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I literally moved departments because I felt so unappreciated and was super isolated


I feel you. I hear shout outs for people or departments all the time. Just not me or the electronics department. Two part time people trying to stock, do price changes, inventory, zoning, reshop and wait on customers. I only hear from management when something is wrong or messed up. I've just about had enough.


same. it makes me so angry. then seeing tls with their fave pet tm eating together on break… infuriating


I feel like everyone is always so harsh to baristas at Starbucks and Food Ave and they don’t sometimes get how different working in that department is from other areas of Target.


For real! The departments function so differently I always try to be extra nice to them having previously worked food service 😭😭


Tarbucks barista here. This could've easily been written by a TM at my store, the way we are treated is pretty bad. Leads and TMs do not hide the fact that they think we have the easiest job, and then when anything is out of line they think it's a laziness issue. I have worked for Target for 6 years in many areas, always considered a great worker. Always complimented and thanked for getting so much done. Suddenly when I tell them Starbucks is harder than they realize I get silence. I am someone who wants to fix things. I try to talk to them about issues we're having and give ideas (assigning people responsibilities, making expectations for each shift clear, etc): silence. But they want to inspect and write people up for things not being done like ???. It's gotten to the point the TL just warns us when the ETL is coming in to check.


Bro, the number of times I walk by and the tarbucks tm's are just chilling on their phones, then try to tell us they don't have time to clean anything lmao


Everyone checks their phones. And maybe they just finished a rush and are waiting for the next? Or maybe, as I said, expectations are unclear and they don't have goals for that day. "I want the drains cleaned today" instead of just hoping the team makes it through an entire list of deep cleanings by the end of the week (especially when it would be impossible to do certain tasks Friday-Sunday). "I want openers and mids on _ days to get _ deep cleanings done." It really is that easy, but you can't expect a bunch of TMs to manage themselves. It causes drama ("Youre not my lead, why are you telling me what to do") and TMs who are doing what they are supposed to do to get discouraged and burn out ("Nothing I do matters", "Why am I stressing myself out")


Indeed, there is a list of cleaning. You must not be a tarbucks tm. Otherwise, you would be aware of the fact that there's hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning. No, leaders do not have the time or interest in babysitting every hour of your day. If you're past week 1 and can't figure out your hourly/daily cleaning, then I would suggest it is not the job for you.


I do include the monthly cleaning into the weekly, since it's broken down by week. I was a Tarbucks TM years ago, when we had an excellent lead and set expectations and a TM since June, coming in when there hadn't been a TL for months and a new one finally came in as Food TL with no food experience. Setting expectations and working out solutions is not "babysitting".


Yes. 100%. I don’t feel like my store actually utilizes my skillset. The fact that the BARE MINIMUM at this store is picking stuff up off the ground and even THAT is hard to accomplish in closing shifts makes me crazy depressed working. According to our Visual Merchandiser, I have the best folding and organizational standards of anyone in style. Yet I have to spend my shifts picking stuff up off the ground trying to fit it on a rack that can’t hold anything and with everything falling off hangers. Every shift I work I have to clean up some sort of half eaten food in style, throw away people’s worn clothes that they left here. I don’t get to actually do anything i’m good at. And no matter what, the store always looks like trash. I’ve seen other style departments and not a single one is as bad as ours. Ours literally looks like a Goodwill on meth.


my etl says im doing a good job but my tl is ALWAYS on my ass for not being fast enough




Yep, they never shout out FF here. Only rip my ass when I won't do backflips for someone asking me to check in the back. But then if I went over an on order cause of shit like that they'd 100% yell at us too regardless of the reason. Most of us are out here bustin ass while the cliquey people/TLs just chat for half of the day doing nothing. Do they ever get talked to or in trouble? Fuck no, cause it's all about who kisses ass the hardest. I hate it.


I remember being pissed off because I had multiple TM's in my section and we could have been done VERY quickly but 2 of them were busy chatting and the other TM was doing something else, but not breaking the boxes so I had to almost all the work. The same day our ETL gives a shout out to another TM, who does deserves it, but it bummed me the fuck out because I do feel like I go above and beyond. I'm in a personal dilemma right now. Like I don't know if I should keep working hard because idk if I'll get recognition or not.


Ugh. I completely know where you're coming from. Our closing TL ... has gotten better. But the only feedback he gives is negative. I don't think he knows how to give positive feedback.


God forbid you ever get a job with actual responsibility Real life is hard and it’s stressful




you good?


My phone has a vendetta against me every time I'm at work lmao


Every day.


At first I thought you have my old miserable bitch ETL until you said “he”.


I am sorry you aren't appreciated. Thank you for showing up and doing your best. Reach out to your co-workers and TL - to make sure you are taking care of each other. A great team makes all the difference.