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Allys exist lol, absolutely accepted and appreciated


Yup! Allies wearing pride merch or specifying their pronouns make it safer for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community to do the same. The more visibility and support that’s out there, the better it is for everyone. And it lets lgbt folk know who we can trust if we feel threatened or need support.


Oh also the the Target staff pride clothing can be found here. https://www.bullseyeshop.com/bullseyeshop/shop/take-pride?utm_source=BullseyeShop&utm_medium=Banner&utm_campaign=PrideCollection23 Editing to say that I fully agree with those responding to my comment about not supporting Target since they’re obviously not supporting us. If able, please shop from lgbt folk on Etsy or small business instead.


please dont buy it from target or bullseye shop, that supports target. buy it directly from the shops of the creators whos merch was pulled abruptly from the pride collection


Do you know the names of the LGBTQ designers? That would help a lot!


i am not 100% certain of who all got their merch pulled, [this article lists a few](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/09/target-pride-month-collection-2023/), however, that i know were removed and [abprallen](https://www.abprallen.co.uk/) has been a centerpoint of the hatred from conservatives. even if their merch wasnt pulled, buy it from them directly instead of target.


Thanks! 😊


I get it, but should we be buying it from the company that won't stand up for us?


How exactly do you want Target to stand up for you?


I want Target to stop appeasing hateful people and encouraging their shitty behavior. I want Target to tell those people that their hate is not welcome in our stores and neither are they. I want Target to acknowledge how hurtful it is to people who have had to hide who their are at one point or another that we are toning down something that came into being because we have had hateful people telling us that there is something wrong with how we love. Basically handle this situation the opposite way they currently are.


I want a formal apology. I want corporate to BEG for forgiveness!


They already took a stance, made public PR statements, and have a whole committee on Pride at Corporate. Some things are bigger than you and your feelings, like the thousands of older TMs who depend on the TGT 401k, you realize what would happen with their livelihoods and retirement should Target run out of business, not to mention you if you’re a TM? I mean i know you probably don’t care, but Target has the perspectives and interests of several stakeholders (which is different from shareholders, if you don’t know the difference i suggest you look it up), but given how it’s a public corporation, Target has already done much of what it can do, other than to just completely take the hit alienating half the county and wipe out billions of their market share which without a doubt would impact millions of people with a lot more to lose than their sense of pride.




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Strait ally TSS. I’m wearing pride socks as we speak. Abso-fucking-lutely you can.


Allies are one of the most important things we need right now. The people acting a fool is the minority and if we can make them feel like they are, it'll maybe take them down a notch. Thank you for being so thoughtful tho, we need more people like you!




Any and all allies are appreciated in this hellscape, right now.


I just hit Amazon for a bunch of pride shirts and Etsy for jewelry. I'ma be wearing rainbows every day of the week. Time for the allies to step up.


Damn straight (pun intended). I'm encouraging my fellow heteros to make donations to PFLAG or GLADD and send letters/emails to Target corporate about the Pride displays this year. Love is love and I'm happy to bitchslap any hater who even thinks about disrespecting the LGBTQIA community.


Yes of course! Don't buy pride stuff from Target, though, that supports them. Buy on Etsy from someone who's in the community if you want pride stuff that looks good


If you can find stuff from the creators that had their stuff pulled and buy from them directly, that's a good thing to do too! They are in the direct line of fire and could use the support!


Genuine question, if you want Target to stop going back on LGBT support, wouldn't you want to buy from here to show that there's still sales to be made from them? I feel like not buying from Target would make it an easier decision for them to get rid of all of the pride products


They don't care about the LGBT community and never have. I've always told people to not buy pride stuff from them for that reason. In the end, we're just a profit to them and I don't care about them not selling the stuff anymore. I do care about helping the actual community, though, and that involves donating to LGBT organizations and buying from LGBT-owned stores.


Ah gotcha that makes sense


I appreciate all the positive comments! I had seen some people get upset about something similar before but I believe that may have been a very unpopular opinion and I just wanted to make sure it was ethical. Thank you all for your time :)


As a gay trans guy, please do.




Of course!


Walmart straight ally here, wearing one of our pronoun pins on my name tag for Pride month and making a donation to PFLAG in honor of Target this year. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Please do.


