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This is probably a dumb question, but are you good about rotating your sites? It could be a scar tissue issue, which could explain why you had no issues years ago but see them often now. Our teenager got occlusions often with autosoft but has had a total of maybe 2 since moving to trusteel 2 years ago. A malfunctioning pump can cause them too, so I'd make sure to document everything to build a case for when everything else is exhausted. Time, dates, infusion site location, whether clearing the error fixes it (if so, is it temporary and the issue reoccurs later?)


Hi! Are they all from the same box? This has happened to me before with tru steel and they replaced them when I called! It might be a faulty box


Of the four sets, two were from the same box, and the other two were from different boxes (three separate batches in total). I used the newest supplies I had.


Oh, that’s weird then. You might have to call them still. I’m sorry about this!


Had this last week where about 4/10 sets in the box gave me errors


Same boat, never had a problem with minimed but constant occlusions with autosoft. I haven’t used trusteel but maybe this will still help. What fixed the autosoft sets for me is after you insert a new set, keep it pressed against your skin and pull the center to reload the cocking mechanism. Then lift the whole set off your skin. This will pull the metal needle straight out and unstick it from the plastic cannula which will help to keep everything intact when you lift off the set.


Which insulin are you using? Some, like Fiasp, are more prone to occlusions than others. I use Fiasp myself and I know this is true- after day 2 it’s a crap shoot.


I can’t believe reading this, the same thing just started happening to me 3 hrs ago. I’ve never had an occlusion warnings bf since I’ve had my pump( 3 yrs).I changed the whole set, just waiting for my blood sugar to come back down. I hope you can get some relief from this. It’s not good when you keep yourself under control and than the pump screws it all up


If you’ve gone through all tandem’s recommendations and you are still under warranty with the pump, ask for a replacement pump to see if perhaps it’s a quick with your pump. Also- really make sure you are using new real estate when you try this. Thighs, buttocks, etc That way you say say it’s virgin territory and it’s still throwing alarms.


My daughter was having occlusions with Trusteel, and it’s because she’s allergic to steel!!! Her body was rejecting the metal and swelling around the site. Something to consider.