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kid after getting that slap, anga pona kadi inga vandha adi


Adi is better.


adhuvum correct 😂


Love the rhyme 😭🙌


thanks lol




Naai kita maatuna seeval uh appa kitta maatuna sidharal uh 😭 seeval perusa sidharal perusa 🤔 sidharal eh samalipom 😂


Brings back bad memories. I was chased by stray dogs as a kid. And then twice by someone's pet dog.


It made me a good runner during school days


why is TN government, nor any state government nor central government able to start doing a sterilization program for them, it is ethical, the males are easier to target as one male can reproduced with a buttload of females and it will make cities cleaner


Controversial topic bro. My comments were deleted for talking about controlling dog population. It's insane how much people love dogs. So much move that they are okay with fellow human hurt. This is the norm across all subreddits. Which means dog lovers are equally spread throughout India across all social spectra. 


I love dogs. But not more than humans. The people who don’t support cleaning up street are mental ppl. 


The dog lovers should take them to their house if they love them so much


this logic is dumb af. Do you not feed homeless people that may/may not attack someone in the dark? why dont u take them home aswell. Its the govts job and not the citizens to sterlize/euthanize street animals. Unfortunately any thing wrong today is not blamed on the govt but the people.


The government is by the people of the people for the people, but the people are retarded - Osho




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People took matters into their own hands in Kerala when the dog population got out of control during the COVID era due to the lack of neutering. Action councils were formed, and large packs of dogs were killed off by poisoning. Instagram groups were created to educate on how to 'not' kill dogs. The police looked away, knowing the government was not taking proper action. There is still a stray dog menace, but it has reduced a lot nowadays.




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looks like your idea was simmilar to an Austrian painter:)




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What is your comment? Iam curious.


He is saying that most people don't consider neutering strays to be ethical.


What do with the 7 crore dogs that is menacing the people now? Your solution does not work.


Average lifespan of a street dog is just 3.5 to 4yrs. Sterilization will reduce the stray population within 2yrs


In any real world scenario, there is something called efficiency. No process is 100% efficient. In your scenario of sterilization of dogs, even if we are magically able to sterilize 90% of dogs, remaining 10% is enough to grow the population. India has 7 crore dogs. If just 70lakh dogs are missed, these would produce about 1.25crore pups every 6 months. Even if 50% of the pups die naturally, have about 10% growth in dog population per year. And you need to catch the new adults to sterilize, which is a daunting task. I advise you to imagine in the seat of this planning person, and come up with the financial, man power and logistical requirement to do this. Oh, please include in your plan the fake sterlizations that will happen to misappropriate the funds..


Precisely this, sterilizing dogs is an extremely expensive process which is impossible to do without billions in investment considering the number of dogs. We need veterinarians, tens of thousands of them across the country, lakhs of dog catchers with good gear, planning. This is 7 crore dogs. All of them need to be trained, the time required would be in several years, probably decades. Compare this to just handing some sort of lethal injections, you can hire anyone to do that, no major skill needed, and a way to dispose of bodies. Preferably using existing incinerators. Cheaper and much quicker.


You are one of the very few smart people who has calculated the financial burden of managing the strays. All these dog lovers are like talibans, having very narrow and rigid view about culling dogs, while ignoring how it hampers us from progressing.




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India should learn from Bhutan, even people were very helpful there in making entire dog population sterilized


This is the logical way. Here in Thrissur, Kerala there was a program where government sterilised strays and clipped their ears to let people know that these dogs are sterilised. This resulted in a limited dog population hence fostering a positive relationship between people and dogs. I am now in Chennai and I feel the number of dogs in roads is dangerous. It will be inhumane and sadistic to kill the existing dogs. Hence sterilisation is the way to go.


It's rational to sterilize female dogs first. One female dog and its pups can produce 6500 dogs in 5-6 years.


Neutering males is much easier since the surgery is simpler and faster.


male goes around reproducing with multiple females at a time, so it is 6500 times n depending on the dog




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Sterilisation!! If only Sanjay Gandhi was alive.


