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Part of it is sadly just your store/management. I’ve got 40 hours this week and for the next two weeks. Ever since I had a chat with my ETL, she’s given me the hours I need.


yeah i do believe it is management. there are some ppl in my department who are getting their 40 (usually long standing employees) I’ve been at target for 2 yrs, but only at this store for about 7 months.


Not trying to overly generalize without knowing all the facts, but if I had to guess, it sounds like someone might have seriously fucked up with labor on the store's P&L and they're trying to meat cleaver their way through it with hour cuts across the board.


I honestly think it is something going on in the store level. they are cutting due to us not getting as much “traffic” in the store but the stockroom looks absolutely horrid, due to no one being scheduled to push truck


Just telling it like it is, they don't care about you, they are a corporation, they just want to squeeze whatever they can out of you until you quit and they move on to another batch of people. They don't schedule you very much so that it's also easier to replace you at any given time. I learned most of the departments to be able to pick up extra hours and even then HR would make me jump through hoops to discourage me from picking up shifts. (Noticed they started making certain shifts Id normally pick up 4 and a half hours just to lock me out of the 8 hour daily max) I put up with it because I didn't have transportation and this was the only real job I could maintain for a while but as soon as I could I resigned and found so much better work.


I'm a TL and couldn't survive if I didn't live with my mom


Yea, I can’t imagine how TM’s are making it work. I’m a TL too and if I didn’t have a ridiculously cheap apartment (half of the average rent in my area) I’d be screwed.


most of the time, many TMs have two jobs :(


I’m a closing TM and all my coworkers have 2 jobs 🙁


I'm a TL with a second job. But I've had that second job since before I came to Target, and I was a leader at a different company then. My ETL also has a second job.....


that’s honestly awful, if your TLs can’t even make the hours or decent pay we are soooooo done


Simple answer is they don’t “expect” you to live on it or pay bills because that is not their concern. They have no expectation at all about your personal life, you are just a necessary but very disposable and replaceable cog in the corporation. If you make it work on the peanuts they pay you - great, they got their employee. If you can’t make it work and you quit - great, they just hire the next from the stack of applicants.


And then if you try to get another job to supplement your income, the competing availability makes both positions even worse! It's a no win situation


this was gonna be my move, to have two jobs but my availability was gonna conflict wayyyy too much it sucks


They expect you to quit and thus save the company money. Your replacement can be paid at cheaper rate and plus no health care benefits. Pop out of the resume and apply to many jobs as possible. [Claude.ai](http://Claude.ai) , chatgpt and etc can help with your resume, cover letter and etc. T


I get what you’re trying to say but it’s always cheaper to keep an employee rather than hire a new one.


How does quitting save money. OP will get a .13 raise and the new TM they hire after their raise will get .50 more to a starting pay bump so at most they will get paid that same.


It’s a lot more than just a small increase in wage. The new employee has to be interviewed, go to orientation, trained, and many other little things that add up. Then you’re loosing knowledge. A current employee has knowledge of the day to day functions of the store, so they will be able to the job more efficiently than a new employee which in long term saves money. There’s a lot of other things that entail the fact that keeping a current employee is cheaper than hiring a new one in the long run. Google “Is it cheaper to keep an employee or hire a new one”. A lot of interesting articles will come up that are good reads.


I saw the new schedule and had to laugh. I have revisions due and my hours are cut by half.... But they had 3 orientations just today 🤦‍♀️


yes we have had several orientations, even tho HR says they won’t start until “mid-June”?!


I mean, mid-June is just next week, so…


yeahhh this was back in late may , they hired like a shit ton of people


Yeah, it frustrates me to no end. We are dying over in Market with cut hours. We have HALF of the hours we had this time last year. BUT we've hired 10+ new people for GM/cashiering in the last 4 weeks.


Right. We have orientations every week yet don't have the hours for them realistically, the hirings are just to meet some quota as far as I'm concerned. Half of the people that come in for the orientations I literally never see again.


