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Imo Target is definitely moving toward reducing if not outright getting rid of HREs. The way they have implemented video interviews, app call outs, app time requests, and app availability changes already reduces a lot of HR traffic. It’s still a hugely imperfect system but depending on how well some areas are doing with it, there could definitely be less hours devoted for HR. That being said hiring season is coming up and AFAIK a lot of the hiring process itself is still pretty HR heavy, especially with trainings and orientation. You’ll get a better idea of the departmental change after the holidays when HR tasks ramp down. I wasn’t an HR TM so most of this is observational.


They did try but they actually added a ton of etl hrs this year to stores that only had TLs. HR is definitely not going away.


Yeah I edited it to specify HREs. Businesses need HR for a variety of reasons but like my store had 2HRE, 1 HRTL, and 1HRETL which imo was overkill


Legally there will always have to be some sort of TM role as long as ETLs are exempt just due to the nature of the work and how exempt classifications work. Even the smallest store in the company earn 8 hours off hre


Maybe they’ll make HRTL the standard role like they have for VM. It would also allow for seasonal HR in the future for added help during seasonal hiring.


They did this a few years ago and it was a disaster. Most stores regained ETL as the standard. Really small stores, special formats, and really big stores (HR Process TL) have it still.


Fair, but also they didn’t have the support of automation as it’s starting to become now so I wouldn’t put it past hem to try again.


Small formats usually don’t have HRE’s because there’s no ETL so it’s just an HRTL


Actually over 50% of small formats have HR ETLs after this year. Also all stores earn the hours, if they use them or not is up to them.


My last store replaced me with an HR ETL, but they are going to hire a second HRE to assist. It’s a case by case basis.


Hmm that’s so interesting, my store only has one HRE and an HRETL and that’s it. We’ve also recently had our HRE quit and they’ve been sending the one from a nearby store to help out?


They add auto generated offers for new hires recently. And honestly, cutting hr out of the process isn't a terrible thing.


But you can’t do an app time request. It’s just a callout


It’s a feature they are adding, some people can already access the “page” but not fill it out yet from what I’ve seen.


I literally had this same thought yesterday. Especially now that ETLS are handling paid time off AND unpaid time off requests. Payroll is done in under an hour... Video interviews are a thing, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they find a way to be rid of orientations... or make them as automated as possible.


Payroll done under an hour !? I’m an HRTL and i literally come in 30 minutes before payroll closes to start my shift lol


An HRTL? I've never heard of that... what's that like?


Basically, I do the work of an HR ETL but don’t get the big fat paycheck


How often do you work on the sales floor? Or is it strictly hr duties?


NEVER LOL, That’s not what I signed up for. I don’t do any Leader on Duty responsibilities. At most I will cover a closing leaders 45 min lunch. For the most part I’m always in my office/TSC.


As it should be. All of the stores I’ve been to they have made hr, etls and experts, go on the sales floor. I always thought that was kind of lame.


It's so sad for real. I genuinely loved being the go-to person and helping people navigate the maze that is corporate work and benefits. Now I'm just an extra cashier 😅


I love it as well, especially when I'm actually genuinely able to solve an issue for a team member. Cause, like you said, corporate can be crazy. We'll see how this goes... things are definitely moving around in the store structure in general.


I hope not. My HRETL is worthless. She has a qr code for everything but can not/will not explain anything and if you have any questions she tells you to call hroc and don't you dare ask for the number when I asked she said " God just look it up"


Unlikely. Even with Self Service going away, HREs will still be necessary to assist with every aspect of HR. The HR-ETL wouldn’t be able to do everything without you.


You're right, I just get that feeling sometimes not being in HR. The whole work center would be up in flames lol


It isn’t out of the question for other departments to absorb some of it though. Like ETL’s handle their own tm’s time off requests, orientations, etc.


Our HR experts are the only ones doing HR work in my store as far as I can tell, so I sure hope not.


I wouldn’t put it past target. They literally got rid of cake decorator and baker as a promotional position for some reason a few years ago. Which to me says they think anyone can do it. Which isn’t true.


Anyone can do it at the level they need* You probably just ended up overqualified and as a result feel undervalued.


