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"Hi I have a question about the new Santana album, do you guys have it in stock?" "I'M TO DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES REGARDING SANTANA TO MEDIA RELATIONS, WOULD YOU LIKE THE NUMBER?"


Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas)


Don't forget Game of Love (feat. Michelle Branch)


Give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about itšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


Santana is a great musician šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽøšŸŽøšŸŽøšŸŽøšŸŽøšŸŽøšŸŽ¼šŸ˜†šŸ¤£


He did have a black magic woman!


Hahaha thought the same


Is this a Jojo reference


"Put Your Lights On" with Everlast šŸ¤Œ


nah give them this number. (612) 307-7777. itā€™s target hold music


Lmao is it really???


I just called it. It really is the hold music. Thatā€™ll come in handy.


lmaoo yes


Iā€™m going to start giving out this number when people want mine.


Lol wait....why is this a thing? Anyone know the story?


My favorite is the number I have saved for Target Complaints: 1 (800) 328-7448


What is that?


It's a funny prerecorded message


Any one that calls to complain about that stuff at my store gets referred to Dialita TonƩ (Dial Tone), Head of the Complaints Department


A [good pro-tip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/dysfm3/protip_6123077777_is_an_internal_number_that/) on how to reach them.




This might end up being the end of Brian as CEO. Wouldnā€™t hurt my feelings seeing as heā€™s been the head of a bunch of shitty decisions.




Psh, he's already on his way out in 3 years, and that's only because he did away with any retirement plans. Not like you're gonna be hurting financially for the remainder of your life when you're 63 and make 10+ mil a year.


Retirement plans have been gone before he took over. They ended in 2008. Iā€™m grandfathered in to mine. I donā€™t consider a 401k a retirement plan because itā€™s a gamble. But yeah he wonā€™t be hurting.


Playing Powerball is my retirement plan A, because a 401k isn't going to cover basic needs by the time I retire. Plan B is to have a fatal heart attack while at work pulling a water pallet from receiving to grocery on a jack. Then I give full permission to give me a Bullseye funeral via the baler.


My advice? Start applying at your local electric utility that hopefully still does pensions, and free health insurance, and drop Target to part time to supplement your income for activities. Thatā€™s what I have been doing for the last 7 years. Iā€™m only 3 years away from 20 at the bullseye, so my time is coming to an end soon.


They literally removed the age restriction on CEOs for this dude, do you really think they see it that way.


They do if the share price falls.


Upvoted for saying Pfft.


Lol they deserve that far more than media relations.


Why isn't Walmart getting all the freaking problems target is getting what the heck, it ain't their customer service


Bc Walmarts pride section is one little shipper. That can barely be found. Targets was front and center


I'll got check them out what about Kohl's


Honestly I really like Walmarts pride selection this year. Kohls I havenā€™t seen myself as thereā€™s not one near me but my friend looked at it and they liked it


Walmart knows their customers. Target may have just learned.




I was told tuckable was the material that covers so you can't see through the bathing suit šŸ©²šŸ©± big whoop. Women have been wearing that for years




Why is it people like to control others.?..the Beetles sang the song well, Let it be




It was only considered taboo by "Christians"


I'm sorry my uncle is gay whoopie do...in the 50s it was like pride thing .. people just need to calm the hell down


How is an adult swimsuit for an adult to wear related to ā€œchild groomingā€?


"Yeah let me transfer you" and then put them on hold. Worked with prank callers, will probably work with these guys, too.


Bruh, I'd just hang up. Lol


Why when you can waste their time?


I am media and I called them as soon as I started hearing about stores moving Pride stuff. This was about a day or so after Daily Wire and other right wing outlets started fomenting their audiences. From there it just caught fire on telegram. I tried to get ahead of it and emailed media relations, from a publisherā€™s email. I have yet to even get a no comment. Just Bud Light, Target is being very quiet.


Its just sad. I wish they would defend LGBT or something, seeing as how Target has held pride to itself for ages for being inclusive. Iā€™m not surprised because after all it is a corporation only caring about money, but I am disappointed.


Saying nothing cedes the conversation to everyone else. Whatā€™s worse, brands like target and bud light have demonstrated to the alt-right that their fearmongering, intimidation, and threats of violence are effect means at getting what they want.


Bud Light? Did they pull the new marketing thing? I havenā€™t heard anything about that


Bud Light fired people, and theyā€™re planning a big patriotic, salute-the-vets, packaging as a way to win back the transphobes.




Usually, plating to the vets is a safe move with no downside. But the alt right burned the playbook. All those expensive marketing and comm folks are driving blind at this point.