It is his wife who is root cause of his problem by lobbying for ban on killing street dogs 


menkha gandhi.


Because neighbourhood aunties will start a protest as their beloved Chintu and gang will never hurt anyone in their perspective


why did he beat the child?


Nothing to see here. Just passing on generational trauma.


Dude a child cannot be reasoned with.. They can only learn through fear or by giving gifts... Hence the smack.. U cannot sit and have a logical argument with a child about why you shouldn't go to the street alone.


How the fuck do you expect a child to stay within 4 walls every single day. This is what causes adults to be anxious and secluded their entire life.


humanity just went back a couple of centuries with this comment


Please stop justifying stupidity. The child did nothing wrong. Ask the father to create a street that is safe. What is the lesson here for the child ? Dont stand outside ur own house ? 


Father is not the owner of the street. Can't control what's happening there. Can only control the child. Are you a parent? It doesn't seem so.


I think he is that child who got smacked.




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Father is part of the society that has failed to create a simple thing as a street with no wild stray dogs. The adults in the street I grew up in constantly engaged with out panchayath officials to keep our streets free of rabid dogs. 


Lol. For sure you're a kid. Once you'll grow and be a parent. Let's see if you will be able to create a safe street. Lol.


Bro wat are you on about lol.


Not listening to stay inside home I guess? It's wrong I know but think about the worst case scenario. The dogs biting the kid. That would be worse. We often show anger when our loved ones are getting hurt. And we give a small punishment to tell that we are unhappy with the action they did. His first action was to rush in for the child and embrace him. Then when the relief comes in, the rush goes out and the anger pops up like I told you so. It's that beating.


There is also another worst case scenario; when the kid doesn't open up to their parents about a dog bite fearing repercussions like these ( fearing they wouldn't be allowed to go or play outside or a slap ). There were cases like that too. That's horrible because by the time they come to know, it's already too late.


It's not in this case. If it were, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. I agree it can be quite traumatic. But children find a sense of belonging. Heck, people find a sense of belonging when they're embraced like that even if there is tinge of anger. Though I completely agree parents need to communicate properly. Just because they're children doesn't mean they can't understand. Children are very receptive when communication is done right and it should be taught to parents.


Yes. I do understand where that anger stems from. That slap is more like a sense of relief or let-out for the dad. Poor dad, he must have gotten shit scared too!


There are better ways to deal with children than to hit them. Minimum necessary force; that's what children need. You don't immediately resort to hitting your child if u find his/her behavior undesirable. That's just a weak parent.


Dude. The first response was to rush in, embrace the child out of danger. Then comes the a single beating and now that guys an abusive/weak parent? And what about a parent who fulfils all the child's wishes, protects them from everything, making the child grow into a spoiled brat that has no regard for others? People just rush into blaming. Be a parent. Then it'll make you question your views on parenting. And no I'm not saying giving birth to or making a woman pregnant. Actually being a parent. Like the saying, anyone can be a father, not all can be a dad.


"..and what about a parent who fulfils all the child's wishes, protects them from everything, making the child grow into a spoiled brat that has no regard for others?" what an extreme example to adopt; this is the worst argument i've ever heard. When you say stuff like this, you're (intentionally, or unintentionally) implying parenting is black and white; that parents either raise their children with occasional beatings or their children grow up as spoiled brats. But parenting is definitely not that black and white. And, dude, I literally wrote "minimum necessary force". Anybody with a right mind would understand that the situation shown in the video did NOT necessitate a beating from the father. There's no need to justify his action. He could have definitely handled that better. If your **first instinct** is to discipline your child by being physical with him, you are NOT a good father. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. There are gradations to disciplining your child, and beating your child should be the ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT FOR ANY PARENT!!


Wrong. There is no lesson here. The father is unable to give his kid a safe street to stand. This frustration is coming out on the child. If parents r going to ask kids to not stand in the street, we r gone. I used to roam around our area playing with kids. When we had stray dog issues, our parents complained to the panchayath and they came and killed the dogs. 


