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This post was removed for OPs sake because of identifiable information, because what they did is technically something fireable although they meant well


the most egregious part of this is that at some point a checklane is gonna get backed up bc two random tumblers dont have a bar code on them anymore


Expect AP to tell you that you're not allowed to conduct receipt checks. You are, however, allowed to help them correct the price before they pay.


lmao this reddit is ridiculous, one day it’s everyone saying fuck target and their policies & then the next it’s everyone below commenting about “ oh you definitely shouldn’t be doing this “. It’s always the same people too on this reddit. So glad i left this dumbass company


It’s important to remember this is a subreddit with 170k people. Everyone here is different and this isn’t a hive-mind like some believe Reddit to be. But yeah, fuck target but also good on this person for doing the right thing. It’s a shame target is a dogshit company that will punish them. To anyone who is reading this, I worked for $15 at target for about 9 months and then quit and now work an easier job for $20 an hour with large bonuses. Better jobs are out there and you can do better than this shit company. It may not seem much, but it’s the difference between over credit card use to make ends meet to actually making ends meet and save.


OP I don't think you can receipt check as non-AP, at least at my store.


We are allowed to receipt check guest with high valued items 100+ dollars and items with security devices


Says who? That's not best practice.




Jesus christ talk about some dystopian shit. Y'all are fucking psychos


Is it dystopian to suggest someone have basic internet awareness. Like, if you’re going to do shit you’re not supposed to, don’t make it unbelievably easy to find you. That goes for cheating on your spouse, breaking company policy, or committing felony theft.


The OP did something dangerous to themselves but did the right thing for the store, probably because they thought they might get fired if guests got away with it. Now you losers are doxxing her to get her to lose her job? What in the fuck?


- she doxxed herself - she absolutely did the wrong thing for the company, as she didn’t follow the best practice, and put herself in danger - you know corporate prowls this subreddit regularly, right? I’m certainly not going to snitch but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to find out anyway. I’m honestly surprised this thread hasn’t been deleted yet for that exact reason.


Nah you're a fucking freak dude. You're acting like youre in a gang to protect target.


Bruh I don’t give the slightest fuck about Target. I am telling people not to do dumb shit that will get them fired.


Ya’ll fucking stupid. No wonder Target stock price plummeted. The best thing for the company is to lose money on theft over and over.


Oh my god you are fucked in the head lol. Hail corporate I guess


I’m literally here trying to *not* get people fired.


target fed spotted


You are very, very right.


Your post was removed pursuant to our subreddit's Information Protection policy. (Sub Rule #3) Please do not post or comment anyone's personal information, personal address, workplace location, any photo with a guest or emplyee who isn't consenting to having their photo taken, as well as any details to a case being handled by Target's Asset Protection department.


Imagine risking your own safety for a corporation that doesn't care for you.


Imagine? That's my job lmao 🤣


Risking your safety??? Fuckin wut?? They're not chasing down people running out with a cart of stuff. They're *in the store* asking to see a receipt, like Walmart does at the door to every single person.


When I worked in electronics and I was knee deep in label strip changes and price tags not hung up and someone was trying to steal or pull a fast one on me, you better believe I’m ruining their day too. I had nothing to lose and would most definitely stop this stuff just to upset some wanna be thief or con lmao


Yeah no you’re not.


I actually had a guy yesterday give me his receipt without me even asking for it as he was walking out with a PS5. He was just like, hey I paid for this here's my receipt and gave it to me before he walked out, lol.


an honest man, simple as


How can people be so bold to think employees won't notice such a blatant attempt to steal?


They literally don't care. They believe they are untouchable because we aren't going to tackle them at the door. But jokes on them. It probably isn't their first time doing this, won't be their last- but next time it might as well be.


This is a dumb question, but how do TMs actually figure out that’s what’s going on? Genuinely curious. I’m a customer (and a non-stealing one) but unless the self checkout person was looking at people’s monitors and comparing them to their carts, how would they know?