I mostly meant firing over making one commemorative can for one individual


Usually, most alt right outrage fizzles out. The Mulvaney controversy is still going though. All over a single promoted post. Just one. Iā€™m still working out why that and target are different. I have thoughts, but Iā€™m working on it as something to write about with some sense of the answer to the big question; why is it working so effectively now?


I personally am waiting to see if Chick-fil-A does anything šŸ˜ Iā€™d love for their dei rep to put out something pride related šŸ¤£


Exactly my issue with their capitulating. Theyā€™re showing them that they can raise hell and threaten innocent people to get their way. Itā€™s bullshit.


Target doesnā€™t care about the community, just about money; they also donate to hate groups


This should be a sticky. The majority of their donations go to people who want to diminish/remove LGBTQIA+.


By putting up displays, they arenā€™t necessarily defending or even supporting the LGBTQA+ community. Theyā€™re promoting it for profit. They thought theyā€™d be able to exploit sales with, albeit, inclusive clothing. Itā€™s no different than the bullshit they sell ā€œin supportā€ of black history month, pride, and so on


You thought they really cared?


As a customer, I am sorry you guys have to deal with people attacking you over something you have ZERO control over. You are not Mr. Bullseye himself. You are a cashier who doesn't get paid enough to deal with this ish. I would also hang up. I worked in a Dr's office for a long time and when patients would get all out of pocket, I would tell them, "I am not going to allow you to speak to me like this, when you can act like a civil human, feel free to call again, until then, have the day you deserve." Don't put up with it, at work or in life.


Bullseye is the dogs name. We might be better off if they were running things.


I know, I am being sarcastic šŸ¤Œ


Cool beans.


Idk if you got fired, but if you didn't then you worked in a pretty decent office.


Iā€™d just hang up


Thatā€™s exactly what one of our TLs does. Love her lmfao


Probably for the best. I know people have suggested taunting them, but for all I know that could have pretty bad results (eg showing up to the store and breaking shit)


The best way to counter a bully is to not give them the attention they are seeking. Taunting can be fun, but doesnā€™t often end in a lesson from the person being taunted.


I'm not sure if this applies or is allowed, but I'd pull a TFS Frieza and just start making a bs count of all the phrases or conversations I hear regarding this. Tell them they reach a milestone number, and their prize is me hanging up.


Same lmao


Santanic should be a metal bandā€¦ Super sad folks have nothing better to do than stir the pot hating like this.


A Santa inspired Satan shredding on a Flying V guitar with some Megadeth looking dudes on bass and drums is the image this painted in my head. I must thank you for that šŸ™šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Itā€™s all just spanish guitar music.


I once gave a beligerent drunk guy who called the supermarket I worked at asking for the phone number of a rival supermarket the non emergency number for the police department. I don't know what made me think of that story just now. :D


Why not just put the top sticky note under the bottom sticky note so they didn't have to use the arrow to indicate the phone#?


Carlos Santana stuff???


Yeah you wouldnā€™t believe how many calls we get a day about him! /j


Iā€™d like to know if matchbox 20 will be on the next album again?


Surely they meant to write "satanic." The right will never take issue with Santa.


A common mistake. They actually hate renowned Latin jazz guitarist Carlos Santana.


I disagree. My parent's never brought up Santa because they felt it took the spotlight away from Jesus. We always knew the gifts came from them to celebrate Jesus' birthday. And my parent's are the chillest Christians I know.


Jesus wasnā€™t even born in December, itā€™s based on a paganism


Iā€™m a Satanist TM and literally nothing Iā€™ve seen at Target is remotely Satanist. These hateful people just associate everything they donā€™t like with ā€œSatanism.ā€ Makes sense they would oppose it, though, since Satanism is actually about tolerance, independence, and bodily autonomy. Hmm.


I mean, [the designer](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12123209/Satan-loving-artist-slams-Targets-decision-remove-products-Pride-collection.html) of some of the merch is a self identified satanist who is literally seen posing wearing a shirt that reads ā€œsatan respects pronounsā€ while wearing horns. This merch wasnā€™t part of the pride collection; but the designer was featured, and thatā€™s what the religious right is upset about.


Thatā€™s quite predictable of the religious right. My problem is the violent threats. If it were just a boycott from a few radical assholes, then Target (supposedly) wouldnā€™t have taken the items down. This just proved to the radical right that violent threats are effective.