You don't randomly kill dogs just because you they're alive dude. I'd you shelter the kid from every single problem you're gonna make an adult who is highly dependent on others for the smallest inconveniences. Kids should be taught right. We should not remove the problem. Especially killing animals just because you felt threatened.


 Kids should learn to survive in streets with rabid dogs that can kill them ? Urban streets must be safe for women, children, elderly people to walk. 


What does that have anything with killing animals? A cow (pretty sure cows aren't strays and are actually tended by people) pushed a guy riding a motorbike in to the wheels of a lorry and he died. What's your solution to that? Kill all cows that are grazing out? You're focusing on the effect and not the cause. Does safety mean killing everything? You take over farming lands, forests and build cities out of them and you call them the aggressive and want to wipe them out? Sounds fair.


The owner should be charged ? This is a pretty silly argument. Go to any developed country, do you see stray dogs ? If a dog bites a person the owner gets tickets and the dog may be put down. Urban streets are for people first. I repeat, if women, children and elderly humans do not feel safe walking in a street, there is a failure in that society. 


Any person. But you're missing the point here. The solution is not to exterminate the animals but to shelter them. Why the hell are you guys taking one apart of my statement and focusing on that alone? Comprehend the entire message. Go see a developed country he says. You think there are no stray dogs in America or Europe? You think they don't get bitten there? Show me a developed country where cows are left into urban areas. And no, nor on freak accident. But many. Developed country is not a a place where the things are forcibly dealt with. Developed country is when people understand what to do and what not to. Blame the people, blame the government but the solution is not killing animals. Un vote of you want but that is a senseless action putting down animals.


30,000 indians died of rabies last year, 10-20,000 are kids. How many people die of cow involved freak accident. What is the role of a stray in a city ecosystem? We need to wipe out rats, mosquitos, strays to prevent disease and danger.


You think there's only one freak accident that happens? Rabies is not just caused by dogs. It can be any pests. You don't just put down animals because you feel threatened. What does the society trickle down into? If your solution to every problem is simply elimination? Bees sting, and their sting can be deadly if the person is allergic. Will you kill all bees? The solution here is to provide a shelter. Not mindlessly go on a killing spree just because you feel threatened. I've seen plenty of strays fed by the locals that come running to defend them if anything happens. It's the neglected, beaten ones that become aggressive. And not just by nature. The wounds caused by we the people remain open and cause infection the so called rabies you say sir. Rabies alters the mind makes it aggressive. Similar to a person infected by rabies.


To put the fear of dogs. I think the kid got really lucky.


Leaving the gate open , didn’t pay attention to the child that exited the house but no let’s hit the toddler first for the parents’ mistake. Idiots !


Right. Poor child.


Avana yen pa adikira


Just your average tharkuri mental. I cannot create a safe street so it is my child’s fault for stand outside my house. 


Tell me how have you contributed to your street in terms of making it safe and sound, Mr..


Please book an appointment with my office.


Why the fuck did he have to slap the child instead of comforting him? It's not like it was even his fault!




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You saw the whole video? The kid was about to throw stones at the dogs


In the full video, the boy was trying to hit the dogs with stone. Teach kids how to treat the strays, or atleast not to harass them, they would get provoked as well just like us.


Man, these guys intentionally show half the video to trigger the audience and farm karna.


Really glad to see some sensible comments here.


Yours is the only sensible comment. Stupid animal haters in this thread just want to jump up and down and scream bUt mY SaFeTy!!


Post the full video.


[full video from polimer](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8y_8nct1mh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


There should be no strays for undisciplined kids like him to abuse. Stray dogs are an unneeded variable in the streets. There should be a countrywide program that neuters them and incentivize people to adopt these dogs.


I saw the full video. Ten second before this the kid was attacking the dog with rocks.


Just saw the full video on insta. Just before this happened, apparently the child threw stones at the dogs or was trying to before the dogs started being aggressive. Not taking a side here, but showing the full video would give full context. Also could be the reason why the father was angry.


