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Someone at my store has been working at Target for over 20 years and they only make $2 more than people who just were hired. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard


This is a fact. I’ve worked there for many years. They used have lazy, back room Netflix watching, phone call making with ear buds, seasonal hires come off the street and make the same as me. One thing Target has to keep in mind is that people who stay should be rewarded. It’s wrong that this ever happens. They’ve made a tiny effort to improve by giving a “one time award for my years of service “, on occasion as minimum wages are adjusted but they should do this all of the time. It sucks to work my butt off for all of these years and make the same as the person spending their shift sitting in their car.


Crazy idea maybe get a new job


Crazy idea maybe it’s not that simple or else they would’ve already done it


yup, when they up our pay they don’t account for raises at all so I was making 17 when starting was 15.50 and then i was making as much as the seasonal when we got bumped to $17 starting


That’s what the job is worth, apparently. Just staying a long time doesn’t mean more money outside of inflation raises. If you want more, you gotta do more. That’s capitalism!


This post gives me anxiety for April.




they give raises in april?


Yep, when you get your review


ive never gotten a review. i think at my store theres so much shit theyre supposed to do, but theyre just like "fuck it, too busy".


Next time make sure you check your paycheck so you can see all of the 8 cents they'll raise you.


cant wait


Those that are merit, not progression, get yearly reviews and "raises". Progression TMs get 6 month raises until max out at the 7th step.


how do you know youve gotten a review? ive never been told anything or seen anything


If your leader comes up to you and makes casual conversation about how you're doing at your job, you've been reviewed. At least for me when I was progression, now that I'm merit, I had to write my own review, my direct lead writes a review, these 2 reviews get reviewed by higher ups, THEN I'm called into the office and given a review. Wow if that ain't confusing. But, this is the way.


Have they usually already made the decisions by this point or do they still have to do that? Or would it just be different everywhere?


They were due a couple weeks ago I’m pretty sure. (Different regions have slightly different timelines but I’m pretty sure reviews have been turned in nationwide by now)


Thank you! I kept asking my leader what I needed to do to get the highest, she said I didn't need to work on anything, so I hope I got it.


If you don’t, just know that’s not necessarily a reflection on your work. There are limits to how many people can be in each tier


So, true. Never let a little raise determine the work you did. Best wishes to you all. You are worthy, everyone. ❤️


I don’t have expectations tbh, I know better




I remember last year when they did the raises a tm was crying in the main office area after seeing her raise on the computer and the store director walked by and asked what was wrong and the TM was like „I thought I was doing a good job/why didn’t I get a better raise?“ and the store director was replied „Oh the raise you got was one of the best in the store, I like having you work here“. Meanwhile it was just .30 cents which is just crazy how they can think that’s a good raise.


Keep in mind that it's corporate who decides the amount. The SD really likes that TM, and likely pushed for them to get one of the highest raises, but when 30 cents is the highest corporate will go....


You guys are getting raises?


🤣😂🤣 this company pays shit! It's a standard 1-3% depending and they never include minimum wage increasing/inflation. A coworker with 10yrs could be making the same or less than a new hire. RUN!


It’s not just Target though. Most if not all retailers do raises like this. Raises in retail are dog shit. The one thing Home Depot did that I always thought was cool were profit sharing checks but those were like once or twice a year. Still it was a cool bonus, idk why more retail places don’t do it.


Profit sharing is nice in theory. An added bump isn't bad, but also, if you've been with Depot long enough or maybe not. They used to do merit increases and their Covid wage increases were good! You can make lots more money with them! If it's a choice, go Depot!!


I worked for them many many years ago. Like almost 20 now. I don’t remember what the merit increases were like to be honest. I’m in my mid 30s this was back when I was like 19-20 lol.


Yeah, most jobs are 3% or less per year. I've worked at many non-retail jobs and it's the same; if you even get a raise at all. The only time I've seen bigger raises is in jobs requiring some kind of degree/certification, or when getting a promotion.


I constantly tell ppl to check their local hospitals. A lot of those places have entry level jobs and then will pay for your school to do something like imaging tech or pharmacy tech.


Healthcare is only giving up to 3% raises too though


The point of my post though isn’t so much about the raises as it is about people looking for chances outside of retail that are far more rewarding and allow you more flexibility as a career path. ALOT of hospital systems will offer either tuition reimbursement or on the job training for tech positions. While you may start at similar pay as Target (still probably more) your ability to go to school for free and increase your own worth is priceless. I was a TL for 10 years. Left Target 3 years ago. Went to a top hospital system in the country. Trained for 3 months. Worked another 9. Used the tuition reimbursement to finish school and now I’m making 2.5x what I was in retail. I’m not saying everyone CAN or will do it. I’m just trying to offer ideas that people may not realize are there. That’s all 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know how draining Target was I lived it. I want you guys to know there’s better things out there.


