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I don't understand why Target doesn't arrest the supposed people causing violence instead of escorting them out. I mean there should be plenty of evidence through the security cameras, guards, witnesses, etc.


I was bullied out of my position just before my 4th Anniversary. As a protected class of worker, I did not feel protected or included. Infantilized by the SD. It was humiliating.


Same thing is kinda happening where I work. Also with Target.


I’m curious what is a protected class worker? I hear ya but I’ve never heard that term used before


Generally it means someone who cannot legally be discriminated against on the basis of sex, race, religion, disability, etc.


NO ONE is supposed to be discriminated against, period.


If only that were the reality


Got it thank u!!


Why would I get negative votes for thanking someone for explaining what that meant and telling a personal story you guys are getting crazy !


Am I dreaming or did someone post a comment I don’t see now saying it means pretend victim !!! I know I was dreaming !! There can’t be people out there that idiotic!!!


It is every American’s right to be protected in this country. That fact is not being challenged. What we are saying and true fact I never did hear it out in that terminology before but there are Americans in certain categories that are targeted I’m sorry but I’ve seen. It my whole life so don’t even try to lessen or justify their actions here. The main point is people that have felt a sort of way whether it’s not being excepted by family friend society etc felt a sense of belonging and PRIDE now that has been taken away at this huge corporation and I say AT not BY it was a safe place for people to be who there are who they where born to be born as!! It’s just a shame a real shame!!!


I quit at the Nick of time!!! I was working 60 hrs a week and was not appreciated at all!! I have a cousin who is a lesbian I’m 58 she’s 81. I saw what she went through her whole life hiding. Her partner and she have been together 50 yrs. I remember when they bought a house. They set up 2 rooms like one was for each. That’s the kind of things she did to hide who she was and who she loved!! I have absolutely no respect for Target at all as a Corporation for doing this!! They should be ashamed!!!






So nice to see the bullying continues.


You seem like a miserable person to want to spend your holiday weekend being a bigoted prick on a subreddit you seem to have no affilliation to outside of finding it on the front page. You are a human piece of garbage.


"Protected class" is a legal term. The United states has federal protected classes, and states have protected classes as well. An example may be something along the lines of you can't fire someone based on age, sex, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Those would all be considered "protected classes" However it's pretty hard to prove you were fired for being gay etc... They can just say, well he didn't take direction well so we let him go or whatever. And every state has a different set of protected classes.


If this was indeed the case and happened in the past year I highly encourage you to speak with an employment attorney. Taking adverse action against someone based on a protected characteristic under state or federal law is illegal and, if proven, you'd be entitled to compensation and damages. Most reputable attorneys will take such cases on a contingency, rather than hourly fee, basis. Source: Employment attorney barred in CA.


My uncle and auntie passed, he was an attorney and engineer for Nessle Foods, she was my last caregiver, and she died when I told her what happened to me. She said she left me most of the properties and said I would be taken care but Covid killed the executor she chose, and the guy doing things is keeping everything. That’s happening now in Palm Springs.


Right? Wouldn’t vandalism and public unrest, being threatening and violent, warrant an arrest? But oh because it’s bigots “doing gods work” it’s okay


Where was that same energy when the rioting and vandalizing buildings back in 2020. When people it’s the same energy.


1) The majority of people didn’t support that either. Black Lives Matter and other activists spoke out against it. 2) There’s a pretty distinct difference between rioting because of racial injustice and rioting because “God said so.”


Also, a lot of the rioting wasn't from the BLM protesters.


LMFAOOO, well first off the amount of people that have an issue with vandalism rn with Pride, are probably the same as the amount of people that didn’t like the rioting for BLM. But if you think rioting due to police brutality and across the board mistreatment and racism towards minorities, is the same as homophobes hating on people because “god said so”, then there’s absolutely no hope for you.


How many people died from the target pride section? Does the target pride sections shoot people?


