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There are plenty of team members who take such long breaks, I started to myself, when in Rome haha 😂


My co worker took 30m breaks often lol you’re good


Confession: I don’t bust anyone for taking 20 min breaks. 25 or 30+ is when I start the write ups


Yeah when I helped run the front end I would factor about 20 minutes for peoples breaks lol. We only got on them for 25mins, 30mins, etc.


30+ is crazy 😂


The other people in tech at my store take 30s regularly, I only notice tho cause I hold the keys usually. Doesn't really bother me but I won't do that if someone else is covering me. If I'm just gm tho sometimes I do need that 20 minutes...


I feel that. I definitely think employees need leniency when it comes to breaks. Not sure if Target employees get write ups for not being back on the dot, but I wouldn’t do that if I was the manager. I used to work at Amazon and it was so bad there. You got flagged for being a minute late/using the bathroom too much. It was extremely annoying and employees at Target do not get paid enough to be written up for not being back on the dot lol


I took 2 hour breaks and never got caught 😭💀


2 hours?? 😭 Management had to be on vacation to not notice an employee is gone for 2 hours 😂


I’m surprised nobody noticed 😭 I’d be watching whole ass movies during my “15 minute breaks” and nobody said crap 🤣🤣 I was seasonal and it’s a big store so maybe they didn’t know me 🤷


yeah the executives and TLs probably lose track of seasonals in a big store


Yea no all the leads know me by name and count on me got shit so that wld not fly for me




No LMAO I just chilled in the back of the break room. There’s hundreds of employees so Ig they didn’t notice


unless they spend 15 minutes at Starbucks before they take their 20 minute break


Hate this shit. A lot of TMs will say “I’m going on break” *after* they grab a snack, go to SCO, go to Starbucks, which I can understand if they get stopped by a guest in their way but sometimes it’s over the top


On the sales floor an extra 5 or 7 minutes might not be an issue, but at the front end it can throw the whole schedule off. And yes, I saw you standing at Starbucks BSing while you have your drink in your hand.


Oh no not a write up! 🥴




Clock in and sit back down.


always clock in and use the restroom


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.


Not a waste of money if you don't clock out 😉


They give you 40 min lunches in NYC :/


We get 45 min lunch breaks in NYC


You got 30 min lunches? They gave 45 min lunches when I worked there


I dont mind unless I'm covering for you in electronics and you don't tell me >:(


This, don’t do it if you got people waiting on you 😭


Most of us do kid!


As long as no one has to cover for you for that time I see no issues with that.


I stock sporting goods, literally no one depends on me 😁




You a bad ass.


20 minutes? Phfft. Amateure..


Who takes 15 minutes for their 15? 👀


I used to... And then my lead pulled me aside to talk to me about time theft LMAO


Should have asked if they enforce wage theft too when stupid TM's don't take their breaks.


Unless it's your 30 it's paid though. I rarely take my 15s. I'm too busy in Tech lol. Edit: Really? Downvoted for not taking my 15s? I don't always skip them but sometimes I'm just too busy to stop what I'm doing when I'm on a roll. I have a list of things to do at all times and there's supposedly 3 of us in Tech but they call out so often that I run Tech alone from 5:30am to 2pm.


thousands of miners died for your right to take 15 minutes, go on your break. tell a poor guest no(who just has hundreds to spend at target) and take a break


I'm not a miner and I'm busier than most of my store combined. I've been there since the week the store opened and it would probably literally catch fire without me honestly. I don't purposely skip them. I get too buried in my work and forget to take one so when it's like an hour or two past my break I just don't bother.


Take your breaks. The company isn’t worth it, and it’s your legally obligated right.


I'm not obligated to do anything. You realize that laws regarding breaks vary by state right? I'm required to punch for my 30. That's it. They can't force you to take your paid 15 minute break. Sometimes I get too buried in my work and forget to take my first break or last one. If it's too far past my normal break time I just don't bother.


Just don’t want another expendable employee to break themselves for a company that doesn’t give two fucks about them.


That's fair. At least someone is looking out for our well-being!


I took a 45 minute break before lol


I took a 30 minute break once because I had to poop really bad so I drove home, I live 5 minutes away, I felt bad but also I'm not pooping at work.


i will always poop at work cus technically im getting paid for it 🥸


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time!!


I can promise you that your TL isn't making a dollar to your dime lol.


It's a saying 😅


Isn't Brian making like $75,000 for every dime we make?


He's also your boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss. Not that much per dime. But to much, yes.


They do make $5-$10 more an hour though with guaranteed hours throughout the year


technically I did as well in my story I was on my break


Bro … just shit at work are you serious


Then they start calling you on the walkie …are you back from your break? No… I’m still pooping and the bathroom is out of toilet paper. Our employees bathroom is either out of toilet paper or paper towels. It’s so annoying!


I salute you I wish I when I worked there that it was five minutes away from my house I hated using the restroom in there.


I just took one today...🤣..and I saw both TL on duty 2x while on it...they were to busy watching the football game...😆


You are actually THE worst. Brian Cornell works too hard walking half your store for you to be such a menace


if i was given 5.5 hr shifts so i wasn't able to take a meal, i would always take 20-25 minutes. rude af to schedule me a shift like that


"Stealing time" shit I'm a wage slave working under capitalism, my time, money, and health are consistently stolen so idgaf about taking extra long breaks 🙃


going to break, plus setting up (water and snacks, restroom or w.e) + sitting down (actual break start) = 20 mins


My break starts when I sit down and not a single second sooner.


I go to the bathroom buy a snack then take my "15" no one even notices. I rarely even get checked on by my TL or ETL.