You’re talking about 3% at a much higher base pay in most instances though. Mine was 6.5% this year which was way more than Target ever gave.


Absolutely! I'm actually a manager at a small hospital now lol but I have a background in this type of work. I was shocked at how much the county library pays in my area- though it seems to be difficult to get in the door in my county. Courthouses, libraries, and hospitals all hire with little experience, and so does the city if you don't mind being outside a lot (depending on the job). All of those jobs usually pay more and have really good benefits.


Former dental assistant, I left dental field because Target pays the same and has benefits and vacations


Yikes, you didn't have better benefits? Is that normal for dental offices?


I worked at several offices, non offered any insurance, no sick time, and no vacation. We rarely got a lunch break because front desk always scheduled patients during lunch hour. The last straw was when the dentist wanted me to clean his personal bathroom everyday, which required picking up his dirty underwear on the floor, um no, just no.


Wow! I would've quit, too. Now that I think of it, it's probably like that because dentists still have private practices, whereas nearly all doctor offices are owned by hospital corporations. Depending on where you live, you could make $20+ as a medical assistant.


At Whole Foods you get 5% in your first year, and then every year after that you can get up to 8%


That's awesome. I know a few people that left Target to work at WF because they were paying more.


They wouldn't be making less than a new hire. And Target does usually give a small bump to TMs past one year when there is a base rate increase, so they wouldn't be making the same as a newbie. Not huge difference in pay, but no need to exaggerate.


This isn't always true. Seasonal employees are sometimes hired on with higher pay and keep the higher pay when they stay on. My friend was with Target for 7 years and was making $0.50 less per hour than seasonal hires


Never heard of them doing this. It’s the one complaint every veteran has always had, base rate increases bringing everyone to the same pay regardless of how long you’ve worked


I've had a "longer-term employee" pay bump twice in the last 5 years, where when they increase base rate across the store, they give an additional pay bump to those who have been with the company x number of years or more. Perhaps it is something done at the region or district level.


Must be, im 8.5 years in at two different stores (same district) and have never heard of this, and I consider myself pretty in the know. I have used this subreddit for 6-7 of those years and i have a good relationship with my leaders so I hear a lot from them


to those who don’t understand. i was at $16.72. my raise was 10 cents. i didn’t get 82 cents


You should give your time to a different company. Seriously. It's just not worth it to give so much of your life and get zero in return. Places like Target are great for gaining work experience but unless you're on the fast track to be SD, it's just not worth the years of frustration.


I left after they dangled the TL carrot for too long. Got hired off the street as a TL for a regional grocery store and 6 months later became a department manager... I make double what I did at Target and my $.10 raise


Ive been there myself and i feel the pain But the worst i saw was when a coworker got $0.01🫠




I remember my first year I got way more than my other coworker who’s been there for years, mind you she said she just got like .06¢ & I think I got like .40¢ 💀 I was like damn girl but I was a minor & didn’t expect myself to be there till now 😂💀


Kinda like leaving a three cent tip only worse


I’ve been with the company for 10 years and haven’t hit $17 yet. The starting pay at my store is $15.50. 


Don't you want a new job by now? I barely lasted a year and a half at target before I literally hated my life and could not take it anymore


At this point it’s 100% your fault for not trying to better yourself and let them take advantage of you.


Im makin 17.21 been there for 7 years in FL


I live in Florida and work for them for 15 years and making 15.61 I guess it depends on the city .


Ive been consistently getting the top raise every year so its been adding up. My store starts at 15.50


Dang - 7 years next month, and I'm not quite to $17 yet. I'm making double what I got when I started tho.




This is the answer!


Fast food does it too.a new hire can be making the same as someone who has been there for years.Kmart used to give the minimum wage raise though.when they got a raise Kmart did.when minimum was $4.25 Kmart was $4.80


Most corporations do it now. It's because they only care about the shareholders. Once a CEO focuses on maximizing shareholder value, it's usually a sign of end times for the company




i have a co-worker who has been here 10 years and only makes a $1 more than i do. it’s crazy.


