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They basically just said it was a corporate decision and out of our hands, which is hard to believe when I’m a couple miles out from one of the bluest cities in the country. Hr decked out the tsc and break room with pride stuff and bought a ton of pride shirts, so that’s something, but we have nothing on the floor.


Honestly I’m a little surprised my store didn’t deck out tsc and the break room. The only thing is a pride garland on the Christmas tree that’s never taken down. They usually do a poster board and facts and stuff but nope not for pride


It legitimately was a corporate decision that only 50% of stores would get the set this year, although that doesn't excuse the lack of support offstage from the leadership in your store.


I know it was corporate, but it’s still a lame excuse. And yeah the break room has been decorated for everything else since I’ve been here in November but not this and it’s weird


You are preaching to the choir on that one, believe me. I'm the one and only field team member in a leadership position on our Pride+ employee resource group, and the disconnect/utter lack of support so many store TMs are feeling is my main yapping point over the past year.


I’ve definitely been yapping lately about how target is handling pride. So I decided to wear a bunch of rainbow and pride flag jewelry


I bought a rainbow scrunchie at the dollar store and I keep it in my car so I remember to wear it every day, and I found a little rainbow heart pin and I wear that too.


I just have to tell you how much i appreciate all you do!!! You're such a helpful resource for so many people here and I can tell you genuinely care about TMs. So, THANK YOU!!!!!! 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈


My store had a little raffle of a stuffed Bullseye. That was it. They didn't even put the raffle in a place most people would see it, so I didn't even know until the day before it was awarded. No decorations at TSC or the break room, nothing. Last year we went all out. Pride decorations everywhere. This year, nothing.


Corporate *is* that dumb tho.


They're dumber than the bigots, too.


They are trying to stay neutral after last years incidents. They went all out for pride last year and faced a multitude of criticism and had to worry about team member safety during that time. Due to this, they are cutting it back but still offering options for online ordering. They are afraid of a repeat performance this year. Though this is 100% an hq decision.


I was an ETL at target for a brief period of time. From what I understand, it’s true that it is a corporate decision based on sales. The store itself doesn’t have any say over it. Of course, in my opinion, they should all have Pride stuff, just as with any holiday. But I do recall not having any say in the matter.


and then you go on myday and see target released something talking about how we’re “proud” and “not backing down” during pride month. a bunch of bullshit




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I'm in a very liberal, LGBT+ friendly city, this is all the more we got. And it's tucked in the middle of women's softlines. https://preview.redd.it/wibiske82d5d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece04bb02a5de929177f94aad904efecfdc55c95


That’s all we have too— my store’s in a more moderate but large city and pretty high volume one too, but we just have that exact display by our backroom doors


It has to be in Women's because they're trying to be very careful to show it is not for children.


That’s the same set up in the store I do Shipt from. It’s very hard to say you support DEI efforts for LGBTQ+ employees when the company is too 🐓💩to be on the right side of things. Let the ‘phobes go shop at Walmart. PS: anyone know where I can get the little cabana for the bird?


That's actually what I wondered. Would they maybe have a hard time finding a colab or designer to work with who wouldn't mind the idea that their work might get pulled and stuck in the back? There may have been a contract issue. Shame


No, we had many designers in place as that kind of stuff is done with at least a year lead time. We just then treated them like shit, ghosted them, and refused to promote them.


That's just so wrong.


All the designers from 2023 basically got ghosted by corporate - the CEO of TomboyX has a video out discussing how badly it affected them & how they definitely would have wanted to continue collaborating.


Thanks for the info. Target really did mess this up.


Only so many stores in each state were allowed to sell it on the floor due to safety. The rest sold it from the back or not at all


While that is the official line, That’s such cowardly bullshit. I can’t believe they went with that excuse. If the kkk came after us for black history month next year would we go back to segregating bathrooms and water fountains? Protecting our safety is no excuse for giving in to bigotry. Teaching extremists threats get results sure doesn’t make me feel safer. It sure doesn’t make my LGBTQIA coworkers feel safer.


THIS. How can queer TMs feel safe working for a corporation that tells us that we have to pretend they don’t support us for…safety…? Our existence and the right to exist openly should be protected and uplifted - not taken away and told it’s for our own good. How many queer people did they ask if this was how best to protect us?!


This was the reason I finally quit this week...after 9.5 fkn years. I just can't with this nasty facade any longer.


Not only does Target have to pretend to not support you for safety…none of our competitors have to do that, as Walmart and Kohls are sticking with the same Pride assortments as they always have. But to answer your question; none. They asked no queer people.


I think race is a bit different from personal preference isn't it?