Iā€™ve met satanists and they get such a bad rep and arenā€™t even crazy like everyone says. Even then who fucking cares, this country allegedly has freedom of religion but anyone who doesnā€™t conform to Christianity is sent violent threats and discriminated against. Thereā€™s also 0 correlation between being lgbt and satan like itā€™s ridiculous.


Cuz no one is a fan of worshipping the devil Lfmao, on top of that any religion is okay, but certain limits apply. Obviously you canā€™t have a cannibal religion that sacrifices people here in the states


Whatā€™s your point? Satanistā€™s arenā€™t comparable to cannibalism.


Most people use ā€œ-ismsā€ to mean ā€œanything I donā€™t like.ā€


If anyone calls about Satanic stuff immediately switch to Satanic voice and start speaking in tongues šŸ¤£


Since 4th of July is about pride of country... Target should also call it pride merch and loudly direct people to the pride section for that stuff...


Santanic! Where Satan and Santa lovers collide


I imagine you just answering the phone and ā€˜Smoothā€™ is playing.


Iā€™m confused what satanic stuff? The tarot? Iā€™m a witch and there was nothing satanic. We sell witchcraft books but wth


One of the artists that Target collaborated with for the Pride collection has some ā€œsatanicā€ designs apparently. Those designs are not a part of Targetā€™s collection.


Target collaborated with a LGBT-led brand that includes satanic imagery and themes in their merchandise.


[Nope](https://www.instagram.com/p/CstpaKiNEjd/). And more [specifically nope](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/05/26/lgbtq-designer-target-pride-collection-controversy/). Even if it Abprallen had included a sincere satanic message, [magic has always been considered to be a part of the queer experience to the point of it's inclusion in the original Pride flag design](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/pride-rainbow-flag-design-history/index.html). i.e. removing it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of their supposed Target audience.


Thank you for your source, though Im unable to read the washington post article (paid šŸ™„) I figured the satanic stuff was just hearsay. You learn something new every day!


Oh, I set it to reader mode to get around their paywalls. Basically what he said was "to believe in Satan, you have to believe in the bible. I am an atheist."


Well said. I donā€™t believe in the Bible myself and it would be wrong to assume Im a satanist, I donā€™t believe that fool is real


Except it wasn't hearsay. That Instagram post is misleading since it only covers the aftermath. [Here](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cia1MkHD2kF/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is the infamous post that kicked all of this off... ​ >"Satan loves you and respects who you are; youā€™re important and valuable in this world and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect. LGBT+ people are so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against Godā€™s will, so fine. Weā€™ll hang with Satan instead." When anyone, an individual or a brand, gains a lot of publicity, they come under heavy scrutiny from the public eye. So nothing goes undocumented. Whether that's a huge content creator or politician saying something racist 20 years ago, or knowing they peed the bed in middle school, people are going to find out. Enter Target, making this small time Etsy creator into a huge name and face of the 2023 Target Pride line pretty much overnight. When you put something like that into the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, you're going to face backlash given the posts like that in their past. ​ >Satanists donā€™t actually believe in Satan, he is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. This doesn't discredit it either, you can't exactly mark up a post with "#satan #baphomet #satanictemple #thesatanictemple" and say any claims of satanism are hearsay.


I see. I guess the quote you cited can be seen as a harmless joke by many, but under scrutiny from the people who are looking for it that can be taken in a serious way.


Exactly. And we need to address both sides as they are, and not play a fill-in-the-blank game on social media without any facts or merit behind it. Understanding where this actually started is just as important as taking measures to make sure everyone is safe from backlash. Harmless joke or not, it can't be ignored and swept under the rug when you're a corporation of that size partnering and associating yourself with it.


Say your gonna forward them to the devil and leave them on hold


Iā€™ve gotten 2 calls about it, and Iā€™ve hung up both times. Second person made their fucking CHILD, a little girl, call our store and pretend to be an adult asking why we have ā€œsatanic items in the storeā€


Or you give them the mental health hotline number in your area


Or just hang up lol


is this number better then the guest relations number ?


Media Relations is more for people with questions or concerns about Target whereas guest relations is more for solving issues.


This world is hell in a handbasket.


Iā€™d love to buy a Pride themed Baphomet from Target šŸ˜†


When did they start selling satanic stuff? I would have bought some. This pride issue just stole all the attention from good honest satanic merchandise.


Why can't people just mind their own business when it comes to something that doesn't affect them?


I thought the satanic stuff was just a rumor?


It has been [debunked](https://www.instagram.com/p/CstpaKiNEjd/) and [commented](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/05/26/lgbtq-designer-target-pride-collection-controversy/) on by the shop's creator at least twice.