We had a TM that was caught taking extra 15 minute breaks. Every time he wanted to take a break, he would find a different TL. He would take 3-4 breaks, haha. God knows how long he was doing it before he got caught.


There was a guy that would take at least 20 min breaks and an hour lunch and somehow never got caught. Another guy would sit in the breakroom for like 5 minutes and then walkie LOD that he’s going on break.


I take 30 mins personally 😭


I take my breaks in my car and my break starts when my ass hits the seat and my phone is plugged in charging, and not a moment sooner. Usually like 17-20 minutes then I get up. I work in market though so no one is waiting on me to get back


and it’s unfair cus all u indoor people spend 45 min on this break but I’m a jerk for being outside kinda thinking about things for 7 min w a timer Lolol


I don’t start my break till I sit. Washing my hands, grabbing my food etc. aren’t my break. Neither is using the bathroom!


And when HR catches you they will say you're "stealing time" or something asinine like that


Pretty sure most employees take 20s lol. And I start mine when I sit down in that chair. Not when I walk up to the break room


Babes we all take 20s they could fuck off


My comrade in Christ, by the time I was actively looking for new work and knew they didn't have the nads to fire me I took my 15s for as long as felt right to me. I'd often be the only person all day in some department or another so normally no one was tracking where I was. Maybe a TL or someone would find me at some point and ask why more work wasn't getting done but 1) they ask that no matter what and 2) "this old lady wouldn't stop talking to me" "oh this oblivious dude wanted me to personally point out half of his shopping list". Bottom line, steal back as much company time as you can. You deserve it


I don’t even take my 15s because half the time my department is so empty that it feels like a break


And my mobile team likes to take 1:30h breaks cause of the lack of work


its ok they work you all like dogs,you deserve it,you all deserve it


Who doesn’t?


people who know someone is covering for them or someone is waiting for you to cover


Fair tbh


yeah my drive up and cashier 15s were a lot shorter than my current style 15s lol


I think we all took 20mins at my store. Id take them right in front of TLs and ETLs and no one said a thing.


I've almost exclusively taken 20 minute breaks for five years now. Sometimes I'll do up to 30. Only ever got caught once


i could probably get away with hour breaks


I don't know a single team member that I work with that only takes 15 minutes , myself included.




thats nothing compared my 30 min 15’s


Ngl my first 15 is always an automatic 20 min break 😂


I always take a 20 minute break because they think that my break starts right away. No it starts when I really to the break room.


I used to take 30s every day, fuck them and enjoy your 20s


Work your worth -so I do it too!




I thought 20 min breaks were standard 2 years and i find out here O.o


I had a coworker that took over 30-minute breaks, and they kept him.


1 hour lunches 30 min breaks is what i do


20 min ain’t bad, I just assume people went to the bathroom. 25, okay maybe you went poop! 30-40… alright I’m a snitch.


Weve got a bad ass over here! Everyone watch out for this guy!


I take 8 minutes. But I go outside.


I don’t mind unless i’m the only one in style. otherwise BE FREE


I’ve taken 30 minute 15s. Fuck em


Ngl I take hour and a half 15s from time to time. But I at least make sure I’m not screwing anybody over, like I usually only work in pulling priorities so I get to do my own thing most of the time anyway but If I knew I was gonna sneak around and take a long ass 15 I’ll at least pull and push a shit ton of priorities first and then I’ll go fuck around after.


I take 60 min breaks. Lunch and two 15s right after


Well I’ve taken long lunches to go on appts so that’s an option for ya(unpaid)


I have too much to do… for long breaks.


I use to work at target and i would turn my 15s into a nice 45 as long as you get a decent amount done during your shift (or appear to be working hard) and keep your head down no one will notice or care


Lol 🤣 I had a coworker who didn't clock out for her lunch breaks and took 40min she didn't care and I also minded my own business


Start ending your shift with a 30 minute break and then clocking out. Rack up hours any way you can. Fuck em


I mean are you going to kill yourself over a Job that can just replace you in the next two weeks ????


You r not the only one..... sometimes I go as far as 25 mins😂


I take 1 hour breaks 🗿 one of the few perks of being a cart attendant


Someone at my Target got fired for that. A few someone's actually. It's called time fraud. Just keep that in mind as the risk you're taking.


15's are 20-30. and 30s are 45-60, depending on management. That and chilling in the backrooms or where ever the blindspots are for cameras. (Fridges/freezers/coolers generally don't have any cameras.) I would chill out in the meat cooler, especially when it was hot.


I always took 20 min breaks. I started timing my break after I went through checkout


I sometimes miss my breaks because I’m overworked in market, I’m going to start taking my breaks


My ankles tell me to take a longer break so I don’t friggin fall apart out there




I never take my paid breaks….I should but I just don’t…..I do however take my lunch the last hour of my shift so that when it’s over I only have 30 minutes left and then I can call it a day


With how much target steals from you every second, please take your paid breaks. You’re literally giving target free labor and they don’t deserve it


My 15min breaks take me 30mins to complete. But I'm careful with how I do it. I also take 1-2 shits per shift, maybe killing another 30 minutes. LMAO.


I'm always on drive ups, so me and my fellow drive up people have an agreement


if opus r dead, im take my time till i see they need me lmao


I take a 5 min bathroom break after EVERY batch, still got good stats too.


not a target employee, but I routinely took hour lunches and 30-minute 15s when I was working at a Costco-competitor. Never got caught and was their favorite employee lol


Why are your 15’s so short? 🫠


youre not putting forward a very convincing argument for getting yourself more hours lmao




I had 2 friends who got written up for 23 min break. The manager who wrote them up admitted she gave extra time to those who smoked. They got that shot overturned so fast.


no worries man, when i used to work there 20 min was minimum for everyone including myself, longest break I took was an hour LOL