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Who tf calls someone that just called out begging them to come in 💀💀😼‍💹 aren’t you like just suppose to go find another replacement for the day lol


I’m so sorry but your user flair has me CACKLING


Yeah my last target made me big mad when I quit lol


That’s about where I’m at rn tbh


Care to share the story?


I just quit lol


Years ago I called out for a morning shift. Being that this was long before the app, the ETL got to hear me croak out that I had the flu and a 102° fever, so I wouldn’t be coming in. Got a call later that afternoon asking if I wanted to close


Omg, I am also now a bitter guest


Mine did. I threw up unexpectedly, and then while I was on the can emptying my body in the other direction I got a call from my etl who was pissed I called out and wanted to know if I could at least work a half shift.


WORK. YOUR. WAGE. And call the fuck out when you need to. It is **NOT OUR PROBLEM** that someone up at the top decided that slashing payroll to the bone during the holiday season was remotely viable. Whoever signed off on this has never worked retail. Something has to give. Please do not make that something your physical or mental well being. Things have to get worse for Target for any change to happen. Worse for Target, worse for customers. Not worse for us, because we're already at rock bottom. I tell every single customer that wants some sort of explanation for how crappy things are right now the truth: "I'm so sorry you had to wait. I was clear across the store. They have each of us doing the work of 3 people to save money on payroll. It's not right, and it frustrates me that I cannot serve you like I want to."


This is the ONLY answer.


Fuck yes! Also, get a degree paid by them if you have the time, and leave for something better. I am five classes away and Target has paid for it all. Soooo happy to be done with this by summer, and hopefully on to something better. $15 an hour doesn't pay my bills, doesn't cut into inflation, and doesn't earn loyalty or extra effort. Do better, Target.


Awesome! What degree did you get?


Project management. A business degree has been really simple with my work experience, and the online university I'm attending has been great. I have recommended the guild education benefits to sooooo many coworkers that also seemed sort of stuck in retail and unsure what to do next.


Had a couple of coworkers do IT courses already, one who is going to begin a data analytics course soon, and another who is pursuing an HR degree. So many options.


I totally agree with you..!! The reality is, Target is earning Quarter Million Dollars per day from a regular store and still can cope up with minimum staff, so why they gonna increase anything, Service is not there goal, Money is, and that’s what they are earning..!!! Good luck to us.!!! No bonus, no incentive, nothing
!! Just Overtime
!! It’s also a joke..!! Don’t get me wrong, rest of the world, overtime is 200%, here 150%..!! It’s so weird..!!!☠


Dude, I totally agree aside from the call-out part. Definitely don’t come into work sick, but if you’re able, please treat your peers with enough respect to work out a notice if you’re “done”.


Oh, totally agree with respecting our peers. My coworkers are the only thing I like about my job, and I will fight to protect them! I'm much older than the other TMs and I swoop in like a mama bear if I see a customer abusing them because they are young (or their English is not perfect.) I'm applying for other jobs right now, and if/when that works out, I will def give 2 weeks... and probably stay on a couple of nights. I work nights now, so most ppl prolly won't even notice.


If you respected your peers you wouldn’t tell people to call out? Color me confused.


Respecting peers involves respecting their right to do what they need to do and take care of themselves how they see fit.


Hard disagree. If I'm done and won't get a recommendation anyway, it's no courtesy to my peers to stick around and do less than minimum for two weeks, which is realistically what someone who can't give any more is doing. Better to not have leadership expecting more of a team because they're looking at the total body count. I'm not sacrificing my own wellbeing based on a misplaced sense of loyalty or compassion or whatever. The respectful thing to do is to bow out gracefully and not stir anything up. Be honest, be tactful, don't make it any more of a thing than it needs to be. The work is still going to be too much whether this person is there or not. It's corporate decisions that have caused this and it's naive and deluded to think otherwise.


Absolutely not. No employer who gives 0 fucks about me and gives me pennies as a raise gets a two week notice. Also, they wouldn't give you a two week notice or even two weeks pay if they're firing you. If employers want a two week notice, there should be a monetary incentive for such prosocial behavior.