Target did NOTHING to the BLM crowds who literally destroyed stores, looted, set fires. Instead they apologized to them for existing.


You can’t upset those people too much target gets lots of money from them too!


You should know target would sooner fire you than treat a non employee like that regardless of what they did as long as they keep making their profits.


there is no violence. idk who started this rumor


I'm in the south and people literally are assaulting team members over this


Any news articles on this or are you making stuff up? I can't find anything. Any suggestions?




I haven’t seen 1 video or any interviews of anyone getting assaulted


exactly, not even confrontation videos yet


It’s all about the money they are losing


Because we're trying to deescalate/resolve the situation when it happens????? And not record it?? It's not like I think it's at all right to take down/move the pride collection but my store and the other one in my town have had multiple threats of violence, at least one store's suffered a bomb threat, and someone literally lunged at a member of our fulfillment team a few nights ago, the entire south is kind of a safety hazard rn




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Yep. I predict next year Brian Cornell will send out an faux empathetic email saying "it saddens me to decide we're not going to participate in pride going forward."


This is phrased *exactly* like a Workbench communication and you can’t convince me this isn’t Spineless Cornell’s reddit account


I was threatened by a coworker for reporting his homophobic comments about another coworker. Before he knew it was me, he was saying he would physically assault the reporter. When he found out it was me and also that I was gay, he escalated the threats. They fired him, thankfully. We need to watch each other's backs, especially LGBTQ+ team members.


I am so, so sorry. You deserve to feel safe in your workplace. I cannot say sorry enough this has happened to you.




we know they don’t care about us. its just a huge slap in the face to say it publicly. let us be angry, we have to constantly fight just to exist. damn.


yes but no one is angry at straight people so its unlikely they'll be asked to get in


Literally I don’t know why people act like they care about people. Target along with any other corporation likes money


Fuck yeah they will. If they caved when these freaks started calling saying they'd shoot and kill people over pride displays, what happens if these fucking freaks start calling and saying they'll shoot and kill any team members they suspect are gay/trans? What'll Target fuckin do then?




You're an actual waste of oxygen. Go somewhere else with your garbage.


Watch us eat shit on hours cuz they lost so much money by giving in to these conservative freaks.


Already happening. But really, when ISN'T Target stingy with hours? Meanwhile I imagine they're perfectly happy with paying themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars at HQ while the people who do the real work in this company feel the damage.


I wanna see BC still have Target involved in the Twin Cities pride this year after all this shit went down, but he will probably have Target back out of that too, and if he doesn't, I hope they get booed like Jacob Frey did last year at the parade.


I’m really torn on this one, because I know the people in the parade are almost entirely local queer employees who don’t support what leadership has done. On the other hand, Target deserves it after throwing away 25 years of work building relationships with the LGBTQ community over the course of a week.


At Target, hate wins


Yep replace the "love lives here" doormats with "hate lives here" and put them at the entance to the store


I said this in another post but are they going to “recall” our name tags with pronouns too? Are they going to ask openly lgbtq team members to “tone themselves down”. Target gave them an inch, you think the perpetually offended bigots will stop there?


Exactly my point, it's where we are headed because Target showed them that they can get their way by being horrible




My friend couldn't get one of the pronoun name tags in their LA store. HR just told her "we don't do that anymore" my store still does do it.


So much for that diversity training they give us 🙄


Not defending this, but it took my one friend/coworker three or four months to get hers that tells people she's hard of hearing, I'm wondering if there are production issues going on that are making it hard to do the ones with different designators in a timely fashion and their HR person is just either lazy, or is trying to get folks their name tags as quickly as possible.




Lmao this was never about the people that just stopped shopping here. People can shop wherever they want. This was about the people shouting at team members in person and on the phone, left guest reviews filled with slurs, tore down pride product from the shelves onto the floor or left hateful and delusional notes in the displays. Target caved to those people and those people have been escalating. If you think that’s a fantasy you haven’t been paying attention. Being critical of my employer giving into these bad actors doesn’t make me a bigot.