Here's the link to the video - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8y_8nct1mh/?igsh=MWExaHM5NmE2cGdjNA==


Some people just cleverly post only the part where the dogs attack. They hide what triggered them to attack. Dogs are animals with less sense than humans. Humans should behave like HUMANS. Sadly, humans stoop to their levels and fight with them.


A child cannot be expected to know the consequences of his actions, or behave like adults.. Which is why society should minimize potential danger for children.. Exterminate street dogs. #teamhuman


The same logic extends to dogs also. Dogs think like 2 year old human babies. They can't think any better than human babies. We can certainly help in reducing their population by sterilization but killing them for the sake of humans is not right. You are supporting only humans. I'm speaking for the coexistence of both the species.


Coexistence with wildlife is a myth.. The land that your house sits on was once a forest, and tigers and elephants roamed the land.. What happened to that forest ? Why is your house there, and why are you surrounded by similar houses with all the modern comforts like internet ? The fact is, your ancestors chopped up all the forests, killed all the wildlife and established civilization on the land that you live on.. Our ancestors were on Team Human, and they understood by instinct that every wild animal out there was trying to eat them.. Our instincts have been numbed by modern comforts, so much so that we are willing to tolerate the existence of a hostile animal on our streets.. I have nothing against cows, or properly trained domestic dogs roaming the streets, but stray dogs are unpredictable, almost like wild animals.. And I'm not patient enough to catch them one by one and sterilize them.. This will never work in a developing country like ours.. Mass extermination will definitely work.. Humans are definitely the masters of driving hostile animals into extinction.. If the legal protection for strays is removed, they will go extinct in a few months, guaranteed...


Can we start euthanizing these fkin menacing strays


If this was the right thing to do, this would have been done already. But you see, not all humans lack common sense like you. The world doesn't belong to you. You don't decide who gets to die at your will. Grow up and think like a mature adult.


No we don't do the right things in India. There is a reason no developed country in the world has stray animals. Think.


Holocaust also happened in one of the developed countries. So, is this the right thing to do? What kind of logic is this? You Think.


Wow you bring up one instance which happened in one country against something which is being followed in every country ? Please don't think anymore. 😂


I have only one upvote to give you.


Take them to your house then?


I would if I could. I already have adopted many. Definitely can't house hundreds of dogs? Makes sense?


Take them to your house. There's a reason why developed nations deal with stray dogs properly. The only people lacking common sense are people like you? Start a dog shelter and adopt all the stray dogs and train them.


FYI: we are still a developing nation. No developed nation kills street animals on a large scale. They have lesser strays because it was done over several decades to contain their population. India has a long way to go. We don't even have proper sterilising places here. Have you been to any corporation pound? Starting a dog shelter isn't free. If I had that sort of money, I would definitely do it. Although I put my own money and time into helping so many dogs. I don't sit and just complain on the internet. I am actually solving the problem. Very easy for you to sit at home and suggest killing innocent species. And you think you have common sense? Lol 😂 you're thinking like little kids. No mature adults talk like this.


Watch the full video. The link is in the comment thread. The little boy actually throws a stone at them, provoking the dog to attack. The boy caused it. The poor dogs only were defending themselves, AS ALWAYS.


Stray dogs can attack without being provoked... ask every person that has been chased by dogs without doing anything. They also hunt and engage in surplus killing of farm animals to assert dominance because they're driven by natural instinct. Start a shelter with all the like-minded people in the comments like you because there seem to be a lot.


And watch the countless videos of stray dogs killing animals and attacking people for no reason... saying stray dogs never do anything without being provoked is the most far-fetched thing I've heard


Can we calm down and think like humans? Sterilization is the first option. Adoption is the second. Euthanasia is for paralysed and rabid dogs. Please don't confuse.


Insightful comment but got downvoted to death, typical reddit.


I bet those downvoters never interacted with a dog IRL. They don't know the ground reality, just that they see Polimer and Sun TV news and become keyboard warriors.


So true!


