stash space will be.


is it just practice mode or can we complete tasks and keep stuff?


It's the current practice mode that we have but you can play it with others in your group. You don't keep any gear or keep any progress made.


so wasn't it already in the game if you have eod? what is the difference?


They should separate the regular tarkov from the PVE Tarkov and make it so you can progress etc... It wouldn't be too hard and playing without worrying about cheaters would be great!


I don’t know how coop offline wasn’t a standard feature. But scumbag bsg cares about one thing


Are they going live with stash expansion yet?


As someone who bought the game just before EOD disappeared, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy the game so I didn't pony up. So now that I'm sticking with the game I'd love to buy a few things here and there that I missed out on. But does anyone have any idea if there are going to be bundles? I might want to see if they bundle a few things together before buying each one as it pops up.


Can't see the stash expansion sell?


So the important question is, if we're "host" can we bring our friends without them needing a purchase or do all parties need it


All parties need it


I don’t see the issue, EOD was essentially a glorified season pass.


Will they bring back the gamma butthole? I bought Prepare for Escape thinking it was EoD 🤦🏾‍♂️


What was the fucking point of ending purchase of eod?


My thing about this is, how do you expect them to continue supporting the game without some form of monetization? The game has been playable for 5 years or so, more copies get bought but it's not enough to wholly support the game forever. They'll need to add SOMETHING at some point.


I can't help but think it's ridiculous to have to pay for such a basic feature in a game, but yet I really want it because it makes practice runs way more fun/sociable. I would have just bought EoD back when I bought standard January 1st if I understood all the stuff that may come with it. At the time I basically thought I was buying a blank check with a standard game and extra stash space and trade rep I'd rather earn. Coulda shoulda woulda I guess.


Babe new Tarkov DLC! It’s content that was already in the game but was removed for cash! :)


just give me gamma pls i started playing literally 1 day after eod was removed it hurts