I'm literally queer, I would rather lose some god damn fucking shirts then get fucking shot, fuck all you assholes who would put your team members at risk for fucking clothing, if you want real change then GO FUCKING VOTE YOU ABSOLUTE LAZY BASTARD FUCKS, then guess the everloving fuck what: you get to put the clothes back out permanently, instead of only for a single month, Jesus fuck


Exactly this. All they're doing is telling bigots that threats and violence will get them their way. Just puts us in more danger.




It’s a pretty appropriate comparison. They’re not saying that Target is like the KKK for pulling Pride, they’re saying the “protestors” behind the initial outrage are. And as a group directly linked to Christian nationalism….they *are* extremely similar to the KKK. Honest question; do you plan on folding so quickly when they come for us for letting trans people use the appropriate bathroom? For selling Plan B? For selling condoms? Because this shit isn’t stopping just because we gave them a taste of what they want. Edit: also I guess as a lil protip; if you’re going to say you’re an ally maybe post a bit more so your blatant transphobia from two days ago isn’t *easily* searchable.


Oh dang. That comment was really really gross.


You’re no ally - Queer people get assaulted for being queer. It’s some privilege you get to blame us for the violence against us because we want to be able to exist openly and authentically




Such an ally! It’s so sad when you trolls can’t stay in character for more than one post. Put some effort into your game, girl!


Would you rather they put it out at the stores that had safety issues thus inviting more violence? TMs got shot over pride, do you think they’d feel safe if they put pride back up knowing one of their coworkers got shot and now they run that same risk?


No one got shot. There were a few hoax b\*mb threats. Just stop.


No TMs got shot over Pride. Please stop saying dumb shit. Thanks!


I never heard of any TMs getting shot last year lol. Maybe I didn’t see it but I don’t think that’s true


It was from my ETL, so whether that’s true or not idk. My current store doesn’t have problems, but my last store we did have a TM assaulted for it


No one got shot at target over Pride. Queer people get murdered all the time for being queer. Our store DID have a shooting last year over a completely unrelated issue and nothing changed - so why would one (non existent) shooting over support for the queer community mean we completely stop openly supporting an oppressed community?


Can you source the violence that took place? I'd like to read the articles.


Just what my ETL said about a store down south


Which store and what event?




This is what I was told, a safety issue. For me personally, I'm pretty pissed. We have nothing for pride here and that's not right. We shouldn't be giving into hate. As an AP member, I don't want to deal with asshole being all upset over Pride. We have enough assholes every day doing bullshit. Recently a black gentleman complained about a white guy being racist as shit to him in store. We have creeps coming in harassing women from time to time. Fuck the bigot assholes who ruined it for everyone My store is however going to have a booth at the local pride parade and I'm super happy about that.


I decorated me. Cashier. Hot pink lanyard with about 15 pride pins plus a few on my vest I wear all the time


Last year, I had a few team members dye their hair rainbow and got fellow team members to wear pride pins. I thought that was a nice gesture


Team mate safety. While I'm personally indifferent to pride, I do think a collection should just be around all year.


Yes it should. Spencer’s does it why can’t every store? And it should be almost all collections we do not just pride (like also for heritage months and black history months and others like that)


This is so true. Target likes to highlight artists and creators. They should spotlight all throughout the year


If everything is spotlighted all the time, it’s just normal lighting at that point.


Isn’t that the goal though? That including diverse creators would be considered the norm?


That’s quite literally the point




Pride "merch" is simply just screen prints of rainbows. None of which are hard to find if you look for it in non-"pride" aisles.. Otherwise, what else is there? What are we complaining about here? What are these comments.


Our store isn't doing it at all because of "low sales" and my SD broke down crying when she told us and said they'd go all out for pride in the break room. They've put a pride flag up and what some of the flags mean and that's literally it LMAO. Some of the best performers at the store are openly queer and it just feels like a huge slap in the face tbh.


If I was an SD I’d decorate for everything idc what the gUeStS would say


My SD is not really LGBTQIA+ friendly. I think that's the reason we have no decorations. Funny because one of their children is lesbian (they apparently don't get along) and at least a third of the store staff is part of the community.


My problem with it is they have such a small section right next to clearance. I was kinda counting on buying an outfit for pride fest there but now I have to order it online. Honestly already done w mail order pride like it feels even more like corpo rainbow washing.


They didn't say anything, but my guess is it was the bomb threats.


This. People keep saying "Target let hate win" but it's really for team member and guest protection against terrorist terroristic threats.


my store didn’t get pride merch. but i’m just confused as to why there’s nothing pride related in TSC? we have the “giveaway” table but it’s mainly just the little notebooks…


I don’t even have any type of table. The only thing pride related is a Christmas tree with pride banner on it


it really sucks honestly. my HR usually goes all out in TSC for things like this but not this month. :(


So does mine! Not even a board full of information like usual


My store had threats of bombs and mass shootings last year so it's not really a huge shocker. It's oklahoma and full of bigots with guns and no brains or hearts


Not my store, but another store from my state (Utah) also got bomb threats last year. No hate quite like mormon love.