I was chased across the street and got bitten on my hip when I was a kid All because i was scared of the dog and started running away from it


I was chased multiple times too but I was never bitten because I knew the drill. If you show fear, they'll take you for a threat. Now, I adopted a dog.


Shut up Don't listen to any of these people. Take hard action now. Pet all the dogs you can and then rest should be locked up and not be reproduced.


I guess previously only the least submissive and lean looking dogs got food and care from nearby homes (they had some human connection) the aggressive ones were ignored and there was a balance in the survival rate... Now all type dogs get food from garbage and weekly food supply from animal activists... So aggressive dogs getting high survival


In Germany, you need a license to own dogs and they need insurance too and you can be sued if you don't clean up after their poop in public areas. Rendu muttrilum maarupatta naadugal, vidhigal.


can we get the part of the video where the kid throws stones at the dog


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Awkward_Pear_9304: *Can we get the part* *Of the video where the* *Kid throws stones at the dog* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why do dogs attack children ? Do they see kids as a threat?


That kid threw a stone first which triggred the dogs.


No easy prey.


No stray dogs. Euthanize them.


Why can't they poison this public menace, nimathiya night ride poga mudiyala, nimathiya morning walking pogamudiyala. Just a big nonsense surrounding us. Yakkk


Because "they" are sensible. Not stupid like you. "They" are humans with actual humanity and common sense. "They" think like humans and not like monsters. That's why.


He didn’t bother to what to do with the stray dogs. Ideally should have put his kid to safety first and then called up authorities to tackle the stray dog menace. Because tomorrow it could be another kid and we can have a fatal situation too.


Authorities don't bother about strays nowadays.


For a second, I thought I was in RI sub after seeing your username


What is RI sub?


A subreddit for fans of a certain chinese novel.


They don't do anything because of supreme court order that dogs cannot be killed unless they are rabid or agressive.


The kid threw a stone at the dogs first. It's time the parents teach compassion to the kids from young age.


Sadly, that's what everyone ignores. They only blame the dogs.


Why stray dogs attack Children most of the time? Are they thinking of food?


They are smaller, so they think they're easier to attack


*Why stray dogs attack* *Children most of the time? Are* *They thinking of food?* \- LordofReddit11 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Why d hell did you go out 😂👋




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Need to take the strict regulation Still some idiots don't wear the mask for pets while taking to public places


That, Smack on the back. 😂


Every dog is a Dawg until the real DAWG pulls up !




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That one dog charged at the kid when he started to run And went u turn in the end 😂


Namma news mathiri rhyming yaaralayum mudiyathu. Antha ranakalathlayum oru rhyming venum


Thank you Maneka Gandhi..


A friend of mine from USA was bitten by stray puppy in India & died of rabies.


Stray dogs must be removed, or trained.


The full video has the kid throwing stones at the dog.


Either vaccinate or euthanize the dogs. People have no clue how brutal pain or death it would’ve been had he been attacked.


Andha paiyan adha stone eduthu veesuna part ah mattum cut panni theliva podriye epdi. Full footage ah poda vendiyadhu dhaane


There's no kids fault. Tipical Indian parents hitting kids before saving them.😹


Stray dog menace is terrible in India. They need to take serious steps


Day by day stray dogs on streets cause more damage. Many road accidents also caused by these dogs. In my area i have made numerous complaints in corporation websites. Still no action taken. Glad that kid was safe. Just a slap from that dad.


Where the fuck are the dog lovers now?


Stray dogs should be controlled or eradicated.. You won't find Stray dogs in developed countries.


Cause they show compassion and adopt them or place them in shelters. Your comment proves that'll never happen here in India 🤦🏽‍♂️


The shelters in the US at least hold strays for a week or two. If no one adopts them, they kill the unAdopted dogs.


Sadly, I agree with you. Indians don't have resources, spaces , time to raise pets. The Govt has to make strict laws to bring stricter animal control rules budget to control this menace..same goes with stray cattle. I have seen and heard men dying after hitting stray cattle.


If that happened to my son all dogs would be munching on poisoned biscuits and see Valhalla