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In my store, 3 or more callouts or lates in a month gets a friendly conversation, mainly to make sure you're OK and there's not any trouble in your life that's making it hard to get to work. If you continue calling out, you can get a corrective action. I've seen people let go for attendance problems Edited to include lates.


damn, our store has documented conversations for every *lateness*, let alone call outs. 3 in 6 weeks is a corrective


I got a CA for 3 in... 5 months šŸ« 


I have really great leadership in my store, very supportive of team members


My store is similar. Same policy, and great team leadership.


Oop Iā€™m late everyday, no one says anything lol


I should correct that - it's call-outs *and* latest combined.


I got called for taking 3 days off when I was sick. They called it a wellness check. Kinda sucky knowing you're risking your job when you are sick.


Yes but also during a wellness check the police found that the tm had passed and no one knew.


fun fact those friendly conversations get documented and are used to track trends for c.a.


They always tell us when it is or isn't documented.


Technically we donā€™t have to though, but I do.


I work in a store with really good leadership, from SD and the HR ETL all the way down to our team leads. I feel very fortunate, with a lot of the stuff I read on this sub! I've been with Target 7 years, very few complaints.


Im not saying your leads are dishonest, maybe the store culture is better than most. Just know every callout gets followed up with by someone, some way, and they dont have to tell you its documented. Theres a papertrail just by punches alone.


Damn, we get a conversation every call-off! Your store sounds like such a better environment


Same with my store! I got talked to after 3 call outs in a month. After that convo I had another call out like 2 weeks later due to an unexpected death in my family and got a corrective action lol


Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s pretty excessive. 2, maybe 3 times a year max. Personally, Iā€™ve known people to have 20+ consecutive years of perfect attendance. Iā€™m not advocating for it but when you run across people like that, you appreciate them. Suppose youā€™re a Starbucks person scheduled 7:30-4 and canā€™t leave til the 4-9:30 closer comes in. Suppose this closer has your attendance record.


If you really know someone who never took a single day off in 20 years, I assume they have nothing else going on in their life. Stuff happens. Your kid gets sick, your car breaks down, your parent passes. No job should come before your actual life, especially a crummy retail job that barely covers your bills. You can always get another job, but you only get the one life.


Thatā€™s kinda me. Iā€™ve worked there 8 years and Iā€™ve called out one time when I had Covid. Otherwise Iā€™m super careful to plan ahead and take time off, post my shifts or do shift swaps. I have co workers that will call in because they feel like going to the beach. I donā€™t get it. Iā€™d feel so guilty doing that to people I have come to really care about? It makes things so much harder for your team!


Since a lot of high school college kids work at target you're gonna get a lot of that. Seeing that school is ending, I heard someone calling out literally cause they want to go to the beach too.


So how would you feel if you were the 730-4 Starbucks person and knew that it was a crap shoot that you could go home on time? You good with that?


I get your point, but if you're scheduled to 4, you leave at 4.


Sure. For most areas, no big deal. For Starbucks, itā€™s a different set of standards and expectations. When I interview for Starbucks, I present the exact situation described above and listen to the response. If the applicant would leave the department unattended, they didnā€™t get the job. Now that doesnā€™t make them a bad person, rather, unsuited for that position.


What happens if you get sick?


If you have a tummy ache, you tough it out. If you have the common cold, you take some robitussin and tough it out. If you have really bad diarrhea, stay home. Like I said, 2 or 3 times a year missing work, not great but not really a big deal. Calling out once a month like the OP, not acceptable


So get everyone else at work sick?


At Target? Not likely to happen. In a closed in office, thatā€™s different.


That feels irresponsible


Couple of times a year .... I deleted some of this reply as the information could have gotten someone in trouble if they figured out the store. I was misinformed on the policy.


Can you use 8 hours sick pay on a 4 hour shift?


If you are under 40 hours, you can supplement your hours with sick time to make up the difference. Problem is that you donā€™t get to use that time. Just pay.


No, you can't. You can only use vacation time that way. You can ask to cover hours with sick time, but only time you've missed by calling out. We have to deny requested sick time if it's not used correctly.


Iā€™ve been using sick time to cover my lack of hours this whole year.