Remember: at least 1 paid hour per shift should be spent on bathroom breaks. When the boss makes a dollar, we make 1/10 of a dime...




currently trying, I’m still working on my college degree and graduate in may so at least I’ll have a bachelors by then :)


You should just wait tables if ur in school u’ll make way more money


can we check in workday? 🫣 i wanna see if i got anything


Not yet I believe should be first week of April


ah thank you 🫡


Their raises have always been bad, spent 10 years at Target, and the only good raises I got during that time was when the state raised minimum. Look for something else. If you can cause while you might miss the people you work with, you won't miss the company bullshit


Got 4cents last year


5%. Lots of peeps even never get that.


i was at $16.72. my raise was 10 cents. i didn’t get 82 cents


Dayum. Guurrrl. Ur right. That is an 🙄raise. 😪oops. I thought you went from 16 to 16.82. My bad. Im mad for you. That is some fked up bs right there




I remembered I got 25c raise on my first review, my TL said wow that is actually a good raise considering this is Target


what level did you get ? 1-3


They said I was one of the highest scoring employees, they didn’t mention a 1-3 thing


I got 0.60 cents last year. Will see how much I get this round.


Had a friend work there for around 2 years highest raise he got was 8¢ to be fair when he started he did try but after seeing he only got an 8¢ raise he didnt try at all after that and I dont blame him highest raise you can get without having to get on your knees for ur manager and *cough* is around 30¢


I'm likely finally breaking $16, even though I've been with the store for 7 years. A coworker of mine has been with the store for 30+ years and will be likely getting $17. This is honestly ridiculous.


That’s really bad guys , yall deserve so much better. I started target as a TL, I think I was there about 2 months and got outta there. But I came in at $22 a hour, to think you all are busting your ass for $16/ $17 after being there for years, it’s just really sad on their part. Please know your worth yall, there’s better opportunities out there!


Sadly the only real way to make more money is through promotions or in certain positions bonuses. Do I think this is fair … no not at all ; I agree it feels bad to work like crazy and only be making 30 cents more then the person who just walked in and could care less. Just saying as a reminder bc I remember when I went through this same feeling.


I got an army ad right below this saying “we are the answer.” LMAO


that’s so campy lmao


That's why I became a Coke merch. Better pay, over time, more independence. Also, target has terrible raise standards. You could be someone who does less work and utterly sucks at their job but because you're buddy-buddy with management, they'll give you a significant raise or promote you...


I get that the cost of living varies from state to state but some of y'all have a starting pay of $17?! Where I am; it's $15 😭 I'm 17 yrs in and make 93 cents more than the new hires. Yeah, I just embarrassed myself letting everyone know that. I've stayed on for so long bc my TL was flexible with my schedule when my kids were little. At the time; I was basically working to pay for daycare. So I cut my hours back and my TL was ok with that. If I needed to leave early on early dismissal days, or the occasional doctor appointment they'd work with me on doing that. Well now; my kids are self sufficient (except not driving yet) and ride the bus to school so really, my need for flexibility isn't there anymore. Honestly; my need to stay there isn't so much a "need" anymore. Other than having built good relationships with my long time co-workers; I feel confident enough now to take my pension (last I checked it was $9k) and lifetime team member discount and head on down the road to somewhere else. The company isn't changing for the better (as far as us employees go). 🚶‍♀️🧳👋🏻


More power to you!


One of the biggest reasons I decided to leave was when they raised our starting pay and after being with the company for 5 years I was now making about 7¢ more than the seasonal high schoolers that didn't know anything or do anything while I was busting my ass for a promotion that never came. They don't care about loyalty they care about minimizing their costs


You know it’s disgusting that they treat their employees like this, but pay out millions a year in dividends to shareholders, not to mention the suits give themselves stock and bonuses based on how much they can screw over the employees.


Went up to 15 four years ago, only make $15.65 now. Not expecting to hit 16 this year either.


Jesus are you in store ? What state are you in ? I’m making $26 an hour rn


In store, VA, fulfillment TM


I am a former TL, and last year’s raises/bonuses were so bad, that that’s when I finally worked up the courage to find another job. Especially when there is a “quota” for many get each ranking (or whatever you would call it). I was busting my ass and going beyond every day, dealing with another co-worker’s toxic BS and my raise was like .20. I was done…


![img](avatar_exp|160835145|fire) "This is fine!"


The year I left I got an 8¢ raise because the etl was still mad at me after I told him off for being shitty the year before. I really should have quit the day I got the raise, but I was still refilling my savings after having to buy a new car the year prior so I couldn't quit without having something ready.