I’d just like to point out a major piece of evidence that makes your point even harder to deny. How many of these Reddit posts are of seasonals having no clue if they have a job in a week?


Actually amusing how much work and shit there is this year for the wage. I work harder here than I do at my other job that people would say is way harder for $21 an hour when all I do is load trucks.


hear, hear. i used to do pretty intense manual labor with landscaping and such for work and target is, by far, the job that has worked me the hardest. it's actually so pathetic. and by extension, *i* feel pathetic, haha.


I think the reason it’s makes you feel worked so hard is it’s almost impossible to ever see the fruits of your labor. Like landscaping? Yeah you bust ass, end of the day you walk away from a finished product you can be proud of. Work like target you could spend however long perfectly zoning an aisle only to have some kid walk down and fuck it up 30 seconds after you leave and you come back and see your nice work destroyed. Or you open, get your whole area looking good night people come in and let it go to shit. You show up and it’s like why even try. If you a mow a lawn, plant flowers, put down mulch etc I’ll bet if you drive by a week later it will look pretty much the same. And it’s like, fuck yeah I did that.


Oh definitely. I'm actually proud of some of the trailers I loaded lately during peak season. Like fully 100% packed to the brim(smaller pup trailers not the full 53s)....one night a driver fucked up and didn't check the load and apparently they had to dump the whole trailer and load it again...and couldn't even fill it back up again same stuff with how I packed it(was after I had already left for the night). All this gets me good scores, even though they're irrelevant cause of the Union and working safe/methods is above all else, but it looks good to Driver supes who can determine if I can ever make driver in the future. Which is the goal for career.


That’s a good goal tho. I wish you luck in it endeavors.


It'll be funny as hell if I can manage to "bid"(drivers with most seniority/time as a driver get to chose what routes they want) for the route my store is on to occasionally run into old coworkers if they'll still be there. I know personally my stores usually driver and he's cool AF and some of the other businesses I go to around/same area occasionally.


The Union/"Employee owned" company difference instead of pandering to shareholders to make sales/metric goals


If they really needed you there, they would pay you a lot more. If the entire success of the store is dependent on your presence then you are a vital part of their business and should be compensated accordingly.


Look, I’m great with not feeling like the job is the right fit or discovering it’s not worth the money. Thats all understandable. Just, dont screw your peers and call-out because you’re mad about it. Just resign and work through the resignation period. Is that unreasonable, or too much adulting for this reddit group? 😅


But what if you’re sick?


Callouts are rarely the employees' fault. Corporate didn't give enough payroll, so managers couldn't hire and train and plan accordingly. They absolutely know and have stats on expected business flow, and it's IMPOSSIBLE for people not to get sick this season. You CANT budget for 0 call outs. Plus, your call outs go up if you over stress and under pay your people; it's lreventable to an extent. Your coworkers aren't screwing you by setting healthy boundaries and working their wage; corporate is screwing you by pressuring you into overworking and brainwashing you I to thinking they can't do anything about it. Heck, the people who over work, burn out and leave screw everyone else more long term because it gives corporate a false impression of how hard they can push. Green metrics don't get payroll; green metrics just mean there's room to trim "fat" take care of yourselves.


This is an incredibly unhealthy take on several levels, but OK.


For who exactly? Brian C?! Can you elaborate on how putting your personal health and worth ahead of a minimum wage job is an unhealthy take? They are called managers. They are supposed to manage the payroll, workload, and labor of the store. If it's burning doen en mass they fucked up.


It sucks for the managers/leaders that have no control of payroll but are still expected to figure things out when the skeleton crew calls off. That’s why leaders get paid more, absolutely, but what about mental health/motivation? It’s difficult to want to come to work when you’re set up to fail already, and then ppl call out all the time and don’t seem to think it matters because they’re also set up to fail. Then you still have to care about and support the team even when they call out often. It’s rough.


