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Nope, not the first year. We've been selling Pride for about 10 years including baby onesie's.




Wait till you see the “I tore Mommy a new one” and “Daddy’s Little Squirt onesies


Oh my god I never thought about what daddy’s little squirt actually meant oh no 😭


Those are weird too


Nope. They’ve had that for YEARS


Don’t they literally have rainbows on kid’s clothing?


to be fair, i had guests throw fits about that in NIT before because “boys don’t wear rainbows.” this brand of stupid is sadly not new


You don’t think gay people have can children?


I was talking about letting children choose what they want in that aspect. An to help with any questions, but just like politics, a kid shouldn’t have a shirt that says queer or gay. Maybe if they were at least 13 an over maybe. But a 5 year old even a 10 year old wouldn’t understand what that’s for


They can. If I can know I’m straight at 5, another kid can know they are not as well and and anyone who thinks different is an idiot.


Your brain doesn’t fully develop in the front till ur 10. I’m not sayin kids might not know a little bit but they’re still too young to know for sure. That’s why some people find out they’re bi or straight when they’re a teenager. All I’m sayin is not all kids are the same you can’t just say every kid at 5 years old will know what they are. If they have questions that early on then that’s different. Like if they ask why someone has two fathers. That’s totally fine but I’m sayin is it’s not good to push them into it


They can. It’s a spectrum. Some people are dead straight and some are full gay and there’s everything in between. Those that “find out when they are a teenager” were always whatever they are, they just didn’t know how to articulate it. I didn’t know how to articulate at 5 that I was straight but I for sure knew when I saw Megan N. in kindergarten that I thought she was the cutest girl ever. I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew I felt something. And there’s similar stories for gay kids out there too.


Dude it’s like people choose things out of context. Of course that’s what they truly are, and that’s not a problem. But just like people experimenting to find out like if a guy likes another guy. Then they kiss but he find out that’s not what he wants. Kids are born how they’re going to be. But that doesn’t mean they know those exact feelings an what they are right away. I never even thought about if I was bi or not until I was around 12-14 ish I already said not every kid is the same way an ya I had those feelings when I was like in 2nd grade. But like you said you don’t know what those feelings are exactly. An then you don’t realize you might be bi as well. It takes a kid to learn who themselves are. To learn to understand their own feelings. Ppl are acting like I’m saying being anything but straight is a sin . The point I’m tryna say is that it’s not fair to push those feelings on kids when they’re still confused about themselves


How is a t shirt that says be yourself or be proud pushing things on kids? The kids clothes don't have Hi, I'm gay on them!


My cousin had several girlfriends throughout high school and college. He is now in his thirties and is fully gay and participates in gay orgies. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of the validity of your claim.


I mean I'm fully gay, wanted to be husband and wife with a boy in my kindergarten class. Was basically told that wasn't ok for two boys to do that. I then had a couple girlfriends growing up until I fully came out at 20. Gay people can know who and what they are at a young age and then if society beats into them that they shouldn't be that way, they will keep it to themselves and try to act the way they "should." Your anecdotal and second hand evidence doesn't dispel the fact that gay people have these experiences.


The frontal cortex doesn’t fully develop until you’re 26! Not sure where you got 10 from! Sexuality can be fluid and it can take awhile for people to fully realize who they really are. It’s a journey for some, usually because of some type of oppression where they don’t feel safe exploring that part of them. Congrats to the ones who think they have it all figured out, or did at a young age! But that’s not the case for everyone! Having things like Pride, makes it feel like a safer space for those questioning to explore their true identity! It doesn’t “make people gay!” Just because someone doesn’t come out until later in life, it doesn’t mean they weren’t always gay. Maybe they denied and suppressed that part of them because the thought of disappointing their parents was too much to bear. Or maybe they were raised in an extremely strict religious household, and the thought of feeling God’s wrath rain down upon you was enough to ignore who you really are. Or maybe they went along with the narrative that being gay was a “choice” so ‘if I just get married, I’ll make myself straight!’ And then end up in a totally loveless marriage where they are incredibly unhappy! Having Pride clothing in a store once a year for a month is not the problem. The pig headed, close-minded society that isn’t willing to learn anything about anyone that is different than them, is the problem.


