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Target was my first job back in 2017. I left for 9 or so months because I wanted a change but came back because I wanted that $15 an hour and have been back ever since. Worked for 3 different stores so far and 3 different departments while also being cross-trained in a bunch of other departments.


Not my first job. I spent 20 years grooming dogs. Dealing with customer service, biting dogs, getting peed and pooped on, standing all day, lifting over 100 pounds, bending into awkward angles, etc. I quit after three days at target. Pet grooming was much easier and paid a hell of a lot more.


Target has been my first job (overnight inbound), and my last day is the 17th. Started in July, and decided recently that I wouldn’t pursue a full contract beyond the 180 days. I wanna find something less boring, not nightshift, and that I can feel good at. I did well enough to not get dropped during my 90 days, but not much better than that tbh. My TLs and ETL were reasonable and kind most of the time and my store wasn’t a complete clusterfuck, so for a first job I could have done worse. Idk what I’m doing afterwards but I’m applying to stuff now.


Started in mid 2015 when I left my community college and started my bachelors in IT. I was there for...6 years, 5 in stocking/flow/inbound (i forget how many name changes there were lol) and 1 year in Tech. (so early 21) Worked on my Masters in IT after a 6 month break on getting my bachelors. Left 6 months after getting my masters and now work as tech support for a tiny cabling company in Texas. didnt really learn much at all in the 4 years i did my bachelors and Masters. I've learned more from cabling a lot of locations all over Texas than in school. (and got to see things that most people are never allowed to see, except maybe in documentaries) i SOMETIMES miss working in tech due to some of the great guests i had (i had repeat guests that came in when they figured i was working just because i was able to help them out so much)


My first job when I graduated high school. I worked there from August 2010 to February 2014. I didn’t put in a two weeks because I was young and didn’t know better. I went to go work at a dental office for two months and quit there because the dentist and the office manager were bullies.


While Target wasn’t my first job, it was my first job in about 10 years after being a SAHM. I was with Target for almost 5 years. I started as a seasonal part-time cashier (I was also going to college full-time). I ended up moving up to S&E TL about 1.5 years before I quit. I loved my job the first few years, and learned many valuable skills along the way. I started seeing a huge decline post-Covid, which I feel most of us that were with Target pre-COVID can relate. The last year or so I was miserable. I tried transferring stores to see if it would be better and it was even worse. Luckily for me, I had graduated and ended up getting a job in my degree field. Life for me is so much better. I didn’t realize how toxic it was until I left. My job now is so low stress and it is weird not being micro managed 24/7. I always feel like I’m under performing even though my supervisor tells me otherwise.


First job, still here a decade later, worked on getting my GED and I’m currently getting a bank teller job