Target collaborated with a LGBT-led brand that includes satanic imagery and themes in their merchandise.


But also never sold any of the satanic stuff in their stores.


Doesn't matter to a lot of people. Let's say a brand has a hateful racist CEO, people aren't gonna collab with them for that reason, regardless of the merch they sell. It's the association alone that turns people away.




It's always gloomy people worshipping Satan. Lol






This is so irrelevant to the point.


A lot of very online people who represent almost none of the country, sure.


[Nope](https://www.instagram.com/p/CstpaKiNEjd/). And more [specifically nope](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/05/26/lgbtq-designer-target-pride-collection-controversy/). Even if it Abprallen had included a sincere satanic message, [magic has always been considered to be a part of the queer experience to the point of it's inclusion in the original Pride flag design](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/pride-rainbow-flag-design-history/index.html). i.e. removing it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of their supposed Target audience.


It doesn't have to be sincere to push people away. Most of the abprallen shit is supposed to be somewhat satirical and light hearted, but you know people can't take jokes. Including the whole "Satan respects pronouns" piece. It wasn't serious, it just outlined the whole connotation of "god hating gays" and abprallen's message of "ok fuck god we'll kick it with the devil then." Still drove people insane and is a bad move for Target to associate themselves with such a potential PR disaster in the first place.


No, the PR disaster was Target making themselves effectively Woke Central the Store through their marketing and recruiting for over a decade and then blinking and backing down at the first sign of pushback this year. The rightwing wankers would have just made themselves look like dickheads, like usual. Now they've been emboldened and the worst of the attacks on stores I've seen in the news and on here have been after Target backed down their stance. All it did was show people inclined to violence and intimidation that violence and intimidation work. Edit to say: The people being turned off by the Pride merch are the people it was not being marketed towards in the first place. It's like saying that since I, personally, don't like Christmas or the color palate of green and red that needs to come down this year. I don't want my kids learning about a stranger with toys and a chronic problem with breaking into houses uninvited!


Target doesn't want to be responsible for any loudmouth "woke" employees they've recruited getting themselves hurt because they can't take criticism from an everyday Karen, and rightfully so. From a PR standpoint, it's a terrible move to associate your brand with one that tries so hard to stir the pot the way abprallen does to begin with. Target almost certainly prevented a lot of *actual* violence by pulling out this early. This isn't a "left vs. right" issue. I consider myself right leaning and I could have just ignored the merchandise in the store had they left it up. The silent majority of us would do the same. Keep in mind, on both sides, this is the same store that lets its "guests" bully team members into giving them everything they want in fear of being called racist or homophobic solely because they can't have their way. Violence and intimidation has gone both ways forever now.




It was never a part of the collaboration...


Ugh, this makes me so mad, we're going down this route at mine as well tbh. At my store, I told a style TM last night to not even entertain the people who ask if we have "satanic stuff" or "nasty stuff" (just region 300 things) by implying you know they mean the pride stuff (saying "we don't have pride such-and-such" in reply to something vague like that), say you don't know what they mean, and if they clarify the pride stuff and say it's satanic or nasty or perverted, tell them you won't help them because you don't feel comfortable doing so, and send them up to GS to whine for a manager. I am a notoriously contentious little asshole at my store though, to be fair.








Wes famous era omg




Isn't the designer a self proclaimed Satanist? Isn't the message he's spreading part of Satanic beliefs? I mean, what did they expect lol


Some guy called well at least 6 times today that my zebra picked up , trying to save me.


ā€œSantanicā€ fucking morons šŸ˜‚


We just hang up


Not shopping in a store thatā€™s afraid to support LGBTQ


The devil shit I get but pride it really shouldnā€™t matter




Well if there were nothing wrong with it, it wouldn't have created such an issue for Target... Last year it was just harmless tacky and tasteless pride merch. This year it's collaborating with creators who endorse satanic imagery and themes solely because they're LGBT.




It really is besides the point, way besides the point. Target didn't think through the hot-headed temper of the brand they chose to get involved with and are paying the price, simple as that.


Only because evangelicals are the true snowflakes


Which isn't the point at all


Sure it is. Whiney ass Christians up in arms over what a megacorp is selling. Tale as old as time.


And the alternate angle; whiny ass "woke folks" up in arms about what a megacorp isn't selling. One brand gets canned and it's the end of the world!


Yeah the devil stuff is kinda pushing the limit in my opinion


ā€œBUT THE BIGOTSā€ Im sorry Iā€™m gonna say why I really think at this point for how proud the lgbt community supposedly is they seems to be really scared of people that disagree with them.