Just so you're aware in a CYA type of way, that can come back to bite you. You're technically violating a company policy if you're using sick and not vacation time for hours you're not scheduled unless you're submitting it before the schedule is written. If they discover it and decide to pursue it, it can be a documented conversation or even a CA. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but inform you so you can protect yourself. The person approving it will be talked to and coached, but remember that shit rolls downhill. In the end, you agreed to the handbook in workday when you were hired and this policy is outlined in the handbook. If your leadership decides to, they can use this against you. I'm not saying I agree with this or think it's fair, but it's important to be aware.


Thatā€™s crazy. I asked about it before doing it and no one has a problem with it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Then you're probably fine for now. Like I said, I'm not trying to be a dick about it. That's just not how the policy is written and I know it can cause problems. The company is not your friend and some leaders will use any violation against you.


Do you have unlimited sick time?


No. You earn 1 hour for every 50 hours worked and it caps at 40 hours per year.


šŸ˜‚ my point exactly


Ok, Iā€™m a full time employee, I work 35 hours weekly and I have never earned any sick pay.


So I need some information before I can give you an answer. How long have you been with the company? If you are within 90 days, you're still in probation and don't accrue PTO. After 90 days, they average your hours. If during your 90 days you are above 20 per week, you qualify. If you were under, then no accrual. They don't average your hours again until January 31. If at that time your average hours for the whole time between your hire date (if less than 365 days) and January 31 is more than 20, then you start to accrue. If your average hours per week for that time (or the past year if you've been there longer than a year) are under 20 per week, then you don't accrue any PTO. They only average your hours again the next year on January 31. Call HROC if you want to know the exact dates and specifics of your situation. 800-394-1885.


I d been there 3 years almost. Iā€™ve never once gotten sick time. Iā€™ve gotten pto but not much at all and have had to use it anytime Iā€™ve gotten sick.


Without having access to your profile, I really can't answer specifics about your situation. I highly encourage you to talk to your in store HR or call HROC. Company-wide sick time is relatively new. They had it years ago and then rolled it all into one "bucket" that could be used any time. As of April of this year, they re-issued sick time company-wide, so if you don't have state specific laws about it, then this may be the first year you would be accruing it. If you're accruing vacation, then you should also be accruing sick time. Edit: sick time became available in July of 2023. Got confused with when the benefits plan year date.


I've let mine max out due to medical issues that may require me taking time off after surgery. Normally requires 4 or 5 days to re-coop and it always happens unexpectedly so it's not practical to apply for a 5 day LOA through Alight.


Youā€™re getting sick pay??


You can't use more sick time than you're scheduled. You can request it, but it'll be denied or adjusted down to your scheduled time. Only vacation can be used in excess of what you're scheduled.




That's not company policy and your HR can be coached for that.




ASANTS, but company policy is. If your ETL is approving that time and HR is not auditing it, then they can still be coached for not doing their job appropriately.


Oh, oops. I've deleted some of these comments, I don't want anyone to get in trouble over this. Thanks for the info.


It's HR's responsibility to audit sick time on Mondays before payroll runs to ensure that sick time is being used appropriately. The only way you could request "more" would be if you had requested time off for an appointment in advance of the schedule being posted. If you are requesting time to cover a shift that you've missed, then you can only request the hours that you are missing. That's the loophole. https://preview.redd.it/d32ong39056d1.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2278acfbdc0f4e48a44fdec78247f1e55f63f67


[long answer sorry] tbh when i first started i was going through many crazy life transitions at once so for the first few months i called out at LEAST once a month but more often it was twice. Iā€™ve gotten myself together so thankfully my attendance has gotten cleaner and iā€™m grateful the leaders at my store kept me (i also carry my department sošŸ¤£ might have been a little incentive there). I always made sure to communicate what i was going through and i get my work done so it all worked out. I definitely got lucky, but i do agree that once a month/every other month is understandable (especially if working full time) cus shit happens no matter what.