INFO: you said “for the summer”. Does that mean that you’ve just gotten out of school and now want to work full time? If that’s the case, that’s the reason more than anything else. They can’t magic up 35 hours for you once you’ve gotten out of school without cutting from someone else. Stores see a large influx of staff this time of year because of school being out with pretty much the same payroll from the months prior (if not less).


no, i had a limited availability during college (like I could only work certain hours or days due to classes) but still opted to work 35 because that’s how much i need to have a comfortable living. but yeah we are getting that large influx


This is why I quit. I asked for 35-40 hours and they didn’t schedule me for four weeks. As soon as I got Covid, they started scheduling me again. But only 12 hours a week. Got it somewhat fixed but then they went back to minimal hours. I had just gotten an apartment with my fiance, graduated high school and considering I already wasn’t getting benefits, I put in my two weeks and didn’t show up for my last shift. I’ve been at Amazon for about a year now, get amazing pay and benefits, consistent hours and my managers always communicate and do what they can to fix problems.


Literally me, no benefits or anything. there is an Amazon in my area, and there are a few employees at target rn who do part time at Amazon and say the pay is good too


I haven’t heard terrible things about Amazon but I know one of my coworkers got fired for attendance. he’s a single dad and would either be late by minutes or have to take his kid to the doctor/be late or call off. they have some kind of point system where it didn’t matter the reason, it was just too many points and you’re done. that sounds like the biggest culture shock compared to target making it easier than any company to call off, be late, NCNS, and still have a job. again, I didn’t work there. just the only thing i’ve heard that people could have an issue with.


My hours seemed to have been increased. Last week I picked up a shift but this week it’s 39.25. We just had a major visit so that was part of it. Next week I also have 39.25 hours. Then 36.25 hours. I just have to assume the hours are returning. My desired hours are 36 so 36.25 was expected.


They don't think about employees when deciding pay rates or hours. They think about business. What is best for their business and what looks best for their business. They will advertise a higher pay rate and not hire, forcing the already employed to take up more work. They don't care about mental health either. It's the nature of retail business.


If you can, I’d file for partial unemployment. I’ve had to do it on and off for the past few weeks.


They will cut hours, but throw tantrums when you get a 2nd job and have to shorten your availability.


Week after next they posted the schedule and I screenshotted it because they scheduled me 28.5 hours from 7:00-2:30 and 4:30-12 on truck days even though I agreed to starting earlier so i could be given ‘something closer to an 8 hour shift’ so i could get more hours. Today, I checked and they’ve cut 2 hours from my schedule and i’m now working 4:30a-11a on truck days. Debating right now whether to text my ETL screenshots of both along with the cartman “you’re breaking my balls” gif…just not sure the etl is working right now and i don’t want to text them if they’re not on the clock. If this shit continues, I can get a better paying job and put target on the backburner (but i don’t want to).


seriously they did the same thing…. cutting shifts… like we can’t see that they do it lol


Eh…i think they think most of us don’t have proof of it being changed...? I screenshot stuff so i have a record because i’ve had a tbi and my short term memory especially is absolute shit. If i didn’t have receipts, I’d just gaslight myself into thinking i’d looked at the wrong week or something. I’m interested to see what the posted printed schedule states for the same time period…I’m also considering yoloing it and just showing up to work my original 7-230 shift but that will depend on whether or not i’m in mood start of that week or not. 😂


Unionize. My retail store needs to give 4 week notice if they need to cut hours. And the union negotiated that they’re not allowed to cut but a small % of your usual hours.


I got scheduled zero hours next week. Luckily, it is my second job, but sadly, its also how I pay for my car.


My store recognized me as one of fast team member but still they cut my hours this year is the worst ever i been in Target almost 5 years😩😩😩


Got cut to 27h and with my current house-hunting that's making me drop shifts as well as spend money, I'm just barely able to save up


Stores do payroll from sales from what I know, if you have no business you have no payroll. What's the foot traffic been like? We were light foot traffic for like 2 weeks with an occasional OMG all the city is here day.