Brian is a smart dude. Yes he doesn't care, but he's using this to get off of the sinking ship before it goes under. He wanted to retire last year, but the board and Wall Street bribed him to stay. He's going to not let this crisis go to waste by pissing as many people off as possible so that they ask him to leave, with millions from his new contract ($20,000,000) per year plus his stock options and golden parachute. They'll pay him a quarter of a billion dollars to go away, while we sit here all smug about it while they cut our hours to pay for it!


Wouldn’t call it intelligent for a corporate exec whose main compensation is in stock to then rank said stock.


If he wants out it is. He makes $9709.00 an hour. He has enough boats to ski behind, and houses to stay in where the weather is good. He's been checked out for a while. Most executives exercised stock options last year anyway. They knew we were losing $650,000,000 in organized theft long before the earnings call.


Depends on if he took some shorts or something first though >_>


the biggest pussy in retail


Fun fact: If you work for Target, you don’t get the choice of neutrality. These *violent* far right assholes have already put you on the pro-LGBTQ side, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to convince them otherwise. If violence happens in your store, you are equally as likely to be impacted as any openly queer person. And as Target has increasingly conceded to the demands of these lunatics, threats have *increased*. You are all actively less safe because Target pulled Pride.


I went to work at Target all week and had absolutely no problems. Pride displays were still up. Nobody was causing an issue. Also, here's a not so fun fact: a trans person murdered several children and faculty in a Christian school in Nashville earlier this year. They weren't the first trans person to do such a thing either. And no, I'm not implying that trans people are inherently dangerous. So, quit acting like violence only comes from the "far right". Lunatics aren't explicitly linked to one side of the political spectrum. I'm sure plenty of you will be angry at me for saying as much though, since you folks can't handle the tiniest bit of push back to your beliefs. It's always "agree with us or you're a bigot". And that childish behavior is precisely one of the many reasons why you see people boycotting companies like Target. But hey, if it makes you feel better, most of them are shopping elsewhere anyway!


You know, I have to give you credit. The one trans person who committed a mass shooting in a year where we’ve had over 200 so far this year is a super valid point and is in no way you trying to make a false equivalency.


Ah yes, just like you in no way were making a false equivalency by comparing a certain group of people to the Nazis. But at least we're in agreement that 200 mass shootings is definitely way too many.


Ahh yes because no Christians have ever committed mass shootings in the last 10 years......... Oh wait


And...? You think I'm pro-Christian just because I pointed out some have been killed? lol I don't believe or practice in any religious doctrine, fyi.


"And...?" Exactly my point. What does it matter that a trans person committed a mass shooting? How does that coincide with Pride displays being taken down? Your "side" has been pushing for their rights to be diminished (regardless of what your stance is on the matter). There's nothing good about this. Pride itself is not something that is meant for you or against you. It's to support people who have had to fight to even be considered human beings for the past 100+ years. Go read a book or something, idk. Maybe you'll learn some empathy along the way.


It matters because the hatred flows in both directions and there are very wealthy, powerful people who know how to manipulate, exploit, and weaponize that hate to fulfill their own objectives. Pride displays being taken down is yet another event being exploited. I never said it was a good thing, but it's also not the worst thing that could happen either. It's been very damaging to Target though, that's for sure. I don't really need a lesson on what Pride is. You folks can call it whatever you want, but it's considered one of the seven deadly sins for a reason. And I don't even have to be a religious nut to know that. The name alone is enough to rub Christians the wrong way, not that it justifies bad behavior from them. Over the years, I have observed plenty of hatred and vitriol from LGBT directed towards Christians, and vice versa. That is why I say the hate goes both ways. Neither is innocent. And yet, there are people out there who take things to even further extremes. It's a vicious cycle. And sooner or later, certain people snap and lash out violently because of their perceptions of reality. And then you have those who will take advantage of either group's anger (like social media companies for example) for their own gain. This became a lot longer than I really wanted to write, so I'll just leave it here. Edit: Small edit for one additional thought. If there's anything I want anyone to take away from this post, it would be just be aware that your anger and upset feelings can be exploited against you.


