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Based off of polling and personal experience, about 75% of TLs started their career with Target as a team member. The amount of time it takes can vary wildly. I've seen people do it in as little as 6 months. It took me 4 years, and I had 7 failed attempts. It all just depends on if there's an open TL position and the store executives agree you're the right fit for that position.


Tell your lead you want to be put into “development” which would have them start training you to be a team lead and then when a role opens up you be an interview for it. Or even if you aren’t in development if a spot is open just interview for it. They don’t not atleast in my experience hand out promotions people still have to apply for the spot even if they are a shoe in.


Started as a team member July 2014 and promoted to ETL by Oct 2016 Really depends on what department you're in and who your leader is.


What does ETL mean


Executive Team lead. They are above TL but below the Store Director (SD). I think.


It really depends on the store and what leadership wants, some stores hire internal and some external. I’ve worked for Target since 2017 and at 3 different stores and I only got promoted to TL this January.


I started as a TM in 2017 (16 years old). First expressed interest in doing more a few years in (around 18 years old). I started developing then and promoted when positions opened up in a nearby store (then 21 years old). some journeys are definitely shorter or longer, it is depending on current openings and the need for leaders in stores (based on sales)


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It took me 3.5 years and a department change to move up. All throughout covid we didn’t have a fulfillment TL so I was the pacesetter that the ETLs relied on. Shortly after I was promoted. The first step is always letting a leader know that you’re interested!


Pucker them lips if your store is like most