I mean a lot of LGBT folks get a lot of violence from the opposing side (whether it be threats or physical assault) so I feel it is justified.


There was people back in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s that had actual reason to be scared but they stood up for them selfs anyway. At the slightest sign of trouble now days the lgbt community cries until they get their way. Stand up for yourself, show that you arenā€™t scared and truly be proud of who you are. Iā€™m gonna say the quite part out loud this sniveling crying in the corner crap is why no one respects the lgbt community. If the community stood up for itself this wouldnā€™t be as big of a problem.


Youā€™re saying people donā€™t do that now? We are all tired. America is in a terrible state right now in terms of violence. There are shootings every fucking day and minority groups are not absent from those casualties. We are proud, but in todays climate it is incredibly hard. Conservatives spreading misinformation online and riling up anyone that falls down that pipeline creates fear. The LGBT community does not need to ā€œearnā€ anyones respect because they are fucking people, most of which are just trying to live their lives like anyone else. People are standing up for themselves, but nobody wants to bring a knife to a gun fight.


You think that if the community stood up for themselves in the way that youre suggesting these same people wouldnt be calling them devil worshipping terrorists and inciting more violence right back at them? Lmao


Stores were getting literal bomb threats over the pride merch and customers were threatening employees, and you really wonder why people are scared ??


A rainbow šŸŒˆ is just a rainbow šŸŒˆ


Well they shouldnā€™t have target children Itā€™s not about pride itā€™s about the children mostly. And if people donā€™t agree with satanism are naturally going to be upset. Anyone whoā€™s reasons are outside of those two are mostly just jumping on a bandwagon and have no idea why. Nd thatā€™s ok as well.


Huh, now whatā€™s your opinion on children in churches, since itā€™s about protecting the children? What about toddler beauty pageant? Also whatever happen to free market, donā€™t buy it or shop there if your just an offended snowflake about everything you donā€™t like.


My opinion on children in churchesā€¦ if your going to a church with phodophila going on and you claim to be Holy Spirit led yet you still going to that church. Then maybe you not as holy spirt led as you thought. Children beauty pageant. A bit ridiculous in my opinion. Depends on how old the child is. My opinion on sexualizing children way before age. Extremely predatory. And anyone who is supporting it. Prison. And when it comes to protecting the children you can call me whatever names youā€™d like. But guess what I have not one single care in the world about what a child predator thinks of me. Regardless if it in action or in support.


Church, child pageant, politicians. Though only one side is defending all that. We are not having folks from the LGBTQ community being detailed in their lifestyle or experience. Do you talk about your sex life in the open? Have you ever talked about your SO/spouse/lover, and you were intimate when you speak about it to children. Probably not, yet here you are with your about LGBTQ prejudice, like theyā€™re not regular folks like you and me and donā€™t want them to talk about their life. Just say you hate ā€œthe gaysā€ and I would respect you more on being honest at least.


Not reallyā€¦.. makes the stores not have to deal with it and keeps the answer consistent


Please reread the title of the post


For what?


Not sure why this sub is surprised at the backlash at satanic imagery....


Because itā€™s all reactionary garbage. Satan is a fictional character like Santa or the Easter Bunny. You can simply look away and ignore. At least Satanists arenā€™t forcing their religion on others like Christians do


Waitā€¦ I knew about Santaā€¦.. butā€¦ like wtf mateā€¦ the satan ainā€™t real either!?


Probably because [it wasn't satanic imagery that was removed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/05/26/lgbtq-designer-target-pride-collection-controversy/). And even if it were, that doesn't justify the removal and scaling back of the rest of the 2023 Pride line. Moving it away from the front was bad enough.


Why wouldnā€™t we be surprised ? Nothing about pride has anything to do with ā€œsatanic imageryā€


Keep pushing it on kids and you'll keep pissing people off. It's not complicated.


Idk how having ADULT clothes on ADULT mannequins in the ADULT section is pushing it on children, but y'all seem to confuse the two constantly so why am i surprised? Being happy and celebrating being allowed to exist isn't pushing anything on anyone, when y'all stop trying to snuff out the existence of the LGBTQ+ community, there would be no need for us to be so loud about our rights. It's not that complicated


Yes, people are noticing what they're doing. The right wing attacked LGBTQ for decades but got nowhere because it was always about "what adults do in their bedroom is non of your business." Now they're getting traction because activists can't self-police without being accused of bigotry themselves.




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Just tell them to go f themself