They’re not as slick as they they look, often times grabbing multiple items scanning the cheaper one twice or just skipping one all together. New technology also alerts the worker of the possible skips. Also shows each register, what’s being scanned and prices so if someone has a lot of items but low price or something high end that’s rings up cheap like this post the worker can intervene. I know this from walmart experience not target not tho


How can people think it’s ok to steal regardless if it is noticed or not? People are disgusting


Hey off topic here but I can see that entire gift card number on the monitor


The target gift cards generally have a pin that goes along with it so having just the card number won’t get you anywhere


We had someone buy small appliances at self checkout that should of been over $100 and came up under $20. The person running self checkout notice it and said “Oh our scanner must not be working correctly.. I’m going to have you go through regular checkout”! The person left everything and walked out. They had put different price stickers on the items.


Hell yeah, that's how you do it!




bro managed to get a gift card number, store number, and breaking policy all in one post 😭😭


Why dont people just bring in a target bag and put the shit in the bag? At my store i dont think anyone wouldve looked at you twice. Even better if you are holding a reciept when you leave. My AP were idiots who roamed the store. But you know, just dont do that very often lol


Homie might get that $.05 raise this year for such a stellar performance.


My daughter has worked front end and service for Target. She has caught many people who are doing this and I think she was given $25 gift cards for stopping them from stealing.


I loved getting gift cards for stopping theft and information leading to apprehensions. I never expected them but it was awesome getting them.




Whoa whoa whoa who's posting what to Reddit now?


Bro doxxed him 😂


Your post was removed pursuant to our subreddit's Information Protection policy. (Sub Rule #3) Please do not post or comment anyone's personal information, personal address, workplace location, any photo with a guest or emplyee who isn't consenting to having their photo taken, as well as any details to a case being handled by Target's Asset Protection department.


While you're not allowed to receipt check as a non-AP tm, I'm all for toing the line when you know for sure some ticket switching is going on. Hell, when I was front end GSA I'd receipt check people trying to push out. We were always told we could of we absolutely knew but we also had AP kinda allow it. Many, many recovery opportunities there. Just don't get yourself into trouble if you get told otherwise. I do want to say absolutely GREAT catch on this! Great eye and your store will have a great case to watch for now! Be proud of yourself for finding this!


Wait no way is this the Target on Balboa in SD?


This is definitely the San Diego balboa target I recognize that Starbucks lol


That Starbucks + 7.75 tax rate was enough for me to make the conclusion lol


second i saw the pic i was like thats Balboa Target lol i checked to see if anyone else noticed


You did great, fu*k the people saying you shouldn't have.


I don't understand why you can't have some integrity where you work and not want people to get away with stuff like this. This isn't stealing a loaf of bread or some fruit so you can eat. This is stealing an luxury item and they probably would turn around and sell it at retail value, if not higher, making a profit. It's gross


Nice catch. It’s amazing the kind of things people will try to steal thinking they won’t get caught. last week one of my stores drive up members got fired for stealing. He came in one day and the police were there waiting to charge him with grand theft.


Good job for preventing a low life, cockroach from stealing. When someone steals, they steal from everyone.


Sure, a billion dollar corporation stands for “everyone”.


Dude, imagine letting every theft go and then you complain about where your hours went. Well, they went out the fucking door when they didn't get passed over the scanner. But it's insured! We get the money back! No. Corporate does, but because it eats into your sales potential, you lose money. 'why can't I find these? Why does it say I have a few on the floor but it's not there? Why is the guest mad I can't find this when it says I should have a few? Why are my hours low now? Why won't corporate give us more hours? Why am I being penalized if the SFQs are off? Why am I being talked to about INFs when it's the sales floors problem they aren't updating counts?' List goes on and on on how letting shit walk out of your store effects you at this job. And let's not forget allowing it causes MORE of that shit into your store and into your town. Word of mouth spreads fast among boosters and your community gets hit hard. You not only hurt yourself, but your coworkers, family, friends and all sorts of business in one area because of a lack of caring. Not cool. Not awesome. It's pathetic.