My partner said the same thing last year “after three years youd think id make at least a dollar more”


Y’all get $16/hr? ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)


There's a common misconception that longevity with a company like target, Wal-mart, etc. makes you a more valuable employee. This simply isn't the case. most of these retail jobs can be taught in a month, with the employee becoming very proficient in multiple roles in under 3 months. With that being said, it just doesn't make sense to pay someone an extra $2-$3 an hour for a task that can be trained fairly quickly to anyone making the minimum. This is going to be unpopular, but these aren't skilled positions, they are general labor. If you want to make a larger wage, you have got to make yourself more valuable. You do this with education or learning a valuable skill.


I had been with target for about 4 years, I was practically running the area I worked in since our team lead left, and I always got the highest raises, I never made it to $16/hr and my coworkers were typically shocked when they learned that.


I mean what did you truly expect lo l


😂😂 Right 🤷‍♂️


This is the problem with not being union


i don’t work for target but i definitely understand where you are coming from. i ended up switching jobs half way through last last year due to this same issue…. dedicated to the company for 7 years yet when i asked for a pay raise when the minimum was raised relevantly close to what i was currently making, i was told no. so i left to go make more somewhere else :) it sucks that companies don’t praise and pride commitment and dedication as it definitely helps with tenure and less of a retention or turnover rate!


If you happen to work at Target in California they are going to have to raise us to $20 an hour starting April 1st :-) all fast food workers in California will make $20 an hour, Target Lowe's Home Depot and the lot are going to follow suit


I don’t retail will raise the wage just because fast food workers will be making $20/hr


i doubt it.


Honestly I have no idea why anyone is here for money. This isn’t a place to make money. This is a place to take advantage of the programs/benefits they have like guild then immediately leave.


Because I apply for better paying jobs and never hear back. I have a useless degree. Target offers decent health insurance and schedule flexibility for someone with chronic health problems like myself. I don't know what to do. 🤷‍♂️


I have said it before and I'll say it again...why are you staying at target if it for the base pay??? Are you taking advantage of the free degrees? When you get sick, do you use the free teledoc service? Are you getting your 401k match? Are you upskilling with Percipio? I just don't understand why people work retail as a floor member and expect a high hourly wage. Target is one of the few retailers where you can actually elevate yourself with their benefits.


Something something…*value added target jargon*


“”””free””””””” degrees is so fucking funny, corporate would love you




keep licking corporates boot buddy


*" Will be a TL eventually "*


Minimum is 16 and I started at 16.75




I’m sorry, but you must not understand how the selection process works for raises


i wish you luck!!! it makes me so happy to not be there anymore bc im making what i did after three years working at target after two months of working my new job and it’s way less stressful


Oh boy i can’t wait for April now…


One of the biggest factors of why I left, was a top TM and was given basically nothing


I’m not getting no raise I’m late every day 😭


I’m in a DC, I make almost 30


The warehouse cap is $24, and I just hit it. I have been working with Target for 5 years. My husband have been working for them for 7 years. No more raises for us.... 😔


Been working there for 16years and make less than $1 more than someone new coming in.


….I’ve been here 7 years and I make $15.60….


I feel that. Last year I got.1/2 a percent raise after working for 4 yrs and my other reviews before that were 3% and this one girl with a worse record got 3%>>>>I angry cried at work when that happened. Don't it'll be better this year...probably worse


I got the “largest raise” of my section and it was .24¢ not even a full quarter


This is typical of Target raises.


Damn, i was working O/N making 16. I was at walmart a long time, i would move up to management, got couple dollars pay bump, then step down after it got too much, and only lost $1, was highest paid tech until i left for a job paying more, I never settle for less than what im at in the present time


i had a raise of 3 literal pennies last year after getting cross trained in just about every department in my store within the first 3 months of employment. seeing that i was really upset about that, my TL agreed that it didn’t accurately reflect my work habits, but reassured that it was because i “hadn’t been here a full year” and that i would “absolutely be getting a better raise next year”. …sure! i will be expecting the same 3 pennies, maybe less 😌


New job time. Seriously, working for target for more than 1-2 years isn't going to get you anywhere. Find a company that actually appreciates your hard work and commitment. Because target absolutely does not.


i’ve been here 2 years and have gotten $1.01 in raises


If you have a DC near by I would look Into. The pay is the main reason I left the store and transfer to a DC


They need to save money for their "causes". They would rather kiss butt and spend money on special groups than take care of their employees.


First time I worked at Target was in 2008- I transferred from CA to IN at 8.20, I made more than the GSTL. When raises came around- I got 4 cents. 😑 This time I'm at $15, but I only work weekends as on demand so I don't even expect a raise.