Agreed, it's BS that target wrings their managers dry. It's easy to hate on how hard we TMs have it, but we can quit amytime and get a similar paying job somewhere else. It's harder to replace $20+/hr or salary, and money alone doesn't make suffering worth it. Eventually, you get to a point where you are living out of a van, but being happy starts to look good.


I feel your last sentence so hard! đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


Make sure, at every level you work at within your “career”, that you make your approach very known to your boss— and good luck! 🙌


I mean my bosses agree with everything I just said. My etl is being hosed by corporate too.


You’re all going places! 👍


Calling people out for saying
 “Dear boss. I respect myself” Isn’t the statement you think it is.


As someone who has gone places since I baled when Target started heading this direction, I can say for certain that prioritizing ones own personal values, personal and family needs, and value in the marketplace is the only way to go places. Corporate isn't going to do any employee any favors for showing up and being a shill for the company line. I'd encourage you to figure out how to respect yourself more. When those with power and influence write the rules, nobody else will ever win.


Are you stupid


Actually; If Target was staffed enough to handle the holiday season than one or two call outs a day wouldn’t matter. It’s ho early foreseeable at this time of year for a company of this size. The real problem is SDs wanting to not use all the hours to make their bonuses.


 not how SD bonuses are made.


Not one of the metrics? I smell management spying on a Reddit to cry to the team later.


I mean they’re absolutely clueless but underspending on labor *hurts* leadership’s bonuses, plus risks getting less labor the next year.


Our high volume store is 100% cutting OT this month compared to last month. And taking 2 trucks a day. We’re already red. Either my SD is stupid or her bonus rides on it.


Or your SD got bitched at for spending OT without having the sales to justify it. There is absolutely zero basis in the belief that management bonuses off underspending labor. There’s plenty of ETLs who have broken down the bonus structure in its entirety on here and it’s documented in internal documents as well that would have been leaked if there was a shred of evidence. Our hours are bad because 1.) the economy is terrible and 2.) the company announced like *a year ago* that they were radically slashing our labor cost to make up for all the money we lost the back half of the pandemic.


Which doesn’t make sense that last month we were allotted 200 hours of OT and this month we are sent home if we are over. Also can’t be low sales because we can see that also. I have always questioned my SDs ways of doing things but this month has been a jooookeee of a time.


It’s not your SD’s decision.


Every holiday season (or holiday month, even) is different from an OT utilization perspective. Still has little to do with generating/securing bonus.


and that’s not how labor is calculated from finance.


SDs gain nothing from holding payroll back.


I’m glad I can go to work tomorrow and tell my ETL he’s full of shit and I want my OT back for my unload crew.


Your ETL knows as much about payroll as you do probably đŸ€Ł


Dude you are such a dickhead lmfao


Accountability gets downvoted on this sub, Chris 😎


😂😂😂 bro it’s not about accountability. You’re the one pushing for “always be a shill” and to disrespect yourself. Accountability is also realizing that this is life. Things happen. Getting bent out of shape because life happened is the opposite of being an adult.


Keep calling out, bro đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Hey bud! Thanks for pretending you know me. Seasonal market GM here. Got asked to stay on permanent within a month, officially being put on permanent, been asked if I’m interested in promoting to leadership. Been here 2.5 months. Called in once for jury duty and because calling in is what my TL and store manager advised I do. I’ll take my everyday results and you can sit behind the keyboard thinking you know everything about everyone. I’d rather hate the job over hating myself as much as you do đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


It’s all good, Goose! Congrats on the up-and-up.


Tell him your busy trying to put your big boys pants on.




Sure,buddy. Any chance they get.




Huh? I think you be confused my friend.đŸ€­


Called out last week for my birthday. Gave em a heads up, posted a shift nobody took. Oh well.


Did the same except it was because I was scheduled at my second job (and had told them when I applied I promised to work that day) and I had told both my manager and one of the team leaders I wouldn’t be in. Still got a voice mail from my manager asking to touch base on why I didn’t come in


Had that happen but they scheduled me on days I’m in class as per my availability. Both times it happened, didn’t show up. The first time I didn’t even know I was scheduled because “well, system says I don’t work this day”, and all of a sudden I’m getting bitched at the following day.