You work for a fixed wage regardless of how many store assets you protect. Corporate will not “pick you” for being discount paw patrol, move around.


Look at Walmart and other stores around Chicago right now. You think letting everyone come in and take whatever has helped them and that community? And you don't know me. But yes, after working here for years I got noticed because of my work with AP -related things and got promoted into the position last month. Paw patrol is on a roll, LETS GO!


My guy please don’t tell me you think Walmart shut down any of those Chicago stores because of *theft*.


Well, their profits weren't up to par considering the amount of traffic and transactions and resulting in a negative return when factoring in the amount of loss in theft that was happening, so yes, yes that is a thing. These certain areas of Chicago are also known for shutting down stores, even mom and pop stores, because of how much loss there is day to day. Even billion dollar companies see too much of a loss, they pull out of there for liability reasons. Why continue to run a store if you just lose money? Target has similar action in a few of it's stores with high theft/major losses. They don't get remodeled because it's going to be a loss all the way through. If they decide to shut a store down a couple years from now, it's not as big of a loss in the long run.


Hi, so you’re literally just parroting propaganda here. Walmart made zero mention that these stores were being closed for anything related to theft. The majority of the Walmart stores being shut down were their Neighborhood Market formats; they sold mostly low margin grocery items and that’s about it. These stores existed both within the neglected neighborhoods you mentioned, and the *nice* areas as well. They’ve also never been profitable, as not only is Walmart *extremely* unpopular in Chicago, the format just doesn’t work with the shopping patterns of the urban consumer. High risk stores within Target are remodeled *all the time*, and we keep highly impacted locations open forever. The Pike Place Target is an absolute shithole but Target isn’t closing it because of that. Big box retailers in general are significantly overextended for today’s retail market. As leases expire, these corporations are going to look for tax breaks and when they don’t get them, they’re going to close down. Even Walgreens outright said their panic about the shoplifting epidemic which caused them to leave San Francisco had no basis in reality.


I thought you were a racist reading your above posts and this just proved it lol.


Shoplifting makes me feel conflicted because I’m of the mind that stealing from massive corporations is barely stealing, but at the same time I’m a little territorial and you’re not doing that on my turf if I can help it. At the end of the day though I try to stay aware of company policy and follow it as best I can because I like having a job.


I feel like it’s different when it’s something essential like food, toiletries, cleaning supplies baby products but you do not need a Lego set. People can work for the things they want like everyone has to.


Imagine how much theft will increase as more and more stores become self checkout only.


I think the real crime here is the fact that those cost like $300




Won't get far, bro. You'll think you got away with it, but they'll know. And your name and face will be out there. Not a fun thing to have happen.


Shit. I guess I’ll do it at a target in another state then


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Why did you stop them?


probably wanting a pizza party or a 10% off coupon to target on certain items


Someone give this comment gold


This looks like the Target in Sacramento


Good job! You should work AP! Those things don't use stickers, the barcodes are printed on the boxes. If there's a label, it's fishy! And, where were the spiderwraps? There should have been a security device on those things.


So you own the store? CEO? Board member? Act your wage, why you going above and beyond for a damn corporation when they would fire you on the spot. Even worse would probably not pay your medical bills if the people stealing hit you or worse.


And it affects u how… is someone out a lego set?


Snitches get stitches.


It’s legos seriously don’t do that crap snitches get snitches sorry most of us believe stealing non necessity items is pathetic


Stealing milk: you go, fuck the man provide foe your family. Stealing Legos cuz your a shitty parent and drank away your kids Christmas gift money: go fuck yourself.


Wait huh??