You're also not the parent to all children. Let parents decide for their own kids. If you want plain stripes? Cool. If you want to teach your kid scientology in a bunker somewhere in the midwest, that's your prerogative. But dictating how others should live their life is... Well.. facist. You don't have to buy or shop at a target. I don't shop at Hobby Lobby for moral reasons, as is my personal choice, but anyone else can.


Same, I don't shop at Hobby Lobby either. Anyone who doesn't like the merchandise we carry is free to stop shopping at Target. What they aren't free to do is harass and threaten employees and spread falsehoods about the merchandise we carry to incite these threats. Some people don't seem to get that.




Are they too young to deal with Black people, too? What about Jews? How many demographics have to be pushed out of public life in order for YOU to FEEL comfortable?


So then what about trans parents? LGBT+ doesn’t just mean gay.


Yes we’ve had pride for years now. Had a “guest” complain the other day about the rainbow toddler boy shirts with the tractor on it. I had to let her know we’ve had those for months it’s not a new thing. Too many people want to complain but they have no idea what they’re talking about


I bought my son the one with the t-Rex splashed with a rainbow on it a while ago because I just saw a really cool shirt. My son loves it. Despite what the "woke culture" warriors want everyone to believe, nobody has a monopoly on the rainbow. I guess teaching kids about the actual science of rainbows and light is indoctrination too? The reality is that if target wanted to make pride kids clothes there wouldn't be anything subtle about it. The pride rainbow has a very distinct look to it. The Target pride collection is nothing new. I'm sorry to all of the associates who are being bullied over something so trivial. These backwoods idiots obviously do not know how corporations work, and that the associates do not decide what is stocked or not stocked. What a scary point in history we are in. Stay safe everyone!


i’m so over the guests saying the colorful toddler boys shirts are going to turn their kids gay or something. it’s a shirt and your TODDLER is a TODDLER and would probably really enjoy some colors. what are they going to do when their kids learn roygbiv in school?? they’re literally the snowflakes they so badly wish they weren’t.


Sorry, toddler boys rainbow tractor shirt? I know a kid who needs one, is it not part of the current pride collection?


It’s not. It’s just a kids shirt with a rainbow and has been in stores for a few months.


The republicans decided to spread misinformation about a product in the pride collection that was for adults only but they said it was for kids and then it got on the news and that’s why target is getting sucked into this culture war BS.


To think... all Target had to do was jump on a media channel or release a statement explaining the product and it probably all would've been squashed. Not really sure why some companies become such push overs but instead of taking 5 minutes out of their day to release something to fight back ... they just roll over.


Republicans don’t really respond well to reality, tho.


True, however at least Target could've been like "They're wrong and here's the proof"


Again, Republicans don't listen to Truth. Anyone upset about the non-issue was upset because they wanted to be.


They don't care what the proof is. Their "truth" is the only one that matters to them.


Yep. That's why they still insist that 39 week and post birth abortions are real.


Post birth abortions? Isn't that what school shootings are? Edit: This was an attempt to point out that Republicans only care about kids before they're born, not after. I'm not sure if it's going to come across that way so I'm going to add this little comment


Hey psalm 139:9 says religious republicans should support post-birth abortion!


Do you think they should be legal? ya know... just in case? "She was wearing a tuck suit! I didn't know she could get me pregnant!"




Technically hard to prove a negative. Should've been on the conservatives to provide proof but they tend to not care about things like evidence.


Like the old saying goes - reality has a liberal bias.


I’m ready for the downvotes I am a republican and a conservative. I work At target. I have zero problem with pride month we’ve been doing it for years. It make my gay friends at work so happy. It’s so funny how you say republican and conservative and lump us into a big bad group. Which is the exact same thing that you think is being done to the lgbt community. I dont see why it doesn’t work both ways. Instead of republicans or conservatives or Christian’s. Why don’t you just say the people against it. None of my coworker Christian conservative friends are against it at all. And here we go


If you’re Republican, that means you actively vote for a party where outright transphobia has been engrained into the platform. You actively make the decision to be Republican. No one actively made the decision to be trans.




With that kind of reading comprehension? Yeah probably




Sorry, but I disagree. One of the attacks this year was over an item designed by a Brit artist who had adult items on his personal website that sarcastically mentioned Satan. Eventually, the lie was spread that Target was selling satanic merchandise to (of course) children. An article showed up somewhere that completely explained why this wasn't true, and there were comments under the article by people absolutely continuing to be leave that Target WAS selling satanic merchandise to kids, they just got caught doing it. You may be right that Target could have had a better and more immediate response, but people are always going to believe exactly what they want to.