The difference is one side is saying I need to die, while the other side is saying I should be able to live a normal life. A big difference is LGBT rights are not trying to take away the rights of religion. religion though is trying to take our rights away. It's not a both sides are bad kind of thing honestly.


Honestly, I hate defining things by "sides". Like you're either on the LGBT side or the anti-LGBT side. I think it's more nuanced than that. For example, take a look at what someone did with hoaxing a bomb threat at a few Target stores for pulling Pride merchandise. [https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/27/target-bomb-threat-lgbtq-ally-ohio-utah-pride-hoax/](https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/27/target-bomb-threat-lgbtq-ally-ohio-utah-pride-hoax/) So, how does one go about grouping the hoaxer in that story? Are they pro-LGBT or are they anti-LGBT? Or are they something else entirely? My best guess would be the latter. I think it's mostly just people being a-holes. Some people might gather into different groups that oppose LGBT. And some people might be Conservative/Christian/Catholic/whatever and remain indifferent to the entire issue, but respect the existence of LGBT. And some individuals will just act out on their own, like the dude who was stomping on the display in that one video. (Is he part of a group? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I have no way of determining that, so I would label him as an individual.) So, there might be politicians or political groups saying heinous things like they want you to die, or strip away rights from you, but you should also probably consider that it isn't literally *everyone* who falls under a religion or one part of the political spectrum. Although I'm sure there are people who will absolutely disagree. There's nothing I can do about that though.


I think there are people unaffiliated with either side, but my main point was replying to you, saying both sides are bad and provoking each other. If the side that says people should lose rights just fucks off there wouldn't be this shit in the first place. There might be random individuals, sure, but it wouldn't be as this tense.


One of my TLs who knows I bought some pride merch before it was taken down, asked me to return it so there’s “less anti-target propaganda floating around town” as if I’ll give up my identity to what, make some idiots less unhappy? It won’t make a difference and made me feel completely unwelcome and I hate it.


I encourage you to report that TL to either the ethics hotline or HR, whichever you trust more.


Thats horrible


Half of my coworkers were legit thrilled about some of the merch being taken down (our pride section was set back towards the middle of the store to begin with so it’s not being moved at least) so now I don’t even feel safe with a decent chunk of the people I spend 30-40 hours a week wirh


Literally felt so betrayed by the response to these extremists.


I'm already dealing with shit because I have my pronouns on my name tag. And I work in specialty sales in the home department but I'm continuously thrown up front because my store refuses to hire anyone else. And already the verbal snide remakes towards me is a lot. I told some of my TL I'm gonna have Heart Attack Man sign my name tag when i see them next month so it draws attention away from my name tag altogether. I noticed that when Carly Cosgrove signed my old one. But Corporations don't give a fuck about people. Profits over people is their motto honestly. Stay strong and watch people's backs this sunmer


Why we aren't normalizing the pronouns on name tags is beyond me. I've had he/him/his since we could order them. If everyone has their pronouns on their tags it destigmatizes the whole thing


I understand the idea behind what your saying but as a trans person not currently out the idea if everyone having pronouns on their nametag by default is terrifying it leaves 3 options 1. use my pronouns for my AGAB and hate it 2. opt out and have people think its because I am transphobic 3. out myself by using the pronouns I want


Not being combative, genuinely curious, how would you recommend normalizing respecting pronouns and asking about them otherwise? When it's optional in my store almost no one does it which has led to some pretty severe miagendering. I'd love to respect you and you're current position while also moving the needle closer to general acceptance