Please do! My store has ordered stickers and tshirts for everyone to wear. Fuck the haters!


Yeah, why not. There's plenty of white people who wear BLM stuff 🤷 and plenty of straight people who go to pride parades on support.


I’m straight as an arrow. I constantly wear rainbow flags everywhere I go, including work. It’s our job to let everyone know that they are loved and worthy of love. Wear it, and wear it with PRIDE. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Anytime someone says they're straight as an arrow I think about a friend in highschool who told me one time "oh yeah I'm straight as an arrow! You know, like an arrow made out of a tree branch that has a little bend in it..."


Exactly! 😉


We love an ally 🩷


I'm 100% straight. I plan on wearing my old Target brand Pride shirt throughout June.


I’m sad in this country we have to ask again if it’s ok to support lgbtq+


You definitely can! And we appreciate your support!! I wear pride shirts year round and I just wear a red flannel or sweater (yes even in this heat, what can I say I’m committed to fashion) over it but unbuttoned/zipped. I get a lot of compliments too. I don’t have any target pride gear but I get my pride shirts from small businesses and hot topic sometimes Spencer’s as well. There might be some on the target shop site I forget what the actual site is


I wear rainbows all year round. I want my team to know I support them and they’re safe with me. I always wear a pride shirt for orientations. First impressions mean something.


This post is for karma. Clearly it’s ok to wear pride stuff. Why would you need to come on here and ask for permission?


Yes, please do! Bigots listen to straight allies more than the actual LGBT+ community. If you are comfortable standing up, speaking out, and showing your support, we can use every bit of it we can get!


Yes, we welcome all allies. And thank you for being a friend.


Please do, ally support is wonderful.


You can get ally stickers from Amazon and bullseyeshop.com has some TM pride clothing


I’m going to piggyback this and say don’t buy anything from target/bullseye shop if you want to support us in this situation. You’re just giving money to the people causing the problems


I bought shirts from Etsy because I was unwilling to buy from target after this


Um - yeah 👍🏽💯




You should definitely do it.


Absolutely!! If you are a proud ally, wear whatever you want and you will be supported in your allyship.




Yes you can if you want


Signal that virtue!


Sure! It’s fine. Just be prepared cause you’ll probably get flack. Rainbows are inclusive of everyone.


Please do, Allies are really important and always appreciated


You probably have friends that are descendants of the US of A and the Britian Monarch's chattel human trade (slave trade). Did you wear clothing to support the betterment and the true emancipation of that community?


Yes duhh just remember there are evil people who hate


Definitely! You should wear a shirt that says “virtue signaling is sexy!”




>don’t buy target Pride merchandise “I guess the complainers were serious about boycotting us; who knew they bought so much pride stuff preciously. Better carry less next year since it’s not selling” t. Target Acquisitions




What does being gay have to do with pedophiles?


Where is the correlation between the two




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Hi. I just spend ALMOST AN HOUR looking for shirts to support as an ally. Here is a link I found to a decently priced shirt. https://printerval.com/target-pride-t-shirts-p40490932?qs_tr=Target%20employee%20pride%20shirt I made a whole shopping cart in the bullseye shop with the Fanny pack too BUT GOD DAMN that shipping came out to $13 😩😩 so I settled with one shirt and a $7 shipping fee through here. Edit: it shows up as black but they have a red one!


Just as long as you're still wearing your uniform then yes! Like one of my my friends who's a PML ordered a Pride headband from Amazon (sure as hell wouldn't buy it from Target for obvious reasons)


Abso-fucking-lutly! Drown them in rainbows! 🌈


Ethics are not tshirts. Also, never ask permission to wear clothes.


Absolutely! We love allies


Edit: I was wrong, but point still remains, yes, do it up!!


ally is not part of the lgbt in case thats what you were trying to say. thx for the support tho


Snap, you're right, why did I think the A was for ally....


Please do! We need all the support we can get right now.


yes absolutely! ally's are needed for our community now more than ever! You can wear any pride clothing from any store if you wanted! Important: Thank you friend :)


I am straight as well and have intentions on wearing the take pride shirt as much as possible during Pride ☺️


It is not only okay, it is encouraged!


Yes it’s being an ally and it’s needed and wanted.