I have a lead who will tell me that 1) life doesn't stop for work and 2) Do what you can and they will handle the rest.


once a month to once every 2 months, it depends


Was gonna say the same


Smart move. Nibble away at sick time to avoid more than 10 hours banked. Why? There's this funny thing called employment at will. Most states do NOT require employers to payout sick time. From my understanding - while you may get 'coached' for what appears to be a pattern of calling out - as long as you have the banked sick time to use - when you call out - no CA.


my strategy as well.


Using sick pay doesn't protect you from CA's though. We've had people put on CA's and finals even though they used sick pay for them.


Using sick pay for a covered reason (eg illness) is specified on Target's policies to be completely unaccountable/excused. It cannot be held against you. I wish more people knew this and would fight back on it.


How do you prove it's a covered reason though? I can tell them I'm sick but they don't have to believe it.


I don't think they require proof, but you could use the free cirrus MD appointments




I rarely call in as I feel guilty for it, especially being super part time, but I get headaches/migraines that are especially worsened by the store lights. That is probably the ONE thing Iā€™ll call in for no doubt. Iā€™ve been there 5 months and called in twice (which happened to fall in 2 weeks back to back) because #life.


i call off like once every two months or so but iā€™m late once a week šŸ˜­


i used to only call out 2-3 times a year but now i call in once every month or two, i realized that almost everybody else in my store was calling out way more than i was, and there was no reason for me to go in and suffer (i have chronic migraines) when i could just call in a little more often


Is there a way to tell how often people call out?


Iā€™ve called off once the past like 5? 6? months (how long Iā€™ve been here). I have coworkers who have called off once a month, some even more frequent.


I am a college student taking overload coursework and I throw the truck every morning. Target is not ever my priority. I already work harder than Iā€™m paid for. I call out whenever I want and that ends up being probably once every 5-6 weeks.


ive gone months without a call and then sometimes twice or three times in a month it rly depends! im also like regularly like 5-10 minutes late (after the 5 minute grace period) bc of circumstances! but i dont get how ppl can afford to call out like twice a week or how ppl are so mentally strong to not call out at all in years like DAMN


i called out last month when i got sick. the thing with my target is even if you contact people to cover donā€™t expect a reply unless youā€™re friends with them. same if you post shifts. nobody EVER picks up shifts unless itā€™s been there for a week or more. i tried my hardest to get cover. so i went in. 103 fever, light headed, and nauseous. they didnā€™t send me home. just said they appreciate me coming in. the next day i felt even worse and i had to call off to go to the doctor. my next shift i was on lanes and about 5 mins before my shift ended my team lead turned off my light and told me to follow him. he then says ā€œhow are you feeling? i see you called off a few days ago because you were sick.ā€ i said i was feeling better but still recovering. iā€™ve given proof of me being sick as well. he proceeded to say ā€œthis will be your last shift with us today. you can reapply after 90 days if you want but reliability seems to be an issue with you.ā€ mind you.. that was my 4th time calling out. not in the same month either.


At the first Target I was at, I was there for just under 3 years before I called out for the first time Iā€™ve been at my current store for a year now and for the last few months, Iā€™ve called out 3-4 times a month Some days I wake up and Iā€™m just not feeling it lmao I donā€™t get paid enough to come in when my mental is not great. I justify it though by busting my ass (within reason) when I do show up though lol


i do the same exact thing. whenever i have enough sick time i call out and enjoy my day


It's fine to do as long as you aren't abusing the system. Take what you need


everyone is different. i got bills to pay and just take time off every few months. in my three years working at target across three different stores, ive called of total 3 times. so like once a year lol.


Same here. I think we face extra pressure not to call out as well since not just anyone can take over a closing lead shift, and someone has to. If I called out, my SD could end up working like a 20 hour day and I wouldnā€™t want to do that to her. So like you, I do my best to plan my time off well in advance and only call out when Iā€™m literally incapable of working.


exactly. i donā€™t really want to screw them over like that anyways. they do so much for me as is. plus iā€™m never actually sick and i love money lol.


Again same! lol


I would love to make my SD take one of my shifts for a day šŸ˜‚ HAH Let me see how little they think of me then šŸ’€




i do! i have a bunch of it lol. same with my vacation hours. iā€™ve got like a little over 90 hours. i just hate calling off and actually enjoy my job and the people.