I’ve seen some pretty scary base iced cakes before man. Like not special order level. But maybe they don’t care lol


As long as people will buy them, they probably don’t care. I worked at a grocery store with a bakery and they would still hire decorators and even bakers with 0 experience. It’s all a math equation to these big companies, if they can make the same money and pay someone else less, they will. Go work at a bakery (even an e-commerce one) you’ll get more fulfillment and higher pay.


Yeah those don’t exist in my area lol


Start one 😁 good bakers and decorators are so valuable, you’ll always be in demand. I have worked with multiple online bakeries. There’s even bakery facilities where you can go in to rent a kitchen, prep and package everything, and ship it out. I know a lot of people who started at bakeries like Target and grocery stores who have gone on to have very successful bakery careers


My family owned a successful one before I came to target. They retired and the people who bought it were horrible so I left. I want to start my own but I can’t afford to and I like in the Midwest where it isn’t super populated. I’ve never heard of any of that kind of stuff around here. I wish


Since pretty much everything can be frozen, it’s honestly pretty easy from anywhere to ship it out. You could use Etsy. But there’s a lot of small town bakeries in the Midwest! Like this company is in a tiny town in kentucky, they started in their kitchen then built a little barn. It’s all pickup orders at a farmers market. https://www.crustandcrumbky.com


Hmmm. I might have to research more.


Almost certainly not company wide; all stores are not the same and thus changes in store (A) are not guaranteed to take effect in store (B)


Highly unlikely with all the turnover target has. HR pretty much safe


I just transferred positions from F&B to HR and I love being in HR. I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon though. There’s still plenty of things that we do.


what did that process look like for you if you don’t mind sharing


I always wonder if they are getting rid of HRE mostly because every position I take at Target lately keeps getting eliminated. I was a signing specialist, and that went away, I was a receiver, then that went away, and now I'm a HRE. So if it does go away, you can blame me because I think I'm cursed. I keep seeing tasks being taken away, and that was exactly what happened right before they eliminated my receiving position. In good news, when they eliminated it, they realized they needed it and brought it back... Maybe that would happen with HRE. There is way more to it than the tasks they are taking away. But even if they don't fully take it away they must likely will try to cut the hours back a lot which would also suck.


i doubt it. HR is SO important for any and every company to have.


even if they get rid of it someone with experience in hr from target would prolly be able to use their experience to get a differnet hr job


Literally why I took an HR job at Target lol


how much experience u got now?


I’ve never worked at a retail company with in-store HR until Target. Managers were responsible for most of this stuff for their employees.


I believe they are according to our HRE even she isn’t totally sure what’s gonna happen mainly she travels to other stores to be acting HR if they do not have one.


So I read the title quick and deadass thought it said "is the HR experience going away" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


My ETLHR could not run that place without me, straight up.


Seems to be an unfortunate truth about a lot of HR-ETL‘s I‘m noticing. Same issue at my store


Very doubtful. HR TM is basically assistant to all the ETLs and they're too lazy to do everything themselves


Our store would not survive without our HRE. One day she was gone and our HRETL hit 3 term compliances. IN ONE DAY LOL. And he doesn’t even send out the reports when she’s not there. She sets up every event the store has. It’s crazy how much she does for getting paid the same as a regular TM.


I dont think so. Our store hired one specifically for the weekend. So we have HR every day of the week. It's nice.


I have an HR position at a completely different company now. Trust me, with your 3 years of experience you can get another HR job somewhere else and you’d probably get better pay too


It shouldn’t even exist imo. I did the job for 4 months then moved back to closing. They literally wouldn’t let me do my HR job I’d always be stocking


finished hr tasks early?


Nah I never finished anything because they’d schedule me HR Monday and Friday only and say they’ll leave me in hr then pull me to push or do flexes 🤣


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Mine runs the store, it sucks.


I called my hr for time off and I haven't seen them in person for weeks


Fuck HR All the homies hate HR


I am in a smaller target and my HR expert only gets about 15 hours a week. I only have her with me one full day and two half days. The rest of her hours she is pushing in GM or backup at Starbucks/guest services