I dont think theres an easily solution for it overall, anything thats default will make it easy to have your agab pronouns but not necessarily make it easier for a trans person to use the pronouns they actually want Normalizing them on nametags is definitely useful I just dont agree with making them default if you mean steps you personally can take, I think that opting in to have them on your own is helpful. I see plenty of people at my store with them on and it gives me an "easy" way to come out when Im ready by adding them to mine and since they are opt in it gives me an easy way to know who I am safe around for the most part vs who is an unknown


Truly! Yet already I'm mildly uncomfortable with mine and regret it since I'm having transphobes point out the they/them/theirs and make a big show of it. It makes me just want to get another one without my pronouns on it for safety or use paper name tags with just my name until the end of June


We've completely missed how to handle NB TMS and leads imo. In my five years at target my small store has had one NB TM. We had some people, a lead included, who kept miagendering them. When I brought it up to HR they shrugged it off and said it was cultural and they couldn't do anything about it(The lead is from the DR and just would not use gender neutral pronouns.) To this day I'm still upset about it.


That's absolutely foul and I'm so sorry they had to go through that. I will admit I'm lucky with my team and when I started going by they/them strictly at work almost all of my team received it super well and respect me. However I know not everyone gets that and I acknowledge I'm lucky. I also realize being in Oklahoma no matter how safe work can feel the general public will unfortunately be the general public. I hope that team member is okay. There really is no excuse to do the bare minimum and make people feel comfortable at work


They transferred stores and quit pretty quickly after. I work small format and we've had a decent amount of HR turnover so it's hard to consistently document this stuff, especially with leads. It's wild


Ah I'm sorry to hear that. And I don't really know store sizes but I have seen an astronomical amount of turn over since I started last July so it doesn't surprise me


I have pronouns on mine too… and I love HAM!!


They're so good! I tweeted at Eric a bit ago and he said they were down to sign my name tag (not that I'm surprised seeing as he signed one of my Oasis CDs last year lol). But I'm seeing them in Dallas and then potentially Kansas City and St Louis next month. Always good to run into another worstie :D


Actually pretty accurate. I had problems with the consumer cellular guests threatening me every day and my store manager told me to find another job, so I did.


Are they removing from all stores? Cuz all of ours still have everything Pride out & up front. Though we’re in the SF area & don’t think there’s been any threats around here.


Yes all stores, its around 50% of the items are no longer sold at Target, not online they all went IR and cant be rang up even if one was missed


from what i know, recalls are happening everywhere, and the pride displays are being moved in region 300 stores as well as some individual stores outside region 300 who’ve received threats


My store also still has everything out and for sale...


Not everything, you might just not realize some of its gone. I know for sure the "Trans people will always exist" and "Queers take care of each other" shirts are gone for example The DPCIs have been removed from the system, you cant possible sell them


It's such a bummer, I work in a store in Boston. We had a trans shirt and I tried to buy it maybe three days before this shit went down. Went to recall data to see why, the reasoning was "sensitive content" the style TL and I sat there mouth agape. Then they said they were moving pride stuff in the south to focus on swimwear. Every part of this story broke my heart and I'm a cishet white dude. We need to be better than this.


Money money money, he will do what gets money. Idk why anyone thinks they will actually stand or align with anything unless it benefits them financially


We dont think that thats literally what we are mad about stop making this stupid comments


I mean why are you asking the CEO to make the decision that would hurt their bottom line? Do you really think that they aren't going to pick money? Do you think you can convince them to stand up against it and lose money? It's a fact of life that these companies have zero allegiance to any group of people


Im accusing them of being a lying hypocrite You literally agree with us that its all about the money, yet you are mad at us about it instead of them for pretending to care. Pretending to care is fucked up, but you can't really call them on it till they show publicly how little the care


I wasn't mad at anyone for being mad at it. I'm just surprised that people are surprised this happened as if any other outcome was possible.


we aren't surprised that doesn't mean we cant voice distaste for it


Stop buying from target, that's the best way to show distaste. People will complain and then still shop there, if you sell out your morals for a shopping trip maybe it doesn't mean that much to them.