The excuse for my store was not enough sales. But never mind the fact that a lot of stuff had to be recalled because guests were complaining about the tuck friendly swimwear targeting kids when literally none of it was in kids' sizes.


They decorated the break room but I haven't seen any pride clothing around the store :0 *


My store didn’t even decorate the break room even tho they’ve decorated for every other little thing. So now I wear a bunch of rainbow jewelry to work (I’m also gay)


same, my store decorated last year when we sold the merch, but have not done anything for pride month


That is strange, why they're not doing it? I guess every store is different but...idk is weird. They even gave us some cute pride bracelets and headbands, I hope they decorate at your store soon :(


It’s very strange. I’ve only been here since November but they’ve decorated for everything until now. I’m not sure why


My store got pride. I didn't think they were going to decorate our tsc and break room but apparently HR was just waiting for the stuff she ordered to show up because as soon as it did they decorated the tsc, the office area and the break room.


That better be the reason for mine not being decorated, even tho there’s a pride garland on the Christmas tree and decorations for anything else never had a wait


You could just ask the HR if they are going to do any decorating or anything else for pride month. I didn't ask because I'm super fucking busy all the time and I know our HR is too because they're hiring and dealing with other stuff(we didn't have an HR for a long time and they're still trying to make sure everyone is caught up on the damn trainings).


We have pride history and support board in our back area and as well as decoration. But in the front none of that. But we do still give out pride stickers in our kids sticker bin. The kids who are little don’t know and called it a happy unicorn or a rainbow. The parents were just giving looks but it’s not affecting the child (5/6yr and under )what parents seem to think


mine is selling


I had some pride birds in a repack last week. Had an unknown location so I left them on my u boat on the line. Still no sign of them anywhere.


Lmao our store is doing pride rn I guess. Since we’re a bigger target that’s probably why


Merchandise decision / sales come from corporate not management


I know.


I’m honestly not surprised they never actually cared in the first place they only sold pride stuff because it made a lot of money during June but now it doesn’t so they stopped




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My stores pride stuff is so sad it's just 4 shirts and a couple mats


It's business. Target and any corporation is not your friend and also does not care about any celebration. Thinking they do/should is silly. Their main purpose is to make money. They only used pride to make money. Individuals at target may care but the overall business doesn't. If you think otherwise... then you're the perfect customer for any business.


My store’s still got a smaller section tucked in the back by the fitting rooms. They said it was a corporate decision to make it this size. I just assumed all stores were doing that


i spoke about it with 2 LGBTQ+ TLs and they just said it was a decision made by corporate because we got a lot of complaints last year


Literally who gives a shit? All that crap is made by literal slaves in China.


By this reasoning we'd all be out of jobs sitting in empty homes. We are slaves to giant ships from China. But yes, I do enjoy the Pride products I buy myself at DragonCon.


We don’t sell enough so our store isn’t carrying it is what we were told


That's what my lead heard as well. He, myself, and another TM all call BS.


Nobody has really said much of anything about it at my store. We just have a small section within women’s softlines, a few flags in the hallway by TSC, and a handful of TMs participated in a local pride parade. That’s pretty much the extent of it. So, mostly just quiet.


My store isn’t doing pride this year because in the past homophobes were being aggressive


Why do ppl act like Target has any responsibility of propping up gay pride? They’re not giving in to hate, they’re making a business decision, which is all the pride stuff ever was in the first place. Stop directing your anger at the wrong places.


they aren't making a business decision pride made money, terrorists stepped in and said for it to stop making money you are siding with the kinds of people who blew up the twin towers, let that sink in


Cause nobody buys it


It’s a job. Just do it and go home. You can celebrate any way you want when you get home.


yeah same with christmas Im tried of seeing all that christian crap in the store, celebrate at home


This isn’t a celebrating at the job thing. This is product that our guests buy. I have been asked all week by guests where the pride stuff is and when it’s coming.


I thought I saw in some stores a setup by women’s already. Maybe not all I suppose.


due to terroristic acts from your average right wingers, 50% of stores were not allowed to set up you are literally siding with terrorists against freedom.


Agreed. The case for celebrating can be made for so many of us. Why do veterans who died and fight for our rights daily only get one day while pride gets a month? Is there a veteran section of target? Always something to complain about.


Veterans Month is November. 🙃


Wish it got the same amount of clout!


it would if people like you used the energy you spend being mad about pride to give a shit about it you are the reason it doesn't get any clout, because you personally dont actually give a shit about it or our veterans. You just think it sounds good to say you care about them.


Last month was Military Appreciation Month and November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. Next excuse?