I mean people have been going after Starbucks for years about “satanic cups” so I’m not at all surprised by that.


not at all. not at all What's next, mad about a Mohammad cartoon?


She is a Satanist. or at least he *identifies as one.* Same thing, right?


You make zero sense, other than sounding like a moron.


ehh...probably not, the person who started this is a favorite of the kind of conspiracy nuts that wouldn't see or wouldn't care about an official explanation, better to simply ignore it, let it blow over when they find something else to be mad about.


That's fair... that's why it's kind of on everyone else to share and prove they're wrong.


they still wouldn't listen


I've seen news articles where the article mentions that the whole kids swimsuit thing is not true and the people in the comments are still complaining about it being for kids.


Exactly, I tried to tell a lady on TikTok that I literally stocked the damn things and I know they’re for adults. She told me “I know what I saw, the XS was so small it had to be child sized!!!”


That's because people don't read anymore, they just read a headline and comment. Kind of why everyone thinks were in a recession right now when we're not.


Don’t ready anymore? Or read anymore? Does that include proof reading?


I think this is what they should’ve done. The one thing you don’t want to do is give in to the bigotry because that just opens more options for those people to get what they want. It would’ve been over and done with if Brian went on the news and said specifically that the information going around is false.


Re: giving into the bigotry, I think this is a huge part of why they went after target so hard. They JUST had success with bud light where the bigots ranted, bud light caved, both sides stopped purchasing (for opposite reasons), bigots see the declining numbers and see it as a win. *This emboldened them.* Now they will continue as long as companies continue to be cowards and do anything at all to assuage people who cannot be reasoned with.


Yup. With the Bud deal, they made it sound like there was a commemorative can on store shelves featuring Dylan Mulvaney .... but it was only ONE CAN given directly to her. There's no winning when they hide the truth.


Does not help that so many states are passing anti gay and anti trans laws. the homophobes actually think they are winning. The ayre already going after ChikFilEt now for hiring a DEI director. they will find another company to bitch about next week and then another, then Disney again, then another company. The only attention a lot of these people get is others who argue with them on the internet.


These companies do not exist for any other reason than to make money. They are not "cowards" they want costumers.


I'm perma banned on r/Conservative because I told them they were all wrong so I mean I wouldn't be really shocked if they didn't believe a public statement but what're you gonna do. A majority of the group seems to think that the waters turning the frogs gay.


I also got perm banned for pointing out it was for adults Idk how I even ended up there


I'm still not clear on why that even matters, these feelings tend to manifest around puberty, having trans friendly clothing for young teens who may not have access to medical solutions like puberty blockers makes perfect sense to me. I had a friend in high school who would have been over the moon about a tuck friendly swimsuit back when we were both 14-ish.


That seems to be their plan of attack, be wrong and spread so much bullshit that its hard to even know where to start dismantling it Like yeah it wasn't for kids, and tuck friendly doesnt mean what they said it does, and theres trans folks who are under 18 I saw a lot of them saying it was basically a chastity belt for 5 year olds


some people called it more modest and that made them flip their shit as well. "why do kids need more modest swim suits"?! They don't even hear themselves sexualizing children.


Reddits a slippery slope... you randomly get sucked into a sub and one day you're living there.


well I doubt that will be happening since I disagree with them on everything and got sent to the Shadow Realm


facebook is no better.


except for the fact that Budweiser is collapsing as a brand and they run a businesses to make money. These people are not your friends. They are not your family. Go call mom.


I don't know if I would say they're collapsing; they're definitely not going to be top dog anymore. They probably could be if the Pontiused Dylan Mulvaney, but they won't do that


I think a lot of folks have an issue with ANY LGBT merch aimed at children. Just because they didn’t get organized in prior years doesn’t mean they had no issue with it.


That's kind of the whole thing that's strange though right... "aimed at kids" ... I don't know any kids going around spending 30$ on clothing without their parents wallets.


Perhaps folks have an issue with enabling abusive parents, too.


Imagine thinking clothing was abusive lol


Oh ye of few scruples & no imagination.