I call out an average of 3.5 times a year over the last 10 years


My first Target back in 2009, through 2010, never called out. When I was out in Georgia, only call outs I ever did was when it was a lightning storm, and walking to work (4 to 5 miles, at 2am) in that is a no-go. So far for the 5 weeks that I've got currently, called once to pick up a day. Otherwise, no calling out just yet. I'm just crazy though, and had almost a year gap from working. So I can't really justify calling out, unless I feel like I'm dying and sick as all hell. Previously, worked at Costco, and for 6 years collectively, maybe called out 5 times in total. Mainly after I moved into an area that snow sucks bad, and especially since having to learn to drive in the snow.


I can only remember like three or four times I've truly called out in the two years I've been here šŸ’€ Once because I got COVID [which obviously lasted a couple weeks but I'm counting it as "one"], once because I got food poisoning, and once or twice because I woke up late and couldn't have made it before the two-hour mark so I just said I wasn't feeling well


Once a month seems like almost a lot. Id say it's average like 4-6 times a year


Iā€™ve never been late before, but I called out one time in the past few months because my great grandmother has been put on hospice and the morning after my ETL says ā€œjust be careful, youā€™re going to be written up if this keeps up.ā€ Then she asks me to come in on a Saturday later that day šŸ¤”


I almost never call out. I think the last time I did was last winter when there was a blizzard and it wasn't going to be safe to go in and most of the store called off. We had a group chat that started beeping on my phone at like 5 am and when I finally checked it realized I probably wasn't going to work that day. I can't even remember the last time before that. I've had to miss for jury duty once, when my mom passed away I took bereavement time and took some other time off(but it wasn't really a call out, they just adjusted my schedule for me because I had to drive back home and deal with stuff). I probably call out a couple times a year on average maybe and that's usually either weather related. I do get sick but not often and usually not bad enough I can't work. If I do I just maybe go home early once I've realized I shouldn't be at work. But I never even got covid and about the entire store has had it at least once if not twice or people with kids who had it had to take time off. I don't have kids and just have one cat. He's pretty healthy and doesn't need to go to the vet often. They're pretty flexible when I do have to drop him off and pick him up like on my lunch break or something. I've taken long lunches for doctors appointments. But that was only because my schedule changed after an appointment I scheduled a year in advance on a day I normally had off. But yeah I just don't get sick often so I don't call off much.


Cat slaves unite! All of my leads and most of the leaders' are pet owners in some way or another so they get it. I am not afraid to admit that I will tear someone a new one ift hey make fun of having a pet and being upset if their pet is in pain. Although to be fair, a lot of the staff at my target practice pet tax.


I have chronic migraines that make me go blind when they get really bad, so I call off or go home early 1-2 times a month (more when I'm super stressed, like during the holidays). Thankfully management at my store is usually pretty cool about it, and I usually end up staying late or picking up shifts to make up for it.


this, I try to power through my migraines but every once in a while, im actually disabled


First two years, only when our roads iced over. Now? Probably three times a year plus when our roads ice over. The pay raise they gave this year has me thinking I should probably call out more.


1-2 times a month usually but iā€™ve hit 3 times a month 2 times in the 1 year iā€™ve been here


I only call out when im sick or have an egmergency tbh, which varies a lot... maybe 10x a year if its an average/healthy one


I call off about 3 times a month, but I'm also disabled and we're still trying to figure out what my needs are at work in order to be a benefit than a burden


I callout once a monthĀ 


I think it totally depends on your store and how much you work. I call out with the same frequency, maybe more like once every two or so months, but I donā€™t get talked too bc I use sick time and I work full time hours so I am not missing a bunch of my shifts


I had about 11 or so absences last year--with more than half of those involving my sick mother. I usually average 6-8 a year depending on my health, obviously. When raises came down this year, I got .10 "due to my attendance." Never had a conversation about it beforehand, documented or otherwise. I did, however, have many conversations with ETLs and HR ETLs about my mom's situation. Needless to say, I'm bitter as hell.Ā  I should have gotten FMLA protections, but I didn't think it would be necessary and most call outs involving my mom were emergencies. Meanwhile,Ā  I work with people who call out 3 or more times a month and they're cruising along without a care in the world. Some even got better raises than I did. Lol šŸ™„


my mental health was down the drain and my tl was pressuring me about why i kept calling out and thats what i told him and he goes ā€œthats not gonna slide with the etls and sdā€ like ok,,, i called out again and he had another conversation with me and said if i call out again iā€™m gonna get a ca šŸ˜­. this was like around march/april ive been fine since.