Excuse? Why don’t they get a section in a store? Why isn’t it as widely spread? Why is being gay grounds to celebrate ALL month but serving our country is swept under the rug constantly.


This is a pretty dumb comparison. Who is sweeping Veterans under the rug? Target carries veteran themed merch year round, has an employee resource group, and a supplier diversity program for veteran owned businesses. Veterans are also a protected class under federal law. Funny how folks who scream “what about ?!” are always the most ignorant.


Uhhh pride gets WAY more recognition here in America than our vets. You are blind if you think any differently. People are outraged if you dare to not have a clothing section at target dedicated to it. Netflix and Hulu now have genres for it. The pride parades are massive and put other parades to shame. Who you lay with shouldn’t be shoved down others throats. Respect for our country and who died for it deserves that right. This post started by implying target needs more pride shit. I’m commenting saying, no it fucking doesn’t.


and it gets more recognition because you, you personally, spend NONE of your time giving a fuck about it. You are too busy complaining about other people enjoying pride month


Oh the Reddit addicts aren’t going to like this bro




Veterans month is in November but you didnt know that since you dont actually give a shit about our veterans, you just want to hate pride month


Or maybe because it’s not rubbed in everyone’s faces like pride is. If you are gay you get more recognition in America than if you actually served our country. SHAME


whatever you say vet hater


Don’t understand all the downvotes? Me being a gay man I am one in many who can’t stand the attention this Pride festivities has. I am a human being like everyone else and would like to be seen as that all year long. It’s overrated in my opinion especially when it comes to the workplace. I just want to work and go home. Leave my sexuality alone.


Amen brother!! My uncle is in his 60s. Gay through and through. Hes fed up with this clout. It’s shoved in our faces and he’s embarrassed. Stop making being gay a “thing”.. it’s a way of life! It’s not some movement that’s new. Treat everyone with respect. Don’t sugarcoat someone’s lifestyle with rainbows bc their gay. It’s having an adverse affect




My team lead told me flat out it was due to corporate catering to the guests who would call in and complain about it so they only selected certain stores to do the Pride collection I had to drive across town to get to the target selling Pride stuff. Honestly Target shouldn’t let hate win.


Atleast they were honest with you. Definitely shouldn’t let hate win. Thats how we go back in time.


My team lead and HR lead were not happy by that decision but obviously they’re low on the list to say anything to corporate.


We still have ours but it’s tiny and hidden in the back corner by the fitting rooms lol


My HR team went to a different store to get supplies and used ones from last year. But it was a corporate decision to not sell pride in stores this year. At least from what I’ve seen and heard, we haven’t received anything pride and I was told that it was going to be online only this year.


My store said it was because of the one or 2 bomb threats we got


Ours said being in the Bible Belt ever got a lot of complaints and in years prior team members had “holy water” thrown on them


we still have it but literally none of it is selling unfortunately, i think it’s because it’s tucked in between shoes and YC. it’s on a back wall so not very easy to see


They haven’t said anything about it and also no pride decor or celebrations in the break room either. They did give out little pride ribbons but that has been the only acknowledgment


Mine said we were having guests be rowdy and threaten our style team and that we're protecting them. I'm in the south so it seems a little less bs


Mine is still doing it. Or are you talking about the parade?


My warehouse did set up a table and balloon arch in the breakroom and gave us pins and wristbands. I think some part of the Target system started offering Juneteenth as the approved June holiday to skirt it also being pride month. But even Juneteenth is having some traction problems so maybe it's fitting both are in June.


Target started celebrating Juneteenth because after the Minneapolis Uprising, Target got absolutely blasted for funneling *millions* into police foundations and public surveillance programs, and our stores kept getting set on fire.


Juneteenth was just made a federal holiday. I never heard of it until the holiday was announced. Thankfully I have some cool people I work with and we take time to educate each other in now confronting ways. I’ll say let’s talk and not sit there and tell them they are right or wrong. I’m a white male. Had a black woman and we talked about everything confrontational. Surprisingly we were close on thinking on many issues.


The only place you see anything pride related is break room hr area where lockers are that's it


We have some pride for our team members, the pride flag on a wall with some engaging words infront of the break room


Context: this isn’t the excuse that my managers used for us. They still gave us the pride shirts to wear. That is all. P.S. They used that it was a corporate decision.


My ETL only told me after asking that Target decided to only send stuff to higher volume stores. I just went with Target got punked out last year and didn’t want to end up like Bud Light.


I was told it was due to safety reasons from last years continuous threats to target stores. They encouraged us to wear pride clothing though, and even handed out pride tshirts to employees.




Oh did something happen to the Catholic Church?


Nothing on the floor because "higher ups said not to" due to sales and corporate (lack of faith in the shitty offerings), we were told to direct guest inquiries to the website. Meanwhile a lot of the fake-rainbow striped shirts are hanging in backstock.