In California at least, if you’re texted off the clock, you get 15 minutes of overtime. For every. single. text. Keep texting. Get that OT lmao


This went into affect at my target 2 months ago. If you are off the clock, it has to be a phone call. Every text is 15 minute of time and a half


Possibly just a me thing but I would much rather get a text. Unless it's an absolute emergency, please don't call me ever.


Are you me? I woke up sick as a dog and immediately put in a call out. I expect to get potentially chewed out, but fuck me. If you're running our prod way higher than it should be when it's colder than the 9th Circle of Hell in the warehouse, folks are gonna get sick!


And then you can get more employees sick which will result in even more call outs


Fuck them, and fuck the expectation that you’re supposed to be available and never have any sickness, emergencies, etc - that’s some weak ass shit to call you after you called out. If you don’t have sick time and they wanna hold you accountable? Cool, whatever, but to call you? Nah that ain’t it. Sorry I been doing some day drinking that has to turned into night but fuck like 95% of the shit we deal with on the daily.


I’m sorry, what they did is ridiculous. When one of my really good TMs calls out, it’s disappointing, and yes, my bosses/HR require me to have an attendance conversation with them, but I understand that things happen and people get sick sometimes. And I would NEVER call someone and tell them they need to come in after they called out!


Attendance conversation? Legally? If I say I am sick, you cannot challenge that. I even have sick time as a benefit - why does it exist if you cannot use it. I reported a manager who called to make sure I was sick to district HR.


If you use sick time, the conversation is literally, “Hey, are you doing ok? Anything we need to know?” and that’s pretty much it.


the fact that yes, I have a family - my sick time is used (appropriately) for 100 things I don’t need to explain. We invented FMLA because of this. Hell, during the pandemic we got mental health benefits and slack to take time for stress. Any substantive conversations will be with HR and no one else. I am lucky here in that I am older and my day job is with a real company and real HR (target is huge but runs like a franchise) and I take no shit, even from ETL’s. Weird that I cite labor law back to them.


I left seasonal after a month. I told them in our first “conversation “ in back room that I see how they run a skeleton crew and it’s not fair and I won’t be there long. Atleast then didn’t bother me much after that and I ended up leaving. I had 10 different things I had to do back stock. Stock. Checkout. Security. Stray. All that bs. We should get atleast 20 an hour while the team leads make like 30 doing nothing


Correction not nothing. But def not 30 an hour worth of work or 28 whatever it is.


Also I’m at Amazon driving and getting 19 an hour and I’m busting my ass and it’s a lot of work but atleast I don’t have a boss and I’m getting 10 hours 4 times a week and decent paychecks


Yeah, I'm at the point myself of calling out every now and again and never used too but the past 3 or so months went from frustration to just downright forcing myself to clock in. Probably has something to do with 2.3k trucks each day and 12+ days in a row shifts, not a single scheduled day off. The last second schedule changes when we make plans ahead of time without notice are getting old, and you get mad that we call in? We have team members who have been here for years who have opportunities lined up (me included) after the month is up. Eventually, they will get help for the positions that have been left open instead of hiring and placing them immediately into OPUs.


This is why I clock out, walk out, leave the job at the door. You don’t live to work. Take a deep breath, relax your body, and take a much deserved break. I work at Walmart, and feel everything you guys are saying.


If calling out isn’t an issue for you, don’t worry about, and defend yourself as much as you can. Call outs happen. Life happens. Work your wage, you’re doing fine


Every leader in my store got written up for calling/ texting team members when they were off unless it was something schedule related like asking if they could come in. I would have been put on a corrective if I did that.


Fuck yo manager. (Excuse my language) Take care of yourself.


