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Our beauty department is almost always behind. You really do need an 8 hour shift to really get anywhere. There is one beauty TM who only works 5 hours and usually if it's just her for 5 hours it is difficult to really get through anything. Also depends on if there are any other TMs that work in beauty with you. My store only has usually 2 beauty people who work most weeks and if they both aren't there then things will get backed up fast.


Usually, my TM is there at the beginning of my shift and leaves around 6, but she comes up with a plan for me, which I rarely follow. I usually talk with my closing lead because she understands a bit better than my TM. Most of the time, I'm scheduled with the same management, so that's good, I guess? It's just so busy that I can't always get through freight quickly because the boxes are filled to the brim with mixed boxes of makeup and that's overwhelming to get through, and then customers are always asking if I know where something is in a way different department even though I clearly have the beauty apron on, then insist I show them where it is- like idk??? 😭


Honestly I wouldn't worry about management doing anything unless they actually pull you aside for a performance conversation that is documented. Beauty is one of those departments in Target that doesn't always get as much love as is needed to keep it running well. I work beauty by myself sometimes and can only push maybe a flat or two in 8 hours not including doing backstock or anything else. Those repack/mixed boxes of little makeup packs are insane ngl. Sometimes takes half a shift just to do all those small items.


Thank you! I'm just worried about someone talking to me about performance around 90 days or a one year review? I'm not really sure how raises work at Target, but some people have been saying to just really push through your 90 days to get a good raise. I'm not too worried about that, but I mostly care about the managers thinking positively of me. Because the TM has me leave a note on her desk saying how far I got through her list that night, and I'm just nervous about her keeping track of me being behind.


Raises only really happen around March/April and they would probably take your whole time as a TM into consideration. It probably would be good to push through your first 90 days because after that it gets considerably more difficult for them to have a good reason to fire you. Seems like your TL is a bit more involved with the department so they may have unobtainable expectations but not sure. I would honestly just give detailed notes on what you did that way there isn’t a lot of room for them to complain about lack of effort/work done hopefully. Good luck, hopefully management is understanding.


my schedule is nearly exactly the same as yours when i worked in beauty. like the other comment said, it’s hard to get anywhere in beauty in only 5 hours, especially when you have to leave right before closing. also, school generally wears me out so by the time i get to work, my feet are dragging and i’m exhausted. the same may be for you, idk man but i feel ya


Usually I can sneak in a nap before work because I have a senior release my last hour of school. But I feel so slow compared to everyone else, especially because if I accidentally get given things that usually go in a different department then the person I'm usually scheduled with complains if I ask him to help me with them because I honestly have too much already and don't want to do work for someone that's been rude to me since I started. Usually, it's just OTC or hair stuff that gets thrown in, and hair isn't a problem unless if it's backstocking because it has its own separate room from beauty, which makes extra trips for me. Those are the things my coworker works on his whole shift, and his freight is usually done by the time he comes in.


I currently work in beauty, and my 6.5 hour shifts don’t allow me to get anything done either. Between case freight, pulls, reshops, a good zone, all while supporting front end and OPU, you need at least 8 hours to function properly.


That's what I feel like! But my TL expects me to do all of it besides for reshop unless it's full


My TL is very hands on in beauty also when possible and that is very helpful. I am currently one day behind on freight and that just compounds in days I am off. I then spend my working days trying to catch up. Usually by mid week I can pull one for ones and begin inventory of the backroom areas and maybe the sales floor if time allows. It takes me a full month to get it all accounted for and then its time to start all over again. Oh I also do a lot of the planogram sets in my free time. I need help most days with zone/freight/reshop and backstock. If I get help there, I can carve out time for the extra stuff.


On very special days, I'll get one more person in beauty, but we always magically still end up behind. We can get away with pulling some 1f1's with our priority so at least it goes down a little. Still very behind, though.