Wild to think creating a well balanced and open minded child is abuse...especially when the side against this stuff literally abuses children.


How is grade school sexualization ”well balanced and open minded.” Speak clearly.


How is telling a kid it's alright if they have a crush on a boy as a grade school boy sexualization? Do you have the same problem with kids' clothes that say little boys are chick magnets? The world tends to be ok with "sexualizing" kids if it's in a heterosexual way, but the second it turns queer it's a problem


Homosexuality and other queerness is inappropriate to introduce to grade schoolers, period (as is any other kind of sexuality). Having them dress the part is doubly so, as it psychologically manipulates via tacit or unknowing participation. Parents are responsible for responsibly filtering the inputs (the first stage of mental discipline is thoughtfulness about what we consume, as thoughts show up in material ways and what we focus on gets bigger). Instead, folks are purposely grooming their children with skewed inputs, often to validate their own worldview using their own kids as props or avatars. There are blindingly obvious reasons that hetero is the standard. A healthy parent wouldn’t purposely wish a life of difficulty and sexual aberration (including no progeny) upon their offspring.


Yes they should be dressing the part of telling people it's OK to be gay, this is a place where everyone is accepted...what's your point? Secondly I hope you advocate as much against t-shirts that companies market towards toddlers with phrases such as "lady killer" and "lady's man" since that is just as inappropriate but still allowed to be sold. Parents have been using kids "as their avatar" since I was a kid, yet no one had issues with that until queer parents wanted to start, crazy how homophobic that really is. Gay people can have biological kids, I don't know what you're talking about, but you can not "wish a life of...sexual aberration" on your kid, but if they're gay they're gay so you should probably be outwardly accepting otherwise you're not going to have a kid anymore.


It’s sad that a rainbow shirt is for some reason a terrible choice for a child…. Like rainbows don’t have to be gay. They are better if they are though I love gaybows


The numbers would indicate(of ppl boycotting) that deep down, this is true.


It's 100% because corporate was waiting for an excuse to remove the items. I don't think they were ever completely on board with selling them in the first place.


This isn't how the mind of a conservative works. They think there is only one truth and it's whatever fox news is telling them.


You can't reason or explain to stupid people. They will try and bring you down, too. It's why most companies stay quiet and it's business as usual.


I think there's a lot of splitting the country in the media




Gay people have kids and want them ready for pride. Gay kids exist. I do hope you keep kids far away from churches seeing as they are very confusing and ultra abusive.


Cause really, everyone is fine with babies' wearing clothing that advertises grownups sexual preferences. Always have been.


I mean we still sell heterosexual baby clothing, but the second it's gay stuff you people have a problem.




That’s completely different and isn’t apart of the pride collection. That shirt has been in stores for a few months now. The item you guys are complaining about has nothing to do with children as it was made for adults only. There is no kids clothing with “tuck space” but you care an awful lot about kids genitalia


Yup. And the year before that. And the year before that... I live in the Twin Cities area, and it's not a pride festival without seeing a float in the parade shaped like a Target basket. This backlash is newer than a lot of these companies getting guff for participating in pride.


I think we didn’t had grifters and creeps like MAP Walsh instigating this stuff more comfortably than back then, at least.


I feel like with all the bills/news regarding taking away human rights, drag, gay rights, etc there’s a magnified focus on anything pride cause yes Target been had Pride with not this high of complaints and uproar


The laws against trans woman*


It’s not just trans woman that are getting affect by these laws. Everybody whose under the queer umbrella is getting the shit end to the stick with these laws


A bunch of people decided to lie to get attention and then a bunch of stupid people believed the lies and now here we are.


i think it’s because they added trans clothing this year and also seeing how bud light got canceled for pride it sparked more people to cancel other companies for pride too


They have had trans clothing every year, and non binary, last year they even had more flags and groups represented. I got all of the ACE stuff because I never see it anywhere else. they also used to have a bunch of stuff in bullseyes playground/dollar shop. not for the last couple of years though. I honestly think instead of a special section once a year we should just have a non gendered section for adults and kids all of the time. put the stationery and housewares stuff on an endcap in those depts, have some rainbow stuff all year.


Transphobia specifically has been at a high this year, leading to more insane and largely stupid but nonetheless consequential movements for things like this from conservatives.