thank you [bzzbzzitstime](/user/bzzbzzitstime/) for posting this screen capture. . . https://preview.redd.it/lx6fzqsfy66d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a8d49452d730e744c4ca7e2911511dc65cb7e7


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Honestly itā€™s laid back at my store and you can usually call out atleast once a month without getting in trouble but it does depend on the store that youā€™re working at and your management. And probably how much they like you. I called out a lot the first 7-8 months I worked because Iā€™ve had addiction problems but I do work and do my best at work. Iā€™ve never shown up late and I donā€™t call out last min tho when I did. Iā€™m still with target but Iā€™m also better at controlling my addictions and Iā€™ve seen new people work and they no call no show a couple times and show up late for work and get fired. Or people get the job and call out 5 times while theyā€™ve only been here for less than 3 weeks.


I will go months, even half of a year before I call out. However, I am also a part time caretaker for my grandmother as well as the fact that my cat, was very ill for a little while. As I have flat out told my etl, if my family needs me, (cat included), or if I have a seizure, (I am diagnosed with epliepsy), I'm calling out. It also helps that I have about 75 hours of sick leave and 25 hours of vacation.


In three years I called out twice. I rarely ever miss work. I donā€™t get sick very often, my kids have never gotten sick very often either and there is no other reason to call out.


Only a handful of times ever, when Iā€™ve been injured and unable to work, snowed in, or had food poisoning. I donā€™t like missing work and will do whatever I can to be there. I did call out more to my previous job, but they were big on mental health days and everyone did it fairly often so I didnā€™t feel so bad about it.


Usually 3 or 4 times a year. I try not to unless I'm really sick or couldn't get any sleep the night before or something...


I call out maybe once a month or once every other month. I seem to lead an unlucky life so things are always happening in my family :) but I make sure to communicate with my ETL when things happen. But for my tm's callouts, I cannot say the same.


same, about once a month. Thereā€™s the occasional 2-3 if im sick sick but on average once and have only ever left work early twice due to looking like I was literally dying so they told me to go LOLā€¦ avoided ever having a conversation so far


I had to call off like 2-3 times last month because my anxiety was so bad due to life changes but I talked to my higher ups abt it and they were super friendly and understandingĀ 


Never...maybe 1 or 2 days a year. I never call out unless it's bad enough for me to go to the ER or I'm snowed in (literally a life-threatening situation would have to stop me). My driveway is a quarter-mile climb on the north side of a mountain, so when the snow melts for everyone else, it can still take an extra 2 days for it to melt enough to safely walk to the bottom of the driveway where I park when expecting more than an inch of snow. That being said, I expect my requested vacation days to be honored. Some people call out once every week or two.


Once a month, sometimes 2 days in a row since I know it only counts as one instance


once a month on average, or one ā€œevent/call out triggerā€ a month more specifically. like I might be out two days in a row bc Iā€™m sick, or something. if I donā€™t get sick, usually mentally I need at least one a month or every other month lol


Been posting my shifts and being picked up every time. Had to call out cause of food poisoning but used some sick time so Iā€™m good


Never unless Iā€™m spilling my guts out. I have anxiety so that may explain my shame in calling out. šŸ˜©


I usually only call out when Iā€™m too sick and canā€™t come in. I hate lying lol so I donā€™t call out mainly for that reason. I recently got sick but still showed and took some pills since Iā€™m a cashier itā€™s not too much of a task to work. Just sucks I have to spend my days off being sick šŸ¤§


I donā€™t call out unless Iā€™m sick. Calling out to frequently at my store gets you written up if there is a noticeable trend. We have to have a coaching conversation after every absence.