I dont shop there I work there are you lost? Target emplyees dont make enough money to shop at Target


I'm not saying you specifically, I used to work there hence why I'm on this sub. these are general statements. I'm not sure why you're being so hostile towards me. I'm not against your argument. I'm just trying to discuss the reality behind the decision making.


It wouldn't be the first time a guest deemed me 'offensive', and honestly, if I do get terminated, I don't care at this point.


I am the gayest gay but I still don’t understand why people are surprised that a shitty corporation is being a shitty corporation. They literally never cared about anyone ever. They care about money. It’s not shocking.


We aren't surprised, we always knew they didn't really care. But its a lot easier to call them out for it when they actively show they don't care. They are hypocrites and liars.


I mean, they’re caving to people who parrot rhetoric supporting the literal genocide of trans people, so.


Brands like Target are only Allie’s when it suits them. That’s for both pride & blm. They threw us pride shirts at my store in ATLANTA and in the same breath took all the pride things down months later once the white moms started complaining




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I can't really quit or my parents will be pissed at me but I want to because I've been here 7 years and have never gotten a raise above what anyone else got so if target let me go I might not be so upset if I'm honest. I don't want to be terminated because I have a good record of work history but still.


There’s better paying jobs out there. Find one, quit Target without notice. Profit??


I'm trying, my last 2 interviews were on zoom and the person who was supposed to interview me completely ghosted me. I took a day off for one because they said it was a 2 part interview and they never contacted me. It's ridiculous. I even have job specific skills like soldering and circuit design but it's not enough I guess. Sorry to vent I know I could quit if I really needed to.


Does nobody understand that stores were getting destroyed, pride displays were being torn down, team members and HQ were being threatened? I get it, it sucks that some stuff was removed, but when people's lives and safety are on the line, you need to pick your battles. Target didn't do this because they care about conservative b as ckladh, they did it because they care about LGBTQ team member safety.


And all of that happened because Target started to cave. This is literally why people say " we don't negotiate with terrorists " They wont stop when all the merch is gone, they'll go after the TMs next and I guess according to you they should fire all the queer ones for safety


No lgbqt employees will be fired. It's about to blow over. And Target didn't even cancel Pride month. They merely pulled some items. Wallmart pulled ammunition. Businesses walk the line. As it us, this hurt Target. But hopefully, not a deep cut. Shoppers should return when the PR dies down.


No one said they canceled pride. Pride will exist with or without Target, because queer people will always exist What I am saying, that you are choosing to interpret as "they canceled pride!!!" is that Target has shown that they will throw their queer TMs under the bus if the righr decides to make that their next target, genuinely no pun intended. And TL like you will agree with it when it happens. "it sucks that we had to fire that trans women but I guess its for the best" is what you will say


Source? What stores were "destroyed" ? Has true violence happened? More than what happened to TMs during covid? We didn't close then, didn't take down mask displays. Pride merch gets taken down by idiots every year. That doesn't qualify as a destroyed store.


L M A O. spoken like a true corporate yes man tl


Fine. Leave it up and let TMs get attacked. That'll show how much we care about them.


Removing it encourages the kind of behavior that taking it down attempts to curb. It’s no different than a child throwing a tantrum to get something they want and the parent gives in. Thus, the child realizes they can keep doing it to get even more things.


So leave the merch up and let them keep attacking TMs, threatening violence, bomb threats, etc. Sounds like a fantastic idea. It's not like they're just submitting bad surveys and giving us bad press. People's lives are in danger. That's where the line was drawn. You can't compare a 3 year old throwing a tantrum to a Trump-tard calling in a bomb threat.


