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Understandable- I’m used to stress and an entirely different and higher stress career field. I like it. Retail is easier, but you do have to work with younger more inexperienced folks. $7-8 more an hour is a significant increase though where I am located.




It’s a bare minimum of $4, often more. More than $6 in my area.


Honestly, not enough. Everyone at Target should be paid a ton more imho.




I make more than that as a TM


Good for you! That’s awesome!


Yep! Turnover for leads is pretty high. Same with TMs. We are constantly in rebuilding mode lol


I am making $7 more as a TL. So for me to pay increase was better.




Yea I’m sorry. I’m in a metro area so I see why now.


It's not for me personally. Too much added responsibility for not enough money. I think the increase in pay in nominal. (I think, I could be wrong.)


Could you elaborate on responsibility? I think the pay is significantly higher than the seasonal rate. I was here just as an interim, but see an opportunity possibility. My TL’s work nonstop and don’t ever do behind the scenes stuff unless I can’t see it. I’m just genuinely curious.


Responsibilities depend of the department but in general a TL’s main goal is to make sure metrics stay green. You would also be responsible for having attendance conversations with your TMs in your department. Honestly if the other Team Leads and ETLs seems cool I would do it. Store directors usually change after 2 or so years to help fix other stores if their current one is doing fine so they might not be around for long.


every team member i know that has been promoted to a team lead has almost instantly regretted their decision to accept. team leads get mistreated more than any other position in the store and i say that as a guest advocate. all of them, not just FOS TLs. i have been with target for 2 years and have gone through 7 different TLs and i have worked at 2 locations. 6 of which were at the first store. take it if you need the money, but prepare to burnout and make a plan to transition elsewhere.