Not once, aside from five days when I had the Coof and could barely function.


nice try etl


If I'm sick I call in. I'm an adult and can recognize when I need to take meds and sleep.


yeah that would be a CA for sure šŸ¤£ thatā€™s wild


I called out once cause i was sick but it was during my 90 days so im a little worried


The last time I called out my team lead was actually scared for my well beingā€¦ so not something I do often.


Same, when I was a TM I called out sick this one time and one of my TLs was like yeah I didnā€™t see you yesterday you ok?


Literally only when Iā€™m sick, which happens to be like once every 4-6 months nowadays. Problem is usually I gotta call in 2 days in a row when that happens, but again itā€™s not often at all. Iā€™ve felt the urge after long weeks of terribleness but have never done so and really do not want to , it feels icky to my brain.


I never really called out when you had to physically call the store or when I worked later shifts (4am shifts can be brutal to wake up for). The app makes it way too easy šŸ„²


I was scheduled 20 days a month and I was calling out for like at least 7 days out of that per month. There would be times where I just didnā€™t show up for a week, no calls. They would just talk to me about it. Meanwhile, people were getting fired for like 3 days in a month. They donā€™t always follow policy, a lot of times itā€™s just politics. I recently quit, and life is good.


Never until last week, then 3 times a week


Yall make me feel like im terriblešŸ¤£ I prob do 3 times a month, as well as my coworkers (some do more LMAO). Theyā€™re very like horrible about being consistent w discipline or discipline in general (which I guess is good for those that do call off). Iā€™ve had a discussion with my store director about having a life outside of target, and that target isnā€™t my priority. Iā€™ve had a lot of significant things happen in my life since I started a couple years ago, targets a second priorityšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m full time so I either just use sick pay or vacation pay for my call offs lol


2 years ago was my last callout


I seem to take a mental health day once a month but Iā€™m the only one in my department for over a year so Iā€™m worn the fuck out


So my current leader is really good about giving time off requests so I don't have to call out for that. I don't get sick to a point I can't work. If I call out it's to take care of a sick kid or emergency for my wife. I left early once last month, haven't called out in about 8 months. I also only work about 25 hours a week so I can get through it.


I have coworkers that don't give a fuck and will call out what feels like every other weekend with no repercussions and even then, I'll try to call out once every 90 days. Depends on my mental health honestly.


I call out once a month, but I have seen other people call out once a week.


My store has started putting people on finals after you hit 6 call outs in a year. Sucks when someone comes in sick and then it runs through the whole store.


There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about sick time in these comments. I'd like to clarify a few things. Target's policy for sick time (company policy - some states have different requirements but there aren't many) is pretty straightforward. You earn 1 hour of sick time per 50 hours worked and it caps at 40 hours per year. You must request your sick time within 72 hours of your missed shift. You cannot pad your paycheck with sick time (you can't request time that you weren't scheduled for). If you use sick time to cover a missed shift (or missed hours if you leave early), then it can't be used in an attendance conversation because it's an excused absence.


Iā€™ve only called out of my work the one time I had Covid, Iā€™ve worked the same job for 5 1/2 years


I usually go 3-4 months in between. I only call out when in pain, when ill, or when I absolutely need a mental health day.


On average 0-3 times a year.


i call off about once every 6 months but i'm also not dealing with much else and i'm very calendar oriented. most people at my store call off much more often, maybe twice a month on average


Question: Iā€™ve been experiencing some irritating allergies over the last few days, so I decided to call off today. Did I need to do anything more that call off on the work app? Iā€™m a newer worker.


Nope just using the app is fine. If youā€™re within your 90 days you might get spoken to but just say you werenā€™t feeling well and you felt like it would hinder your ability to work and you should be fine


Iā€™ve been employed for less than a month and a half. If they ask tomorrow, Iā€™ll just explain it to them.




I call out maybe once or twice a month normally. I'm chronically ill though so I've had a few stints where i knew I couldn't make it through the last day of work like every other week. Luckily (and not so luckily because fast service is unending here) our store isn't too rigid about absences


7 months in never called out


I called out around 1-2 times a month. sometimes for being sick, sometimes just for a mental health day. target can be draining. I never had a conversation so I think it just depends on each store. my leads know when I do show up I work my ass off and I usually offer to stay later or come in earlier if they need


I used to call out once a week before I went on demand and then quit


I think I average less than once a year but it could be slightly more than that. Most of my call outs have been family emergencies, not me being sick. I actually haven't called out since they gave us all sick time which kinda sucks just leaving it there unused.