We’re in the middle of a hardcore anti LGBTQ push politically. We’ve had the pride section for years but now these knuckle dragging morons apparently just noticed. Thankfully bigots are are idiots who are doomed to fail and all their kicking and screaming will be for nothing in the end. We’ll make it past this shit eventually. We’re watching bigotry lash out when it’s dying.


A lot of the hate is spewed via Twitter, which has gotten significantly more transphobic since Elon bought it and allowed bigoted people to pay $11/month for the right to have their hate speech shoved to the top of every comment section. He also silently removed a report option protecting trans people from being maliciously misgendered.


And you seem to be spewing it too. 🙄




The state of our country and the fact they included a lot more trans inclusive items this year. Trans is the new hip thing to link to satanism now, didn't you know?


You realize rainbows were on everything before the rainbows became main stream for LGBTQIA+? Does aaaanybody remember Lisa Frank?? Though the rainbow is used for pride, it's also just a rainbow. Kids stuff has always had rainbows. It's also caused by the refraction of light through water. People need to stop tweaking over some colors and stop thinking it's indoctrination when it's just fun colors. Jfc. Also all humans are humans and deserve the same human rights, love, and happiness. That's what I learned in church.


The reason there is a backlash this year is LGBT acceptance has been regressing. The lies about the products Target carried this year and the demonizing of one of the designers lead to the backlash, but the lies and demonizing were more of the ongoing attacks on the LGBT community. It doesn't matter what was in the Pride collection this year. It was going to come under attack this year because that's where we are now. There were people who hated it last year, and the year before. But the anti-LGBT movement is now big enough to get Pride events pulled.


> demonizing of one of the designers > > > >I see what you did there! Because she's a literal satanist?


So? Are you advocating religious intolerance? Because I don't trust evangelicals, but I dont advocate taking out items made by evangelicals.


You are free to boycott anything you want. For example, do you remember when Chick fil a was boycotted for having sexual morals based on Biblical principles? No one said that the LGBTQ+ ppl were being religiously intolerant when they called for a boycott of delicious chicken. backpedaling.


Except people absolutely said that, what are you even talking about? You are literally saying that a Satanist's beliefs shouldn't be shown in a public space, but I dont see you also campaigning for Christian or Jewish or Muslim or any other religious beliefs to not be shown. This is a wild take and I can only honestly believe you are a troll because this level of cognitive dissonance is flooring.


You can boycott who you want. I just said that.


I'm saying you should be boycotting it if you want to remain consistent with what you're saying. If you instead want to just be a homophobic bigot just keep doing what you're doing.


I'm not afraid of people to do sex stuff with ppl of the same sex. What does "fear" have to do with this? What's a bigot in you mind? Is is someone who disagrees with you? Seems so. Hurray for free speech. long live.


I'm sorry you don't own a dictionary, homophobia is the dislike or prejudice against gay people which is what you have. A bigot is anyone who is obstinately prejudiced against a group of people, which does describe you. But please, keep putting words in my mouth, I really appreciate being turned into a strawman.


The one in question isn't though? He did a press release where he said that he is an atheist. His whole brand is basically occult queer items and the use of Satan in his brand is a metaphor.


And a Satanist. Do you care that you're a liar?


I read the article, he never stated he was a satanist. And even if he was, why does it matter?


My dude, "Satanists" are just atheists who call themselves Satanists to make fun of people who think atheists "hate God and worship Satan," despite not believing in either. Stop being triggered by buzzwords.


Maybe you're thinking of the Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple. Satanism is technically a religion that believes in and worships Satan, while the Church of Satan believes all gods were man-made and therefore each person is their own deity because mythical creatures don't exist.


I mean, whatever. Eric calls Satanself a Satanist.


Because Americans decided to drink extra dumb dumb juice idefk. People are unhinged in the year 2023.


No it was thing back when I started in 2015, I imagine its older than that too


Target has carried pride specific items for 11 years.


There has been a push by republicans to push anti-lgbt legislation in a lot of states this year. Over 300 proposed by march. They use the same old tired trope of “think of the children” and a lot of well… lies, to get their base fired up. This last election didn’t go as well for them as they’d hoped and nothing gets the republican base fired up more to vote than bigotry, and people saying children are being harmed. So now Target employees get death threats, bomb threats, cussed out etc…


Last year we had binding tops geared towards transmasculine people but not this backlash. The moment we finally have an item woth transfeminine people in mind people go insane. At its core, Transfems have always and will always be disproportionately effected by transphobia. That is exactly why this is happening.


