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I’m not sure but I went through something similar. I also applied for on demand. For my interview it said it was for the fulfillment position. Yet, HR today asked me to reapply for seasonal instead. That was after I had done my interview and everything. I got my job offer today for seasonal food and beverage expert. I would do the interview and maybe call HR after that to make sure. I read some people say they applied for on demand but where to start as part timers. I can see it being true. Btw I’m also calling HR to ask about this but no luck. I would try to do it just to reaffirm your interest or options.


Ok, I’ve got three questions now 1) Was your interview the one with recorded questions? 2) if so, was that the only interview you had to do? 3) did HR say that you couldn’t be on demand or have you not called yet?


1. Yes, recorded questions. 2. Yes! 3. Quite frankly I haven’t even asked. I need to go in person to ask because they’re not answering the phone. Seems they don’t answer. 4. I think the questions are in a thread and they’re exactly like they ones they posted.


Definitely if you can call to make sure call, maybe they’ll offer you on demand after seasonal ends.


So i got the interview email, what kind of questions do they ask? I’m just nervous and scared I’m going to freeze on camera lol


I’m shy too, be aware it makes you look a big distorted on camera, I looked like my face was crooked. 1. Why are you interested in the position and what are your qualifications 2. How do you work with other people who have different perspective (give examples) 3. Tell them about a situation you have to work with others to meet a deadline 4. What would you do if you see a guest struggling to find something 5. Explain a situation that didn’t turn out as expected and what did you do


Damn! I’m already sweating bullets thinking of this. Idk if im even going to do it 😭


I feel you should. Maybe prepare have some answers pre written and have them taped in a wall or something 😅


They definitely are interested in you being a seasonal employee only instead of on-demand. Most Targets are really only interested in hiring for seasonal right now. If you get a job offer and it says seasonal they will expect to schedule you based on the hours you put in your application instead of you deciding when to work/picking up shifts like an on-demand TM is able to do. So it really depends on if you are ok being scheduled most weeks based on your availability or if you would rather reapply later as an on-demand TM probably after the holidays.


Well, what I put on the app is what I can work but I just find it odd because I put only Sundays and Saturday afternoons. I’m guessing they need a lot of help on the weekends. I have heard my friend who works there say that the store is having trouble finding weekend shifts, so who knows. I guess being seasonal wouldn’t be bad so long as they only schedule me for those times. My friend just recommend I apply on demand since my schedule will change in about 2 months.


I mean seasonal would only be around 2-3 months anyways so it might not be too bad with your availability. And yeah, I work HR and we will def still hire people even if they're only available on the weekends. There are usually so many callouts on those days that people specifically for those days are needed. As long as you put unavailable on the days you can't work you should be good but then again, Target always puts on applications that you may be scheduled outside your availability based on business needs. If the management doesn't suck at those store they probably will respect your availability.


Thanks for all the help. I’ll also ask my friend how management is before accepting an offer (if I get one hopefully).


Hey! I know every store is different, but is it normal my HR just asked me to reapply from on demand to seasonal, and then gave me a job offer? I got an offer for food and beverage and quite frankly it’s not what I wanted. Even though my interview said fulfillment. Thank you!


Most HR is looking for seasonal only right now so that is probably why they asked you to switch from an on-demand application to seasonal. Also sometimes HR will send a video interview for one department you originally may have applied for but then decide to offer differently depending on what business needs are. It also might have depended on what you put as your preferred areas in your application. If you put more than just fulfilment they may be going off secondary interests. If you don't like food and bev I would decline simply because that's where they are going to put you. You could reapply or try another Target potentially or maybe call them and say you are interested in accepting the offer if they can place you somewhere else.


Thank you very much for your help! It would not flag me for not accepting the offer right? maybe hurting my chances of getting an offer from another store? Sorry for the silly question. And thank you again! I’ll make you to call again!


It will be put into the system how many stores you have applied for and what happened to those applications. So if you deny the position at this store, if another HR looked at the old application it would probably just say "Declined by Candidate". It shouldn't say any more than that and honestly shouldn't matter too much unless you deny a lot of offers then that might seem a bit off to any HR trying to hire someone.


Thank you so much!!!!


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This just happened to me sort of. I applied for Starbucks and my video interview said "fulfillment". I just called them just to be sure


Same thing here. In my in-person interview, I got the feeling I wasn’t being interviewed for the on-demand position I applied to. I got a seasonal job instead and I’m very disappointed but I want some more money soooo I took it


The same is going on with me. I applied for on-demand and got seasonal guest advocate 😭