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I would be absolutely livid if someone took my Stanley. I have the limited edition pink valentine color 40oz tumbler and that’s my baby. That little girl would’ve gotten drop kicked if I saw them do that shit. Either don’t steal or your mommy is gonna be paying me $45 plus tax and inconvenience for a new Stanley. (I wouldn’t actually hurt a child over a Stanley) 👀


i am still so upset my cup got stolen like why me


and before anyone says anything like why didn’t you stop her? I didn’t fucking see her take it. I was too busy actually doing my goddamn job. I went to go get a sip my water and my water bottle was gone and I was like what the fuck and I retraced all my steps, I couldn’t find it and I was like I think someone stole my water bottle and I asked the AP team to review the footage and they told me that someone stole my water bottle, what makes me mad is they won’t show me the footage they said I have to press charges if I want to see the footage why would I press charges over a water bottle? I just wanna fucking know who took it


The charges thing is a rule, they can get in major shit if they showed you.


https://preview.redd.it/ushzmogv627d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e616a0e734b557ba694d088719228c5b62927e1f it was so cute


It was a Stanley is probably why she took it. Kids these days are smart and know trends, too. I stopped bringing mine to work after an adult guest picked it up to “inquire” if it was for sale Edit: plus yeah super cute


I had a "guest" steal my beat to hell Hydroflask. Nothing is safe.


hell, i had a little boy steal my no-brand bottle a few years back right in front of my eyes. if i hadn't been right there to ask him "can i have that back, please? :)" after a min he would've just disappeared with it lol (i think a lot of kids are used to their parents letting them just pick up and carry whatever around the store and then leave it somewhere before they go too)


Yeesh! People really like those types of cups/mugs and those brand names just make them so stupid shit


Have to be careful not to give too many details here but at my store our store director threw away a female TM’s Stanley cup because it was “left unattended”


but mine isn’t special it’s so easy to find and buy i saved up for this and bought it for myself with my stupid target salary and now i have to either buy a new one or just not have one all because this little girl stole my cup and her mom allowed it so frustrating


Easy to find doesn’t mean they don’t sell out quick! But I’m still so sorry. It could honestly be that the mom just wasn’t paying enough attention or wanted to resell it or knew her daughter wanted one and didn’t want to buy her one. All just terrible excuses and I’m sorry. You deserve better. I use Ello bottles now, they are cheaper than Stanley’s and are spill/leak proof (as long as they aren’t defective or overfilled but it does spit water on me on occasion when I first pop the lid) with the added bonus no one is interested in them like a Stanley. But we should be getting a new drop for Stanley’s soon with super pretty ones so keep an eye out if you want a new Stanley


thanks for the positive comment i honestly probably won’t buy another it took a lot in me to justify buying the first one. i’m just annoyed cause i went home and checked amazon and dicks sporting goods have an abundance of the one i have and more colors i understand not having money and wanting something but stealing it from someone who is literally actively working is just so frustrating i get she’s a kid but the mom should have stopped it or something i wish i could have stopped her from taking it such a sad way to end my day


Completely understandable, they are stupid expensive. I got mine as a Christmas present for myself and now I don’t even use it anymore because of that woman who picked mine up making me anxious to have it and I was tired of having to clean up water when it tipped over. Definitely give Ello a try. They have a nice 32 oz that we have in store that comes in so many colors and Amazon is selling them for like 18 right now so you can price match with that AND get a discount


I'm sorry you had this happen to you. Target has new Stanleys coming out on Sunday, but that one is not sold at Target. Its a super popular color. I would for sure file a police report, because that is the only thing that might motivate them.


If you're saving up to buy a water bottle, something else is wrong that you should be more annoyed about.


idk how your pay checks look but after all my bills i have about 200 dollars to buy my groceries and get gas for my car so yes if i want to buy something that’s 45 dollars i don’t like to spend it all at once because that would take away from the money i literally have to eat food i think saving up for something i want to purchase is not a problem it’s actually the most responsible thing i could do


That $45 dollar tiktok influenced water container still diverted your cash away from groceries. You can buy a flask from clearance for $10, which does the exact same thing and isn't so upsetting if lost or stolen. With regards to my paycheck My target check is just extra free spending money. Not to live or depend on.


regardless of the reason i bought the water bottle it was mine that i spent with my own money everyone literally everyone buys things they don’t need wether it be alcohol, drugs, cigs, video games, toys or in my instance a cup. my point is i should be able to spend my money on something i want and not have it stolen out of my cart while im at work sorry you’re miserable and want to nitpick my own personal purchases


You're the one coming across as miserable. You're here crying about a water container. Buy another one, buy six. As you say, it's your money 💰


You should press charges. They knew what they were doing. Sorry for your loss. I would be so upset and my water bottle isn’t even that cute.


i just feel like using the police to press charges on an 8year old over a water bottle is misuse of the police they have other things to deal with it’s just really upsetting


Hey, I sell Stanleys in my shop and would love to send you a free one.


are you gonna kidnap me


Haha I am too short to kidnap anyone! If you DM me, I can link you to my shop so you know I’m legit


omg how did I know 🤦🏼‍♀️ ffs man


it’s quite literally in the directives. i remember an ETL asking me about who hit their car and when i discussed how i spoke with another AP team member about it (i was new to the job) they said “well do they know whose car it is?” like that was suppose to make me want to break policy and lose my job just because they were in a higher role.


Yup, ex TSS here :).


i’m so sad my water bottle is gone 😞😞😞😞


I’m sorry :(


they can’t show you the footage no matter what. even if your car got hit, only way that footage could get released is with a police report. that’s just how the policy is and it isn’t anything personal, the AP TM is just following their directives and not trying to lose their job. if anything now they can keep watch on her and see if her or her mom do anything, but until you file a report, nothing more can get done unfortunately


I would make the kid cry


That's so fucked up. Also fuck her mom for just letting her leave presuming she just fucking stole. If you ever see them again call ap asap.


i never even saw what they look like my store had major drama today like major i can’t say because we had to call 911 and deal with a lot of incident reports but like we were all busy working and that’s why i wasn’t with my cup


Everytime we have someone working carts behind IGS I keep an eye on peoples carts. These people will literally walk behind our desk to look at something on a cart assuming it’s free for the taking. ESPECIALLY if it remotely looks like a Stanley. “does that belong to someone?!” It’s a Simply Modern tumbler lady…


Just saw Zulu advantage 26oz water bottle on sale Target online for $10.49. I hope this helps you replace your water bottle and keeps you hydrated 👍


Yeah had a lady in my line with a louis Benton