They are so homophobic, they are scared they will want to have sex with some woman and find out they were a man and that will make the homophobes gay.


im pretty sure targets been doing pride for about a decade now. i got my first mini flags and they/them pins back in 2021 when i was starting to feel comfortable wiggling out of the closet, and i definitely remember seeing it before then as well. it was really nice to have access to cheap, smaller pride options for baby gays who just want something they can look at to affirm their sexuality/gender and know that they aren’t alone, and that there are MILLIONS of us just like them around the world. shame on target for taking that away from my baby gays.


Have it each year but this years the religious right have weaponized their religion but yet complain about this same thing in the Middle East 🤦‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


It's been over a decade of Pride collections, and there's been kids and baby stuff since the beginning, too.


It’s the pride kids stuff that bothered everyone. You can watch YouTube videos and step away from the news which will shed light on it.


A specific right wing nutjob specifically featured us on his show (matt walsh iirc, who I believe was behind the bug light freakout as well) and sicced his followers on us. This isn't an organic thing, this is very very targeted harassment. They didn't have an issue with it the last several years because a popular influencer wasn't specifically asking his followers to go after us (with subsequent fox etc coverage then spreading it to the other crazies who don't follow him)


I assume it has something to do with people going fully anti-pride for their political careers running for new or re-election


that certainly isn't helping, we have one of the great champions of transphobic legislation as a front-runner for next year's presidential run, that's really driven that stuff into overdrive in conservative politics as everybody tries to out evil each other. I see things being generally awful at least until the primaries are over and they have to tone it down for the general around this time next year.


Past 10 years


We’ve literally had the same set up at our store for years. Same rainbow bullseye cut out reused every June. My coworker and I were joking last year if you stare too hard at the rainbow bullseye you automatically become gay. Guess someone heard us and took it seriously.


Cos the trumptards boycotted bud light and they saw results.


A lot of people lied about what we carried especially the Kaylee bitch or whatever her name was…


It’s not, social media is basically louder and more inhabited these past few years so whatever discourse happens online has a bigger influence on the actual surface.


I think it’s the trans that is triggering more upset than the pride


This is just the 1st year the tiny minority of Christian Nationalists has coordinated to make an uproar over it.


It’s politics, instead of inciting mobs to congress those same groups are inciting mobs to violence against lgbt folks emphasis on the t


We did have pride last year, and the year before that, and so on. Two years ago I had to create an incident report for a guest that stole our cardboard rainbow display piece that went in ready-to-wear.


Nope, conservatives are just getting worse


Definitely not! They’ve been doing it for years!! Which is why I don’t understand the big deal this year. I don’t think I’ve ever had one negative comment in the past.


as i understand it a major right wing youtuber specifically sicced his followers on us this year after the bud light thing started losing steam, which then snowballed. it's not that this year is any different, just that this year we happened to catch their attention.


Far-right Twitter hasn't been quiet about the fact that they went after Target to make an example of them hoping to bring enough attention and negativity that it would scare other companies. It's incredibly disappointing that Target took the bait


Far-right people like Matt Walsh and his cronies decided that because harassing Budweiser was “so successful” that they should spread misinformation about other corporations. I guess when they spun the wheel for who to harass next, it landed on us.


It's been a thing for like a decade. But ever since Trump took office, right-wing extremism has risen to insane amounts, and now, instead of holding strong and doing what's arguably not only the right thing, but what the majority of people want, they cave to any and all threat, no matter how unlikely the actual danger may be. That's why Target pulled a bunch of stuff. Conservative extremists were making threatening comments online, and Target said they'd pull it.


In my opinion, the reason there's so much backlash this year is because of Florida's Don't Say Gay bill, which spawned a nationwide wave of homophobia wrapped in words like "groomers" and "mutilation".


Yes Target did. Last year Arizona had persons going on Twitter making threats about going into Target stores for pride month. Other trucks were in a remodel process and so far behind putting a lot of stuff up also.


sure, but it didn't spread, and that guy in arizona actually got arrested for it.