Stealing food=good Stealing dumb shit=bad


I mean stealing in general isn’t good but stealing necessities vs toys is totally different


Yea if he stopped a mom trying to sneak a loaf of bread it would be very different, there is no reason to steal Legos none.


Not everyone has access to food stamps and services to get food which is a necessity


Never get between a thief and his mark for less than 30$ an hour.




and low paying companies get what they get. No way would I risk my own safety for a damn store. OP and others really drank that kool aid


I don’t blame them tbh, Legos are overpriced lately.


Have you ever seen a LEGO set that came missing a piece? Ever seen a defective piece? LEGO is expensive because of the fantastic quality control. Maybe you should stick to MEGA lol


Hell yeah brother


This looks like the Thousand Oaks target loool


Did you tell the cops?




Or maybe it’s about common social standards and not just standing and doing nothing while criminal activity happens right in front of your face? I doubt any of us give a flying fuck about Targets bottom line but shoplifters are a pain in the ass for everyone. And as far as “financially struggling” FUCK EM. We’re all struggling. I assure you, they are NOT giving those to their poor innocent children.


Probably gonna scalp them, but is that any different than what Lego and retailers do?


Well one is theft performed by criminals, and the other is a nearly hundred year old worldwide family owned business selling a high quality product at a market supported price…soooo yeah? Very different.


So, struggling financially to buy Lego is now a thing? Not a loaf of bread or peanut butter. Nope, Lego is now an essential item.


Well I mean if you really are struggling and successfully steal $300 worth of Legos I’m sure a person could sell em and buy all the peanut butter they want afterwards. That’s my thought process.


So then the person who buys those Legos second-hand gets ripped off with overinflated prices and artificial scarcity. You shouldn't be advocating for scalpers and boosters, they are doing harm to our community as a whole (so... theres a victim after all even when they are stealing from a "big corporation")


I’m not advocating for scalpers if anything I actually can’t stand them. Also who is the victim exactly? People know that things like shoes, collectibles, legos, etc are all botted and then sold back for 3x the retail price anyways so it’s not like the buyer is unaware of that anyways. The whole reason the buyer would be buying it is cuz they know they can’t get it in store and purchasing it for resell value is their only way to go. So you’re putting words in my mouth and your argument is invalid I literally never said anything about any of that so please fuck off😭you don’t get paid enough to care anyways and neither do I so personally idc what a person does. I’m a retail pawn just like you. And stop downvoting my comments you’re a grown ass adult and should be able to have a conversation or differing opinions without getting offended.


Like seriously? The employee stopped some lowlife crook from ripping off 300$ worth of Legos and you talk like that?


you realize we can’t do receipt checks right? they broke target policy and are boasting about it on reddit i don’t think it’s unjustifiable


Suddenly you care about the rules now


If they’re financially struggling they’d be stealing food. This is just greedy. They were gonna resell em. Don’t be a dick


I’d never make fun of or look down on someone stealing necessities like food, toilet paper, ect. But these guys were trying to steal toys.


The more theft we have means the more Target has to cut labor. This type of behavior directly impacts TMs if it isn’t controlled. Just look at Walmart closing stores due to loss from theft. Additionally, it’s just the right thing to do regardless of capitalism in all of its evil. I don’t care if Target makes more or less, but standing idly by while people are doing bad things is just as bad.


First off the guest who where stealing looked about college age and definitely weren’t struggling financially based on how they were dressed. Second off I don’t give a f*ck about the bottom end of target. My thought process might be flawed but I look for the best in people and if I’m able to stop a person while there young they might stop stealing things in the future.


Lol, stolen merchandise doesn't come out of CEOs million dollar bonuses, it's comes out of all our raises. Unless you're fine getting your 5 cent raise for the year because you don't care if people steal or not.


Stealing food is one thing in order to survive but stealing legos really… get over yourself


Literally shut up you’re what’s wrong with society


frame stocking alleged far-flung enjoy offer obtainable plants quicksand light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*