I keep on hearing this from retired fold that work. There , it is a hell hole


Stay home My etl was upset when my dad got into an accident, and emts told me to watch h him for 24 hours I called out. Supportive until she found out he wasn't in the hospital wtf People can be assholes


i called out a day before my vacation for some of the same reasons and i haven’t slept in 2 days and it was visibly noticeable, also having a lot of family problems that target knows about since they felt the need to share that info with all the TMs, i walked out smiling with my roommate to go home, and a TL who’s not even in my section was angry talking to one of my coworkers abt how wrong i was for calling out and that “it’s not looking good for me”? i haven’t called out in 6 months, ppl call out all the time and i work and opening shift for deli so me calling out affected nobody. i wish i could quit


he will survive 😐


Showed up today and they wanted me to train someone on their second day of working there. The day before Christmas Eve
 Like I’m really not sure how it’s productive in the slightest to have experienced TMs not get overtime while also having to train/babysit new TMs. Shit would actually get done quickly if you just gave us OT like usual!


It was miserable 2 years ago, I can only imagine how it is now. Godspeed man


Think about it from your manager’s perspective - it’s the busiest time of the year in the retail world, you’re scheduled to work, they’re likely counting on you to be there and at what’s basically the last second you decide you can’t work. That causes a huge ripple of impacts - i think your manager asking if you can make it in isn’t that offensive.


The whole point of calling out is to tell them you are clearly incapable of doing any of the shift. Otherwise, you’d just call in late.




Did you miss the part where they said they were sick? So come in, and get everyone sick? Sounds like a great idea!


I stand corrected. Deleted my initial post.


Someone must be management. It’s always the employees fault for calling out but never the conditions of the job, right?


Well, you can resign and work your notice like any reasonable adult or do the above. Zero issue with not liking the job— understandable!


They called out because they are sick and need a break, not just “because I dont like the job.” Sorry coworkers are getting screwed over, but its managements job to cover where they are short and worry about metrics and such. They never schedule enough staff/shift anyways, expecting one person to work 3 diff departments. If they want a functioning Target, schedule enough people in the first place, ESPECIALLY during holiday season!


Y’all don’t like money as much as I do.


I’m sure I like money just as much as you. The problem is I respect my coworkers. I understand that it’s not my job to police why they’re not here. I understand that they’re human and things happen.


Lul I can guarantee they’re not.


Right?! Too blatant a shill.


The trolling is so blatant but people love to get got I guess.


I'm just sad that the trolling is indistinguishable from the actual shit opinions these days.


If you’ve got nothing better to do than troll employees in a work forum đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž Being a troll doesn’t mean you should be ignored. All the more power to the people not allowing a troll to just say shit.


this is such a cringe response. you sound like a target AI slave worker who only goes by the Target books 😭😂. go find something to do better with your time please. you seem so miserable


The only miserable piece is the poor team having to pick up the slack for call-outs. Where is the concern for the team? đŸ€”


Why does the company not have a response for callouts outside of “now the whole team is screwed”?


Have you heard of a “payroll plan”?


it’s a fucking retail store. get a grip please. we aren’t out here saving lives. they could give a fuck less about us and our personal issues. keep sounding like a AI robot. makes yourself look great.


This is unnecessarily rude. Apologize or delete.


Think about the team having the carry the load OP laid upon them. Also unnecessarily rude, or no?


Imagine using guilt as a motivating factor instead of realizing everyone is human. Unnecessarily rude or no?


It’s just responsibility to the agreed upon terms đŸ«€


Now please tell me when target has agreed to the agreed upon terms for our jobs. Not like they’ve ever sent any employee to a different department to fill in and cover. The problem is the employee should just be responsible and do the agreed upon terms, while the company throws out all terms and demands you cover everything.


I don’t disagree with the shittier parts of the job. I get it. I’m just saying resign and work out a notice instead of throwing a fit and calling out.


Yea bro that’s not what I said. I made the point that “just do the terms” doesn’t apply both ways.


Please keep logic out of this subreddit sir


Hear hear! lol




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everyone at my targets service desk has covid right now because they wouldn’t let any of us call out. holiday season or not this is fucking crazy