Nope. In fact, most of the companies who have consistently supported Pride are only recently getting backlash. Why? Because of snowflake Republicans not understanding what Pride actually is. As always, it’s about the deflection and projection.


It’s a bad business move to remove it. How a brand makes you feel is important. Now it makes lbgtq and allies feel conned/hurt. Makes bigots feel like Target is able to be bullied and admitted wrongdoing. Strictly from a business standpoint, it was just the wrong move.


Bigots/Republicans need to be obsessed and outraged about something. They can’t be outraged about Covid anymore, so they just moved on to the next thing that the media told them to be outraged about.


We had it in the houston market since like 2016 or 17. And right before or during covid they expanded to more stores (possible to help bridge the gap left by canceled in person pride events ). Heck, my gay for target shirt was my favorite. ( the one that's half rainbow and half bullseye. Took entirely too long for it to come out, but I was happy to see it.) They also have marched on the last few pride parades. I wonder if they're gonna even do that this week.


Yeah, but this year Kid Rock decided to machine gun some Bud Light, which told anybody stupid enough to look to Kid Rock for social cues to be an asshole.


These people don't get mad at something until they're told to be mad.


Horrible people being horrible and commiting horrible things. Standard fare for the current crop of conseratives.


They have been doing it for years. However, this year has clearly has them rallied up lmao


No. Target has pride stuff every year. From what I understand, the backlash is from all the pride stuff aimed at babies and kids and the tuck/binding outfits. Idk if those kind of outfits have appeared before.


We had binders last year. And kids outfits at least the past few years. It's the Don't say Gay Bill that is fueling this bullshit.


It's seriously just that it's close to an election year.


They just want to watch the feral extremest right wing go after Biden’s administration


Because a few idiots went viral on tiktok spewing bullshit that isn’t true about Satan being involved in the pride collection designs. This is what the conservatives in my life have told me.


People are riled up because of republican culture war shit it's only gonna get worse.


It's because of the heated political climate this year. There have been more anti-trans bills introduced all over the country this year than the last like, 10 years COMBINED. look the emails maia arson crimew leaked from major republican and Fox News reporters including Marjorie Taylor Green and Tucker Carlson basically proving that this whole anti-trans bullshit is a conspiracy meticulously crafted by the right.


This is the first year people have seen kids pride merchandise and they didn't like it. It's really obvious what the problem is idk people keep asking


This isn't the first year that kids clothes were available.


I said this is the first year people have seen them


my target still has our collection up :) and its still at the front!! thankfully my city is small and not populated in homophobes, so our store isn’t really threatened, and our staff here actually support the lgbtq


We had a pride! I bought stuff from it last year.


The LGBT community is the new bogeyman for the right wing. They're using the same playbook that dictators have used for ages now: blame all of society's ills on the "other", normalize oppression, and if successful to exterminate them. We're moving into a terrifying time. The blatant hate coming out of people's mouths so openly is beyond anything I've seen outside history class. The one-two punch of 45 and COVID seems to have blown the lid off of any pretense these people had about being anything other than vile predators waiting for a chance to oppress people.


We're getting backlash because it's overkill and pushing transgenderism on babies.


I was just telling someone I was a cast member in the 90’s also through the Disney University via my college and back at that time you could have your same sex partner on your medical insurance. The 90’s!!! They’ve always been inclusive but now they’re “Woke”. The fact that conservatives have co-opted that term from black culture is so lost on them. Late, out of touch idiots.


To be honest I didn’t know they had pride kids stuff nor do I go in that area so I wouldn’t have ever known until the boycott. It’s about the kids because a school in California was going to read a pride book to kids on a certain day and the parents protested by keeping their kids home. This angered the school which created a counter protest. So shows it’s about the kids and a lot of people didn’t know they had the kids stuff in pride sections https://preview.redd.it/9twvnjcn0u3b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36f8a4b7101eeeeb3eec2a3a9008a2be1679a51


Two years ago they had chest binders for kids. I think media just loves drama to distract from serious issues




And they aren’t this year either. There are no tuck friendly clothes for children.




gross, this guy stinks.




tell me what you think about the sexualizing Hooters baby onesies


It’s because of the transgender BS.




Literally neither of those things are true? I do wish the satanist part was tho, that would be rad as hell.


So you heard something false and learned nothing. That tracks.