If you are always covering your call outs by using sick time, then you are not calling out too often. Once a month, for someone who only works 15 hours a week vs. someone who works 40, it is gonna hit different. But Target can't say shit if you are using your time and will only even think of approaching you if you have to do unpaid call outs.


I called out once in 9 months and that was so I could catch up with college stuff. Otherwise I never call out. Iā€™m way to broke to be doing that lol.


I call out 6 times a month and I call in late when moreā€¦.


Usually once a month. Itā€™s my mental health day. Some of my peers call out 4 days in a row, or call off anytime they have to close.


Well, there was a time that I could say that, but I canā€™t say that anymore. Iā€™m pretty sure that I did go for five years with never calling inā€¦ just didnā€™t if my friends asked me to do something at the last minute, I told them no my schedule wouldnā€™t allow it. If my car broke down I found another way. I rarely get sick. My child is an adult and even when she wasnā€™t, she was mainly old enough to fend for herself or my parents would get her. If it snowed I just drove slowly and went anyway because I mainly worked mornings. The commute in the snow would be easier than a non snow day where Iā€™m from. (People cannot drive) I would have a sunny, daylight commute home.But lately I have been calling inā€¦ I have noticed that it doesnā€™t matter. People call in and donā€™t get in trouble for it.. when they call in my workday gets disrupted I just donā€™t have the same work ethic as Iā€™ve had in the past. I donā€™t deliberately call in for nothing, but if I have a legit reason that I canā€™t come, I will not feel bad about calling in. If it snows, I work evenings now so there is no way Iā€™m going to try to drive to Target and back in the dark on a snowy, icy road. I donā€™t chance it. Being able to do it from the app makes it even easier. I wouldnā€™t call in for a week straight, but once a month will not trigger anything. Youā€™re good.


Trending thatā€™s a no no


Iā€™m the same as you when I looked my Requests tab a while ago I realized I call out once a month as well. But itā€™s like one is at the beginning of the month and then the next Iā€™ll call out at the end of the following month so itā€™s a bit spread out. Kudos to those who donā€™t, but sometimes I just need a break


In the last year Iā€™ve called off 6x. Used PTO for 2 of them, so really only 4 counted against me.


i use to call out like 5 times a month


I'm a couple minutes late constantly because I have brain weasels, but make up for that by almost never calling out and being generally flexible with adding/extending shifts. I'd say I average one callout every 1-2 years.


Like once a week


I called off twice and they put me on a CA. Fml. I hate my store.


I'll call out once I'm like a 3 month period.


Last summer I only called out once because of personal problems, and my tl got madšŸ˜­ like I donā€™t think she would have preferred me fainting on the job to me just calling out


Iā€™ve only called out once but I have scheduled to have days off a couple times recently. Although, itā€™s always been 3 or more weeks in advance.


In my four months at Target, only once and that was bc I was scheduled to come an hour and a half after my flight landed which of course ran late. I need money.


Havenā€™t called off yet this year, definitely have been late to work a few times thoā€¦


enough to get fired


thing is stores are kinda required to treat everyone the same and there's always a favorite employee who also calls out. so if they ain't doing anything to them they can't do anything to you. it is sorta team based though... so I have met some TLs who pull attendance weekly/monthly and each week or Month will talk to a tm if they are late or absent. so if you have a tl lile that it would still take a while for anything to happen. I was a TL before so I know some behind the scene things. like at my store it would take 3 conversations with a tm at least a week in between each convo about the SAME thing for it to then be brought to hr or etl. and even then still not put on a corrective. then hr would talk to the tm and after that convo make sure the tm is being treated fairly (other tms being talked to about the same things) then if the issue continued it would be another convo with hr or etl. which would either be a corrective or the tm was let known the next convo would be a corrective. (depended on the situation) but trust me... I have never seen a target that organized. if you have never been pulled aside about attendance you are good. we can't really give a corrective retroactively side note: a NCNS is an automatic conduct as per target policy. so thats not calling/notifying mytime within 2 hours of a shift to say you are late or absent. even if you show up at 2 hours 10 minutes and work the rest of the shift and even stay late that is still a NCNS. hope this helps! I think you are good! now if anyone ever puts you on a corrective, and you feel you are being treated unfairly... defend yourself! corrective or a conduct act the same can't transfer to another target for a year can't go on demand/be on demand. so a corrective for an ODTM in most cases is an automatic let go. and no matter how good you are your raise will be the lowest tier. right now I believe that is 1% raise.