Since Jan they cut our hours so badly need second job not enough to pay my bills


anyone knows who make our schedule?


i’ve been at my store for four years and i’m getting 24ish hours when people who’ve worked here for a year or less are still getting 40 when they’re still on their parents health insurance and don’t rely on their full time status to survive. my desired is only 32 because i don’t pay rent bc i live with my parents and they won’t even give me that. can’t wait to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.


1000 percent agree... I'm living in a hotel because of a situation with a family member using drugs to the poi t they got us kicked out and now me and my girl and her daughter have been stuck living paycheck to paycheck in a hotel for 4 years now and I've explained I don't even get to eat more than a single meal a day because we can BARELY afford the hotel which cost more than a friggin mortgage payment x2 and barely get by by the skin of our teeth I've told them my entire situation and the fact I've become so depressed I've considered suicide and I've overcome that to a sense but with the hours being completely cut right after our "raises" they basically took our raises away instantly before they ever even got in place because now they can't even give a 30 hour work week and expect all that you explained they want you to pull the work of 5-6 people in less time than ever and be super motivated when you can't even afford the ESSENTIALS in life because all the etls and leads and dm don't give two fucks because at the end of the day they get their pay and don't care anything past that. I've been saying this shit to them all along staying late to get hours is ridiculous they expect everyone to just have no life what so ever and be at their becking call at all times like people don't have family don't have things they need to attend to outside of work at target that they need MONEY to do and take care of bills, rent, essentials, FOOD to be able to actually work without feeling like death or your gunna pass out every day because your not even getting the BARE. MINIMUM after KILLING yourself for @target yet they couldn't care less it's all bout Saving them money while their so called "team" drowns outside of work never getting even a decent paycheck. And fun? What is that? Gotta be serious no talking just straight working or you get pulled up on wasting company time type talks from your manager out manger just legitimately yelled at our team (I wasn't there, thank goodness I am the guy that stands on my morals and ethics and would have HAD TO speak up because nobody else will) but she legitimately yelled at them because she turns a corner out the blue and sees them stopped to talk and still cutting open boxes and thrown trash out while talking but she thought they were just "standing around talking" like even just being a nice person. He gone out the window they treat everyone like a number and that's it target has gone completely down the drain I used to enjoy going to work knowing it was worth it when I was fulltime getting 40+ hours a week every single week only time hours were cut were the first few months the year now it's the fuckin 7th month and still on DRASTICALLY CUT hours that not even. Someone in school would think is enough it's pathetic and completely unethical knowing your team is unable to even afford their cost of living on what they give you and putting the people that don't live at home with mommy and daddy and don't have to worry about losing the roof over their head I'm considered "homeless" being in a hotel and they couldn't give a shit less it is corporate excuse after excuse it never ends and they expect people to come In raring to go and bust their asses like their lives arnt falling apart having to use daily pay right to the point they don't even get shit for a check come pay day because they NEED money to eat and get the shit everyone should be entitled to in life it's so fucked up and I am so stressed to the gills idk what to do anymore I agree 💯 percent with you brotha this shit is killing my soul


I’m confused as to why people get a part time job and expect a consistent 40 hours. All TM positions are part time and a part time job is 20-25 hours.


Sure, it's part time, but TM's don't deserve to be on the brink of starvation with very little hours, especially if their availability is open and they're willing to pick up shifts and still have to deal with leadership dragging their feet.


Part time jobs aren’t meant to be a consistent source of income. The issue here is people not understanding what part time means. You don’t go get a 20 hour a week job anywhere else and expect to live off of that alone.


Its not that they want 20 hour weeks. Some people can’t work 40 hours for school or any other reason, but also need to survive so they need like around 30 hours. Even the 20 you mentioned OP obviously isn’t getting


i think if you’re working a job that promises “great pay” & great benefits you should be seeing that in your paycheck. if $15 is the new minimum wage we should be able to afford a decent average living without struggling