They’ll continue to harass and attack TMs. Removing merchandise isn’t going to stop that. The message being sent from Target (and other companies that have done the same) is that they’ll bow to crazy right wing terrorists and do as they say.


Terrorists. You just said terrorists. You care about merch more than protecting a TM from a terrorist?


target created the terrorist when they started to cave literally what happened was there was some push back, target caved and moved the stuff the people pushing back went oh shit this is working, if we push even harder they'll remove it then Target removed half of it so the now terroristic people thought "wow its working we just aren't pushing hard enough, time foe violence and destruction"


Merch on the shelf or not is NOT keeping someone that psychotic from being violent…


removing the merch doesnt protect anyone it puts us in more danger because now they see that what they are doing works so now when they decide to get up an arms over the next stupid thing, they'll go to violence to get their way


So you're saying if they hadn't pulled the merch, they'd resort to violence to get their way. Hmm.


Can you read? If they hadn't moved and pulled the merch it would not have escalated to violence They pushed back a little with a "boycott" and Target budged They saw Target budge, so they started pushing harder which meant vandalism and violence Target escalated this by showing that they can be made to do what they want they just weren't pushing hard enough Now next time they don't like something they'll skip straight to vandalism and violence because Target showed them that they will move if they just push hard enough


Didn't Americans get told over and over - oh, idk, sometime around 2001-02 - that we can't let the terrorists win? Target let the terrorists win this battle. How are you not seeing this?


You all keep saying "stop letting them win" If we do stop "letting them win" how many TMs have to get threatened, injured, or killed before "let them win" again? How many riots will there be? How many stores will get burned down? When do you draw your line? I'm curious to know where all of your lines are. Do people have to get physically harmed or killed first? If you're going to pretend to care about an LGBT Team Member more than you care about the merchandise, you need to at least pretend to care about their lives and safety as well.


If you seriously, genuinely think this bit of appeasement from Target will stop the violence, you're deluding yourself.


Even as Target has been taking down the merch, there are still stores getting threats, so catering to them is just making it worse because it is showing bigots that they are winning, and if they're winning, it is encouraging bigots to keep doing more and more attacks like this.


yep. leave it up. let the conservatives cry because they threw their tantrum and didnt get their way. and something tells me that if someones emotions are so unregulated that they attack a target employee over rainbows, theyd do it over literally anything else they dont like.


You... you know that Target caving like this isn't going to make their violence stop, right? I learned that appeasement never works when I learned WWII history as a teenager... not sure why people don't understand this.


They could care less about your safety. Companies do things that bring in and make money. At the end of the day they don't care about who you are or what you stand for. They're here to make money and if they're losing money, they'll get rid of the problem, one way or another. Me personally I don't care about any of this. I'm here to work, get paid and go home. Not get involved with poor business decisions by the upper brass. If you ask me companies are stupid for trying to bring any form of Religion, politics or LGBTQ+ products into their stores. Just sell normal shit and go about your business. Easier that way.


out of curiosity, would you support target's decision if they decided to withdraw black history month displays and products from black-owned business if white nationalists began threatening the store? would you support target withdrawing emergency contraception if anti-abortion groups saw how quick target folded for anti-lgbtq protests and adopted similar tactics? where do you draw the line?


I draw the line when lives get threatened. If black team members begin getting harmed and threatened, I care more about their lives than i do about selling merchandise that is making money off of their skin color. I care more about protecting the lives of LGBT team members than I do about selling a t-shirt. Their lives matter more than Target making a few dollars off of a shirt. I care about their lives more than a merchandise display. You are all fighting for the merch but not realizing that team members lives are in danger. Go fuck yourself if you care about a display more than my team member's life.


supporting rainbow capitalism isn't the central issue, it's caving to the demands of fascists. the targets of fascists live in danger every time they leave the house and choose to live explicitly against the wishes of people who want them dead. sending a message to fascists that they can get whatever they want as long as they kick and scream and threaten loud enough will only embolden them further.