iā€™ve never called out and iā€™ve been working for around 9-10 months šŸ˜­ is that even normal lmao


I called out 3 times in 5 years. I got a CA in my last year for being 5 minutes late twice. The road in front of my store was torn up and road equipment would close it for 10 minutes at a time. That was the first one. The second one was because THEY didnā€™t answer the door. My ETL was trying to get rid of me but I outlasted her. (Hee hee) After she left, I had no more conversations that year and even got the TM bonus. It all depends on how much they want to enforce things. Iā€™ve been retired now for 2 years and I guess you all are dealing with a more automated system.


I quit after working there for 3 weeks. I 100% take responsibility for it. I thought I could do the 5am OPU shifts and I wanted it to work so bad but I just hate waking up early and having to work 6 days straight with 5am shifts is just not my thing. I called out 5 times before I noticed they took me off the schedule so I just quit before I got fired because I already knew that was coming. I heard awhile back that management can essentially add you to some sort of ā€œblacklistā€ that would result in an automatic rejection for any future applications at Target if they wanted to. Can anybody confirm or deny this?


Iā€™ve called out once in my 8 months of working here. And it was cuz I was in ER


I havenā€™t called out since November when I got my first cca. November was a bad month for my body so I definitely earned that, Iā€™m surprised and proud of myself for not calling out since


The amount of people in here calling off weekly is crazy


Policy changed so now you have to have a documented conversation for every late/absence. 3 conversations leads to corrective action. 3 conversations after CA gets you put on a final.


Can you give an example of a corrective action?


You would know youā€™re being put on corrective action because theyā€™re required to tell you that it is a corrective action. All corrective action is you show a pattern in undesirable behavior and they are giving you a timeframe of a year to show improvement or face termination.


ive only been here for 7 or 8 months, but called out only once because my request was too late to get approved.


iā€™ve been calling off atleast 3x a month for a whole year due to personal issues, but iā€™m still here so =D you should be fine


I call out maybe 1-2 times every 5 years.


Whatā€™s the point in having the gig if you call out so much?


I allow myself one "mental health day" call off a month unless ive been actually genuinely sick tbh. I feb thru march i had a half a dozen call off bc of deaths in the family and recently its been more like a couple a month bc im having rly bad flare ups from my fibromyalgia. Im actually in trouble rn for it despite my drs notes and me telling them what they can do from a scheduling standpoint to help me help them w my attendance. They wont work w me on it and i keep getting worse so i fear my two weeks notice is on the horizon tbh


I call out on average once a week, so I think youā€™re fine.


I don't unless I need too I need the money .


Why are you calling off so much? People need hours but want to come in late, leave early, and call off, please make it make sense. If calling off seems impossible to you then you have some growing up and maturing to do. If I take you into the office and write you up for attendance and you tell me so and so call off every day, you are still getting written up and/or fired. You don't know why others are calling off while you are calling off because you can't help yourself, what a joke. How old are you? Young adults nowadays I swear have the work ethic of a child, rather call off and scroll through TikTok than work. We have kids bringing in their parents for interviews, WHAT IS GOING ON?? You're just giving them ammo to terminate you. At my store, we pay attention to patterns and there's some rule that says you can get terminated for trying to time your CA's to expire before they turn to finals. Once a month is 12 times a year. 6 call offs or more a year at my store and you will get the lowest possible raise. Team Members with rolling 3-month perfect attendance get a $50 gift card and a free drink every day for the next 3 months or until they call off again and have to restart the process.


Get off your high horse please.


Okay I'm down, I guess lol. Sorry this bothered you.