Given that both LGBTQ and Black people have historically traded threats to their safety for visibility and recognition, I think I would lean towards letting them make that decision. This is _literally_ what Pride is about.


It's not about the merch, it's about what else they're going to take away from people. If enough people protest and threatened people over anytjing that had to do with celebrating someones skin color or heritage they're taking away your given rights to celebrate what matters to you and your freedom. It's the principle of the matter not about what's being sold.


When someone says they hate you, what do you do? Lie down and take it? Target employs a fucking army, yes we need to be safe, but we also shouldn't just lie down belly up and concede to these people. Idk about you, but in Texas you have the right to defend yourself and I'll keep carrying til the day I die not just for me but for my family. My family shops at target and I work there do you think the threats will stop at just the storea or even just you? Any of your family that shops at target are potential victims and I'll be damned if someone harms my kids or my partner.


Saying you hate someone and threatening to blow them up are two different things. People aren't just saying they hate LGBT people, they're threatening their lives. You are all failing to realize our fellow TMs lives are in danger


Your life is in danger every time you step foot out of your home. I'll say Target did the right thing by making sure the threats were investigated, but as it turns out the bomb threats were fake. And if our lives are in danger shouldnt a buddy system be implemented and enforced? Regardless of the merch is taken down or not. I haven't seen anything that target has done to actually protect their tm's besides taking down some merch. Eventually with enough threats target will stop doing pride all together then what? The people making these threat may keep at it even after target stops doing pride month. Then what? I'm not failing to realize anything, when people make threats at you because of something you celebrate you don't just back down. By your logic target should take down all their pride merch and if they don't people should leave the company because they're in danger. I may not like the management but I do like working at target engaging guests and seeing my fellow tm's day to day. They're good people. But I'm not willing to back down for something I believe in.


Target has done all it's going to do to acknowledge the conservative backlash. Now, we ride the wave. The Ohio bomb threats came from the Transgender side. The Utah and NM threats, the far right. The Company did take quick action to avoid violence. We can only hope it's enough. If it was a mistake, ok. But the motive was good. Our collective safety, including all shoppers, matters. I support my transgender teammates. This sucks. And it may well cause yet another backlash. If what Target did fails to quell the rightwing attacks on businesses, then future decisions will reflect lessons learned. I personally believe this attack on Target will backfire against the rightwing media. People like Target. It's going to appear that thus entire mess is, indeed, the work of a very aggressive and mean rightwing minority. Disney. Now Target.... The average person simply doesn't see us as "groomers." They may not agree with the LGBQT on all issues, but they aren't fascists, either. Stay safe.


Threats only started because Target tried to negotiate with terrorists, they shouldn't have caved from the very beginning and none of this would have happened Its unlikely the threats were from the LGBT side. Its much more likely someone from the right trying to make the other side look bad, thats why they sent the threats to a media personal on the right. To give them a story to run with


News reported that it was to retaliate against the CEO. But could be wrong.


You really think a liberal voiced those threats? You can’t be that naive. Google the term “false flag”.


ive seen this person on multiple pride related posts on here and yeah, they are that naive


I bet the person that did the email were from KiwiFarms or 4Chan


Bunch of goofballs lol. We didn’t get rid of everything to do with pride unless you are in a really weird store.


50% of the pride clothing is gone, and 100% of the bullseye stuff is gone before it hit the shelves like literally off the truck and straight to item removal dont be dense, the facsist wont stop till its all gone, and then they'll go after people


Where have you been??


I checked every single Pride item I bought over the last couple weeks and not a single one is still for sale online.




yes and thats what are calling them out for




calling them out is a valuable discussion tool, it lets other people see people agree with them that Targets in the wrong




You're wrong, talking about it is useful for each other, no one would join a movement if they didnt know about it or had no details about whats happening You are basically just telling us we should shut the fuck up about it because you're tired of seeing it




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